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September 27, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-27

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(Continued from Page 4)
Robert W. Hill, M. Ethel Hefferman,
Charles W. Hefferman, Gerald R, Ium-.
mel, Mrs. Harvey M. Hummel, Harvey
M. Hummel, Barbara Hoover, Beverly
A. Henshaw, Robert E. Henshaw, Mary
Jane Inman.
Gary L. Jensen, Mrs. Nancy Johns-
ton, Kenneth B. Johnston, Katerine
Jolls, Jeffrey E. Kanne, Winnie Jenckes
Thomas H. Jeffs, Young H. Kim, Irene
Kolodisa, Ernest Franklin Kramer.
Merlyn L. . Kellogg, Paul Eugene
Krieger, Erna Kockendorfer, Elizabeth
Carol Knolmueller, Alice Kinietz,
Patsy J. Kramer, Mrs. Adelaide Kar-
zian, Dana Lou Jensen, Ellen Lambert,
Charles Lindquist.
Jacqueline Laurent, Muiiel L. Lerned
,Virginia Lootens, Douglas J. Lootens,
Thomas Michael Lain, Margaret Lu-
casse, Robert H. Levin, Mrs. Robert H.
Levin, Joan Mary Lawler, Frank Mor-
row, Jr.
Shirley Gosling Moore, Paul A.
Moore, Elizabeth Morrow, Marilyn
Marsh, Jo Beth Mooren, John F. Mar-
shall, Carolyn Gay Merick, Rudolph A.
Martinaik, Ann Elizabeth Melin, Shir-
ley Ida Mierka, Jon C. Maxwell, Robert
K. Mauch, Karen Lynn Middlesworth,
Babs Miller, Jean Ann McBride, John
D. Mcaadyen.
Sharon Novak, Barbara Beth Ness,
Jeanne Nagel, Donna Noyes, Mary Anne
Nagi, Paul Wesley Newhof, Mary Jo
O'Morrow, Fredrick Michael Penar, Da-
vid Prakken, Nancy Pairolero.
Beverly Joan Pruim, James B. Park-
inson, Ilze Purmalis, Gail Eleanor
Parker, Carol Jean Parr, Elaine
Przybylsk, Helen Jo Richter, Ellen M.
Reitz, Linda Jean Reitz, Kenneth .Rob-
erts, Jr.
Dale Burnhem Sawyer, Barbara Ser-
ena, Mary Anne Siderits, Ann Sansone,
Fred Sansone, A. Wayne Slawson, Ju-
dith Shubert, Brian K. Solomon, Mar-
garet Solveig Steen, Mary Spiess.
Hazel Spangler, Thomas E. E. Spoon-
er, Charlene M. Shrock, Nancy Lee
Slawson, Alexander Ann Straffon, R.
Ian Story, George Sparrow, Barbara G.
Slay, Alex M. Sarko.
Miss Edie Skobo, Eril Schoonover,
Mary Alice. Smith, Sandra Elaine Sha-
piro, Martha Kindley Shoemaker, Don-
na Lee Sandusky, Lucille Nadja
Schanke, Theodore Slate, Barbara=
Schlatter, Andrew Szanto.
Barbara Shade, Lawrence L. Show,
Arnold E. Smolens, Linda Sue Smith,
Kristen Steiner, Susan Steinberg,
Douglas Tuan, Jan. J. Thomas, Nelita
True, Judy Faskow.
Irene Tejada, Virginia Thompson,
Betsy Underwood, Margaret Vanden-
basch, Marilyn Weaver, Marcia War-
U -

