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September 25, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-25

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* fTr £ilrlga1 Dn &i{i
Sixthy-Ninth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinons of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Reduced LibraryServie
M9eans Closed. Dooirs, Books

REPERCUSSIONS of the one million dollar
budget cut incurred by the University for
he 1958-5'9 academic year keep coming and
Latest is the drastic shortening of library
The Undergraduate library is open 27 fewer
tours a week as a result of the reduced budget.
the move, called a "temporary measure,"
hreatens to impair the usefulness of the library
o students by destroying its formerly unique
nd popular characteristic -long, convenient
True, the library may have been popular
or other reasons, including a colorful decor,
he snack bar and the furniture which enables
variety of study postures. It also boasts open
ook stacks.
HOWEVER, as students, if not interior deco-
rators have learned, color may be a psycho-
ogical asset to keeping awake but it does not
ecessarily aid studying. A snack bar is handy,
ut one must still leave the building to purchase
nything substantial. And as far as being able
o study in a horizontal position, signs have
'een posted requesting students to "please keep
eet off .furniture."
Nor can the Undergraduate Library boast as
>udly about open stacks. Over the summer, the
leneral Library opened its stacks to under-
raduates to cut down on the number of staff
vorkers needed to fill book requests. Now, the
ame books available at the Undergraduate

Library and also others are available on a
do-it-yourself basis.
IN SHORT, there is no longerfa compelling
reason to use the Undergraduate Library for
studying. People endured the noise and crowds
primarily because they- could study uninter-
ruptedly any time from 8 a.m. until 12 midnight
on week days and slightly shorter, although still
convenient hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Last year, many students utilized the library
for Friday night studying. But now there are no
University libraries open either then or on
Saturday afternoons, even when the football
team isn't playing here.
It might- be asking too much for the- Univer-
sity, in adapting to the State Legislature's "aus-
terity appropriation" to tighten the belt in
some other areas other than the library system.
BUT IF THE library system must be effected,
a more painless way of cutting service
would be to reduce the service at the specialized,'
divisional libraries. This might leave sufficient
funds to keep at least the widely-used. Under-
graduate Library open until midnight and on
Friday evenings.
It is hoped the University adnlinistration
remembers their old slogan, that "students are
here to study." But they need a place to do it.
There need be no "open all night" signs
posted. Restoration of last semester's hours at
the Undergraduate Library will do just fine.

"-In Arriving At This Decision-"
r r
Rssia Cool to Red China in UN

Adams Talked Himself
Out of His Office

labama Justiee-For Whites Only?

N FIVE WEEKS Jimmy Wilson, an illiterate
Negro handyman, will probably be electro-
uted in Montgomery, Ala. for robbing a white
idow of $1.95.
Robbery is a capital offense in Alabama, no
latter how small or large the amount taken.
Only four men have ever been electrocuted
i Alabama under this law; all four have been
egroes. In this Instance, however, the crime
as not merely robbery but also violence--a
Lct which the Alabama Supreme Court care-
illy emphasized in upholding Wilson's death
mntence and later refusing to reconsider their
Robbery victim Mrs. Estelle Baker's testi-
ony, which led the- all-white jury to hand
own the maximum penalty,. maintains that.
rilson not only stole, but also choked, threat-
ned and attempted to rape her. Although this
as brought out in the trial, the court failed
indict the 55-year-old Negro on the charge
attempted rape, which carries a maximuhn
enalty of 20 years in prison.
)BSERVERS have noted that the violence
and rape charges were reiterated manly
mnes during the course of the trial when tie
harges actually were irrelevant, to the- case.
hey say irrelevant material in this instance
as an important factor in causing the Jury
idecide that the death of Wilson would mnake
fe safer for the citizens of Alabama.
Since the courts have closed their doors to
Ppeals by Wilson's lawyer, sole hope of a re-
:leve lies with Gov. James Folsom, who can
)mmute the death sentence to life imprison-
ent. But whether the governor saves the
egro's life now or not matters little. Realisti-
ally, society will be benefited little by the
)ntinued life or death of the aging Negro.

