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October 15, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-15

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



VOL. LI, No. 25 --



French Paratroops
Quit Political Posts
Algerian Leaders Bow to de Gaulle;
Civilian Members Protest to Paris
ALGIERS (P)-French army officers bowed to Premier Charles de
Gaulle yesterday and shed their role of political leadership, touching
off bitter protests in troubled Algeria.
Hardly had the officers qdit their posts on the powerful Committee
of Public Safety than the remaining civilian members called on
committeemen throughout Algeria to protest de Gaulle's order.
Predictions of more trouble for Paris came from both officers and
civilians, who formed the committee in the May 13 uprising in Algiers
that swept de Gaulle to power. In a move that could presage more
strife, tge civilian committeemen told all subordinate committees "to
hold emergency meetings, demonstrate their indignation at the enrs
^forced departure of their military
comrades and address to the Pre-
mier their pained astonishment."
'S sC At the same time, they desig-
nated two newly-named Moslem
Cl vice-presidents, Azam Ouali and
Pro'Ussor Eli-Madaoul, to go to Paris to seek
talks with de Gaulle on the sweep-
T /Is ing order. De Gaulle removed
D ies at i French military men from, public
safety committees and forbade
them to indulge in politics to as-
Prof. Donald A. Gilbert, of the sure a fair campaign for the Nov.
physics department, died of a 23 parliamentary elections in
heart attack at 3:30 p.m. yester- Algeria,
day after working out on a tram- The group also called on the
poline at the Intramural Build- population to remain calm "but
ing. to prepare itself to show to the
Ann Arbor police Sgt. Claude holdouts of the old system there
Damron said that Prof. Gilbert is no question that Algeria will
was stricken while resting after return to the errors of the past."
his workout. He had regularly The protest motion was adopted
exercized on the device; unanimously by the 60 members
Firemen worked for 20 minutes of the revolutionary body after
with a resuscitator unit trying to paratroop Gen. Jacques Massu-and
revive Prof. Gilbert. Dr. W. E. 11 other officers had withdrawn as
Dolphin, Washtenaw County medi- committeemen.

Expect Split
From UAR,
CASABLANCA ({)-A deep and
perhaps fateful split in the Arab-
North African world appeared to
be in the works last night.
It ,is growing out of a newly
intense feud between President
Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia, and
President Gamal Abdel Nasser of
the United Arab Republic.
In Tunis, it was officially an-
nounced that Tunisia is consider-
ing a break in diplomatic, rela-
tions with Nasser's Cairo govern-
In Cairo, UAR delegates returned
to the Arab League council table
after leaving in a huff Saturday
when Tunisia accused Nasser of
trying to dominate other coun-
Tunisians Boycott
Tunisian, delegates were still
boycotting the League after the
bust-up Saturday. The League had
been called into session mainly to
welcome Tunisia and Morocco as
new members, making it a 10-na-
tion group.
Morocco and Tunisia have usu-
ally acted in concert before and
since they won independence from
French rule and both support the
rebellion in neighboring Algeria
against French rule. One com-
plicating factor now is thats the
rebel exile government is based
in Cario.
Confirms Possible Break
Tunisia's Minister of State for
Foreign Affairs, Sadok Mokkadem,
confirmed in Tunis that a break
with Cairo is being considered.
He said this in reply to a ques-
tion at a news conference where
he explained Tunisia's withdrawal
from the Arab League session in
Cairo Saturday.
The two main reasons he gave
for withdrawing were 1) interfer-
ence of Egypt, then of the United
Arab Republic, in the internal
affairs of Tunisia and 2) support
given by Egypt to a group of
Tunisians hostile to the Tunisian
Exchange. Plan
Deadline Date
Qualified students who are in-
terested in participating in the
Polish Exchange program should
contact Ruth Callahan, secretary
of the Student Government Coun-
cil, in the Student Activities Build-
ing for information and applica-
Nov. 15 is the deadline for appli-
The University is applying to
serve as a host institution for the
Polish students who will study in
this country, according to Roger
Seasonwein, '61, co-chairman of
the National and International
Ajairs committee.