ner, Roger Williams, Donald E. Wright,
Ann Louise Wiltse, Sharon L. Wood,
Robert L. Wingler, Loretta M. Wolf,
Vicky Woebbel, John -Stanley Wool-
lams, Priscilla Ann Woollams, Samuel
Waksman, Elke U. Witt, Patricia
Kathryn Woods, Wesley Corson Wilson,
Larry A. Wolf, Joyce Kay Widmer,
Julie Windham, Jeanne H. Waldon,
Donald C. Williams, Stennis H. Wal-
don, Frank Zimmerman, Eugene Zait-
zeff, Joyce Zei, John J. Zei, Joan Zand-
stra, Edna Skobo, Dr. Frank Merrick,
Mrs. Frank Merrick, Vincent Schneider
Jane E. Sutherland, Mitchell J. Rycus,
Paul 0. Topper, John Edwin Little,
Beverly Berney, Margaret Rose Green-
berg, Sally Kathleen Cross, Joan G.
Yarrow, Harvey Gendler, Mabelle Leng-
yel, Ann Marie Kitchen, Ladonna Phil-
lips, Merrill A. Wilson, Charleen S. Wil-
son, Elaine Landis, Kathryn L. Ge-
muenden, Sheldon Walter Berry, Nan-
cy Jean Grove, Marsha Jo Demorest,
Jill Koblin, Arlene Barbara Wolinsky,
Douwe K. Wielenga, Nancy Mae Wood-
ruff, Carol Ann Duerr, Jane Dean,
Cristobal Luna, Marilyn Damsky, Tere-
sa Noel Urban, Stanley Schair, Leonard
Notice: Bulletins for the Student Or-
ganizations column will be accepted
only at the Office of Student Affairs,
2011 Student Activities Bldg. These
notices must be written on forms
available there. Do not bring these no-
tices to the D.O.B. office.
Student Government Council, Univer-
sity of Michigan, September 24, 1958.
A meeting of the Student Govern-
ment Council was held in the Council
Room beginning at 7:30 p.m. Those
present were Ashton, Belin, Chrysler,
Gerber, Seasonwein, Tower, Goldman,
c h a i r m a n, Hardee, Kessel, Maier,
Marthenke, Merrill, Rockne, Shapiro,
Taub, Wise, Wurster. I
The minutes of the meeting of May
27 were approved.
Campus Chest: The chairman read
letters from World University Service
and from Fresh Air Camp acknowledg-
ing receipt of contributions from the
Campus Chest Fund.
Board in Review: '.The chairman read
a letter from Roy Lave notifying 'the
Council of his resignation from the
Board in Review because of his de-
cision not to enroll this semester.
Sigma Kappa:' The chairman read
and distributed copies of the follow-
ing letter from National "Council of
Sigma Kappa:
Mr. James Lewis, Vice-President
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Re: Resolution for the Student Gov-

ernment Council of the University
of Michigan
Dear Mr. Lewis:
I am quoting below the Resolution
passed by the National Convention
of Sigma Kappa, held in June 1958,
which the National Council was in-
structed to forward to the Student
Government Council of your Univer-
sity. This is being sent to you for
this purpose.
"National Sigma Kappa shall abide
by the University or college rules and
regulations now governing the re,.
spective campuses on which it has a
chapter, reserving the right to regu-
late its internal affairs privately, in
accordance with the university or
college rules and regulations, pro-
vided that such rules and regulations
must not be in violation of the Con-
stitution and By-laws of Sigma Kap-
pa as set forth in Article III, Section
Very truly yours,
The National Council
of Sigma Kappa
by Secretary-Treasurer
Copies to:
National Council of SK
Mrs. Allen Otto, Province President
Miss Joan Taylor,
President Alpha Mu of Sigma Kappa
The chairman read and distributed
copies of the ,following letter received
from Vice-President JamesA. Lewis.
Mr. Maynard Goldman, President
Student Government Council
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dear Maynard':
The proper University officials
have been as gravely concerned as
the Student Government Council
with the status of Sigma Kaippa sor-
ority on this campus. Events leading
up to the questions raised are well-E
known to all concerned but I cite
again, for the record, the chief con-
cern of the Administrative officers.
Sororities to be recognized on this
campus must submit their Consti-
tution and By-laws to the office of
the Dean of Women who has the
responsibility to in turn certify to
the Student GovernmentrCouncil
that they meet the overall University
regulations prescribedl for such or-
ganizations. The Student Govern-
ment. Council then makes its deci-
sion as 'to recognition.
This was done in theease of Sig-
ma Kappa and, when events led to a
questioning of the ability of the
l6cal chapter to meet our regulations,
the Administration as well ashStu-
dent Government Coufreil sought re-
assurance from the National offices
of Sigma Kappa. This was not forth-
cbming' so the local chapter was
placed in a precarious position on
this campus. The Administrative Of-
ficers joined Student Government
Council in urging the local chapter,
to seek assurance, at its biennial
national "conference, of its ability to
meet University of Michigan reguia=
The local chapter organized to
bring the issue to the convention
and we are now in receipt of a-coma
munication, from the National offi-
cers which certifies .the following by
resolution as action of the Confer-
ence, "National Sigma Kappa shall
abide by the University or college
rules and regulations now govern-
ing the respective campuses on,
which it has a chapter, reserving the
right to regulate its internal affairs
privately, in accordance with the
university or college rules and regu-
lations ,provided that such rules and
regulations must not be in violation
of the. Constitution and By-laws of
Sigma.Kappa as set forth in Article
III, Section IA."
The Office of the Dean of Women,
in- consultation with other Adminis-
trative officials, has checked the
Constitution and By-laws, all refer-
encesto Article II, Section 1A called
to ot r attention in the resolution
and is now prepared to certify, to the

