I '
The Engineering Research Institute's 37th Annual Report re-
leased today announced over $11 million in research projects carried
out in the fiscal year 1957-58.
The University's ERI conducted 424 projects during the year, of
which 125 were initiated and 104 completed. These projects, which
are carried out for industry and government on a contract basis, in-.
eluded studies of space navigation, refrigerants and rocket fuels.
Almost $3 million were expended for 23 projects in communications
and electronics research, including study on low-noise preamplifiers
and radar design and development.
Authorize Funds
Funds are authorized for 320 projects in the current fiscal year,
amounting to over $10 million. Research funds were down last year
from the high of over $12 million reached in 1956-57, primarily be-
cause of uncertainty in Defense Department spending, the report said.
This year's spending is the second highest since the Institute was
founded in 1920.
The Regents this year authorized a change in the Institute, en-
larging its scope to cover research in all areas of study. The new or-
ganization has been renamed the University Research Institute.
Inbestigation this year covered 24 general areas. from acoustics
ts Expenses
to vision and optics. The Institute also participated in the Interna-
tional Geophysical Year studies of the upper atmosphere.
Twenty-nine rockets were fired from the IGY installation at
Fort Churchill, Canada, to determine upper atmosphere properties
such as wind speed, air density and temperature. This research is
part of the IGY weather study programs around the globe.
Prof. Sidney Chapman, of the aeronautical engineering depart-
ment and the Institute, and International Chairman of the Special
Committee for IGY, served at the University last year, aiding in re-
search projects.
University atmospheric research also includes meteorological
studies of the lower atmosphere, radioastronomy and various phases
of space navigation, the reports state. As part of this research, the
new 85 foot radio telescope at Peach Mountain will be utilized.
Provides Research Support
The Institute last year provided research support for about two
hundred faculty members. Total employment, including administra-
tive and clerical staffs, was 1600. Students made up nearly half the
personnel, the report adds.
Half of the Institute's personnel worked on a part-time basis.
Administrative offices and specialized laboratories for the Institute
See ERI, Page 5
PROJECT DEVELOPED-One of the developments of the Engi-
neering Research Institute last year was the raindrop spectrometer
designed by Prof. A. N. Dingle of the meteorolorv department.
OhioState ..49 Ilinois....20 Iowa ....20 Purdue....14 Tulane....14 Oklahoma .. 43 Army ....35
Indiana... 8 Minnesota .. 8 Wisconsin. .9 Mich. State .. 6 Navy.... .6 Kansas.... 0 Virginia .
$A I& 1A40
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
Hillsdale . . . 21
Alma .... 13
*x ----
Williams Criticizes
mear Campaign
Governor Blasts Election Tactics
Of Michigan State Republicans
Michigan's Democratic Governor G. Mennen Williams concluded
a whirlwind re-election campaign in Washtenaw County yesterday
by blasting state Republicans for their "smear Michigan" political
Gov; Williams, sporting his favorite green and white polka dot
bow tie, told an estimated 300 Democratic party candidates and
workers that the GOP has "blackened the reputation of Michigan all.
over America."
In his brief address at the Democratic Women's Club of Ann
Arbor reception, the Governor said Republicans are "picturing our
GM, To Start
DETROIT (P)-The first ofj
General Motors' auto assembly
lines will start up tomorrow for
the first time in almost three
weeks. .
Finally getting enough of their
United Auto Workers union em-
ployes back on the job, GM will
set about the task of catching Ford
and Chrysler in the 1959 model
,production race.
Local plant settlements have
opened the way for 175,000 of GM's
275,000 UAW employes to return
to work.
Negotiations are continuing in
an effort to reach settlements at
plants still idled by local disputes.
GM hasn't turned out a car since
the UAW called a national strike
Oct. 2 to back up demands for a
coptrac settlement. When a na-
tionalsettlement wasireached with
the strike 12 hours old, the UAW
authorized its locals to remain on
strike until plant disputes were
ironed out.
This left GM in the slnique posi-
tion of having its vast industrial
auto empire paralyzed despite a
brand new agreement.
One by one the locals have come
to to terms with plant manage-
ment officials and have headed
back to work.
X-15 To Start
Glider Flights
Over Mojave
LOS ANGELES (MP) - The new
X-15 space research airplane prob-
ably will start a series of glider
flights over SouthernCalifornia's
Mojave Desert in December.
-0state as a focus of labor-manage-
ment warfare-a haven for goons
and racketeers."
Blames Ike
Gov. Williams laid the blame
for the state's economic crisis
squarely on the shoulders of Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower and
his Republican administration.
"There has been' no marshal-
ling, no concentrating, no local-
izing of the government's power
to protect the people against this
catastrophe," he said.
The Republicans "are trying to
persuade the voters that our high
unemployment is the result not
of something that is wrong in
Washington, but something that
is wrong in Michigan," he con-
'Gov. Williams stumbled on the
words "high unemployment," at
first saying "high employment."