WUS To Hold Bucket Drive Today

-Daily-Robert Kanner
FUND DRIVE--World University Service (WUS) annual bucket
drive will be held from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. today, sponsored by
Student Government Council. Janice Reisman (left) is among the
first to make a drop in the bucket of Carol Weinstorck and Mort
Teachers' Conference,
Studies Student, Thought
More "scholarship with zest" is needed in the nation's colleges,
Mark H. Ingraham, dean of the University of Wisconsin College of
Letters and Science said yesterday.
A university should stimulate a zest for things of the mind, Dean
Ingraham told a Conference on Appraisal of Teaching in Large Uni-
versities, sponsored by, Lilly Vdowment, Inc., and held here Monday
and' yesterday.
More incentives to recognize good teaching are needed, he said.
He explained that the younger teacher who does no research will tend

World University Service Bucket
Drive will take place from 8 a.m.
until 5 p.m. today, sponsored by
the Student Government Council.
Students manning buckets will
be located at the Diagonal, the
Engine Arch and the Slab, the area
which the demolition of the Ro-
mance Language Building left va-
cant last year, according to Carol
Holland, '60, WUS chairman.
Donations will also be taken in
front of the Frieze Building, the
Undergraduate Library, the League
See related story, page 3
and during rush hours in front of
the Natural History Museum, she
"We hope to collect at least
$1,000 from this year's fund drive,"
Miss Holland said. "This will be
the only chance to give to WUS
this year."
She reported that one contribu-
tion to the drive has already been
made. Vice-President for Student'
Affairs James A. Lewis donated $5
to "get WUS started."
This is the firsttime in three
years that WUS has been held as
an independent drive. The fund
drive was operated as a part of the
Campus Chest, which last spring
was discontinued.
Funds collected from the World
University Service Drive fulfill a
double function as a help and edu-
cational agency. Funds, which are
collected on college and university
campuses throughout the world,
are allocated to schools of higher
education in underdeveloped coun-
UN T oArgue
Britain yesterday accused the So-
viet Union of confronting the
United Nations with an ultima-
tum by threatening to go ahead
with nuclear weapons 'tests unless
the western powers agree to So-
viet proposals.
Allan Noble, the British Minis-
ter of -State, told the General-As-
sembly's 81-nation political com-
mittee the Russianls are trying to
stampede the UN into hasty ac-
tion that might risk,, chances of
Big Three agreement on suspend-
ing tests.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian Zorin immediately de-
nied the ultimatum charge. He
declared the United States and
Britain were guilty of issuing ul-
timatums by attaching conditions
to cessation of tests. He called on
the UN to approve a Soviet-pro-
posed recommendation that the
Big Three suspend tests imme-
diately and unconditionally for all
Noble said the Soviet govern-
ment is threatening to go ahead
with nuclear tests "unless the
western powers here and now
agree to the Soviet proposals."

cal examiner, pronounced him
dead at 3:50 p.m.
Prof. Gilbert became a member
of the physics staff in February
of this year. Prior to that he had
been with the United .States
Atomic Energy A Commission in
Washington since 1955.
Prof. Gilbert received his doc-
torate from State University of
Iowa in 1951. He was a member
of the faculty and the research
staff there from 1942 to 1951.
He was associate physicist at
Brookhaven National Laboratory
in Upton, Long Island, from 1951.
to 1955. %
Prof. Gilbert is survived by his
wife, Harriet, and four daughters.
Prof. David M. Dennison, chair-
man of the physics department,
said, "Prof. Gilbert was a brilliant
young physicist who had made his
mark both as a friend and as a
distinguished colleague during the
short time he was with us. We are
saddened and shocked by his tragic,
Europe Tour
Plans Revealed
By Comnuttee
Dates for the 1959 Student Gov-
ernment Council-Union Air Flight
to Europe was announced to the
Union's Executive Council last
night by Martin D. Newman, '60.
It will leave on June 23 and re-
turn on Sept. 1. Although the dates
of departure are fixed, the cities of
arrival and departure are not.
Tentatively, the flight is sched-.
uled to leave from New York and
arrive at Paris, but to leave Europe
from Amsterdam-a free duty port
-and return to New York, New-
man added.
Passengers must buy round-trip
tickets, which will cost $350. If
the flight is sold out, $12 will be
returned to the students, he ex-
plained. No one-way tickets can
be sold, he said, due to a Civil
Aeronautics Board regulation,
Bomb Blasts
Peoria Temple
PEORIA (P) - A crude, home-
made bomb damaged a Jewish
temple early yesterday. Peoria's
police chief called the blast the
work of a crackpot or screwball.