Student Government Council that
Sigma Kappa meets the requirements
as stated in our published regula-
I urge Student Government Coun-
cil to proceed immediately in its de-
liberations to resolve this important
matter coming under its proper area
of concern.

Respectfully, ;
James A. Lewis
The chairman explained that he had
received a copy of the letter from Na-
tional Sigma Kappa to Mr. Lewis after
returning to Ann Arbor; that the letter
from Mr. Lewis had been received this
week. It was his decision 'to withhold
both for the first meeting so that all
would receive the same information at
the same time.
Chamber of Commerce: The chair-
man. sttaed that he had had several,
discussions with the Executive Secre-
tary of the Chamber of Commerce and
that plans were proceeding for a din-
ner meeting with student leaders to
discuss topics of mutual interest. He
called for suggestions of topics.
Sigma Kappa: Maynard Goldman re-
linguished the chair to Dan Belin, and
presented the following motion from
the Executive Committee:
That Student Government Council
establish a committee to make rec-
ommendations on action to be taken
by the Council regarding the status
of Sigma Kappa. The committee shall
report to, the Council as soon as it is
able. The committee shall consist of
the following people: Barbara Maier,
chairman, Dick Taub, Scott Chrysler,
Mary Tower, Maynard Goldman. Mo-
tion carried.
Council vacancy: It was announced
that interviewing for the Council va-
cancy (resignation, of Bert Getz) will
be held September 30; that petitioning
has been opened and will close on Sep-
tember 29.
On motion, Bob Ashton and Fred
Merrill were approved to serve on the
Interviewing Committee with the Ex-
ecutive Committee.
Interim Activities: The Council
raised no objections to approvals of
the following activities acted upon by
the designated agents since the May
27 meeting:
Calendaring change: Lantern Night
fror#4 Nov. 7 to Nov. 3, 1958 (Exec.
India Student Associatalon, docu-
mentary films, July 19, Aug. 16, 17
(Office of Student Affairs)
International Student Association,
July 18, Lowell Thomas film; July 22,
discussion, Middle East crises; Aug.
2, outdoor dance, Tennis Courts,
WAA (Office of Student Affairs)
Gothic Film Society, film series, 1958-
59, 12 showings, Rackham Auditor-
ium. Showings to include; "The
Battleship of Potemkin, Carnival in
Flanders, Asphalt .Jungle, Passion of
Joan of Arc, The Stars Look Down,
Decision before Dawn, The Eternal
Return, The Elusive Pimpernel,
Ghetto Terezin, The Bicycle Thief,
L'Atalante, Volpone" (Interim and
Exec. Committee)
NS Congress: Substitutions in Na-
tions in National Student 'Congress
delegation necessitated because of can-
cellations. (Interim Committee and
Health Insurance: The following mo-
t~ons were approved by mail vote of
Council members:.
Renewal of American Casualty Com-
pany Policy No. SMD 797 to expire
September 10, 1960 with the follow-
ing premium modifications:
Excluding Including
Maternity Maternity
Student only $14.00 $25.00
Student & spouse 43.50 54.50
Student, spouse
& children 52.25 63.25
M-Handbooks: Authorized the dis-
tribution of the M-Handbooks by mail
to freshmenand transfer students with
the cooperation of the Office of Ad-
missions, SGC to assume mailing, costs