But he quickly realized what he
had said and quipped, "The script
writer left out a very important
Skims Platform
The Governor skimmed over the
high points of his party's plat-
form in the state including a
plank urging "adequate support"
of higher education.
Touching on the establishment
of new community colleges, Gov.
Williams said no Michigan young
person should be more than com-
muting distance away from an op-
portunity for college training.
'Patchwork' Taxes
Gov. Williams answered Repub-
lican charges against his ten-year
administration by saying the GOP
"never mentions the one major
thing that really is wrong - the
long-standing, one-party control
of both Houses in the Michigan
He traced the state's "lopsided,
patchwork tax structure' and
"lack of adequate" educational
facilities to the Republican dom-
inated legislature.
Faubus Says
Plan Sincere
Renews Old
With Nixon
Charges Character
Assassination Attacks
President Harry S. Truman, re-
viving an old feud, yesterday ac-
cused Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon of character assassination.
At the same time Truman
struck at some southern Demo-
crats while voicing the belief there
will be no third party in the South
in 1960..
And in a swipe at segregation-
ists, Truman said the Democrats
can win the presidency two years
hence even if they lose some south-
ern states-as he did in 1948.
The 74-year-old former Presi-
dent, here for two days of meet-
ings with party workers and for-
mer associates, opened up on
Vice-President Nixon at a news
conference. He did so after it was
noted the vice-president recently
had some good words to say about
Truman's support of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's handling
of the Formosa Strait crisis.
Truman said that "if Nixon
praised me, he did it through an
inadvertence." He added that
"Nixon once called me a traitor
and that's about as low as you can
The former President made this
same charge many times during
the 1956 campaign. Vice-President
Nixon denied he had accused Tru-
man of being traitor in the gen-
eral meaning of the word.
But he acknowledged that he
said in 1952 that Truman was a
traitor to the principles of the
Democratic party.
"I never did any character as-
sassination," Truman said. "I
think it's the lowest form of poli-
tics. Nixon got where he did by,
those tactics in California."
-Daily-Robert Kanner
PLUNGING HALFBACK-Northwestern's Wilmer Fowler, the Big Ten's fastest football player, evades
Michigan's Al Callahan (61) and dives into Gary Prahst (86) en route to the Wildcats' third and
back-breaking touchdown in the second quarter of Northwestern's runaway victory. A few plays
later Fowler plunged one yard for the score.
B0ritain To Remove Troops
From Jordan with UN Help
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JP)-Official announcements said yester-
day Britain will pull all its troops out of Jordan by about Nov. 10 and
will have UN help in doing so.
A British government statement released here and in London said
the withdrawal of about 5,000 men will begin by sea tomorrow and by
air next Saturday. It is to be completed in about three weeks.
Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold said UN personnel will aid
in ground control of British planes flying paratroopers from Jordan to
Meal Time
The East Quad dieticians
went all out for the Boston
Symphony Orchestra last night.
Table talk was animated and
the discussions ran from phil-
osophy, to football, to "Who's
Charles Munch?"
How many of you are going
to the concert this evening?"
asked one of jthe musicians.
"How much are tickets?"
came the reply.
Cyprus over the Syrian region of
the United Arab Republic and over
Lebanon. Earlier, Abdel Monem
Rifai, Jordanian Minister of Na-
tional Guidance, said in an inter-
view the UAR will lift its air and
sea blockade of Jordan within the
next week. He said there is a
gentleman's agreement to let air-
liners and oil trucks transit Syria
again en route to Jordan.
of Jordan within the next week.
He said there is a gentleman's
agreement to let airliners and oil
trucks transit Syria again en route
to Jordan.
World News'
R oundup
By The Associated Press
Atomic Energy Commission set off
a small nuclear device yesterday
and announced plans for three
Yesterday's shot had a rating
of less than one Kiloton (1,000
tons of TNT),
TOKYO -Tokyo's weather bu-
reau said today the Soviet Union1
has set off its ninth nuclear blast
and probably its biggest since it
resumed nuclear weapons testing
Sept. 30.
thoritative Arab sources said yes-
terday Tunisia would resume dip-
lomatic relations with the United
Arab Republic if the UAR would
expel Salah Ben Youssef, Tunisian
dissident leader now living in
Tunisia broke relations Wednes-
Charge Housing Project Segregated
Willow Village after years of comparative peacefulness, has found
itself in the middle of an investigation in which charges of "collu-
sion," "sub-standard housing" and "racial prejudice" have been made
and denied.
William F. Dannemiller, attorney for the Willow Village National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Perman-
ent Committee for Civic Action, said that "the potential profit in-
volved in the Willow Village housing project is in the millions of
The situation has reached the stage where officers of the two
associations representing Negroes in Willow Village have filed in the
Circuit Court for Washtenaw County, an 'affidavit charging that be-
Y ; .