An illiterate who has been an itinerant laborer
all of his life, Wilson has also served two previ-
ous prison- terms for grand larceny. But in re-
trospect, his crime seems small in comparison
to that of Alabama..
By allowing a law which carries thle death
sentence for robbery-a law which has only
been used to deal with Negroes, Alabama has
prostituted their legal system into, an instru-
ment of Negro oppression. In an era when
the United States fights desperately to tell the
world that equality is an American byproduct,
Alabama operates a feudal type of justice which
is titled "White Supremacy."
THE DAMAGE to United States prestige is
undoubtedly immeasurable but even more,
Alabama's felony makes a mockery of the sys-
tem of equitable justice which has been so long
in coming. As many as 3,000 letters a day have
been received by the governor's office-the vast
majority protest the sentence and demand
Jimmy Wilson may deserve to live, to pay a
smaller debt to society than taxing the electri-
cal -system of the Alabama prison. But the
citizens of the state of Alabama for allowing
the existence of a middle age law deserves
nothing except pity.
"Man lives for tomorrow, he can hardy wait
for 'it to come." Jimmy Wilson lives for to-
morrow "trusting in the Lord" that his life
will be spared. Tomorrow may bring clemency
or one less day to the electric chair.
But the tomorrow for the citizens of Alabama
is drab, drab with the realization that their
hypocritical "code of justice" holds back their
progress into the 20th century light of social

Associated Press News Analyst
W ASHINGTON has racked up
another dreary victory - if it
can be called victory - in anoth-
er round of a tired 'old debate.
With significantly less majority
than it enjoyed previously, the
United States has managed to
shelve the issue of Red China's
United Nations representation for
another Assembly session.
The debate did little to en-
hance American world standing.
But there was one feature in it
which should not 'pass unnoticed.
The representation issue has al-
ready hurt American policy so
much that the State Department
may be wondering if there ever
will be a face-saving way to put
aside the issue for good.
Peiping probably g e n u i n e l y
wants a UN seat. It's question-
able, .however, that this is what
the Russians want for Peiping.
Red China has done more harm
to United States policy outside
the UN than she could hope to
do inside.
Therein may be a clue to the
odd feature of the debate. This

concerns the Soviet performance
Tuesday in that cataract of ear-
nest platitudes.
America's friends were mostly
silent. On the other side, neutral-
ist nations carried the ball for
Red China's claim. They are gen-'
uinely interested in solving a situ-.
ation carrying a terrible threat
for the Asian Continent. Asian;
representatives concentrated on'
the issue under discussion, avoid-
ing the Communist chorus of -vio-
lent accusations against the
United States.
The Soviet delegation, when it
came to Red China's membership
bid, put on a strangely perfunc-
tory performance. It was almost
as if the Russians weren't really
interested in that aspect. Foreign
A meeting of those interested
in reviewing movies, music,
drama, art or literature for The
Daily will be held at '7:15 p.m.
today in the Student Publica-
tions Building. Former review-
ers are also invited to come.

Minister Gromyko dutifully re-
peated the words expected of
him:h that Peiping was the real
representative of the Chinese'
people. Apart from that, he all
but ignored the membership ques-
But when he came to the For-
mosa question, Gromyko rolled up
his sleeves and went to work with
gusto, spilling out a catalogue of
obuse intended to picture the
United States as an imminent
threat to Asian peace. The debate
was a convenient mallet for beat-
ing the United States State De-
partment over, the head. The
bludgeon was fashioned flot from
the UN membership issue, but
from the notion that the United
States was an aggressor occupy-
ing thesterritory - Formosa and
the Pescadores.
This fits in with the patient So-
viet campaigns to split the United
States from itsTallies and immun-
ize neutralist states against West-
ern influence. Indeed, the per-
formance could justify a suspi-
cion Moscow is pleased with the
existing situation - just so long
as it doesn't blow up into a shoot-
ing scrape involving Russians.

Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON-The evidence is
al-persuasive that Sherman
Adams talked himself out of his
Republicans in a position to
judge say that if Adams had not
telephoned GOP National Chair-
man Meade Alcorn on August 26
he probably still would be firmly
entrenched as President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's chief assistant,
These same Republicans say
they don't think Adams' spectacu-
lar, if belated, resignation will
make a nickel's worth of difference
In the outcome of the November
elections. ,
Until Adams called Alcorn and
asked him to poll the Republican
National Committee on the politi-
cal impact of his relations with
Boston industrialist Bernard Gold-
fine, Adams' Republican critics
had mademno headway In their
efforts to get rid of him.
The word had gone down the
line that President Eisenhower was
standing solidly behind his aide.
Adams had acknowledged receiv-
ing expensive gifts and favors
from Goldfine but had denied that
he got government favors for
Goldfine in return.
* * * .
ALCORN is the authority for
the statement that no one-in-
cluding President Eisenhower -
asked Adams to resign. Adams
made his own decision after being
told that among the national
committeemen there was "reason-
ably acute concern" that his con-
tinuance in office would hurt the
chances of GOP candidates in
Adams bowed out protesting he
had done no wrong but that he
wanted to help the party.
The President has proved a
stubborn man -in other attacks on
his lieutenants. He resisted for a
long time a great deal of pres-
sure to remove Secretary of, Agri-
culture Ezra Taft Benson from
the cabinet.
Benson was not accused of ac-
cepting gifts or fielding influence.
But his farm policies have been
the target for hot Democratic-
and some Republican - criticism.
Democrats once called Benson an
asset in their drive to gain strength
in the normally Republican mid-
western farm states.
GOP pressure on the President
was greatest when a group of Re-
publican congressmen called' on
him and urged him to get rid of
Benson because they feared -his
retention would damage their
chances of re-election.
Benson stood firm and President
Eisenhower backed him up. Adams
wavered and the President regret-
fully permitted him to depart.
Now Benson is regarded as
necessity in the making of a >
movie as it is in the creation of
*any other work of art. rLck of a
stable "tone" or "point of view"
in any particular production will
result in a less thai satisfactory
' flm no matter how much, acting
or directing talent may be in-
"The Lovemaker," currently
playing at the Campus theater,
suffers from just this fault. It is
a film full of interesting problems
and sensitive acting, but a lack of
tonal uniformity and consistency
- even consistent inconsistency -
dilutes unnecessarily the effect of

an otherwise moving story.
The movie is a small but cos-
mopolitanproduction. A French
film, it was made in and about
Spain, and stars an American in
its leading role. "The Lovemaker"
combines a great many of the
devices ordinarily used in films by
all three countries, and the curious
nature of this mixture may, in
fact, be responsible for the movie's
major faults.,
THE STORY is an unusual one.
Betsey Blair, a fine but unglam-
orous actress best known for her
role as the "dog" in "Marty,"
plays in this film a depressingly
similar part. Unmarried at 35, she
lives alone with her mother in a
provincial Spanish town where she
is the slightly pathetic butt of
feminine sneers and more particu-
larly-masculine jokes.
A group of male friends' in the
toin decide to make a fool out
of the girl by forcing one of their
own number to propose to her.
Juan (Jose Suarez) does so un-
willingly and then finds himself
unable to tell her the truth. Caught
by his own lies, he is incapable of
facing Isabelle and equally in-
capable of facing himself.
"The Lovemaker" is worth see-
ing if only because it attempts to