th-uioo tdetOgnztos

unless some financial aid can be ob-
tained from the University.
Student Activities Building: It was
announced that the Student Activities
Building will have the following hours
this year: Monday through Thursday,
7 a.m.-12 midnight; Friday and Satur-
day, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon-
12 midnight.
Activities:-On motion, the following
actions of the Executive Committee
were accepted:
Approved: Sept. 25, Hllel Founda-
tion, Elly Stone, folk singer; Sept.
25, Young Republicans, Senator
Javits, Rackham, Sept. 27, Assembly
Association, I-Hop.
Board in Review: Recommendations
of names of students for the ap-
pointment as student representative
on the Board in Review were called for.
NSA Tours: It was announced that
the NSA Tour 'project, delegated last
year to the League, is available for
relegation again.
Finance: The treasurer reviewed 7the
Income Statement for July 1,195 -
June 30, 1958 which had been distri-
buted to members.
Air Flight Summer 1959: It was re-
ported that plans are proceeding to
charter a plane for the 3rd air flight
to Europe in the summer of 1959.
Health Insurance: Scott Chrysler re-
ported on progress in the Health In-
surance program, stating that demand
this year has increased. He pointed out
that the premium is to per cent high-
er. Insurance will be available until
October 10.
Reading and Discussion: Roger Sea-
sonwein reported that the faculty
panel and seminars which will discuss
the era of the 20's, based on the sum-
mer reading program initiated by the
Council, are scheduled for the fourth
week of school. Book reviews and ar-
ticles in The Daily are planned to
maintain interest.
Course Evaluation: Ron Gregg dis-
cussed with the Council the reasons
the Course Evaluation booklet was not
published during the summer. A re-
port had been receied by Council
members. With only a few exceptions
the return of questionnaires was less
than 50 per cent of the course enroll-
ments. 12% per cent were returned. In
addition the questionnaires did nt call
for course content information. This,
he felt, could be secured from depart-
ments. There were also administrative
A motion to drop plans for a Course
Evaluation booklet was declared out-
of-order as was a subsequent motion
to rescind the motion adopted on May
7 (Vol. 3, p. 114 - "to appoint a spe-
cial committee to carry out the needed
functions in preparation of and in
completion of the booklet.")
It was moved and seconded to dis-
miss the committee. The following
substitute motion was presented and
the motion to dismiss the committee
was withdrawn:
Motion adopted: It was moved and
seconded to direct the Course Evalua-
tion Committee to make a report of
their plans and alternatives; in par-
ticular, to study the possibility of
expanding and improving the course
descriptions of the various college
catalogsuassan alternative to publish-
ing a Course Evaluation booklet, the '
report to be made as soon as possible.
Motion carried.
The intent of this motion is to al-
low the committee to present its pens
before the Council takes any perman-
ent action. While the motion redirects
the committee it does not rule out a
Course Evaluation booklet, although it
does halt progress on a booklet until
the report comes in.
Student Book Exchange: Jo Hardee
reported briefly on Student Book Ex4
change. Low inventory was reported
due to reluctance of students to leave
books over summer for sale in fall.
There is a possibility of breaking even,
but there is a small loss. Expenses are
expected to be about $500.
Personnel: A brief report was heard
from Karol Buckner on the open house
held Friday, September 19. She re-
quested that Concil members attend
the Mass meeting at 7:30 Tuesday to
be introduced to those showing inter-'
est in SGC. The Committee chairman
will also be there to describe the work
of their respective committees.
Elections: On motion, a recommen-
dation from Elections Director Dick
Erbe designating November 11, 12 and
March 10, 11 as the dates for Cam- !
pus Elections to be held this year was
Pep Rally: On motion, a request
from the WolverinemClub for permis-
sionto organize a send-off rally for
the football team on October 3 (MSU)
was granted, subject to the necessary
signatures of the faculty adviser and

