Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
,&xTT Ai2unu MTV.U VAN Fi R.TnAY SEPI' :l1'1ISER 1V. IV05
VOL. LXIX, No. 4 ANDSi'Aiirkn'i., MIJUU A' nXA XA~ , a rXixas e, .
Faubus. Presents Plan,
Legal Segregation
By The Associated Press,
Gov. Orval Faubus -last night
offered the people of Little Rock,
Ark., what he called a legal plan
to operate public high schools on
a private, segregated basis.
"The plan is sound and work-
able," said Faubus in a speech car-
ried by television to most of the
state. "It is all legal."
Outlining the plan, he said:
1) If the people vote against
integration in the special referen-
dum Sept. 27, the facilities of the
public schools "will become surplus
and not needed for public school
2) 'the school board, then, would
be free to lease the buildings to
a private agency. "I am sure you
are aware such an agency already
has been organized," he said. He
referred to the Little Rock Private
School Corp., organized Wednes-
3) He .called. upon the city's
Boarid of Education to offer "to a
private group these unoccupied
buildings after the election."
He cited, as authority for this,
an Arkansas Law of 1875.
Says Plan Is Legal
He said the plan is sound, work-
able and legal, adding, "To this
the advocates of the so-called
law of the' land' can have no
Faubus' private school plan
leans heavily on a vote against
integrated schools in the special
referendum he has called for the
Little Rock School District Sept.
27. Such a vote, he said, will make
the schools surplus and the school
board can then lease them to pri-
vate agencies. One such agency
went into business at Little Rock
The governor told his audience
that totally integrated schools
will come sooner than you think"
if the ballots a week from Satur-
day favor integrated schools.
He said the United States gov-
Seven Week
Prooe Ended
rackets probers yesterday ended
seven stormy.weeks of hearings on
'Teamster President James R.
Hoffa and his union amid charges
that "there is just no end to; the
scandals disclosed."
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.)
gaveled the inquiry to a windup
on a bitter note.
This included fresh allegations
of fraud and collusion involving,
Hoffa himself and allegedly cost-
ing Teamster welfare, funds hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars.
"There is just no end to the
scandals," Sen. Frank Church (D-
Ida.), a committee member said.
"The Teamster treasuries seem
to have attracted a host of para-
sites like a strong are light at-
tracts bugs."
Highlighting the final day of
the hearings was a heated denial
by Hoffa of committee assertions
that he threatened to arrange the
slaying of Sol Lipman, lawer 'for
a 'rival union.
Counsel for the Senate Rackets
Committee said that he has evi-
dence that James R. Hoffa once
threatened to have the lawyer for
a rival union assassinated. Hoffa
denied it.14 times in subsequent
Moscow Asks
New Germani
Peace 'Treaty
BERLIN (R) - Moscow told Red
East Germany yesterday the So-
biet Union has asked the United
States, Britain and France to join
in a four-power commission to
'draft a German peace treaty.
The West spurned the bid as
In a note to the Communist
East German government, the
Russians supported an East Ger-
man proposal of Sept. 5 calling
for such a commission.
The three western governments
have no diplomatic relations with
the Red German regime. The
ernment cannot require a state to
operate public schools, nor tell a
state government how tax reve-
nues may be spent.
"In all cases involving the pub-
lic schools and integration, the
Federal courts have said only that
an agency of the state cannot
maintain segregation."
Dr. T. J. Raney, elected presi-
dent of the newly-formed corpora-
tion in its first business session
today, said Faubus had not sug-
gested the creation of the corpora-
tion. He said its ,officers. had notl
been in contact with Faubus, add-
ing, "The governor did not select
While the schools remain closed,
the school board announced it is
going to try education by televi-
Virgil Blossom, superintendent
of schools, announced that tele-
vised "classes" will begin next
Monday. He said they will run two
hours per day, with 30. minutes
devoted to each of four subjects-
science, history, English and math-
Almond Coml Closure
Of Charlottesville Schools
RICHMOND, Va. (,') - Gov. J. Lindsay Almond Jr. yesterday
ordered state seizure and enforced closure of two Charlottesville
schools, and federal .court action in Norfolk paved the way for the
shutdown of six others..
Almond's action came after a lengthy conference with Charlottes-
ville school board attorney John S. Battle Jr. The two Charlottesville
schools .had been ordere to admit Negroes. at the opening of class
&MV.' The tvwo schoaU--L ane
Hoffa Tells
Of Padding
WASHINGTON M ~-Teamsters
president James R. Hoffa yester-
day accused Godfrey P. Schmidt
of. inflating expense accounts and'
conflict of interest as a member
of a court-appointed monitors
board named to poice the union.
Hoffa said he will move in court
to have Schmidt ousted.
Hoff a told the Senate Rackets.
Investigataing Committee, the
Teamsters recently attempted to
hire a, private" investigator to look
into Schmidt's expense accounts.
The Teamsters president had
told the committee earlier that
he knew of no effort to hire pri-
vate detectives to investigate
But, he asked permission to
change that testimony, explain-
ing he had learned during the
committee's luncheon recess that
an- effort had been made first to
hire Maheu, and then others.
His lawyer, Edward Bennett
Williams, appealed to the com-
mittee not to "ask questions that
should properly 'go before the
court." Committee members in-
dicated they would grant the re-
' 111n ,. .L1 4 V Z1U~-J"1
High and Venable Elementary,
with a combined enrollment of
1,700 pupils-willbe. the second
and third schools to be shuttered
by Virginia law, which closes a
school rather than allow it to mix
races in the classrooms.
Board Notice Similar
Almond's notice to the Char-
lottesville school board was similar
to the one he handed the Warren
County board last Friday night
when he s ized the integration-
ordered 1,40-pupil white high
school at Front Royal.