something of a political miracle
worker, particularly since the
Democratic-controlled Senate
passed a farm bill featuring his
philosophy that the federal gov-
ernment should make a bold re-
treat from crop controls.
IN ADAMS' case, many Republi-
cans feel that, beyond those he
gave publicly, there were equally
potent reasons for his decision to
quit. In his national broadcast,
Adams said he didn't want to hurt
the chances of party candidates
or retard the progress of Presi-
dent Eisenhower's program.
It was suggested that Adams'
realization of, the difficulties that
lay ahead of him in his Job also
influenced' his decision.
It has been one of Adams' duties
to pass along President Eisen-
hower's views on legislation to
members of Congress and to drum
up support among them for the
President's program.
In this activity he faced acute
embarrassment in dealing with
Republicans who have said pub-
licly or privately that he ought to
Associates said Adams realized
also he could not carry on even
the most routine kind of communi-
cations with government regula--
tory agencies without the possi-
bility arising that such activities
would come under the publi
scrutiny of Congressional Investi-
gating Committees.
Bicycles . .
To the Editor:
W ITH the increase in the enroll-
ment of the University there
is a natural increase in the num-
ber of two-wheeled vehicles on the
campus. It is obvious that there
are more bikes when one looks at
the parking problem near such
buildings as Frieze. Last year there
seldom full bike racks,' but :this
year they are fun and overflowing
makes it necessary to park on the
sidewalk at the entrance of the
I have no gripe with the Univer-
sity over this problem because they
have had neither time or money
to install additional racks. I am
just beginnting to wonder if it is
the University's obligation to sup-
ply parking facilities for bikes. The
city goos half way when it comes
to the parking of automobiles by
supplying parking places on the
street . . . why not the same with
The University makes no money
off ,the bicycle population on cam-
pus. But, it seems to ,me, that the.
city cf AnnsArbor is reaizigth
nominal financial gain from the
several thousand students that
ride bikes and is giving us nothing
in' return. In addition to the fifty
(50) cents required to register -
ownership there are' innumerable
tickets issued to students who are
forced to park on the sidewalks
because of lackof facilities at
such places as the Frieze Building.
I've seen this happen already this
year.' e
I feel that the city, as long a
it is, making the money, should do
something to improve parking
facilities, . .,no, please, not parkC-
ing meters for bikes; charging for
motorcycles is bad enough. .
It should be ponted out that the
students that ride bikes to such
places as the Frieze Building do
so out of the necessity of get'ting
to class on time.
-Irwin Starr, '61
- IL

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 pm. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. ,Friday.
VOL. LXIX, No. 8
General Notices
The U. of M. Student Debaters, spon-
sored by the Dept. of Speech, will hold
their first meeting of the fall semester
in Rm. 2040 Frieze Bldg. on Thurs..
Sept. 25,.4:00 pm. and 7:00 ,p.m. These.
two meeting hours are designed so that
most students wishing to participate
in varsity debating this fall may sign
up at one or the other of the meetings.
All interested students are welcome.
Students who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance for the
first time at the University of Michi-
gan under Public Law 550 (Korea 1.I
Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill)
must report to Office of veterans' Af-
fairs, 555 Admin. Bldg., the week of
Sept. 22. Office hours: 8:30-11:30 a.m.;
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Wnr- n, Tt t- i- - fnun m ,as

Booklet Report Evaluated
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* ChiangW antsWar

3 THIS IS WRITTEN, the Warsaw talks
are proceeding in private. But all concerned
ussia and Red China, the United States and
Formosa government-are loudly and nois-
denouncing any basis for a compromise
n the Communist side, there are demands
ch sound, even if they do not quite mean
as if Peiping demanded that the whole For-
a area be evacuated Immediately by Chiang'
the Americans. On our side, we have an
erstanding about the future of Quemoy. And
: Chiang, there are plain - indications that
ioes not want any cease-fire because he is
t upon using the affair to entrap the United
;es in a full scale war against the Chinese
[ERE IS, it seems, a central and controlling
act on each side. On the Communist side,
e is the fact that the blockade of Quemoy
rtillery fire, though not absolutely tight, is
e tight enough to strangle the island within
airly short time. The blockade cannot be
en except by an air offensive against the
iese mainland, which would be war. Hold-
this military advantage, the Chinese have
eed to agree to a cease-fire for a substantial
ession. But that is the most that can be
:cted of them. They know that President
nhnwer will think +wins ha.. a..a...-i n