To Be Given
Flu shots will be offered from
8 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and from 1
p.m. to 4:45 p.m. tomorrow in the
basement of Health' Service, Dr.
Morley Beckett, director of Health
Service, said.
Tomorrow's session is for 'stu-
dents and staff of the University,
who received their first flu shot
two weeks ago and those people
who have not yet received any
Students do not need their
Health Service cards, and the shots
will cost one dollar, Dr. Beckett
A later date will be set for
second shots for all people who
received 'their first flu innocula-
tions last week.
Another polio shot clinic is
scheduled for Oct.,23.
A record 1,900 people received
flu shots two weeks ago. Dr.
Beckett felt this turnout was due
to the- prediction of another wave
of Asian Flu in this area.
The flu shot offered this year
is a polyvalent vaccine which pro-
tects the individual ,from all
known types of flu.

SGC To See.
Forum Plan
Influential writers such as so-
ciologist David Riesman, eco-
nomist John Galbraith, novelist
Jack Kerouac or essayist. Edmund.
Wilson may be invited to campus,
according to Student Government
Council's Forum Committee.
Forum Committee chairman
Barry Shapiro, '59, Union Presi-
dent, will outline the group's plans
to the Council at tonight's 7:30
p.m. meeting in the Student Activ-
ities Building.
As the committee now sees them,
these plans call for inviting the
influential figures to speak to stu-
dents during the day, and to eat
in student housing, giving closer
contact than current lecture pro-
grams provide.
SGC will vote tonight on a
nominee for the vacant position,
according to SGC Executive Vice-
President Dan Belin, '59.
Belin explained that the nomi-
nating committee interviewed-sev-
en petitioners yesterday and will;
interview one this afternoon.

to become a poor teacher, while too
much time spent exclusively on
research can also have'the same
Ruth Eckert, professor of higher
education at the University of.
Minnesota, reported on research
done on student evaluation of
She said that the student of
more limited academic ability,
most of whom 'were not planning
to get degrees, made appraisals
of teachers which agreed substan-
tially with ratings made by much
more experienced observers.
In another study of student rat-
ings, Prof. Eckert said that stu-
dents gave -professors higher rat-
ings on things such as clarity in
making assignments, skill in lec-
turing and knowledge of their
subject fields, rather than on the
degree to which the students be-
came involved in the course.
Prof. Peter Hountras of the
University of Pittsburgh and for-
mer instructor in psychology at
the University, reported that his
study of teacher effectiveness indi-
cated that students who show signs.
of anxiety prefer a unified depart-
mental policy which determined
classroom procedures, rather than
an individual approach by each

New Higher Fines Mark End of Campus Tradition

The new library fine schedule, which will raise library fines for an
overdue book to 25 cents per day, will mean the end of one of the
oldest campus traditions, the nickel library fine.
Unlike such high-power campus traditions as a kiss under the
Engine Arch or a stroll past the Museum lions, the nickel-a-day library
fine has received little attention.
But the nickel fine qualifies as a tradition under a Webster's
Dictionary definition of tradition as "a long-established custom." The
nickel library fine was first instituted in 1906.
Nickel Worth Quarter
A nickel would go about as far then as a quarter would now. Room
and board in private homes for students cost from $3.50 to $6.00 a
week and tuition for in-state students in the literary college was $15
per semester. Student library employees were paid 14 cents per hour.
The Daily ran an article that year saying that a student needed
$198.a year for his total expenses at the University. This drew criticism
from one student, however, who said that all of his expenses for the
previous year had totalled $177.86, and he knew many others who had
spent less.


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