the Auditor for Student Organizations.
Polish Exchange: Roger Seasonwein
reported that notification has been
received from USNSA of an exchange
program which is being established
with the cooperation of the national
union of students in Poland. The dead-
line for persons wishing to apply is
November 15, 1958. Reading and speak-
ing knowledge of the Polish language
is essential.
Exam File: Lois Wurster reported
that it is hoped that the exam file
presently being compiled will be ready
for mid-term exams.
Library: It is planned to look into
the book loss from the Library and
the cut in the hours the Library is
Activity: On motion, a petition from
the India Student Association for per-
mission to celebrate Gandhi Day with
a program in Rackham Amphitheater
on October 4 at 7:30 p.m. was granted.
Calendaring and Activities Approv-'
al: Phil Zook reviewed with the Coun-
cil the information to be distributed
to student organizations concerning
requirements for calendaring and ap-
proval of activities. On motion the re-
port was' approved. (Attached)
Christian Refomred Student Fellow-
ship: Lois Wurster reviewed the con-
stitution of the Christian Reformed
Student Fellowship. On motion, recog-
nition was granted to the Christian
Reformed Student Fellowship under
procedures adopted by the Council
May 27 (Vol. 3, p, 129) which provide
that recognition shall be temporary
for one year.
Lecture Committee: On motion, the
following motion was taken from the
table: (Vol. 3, p. 124) "to recommend
Ron Gregg, Phil Zook and Sue Rockne
to Vice-President Lewis from whom
one will be selected as student repre-
sentative on the Lecture Committee."
Amended: The motion was amended
to substitute Anne Doninger and Jo
Hardee for Phil Zook and Sue Rockne.
The amended motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
State of the University Address.
President Hatcher will deliver his
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The traditional look
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"State of the University" address Mon-
Sept. 29, 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The Dist.inguished Fac-
ulty Achievement Awards will be pre-
sented at this meeting. Following the
address the audience is invited to at-
tend an informal reception at the.
Michigan League Ballroom.
Placement Notices
Personnel Requests.
Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Management
Consultant Firm, Chicago, Ill., is look-
ing for an Industrial Market Research
Manager for a large Chicago area ma-
chinery manufacturer. The candidate's
background should be primarily in-
dustrial market research. He should
be creative and possess both persua-
siveness and impressiveness. Age: 30-38.
Excellent salary.
Arerican Marietta Co., Jackson, Mich.
is looking for graduate chemist. Prefer
recent graduate, experience is not ne-
cessary. This company works with as-
phalt, resins, and polymers.
State of Michigan announces exam-
inations for Varitypists. Applications
must be postmarked or filed no later
than Oct. 15, 1958. Examination date
is Nov. 22, 1958. Also announcements
for Park Rangers and Forest Fire Look-
out. Positions in these classes are found
in numerous counties throughout the
State of Michigan. Applications must

be postmarked .or filed no later t
Oct. 15, 1958. Examination date De
For further information concer
the above positions, contact the
reau of Appointments, 3528 Adn
Ext. 3371.
Tickets available at'
DISC SHOP, 1210 S. Universit
Ann Arbor
$3.30, $2.75, $2,20, $1.65


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".. , (By the Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!"acd,
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek.")



Today begins my fifth year of writing this column, and what an
eventful five years it has beeni What things have these old eyes
not seen! What great discoveries have rocked the world-the
anti-proton, for instance, and the anti-neutron, and high-low
split, and Brigitte Bardot I
In these five years it has also been discovered that American
smokers like two kinds of cigarettes-filter and non-filter. The
Philip Morris Company makes both kinds. I mention the
Philip Morris Company because they pay me to mention the
Philip Morris Company. They sponsor this column. I write it
and then they give me money. Then I take the money and pay
,my grocer, my butcher, my gardener, and my four madrigal
singers. In this way full employment is maintained and we
avoid a repetition of the Panic of 1873 when bread riots killed
over 98 million people in Muncie, Indiana, and millions of others
were reduced to ghost-writing Ph. D. theses to keep body and
soul together.
But enough of gloom. Let us get back to cheerful subjects,
like the products of the Philip Morris Company. For those of.
you who wish filter cigarettes there is Marlboro, which now,
more than ever, gives you a lot to like-a brand new improved
filter and a wonderful flavor that comes breezing right through.
For those of you who wish non-filter cigarettes, there is Philip
Morris, a mild natural blend, flavorful, fresh, and thoroughly
agreeable. For those of you who can't decide between filters or
non-filters but have an affinity for packages, I"should like to
point out that both Marlboro and Philip Morris come in both
the crushproof Flip-Top Box and the good old-fashioned Soft
Pack, and you will surely want several of each for your collection.

Tli smatdSi

331 Thompson} Street
Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith Monday, 8:00 p.m.
Embraces the Life of Faith, the Lifeof Grace,
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Christian Origins ... . Tuesday,7:00 p.m.
Detailed inquiry into the foundation of
Scholastic Philosophy ....... ..:..Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.
An introductory course, with a brief survey
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Sacred Scripture.... ... ..... . T.uesday, 4:00 p.m.
Fundamentals of Catholic Morality Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Medical,. Ethics .:.............. . Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Nursing Ethics ........... .. . . .Tuesday, 8:q0 p.m.
Open Forum Discussion. .. ,... Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.

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