having allowed Chiang to exercise a veto on any
political arrangement in the area, the United
States has nothing to negotiate with. We can-
not trade Quemoy and Matsu for a cease-fire
because it is Chiang, not Eisenhower and Dul-
les, who has the power to determine what may
be offered in any negotiation. Mr. Beam in
Warsaw is controlled not, by Washington but
by Taipei.
For this country, the crucial fact in this
dangerous situation is that the President and
Mr. Dulles are not free agents; they are not in
control of American foreign policy, they have
mortgaged their diplomacy to Chiang.
WE MUST PAY close attention to Chiang. For
it has become brutally plain that Chiang
thinks he has the opportunity, and is deter-
mined to seize'it, to embroil the United States
in a war with the Chinese mainland. This has
always been his ultimate purpose. For only in
such a war could he conceivably realize his
ambition to return to the mainland.
The device which he is employing to en-
tangle us is to insist-which is true-that the
blockade of Quemoy can be broken only by
bombarding the mainland. But the snare for
the gullible is to pretend that the Formosa Air
Force can silence the shore batteries. We are
being told that we should allow Chiang to at-

STUDENT Government Council
got pushed back - into the
course evaluation booklet, boon-
doggle last night, when it received
a report explaining why the pro-
posed booklet was not published
this fall as planned.
Now the question is: where does
SGC (and the booklet) go from
here? Probably the Council will
spend half-a-dozen or so weeks
trying to determine who was to
blame for the booklet not being
published. Then it must decide
what to do with the project.'
But the issue cannot be and
should not be who was to blame
for the failure to publish. The re-
sponsibility can never be clearly
and definitely determined and
should not be placed entirely on
the shoulders of the individual
charged with getting the booklet
published - Ron Gregg.
However, since considerable has
already been said and written
about the issue, this writer, who
had a hand in the booklet's tem-
porary demise, will ask a mo-
ment's indulgence for a few ob-
servations on Gregg's report and
the concept of the booklet.
THE REPORT appears to be
factually accurate, with the pos-
sible exception of the part on
statistical accuracy of the ques-
tionnaires returned. Settling this
problem would rightly be left to
someone more informed on the
gathering and compiling of fig-
ures. However, there is consider-
able question of whether the com-
mittee working on the booklet
took proper steps to assure the
staistcasa nrev f h, 4,im

courses to be included in the
In my view, this sorry omission
made publishing the booklet im-
possible. According to the report,
Gregg had drawn a similar con-
clusion about the lack of infor-
mation and decided against try-
ing to put it out.
* * *
NOW THE' problem. is back
with SGC. It is hoped the mem-
bers will give more serious consid-
eration to the booklet this time
than apparently was the case last
booklet published on the basis of
spring. I seriously doubt if a
questionnaires submitted to stu-
dents would fulfill the admittedly
great need for more information
about University courses.
Other methods must be ex-
plored; methods that can supply

the needed information -on course
content and, perhaps, methods
which eliminate the highly unde-
sirable, often unqualified, and
sometimes bitter "student opin-
ions." Further, any booklet must
be designed to tell the student
what he can get from a course,
not how much work he will avoid
by taking one course instead of
If the Council closely examines
this problem it may well discover
that the only practical method of
accomplishing the desired goal is
through direct work with each in,-
dividual department. If this is
true, and it may not be, the Coun-
cil had best forget all plans for
expanding on the work already
done, junk, the whole mess and
start over.

i Sas
enimore ks i .e

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