More than 500 members of the
Warren County Parent-Teachers
Assn. last night voted down a
resolution that the organization
strongly urge the local school
board and the County Board ,of
Supervisors (the governing .body)
to petition Gov. Almond to return
the school for immediate reopen-
The school could be returned to
local control if requested by county
authorities, but its operation on an
integrated basis would mean the
cut-off of all state funds.
Appoint Citizens Committee
Approved was the appointment
of a citizens' committee to consider
plans for interim schooling at the
school-the only high school in
the northwest Virginia county.
Earlier today, the Governor said
he had no idea how long the
Warren County High School would
remain .closed.
Battle told reporters later this
"leaves it up to the state authori-
ties now. We have fought this
'thing just as hard as we can."
PlanTo Ask
For Funds,
Lewis Says
The University plans to ask for
federal loan funds under the new
Defense Education Act, at the
next Regents' meeting Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis said yesterday.
Michigan. State University had
announced. earlier that it would
take advantage of the act to in-
crease its student loan fund.
Michigan State also. will waive
tuition fees for children of state
servicemen who died as a result of
war action.
John A. Hannah, MSU Presi-
dent, told the board that Michi-
gan's economic situation has taken
a sharp toll in enrollments'He said
a new deferred payment plan for
college education already has more
than 1,000 applicants in its first
Members of the State Board of
Agriculture, MSU governing body,
voted to apply for federal student
loan money under terms of legis-
lation approved by congress.
A maximum of $250,000 might be
available but the board was told
that Congress did not appropriate
enough to carry out all provisions
of the plan.
Long Rane
Atlas Missile
A fire-belching Atlas missile blew
up with a violent roar 90 seconds
after launching yesterday on what
reportedly was the first intercon-
tinental range attempt.
The 85-foot missile thundered
away on what appeared to be a.
perfect launching at 4:26 p.m.
(EST). Shortly after it curved
from its speedy vertical climb, a
bright ball of orange flame was
Plunged to Earth
There followed in, quick succes-
sion a hugh puff of smoke and
debris which flashed against the
afternoon sun as it plunged back
toward the earth.
The failure was a bitter disap-
pointment for Convair technicians
who had worked 14 months to pre-
pare the mighty rocket for today's
momentous 6,325 statue mile at-
"Approximately 80 (CQ) seconds
after the Atlas was test-launched
the vehicle exploded and destroyed
itself. The cause of the malfunc-
tion is not yet known.
Failure Bitter Disappointment
This was the 13th Atlas launch-
ing and the second fully powered
versionof the missile to blow up in
two months.
The spectacular breakup, about
60,000 feet in the sky, came after
the mighty ICBM had flown suc-
cessfully on three consecutive tests
at a range of 3,000 miles. The first
fully powered Atlas exploded 45
seconds after launching.
The Air Force made no official
announcement that this would be
the first "all-the-way" test for the
"Big A," but it was learned that
this was the big day.
. ____
U.S., China
Kept Secret
Sunday Morning Set
For Next Meeting
WARSAW, Poland (P) - The
United States and Communist
China talked terms for a cease-
fire in the Formosa Strait for two,
'hours here last night but demands
and counterdemands were kept
rigidly secret.
United States Ambassador Jacob
Beam and Red Chinese envoy
Wang Ping-Nan emerged silent
from their second meeting of the
week in Mysliwiecki Palace. "We
will meet again Sunday at 9 a.m.,"
was all they would tell reporters
The silence, combined with the
unusual length of the first two
sessions, left the impression that
the two were talking cold turkey
and not mouthing police nothings.
This belief, prevalent in diplo-
matic quarters following the talks
with intense interest, was bol
stered by Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles' speech to the United
Nations Assembly, in which he
said "We seek a prompt cease-fire
which will eliminate provocations
and leave the possibility of a
peaceful resolution of different
claims and counterclaims."
Beam, it is understood, con-
tinued efforts to get to the root of
Chinese demands. Aim of the War-
saw talks is to find out what Red
China's position is and what. the
Communists will agree to.
The Polish Communist press
said both sides had received defi-
nite instructions after Monday's
exploratory talks and had gotten
down to essentials.
A main sticking point is under-
stood to be American insistence
on Red China's agreeing to re-
nounce the use of force in the
area. Peiping resisted that sug-
gestion in the earlier two-power
ambassadorial talks which lasted
from August 1955 to December
Bike Licenses
On Sale Now,
Students still riding bikes with-
out 1959 licenses must get new li-
censes by the end of the month,
Ann Arbor police said yesterday.
The fifty cent licenses are sold
at the city clerk's office in the
City Hall at Fifth and Huron. The
light grey and black 'tags will be
valid from Oct. 1 of this year
through Sept. 30, 1959.
The clerk's office estimated
that more than 500 of the licenses
had been sold since the beginning
of the week.
Claim Five Red Jets
Downed b Naio ists
TAIPEI, Formosa () - Chinese Nationalist jet pilots claimed
yesterday they shot down five Communist MIGs and sank three Red
torpedo boats in the Quemoy area.
They claimed also the possible destruction of a sixth MIG and
damage to a fourth PT-boat. Nationalist air force headquarters re-
ported all its Sabre Jets returned to base ,safely. U.S. headquarters
said no American pilots were involved in the action.
But the American command on Formosa has indicated U.S. jet
fighters will go into action to aid the Nationalists if Communist
planes attack Nationalist cargo
planes making supply drops. on
the offshore islands. The Reds
thus far have refrained from such
The Communists charged that
16 Nationalist planes flew over
Fukien Province on the mainland
Thursday and that one was shot
down and another hit. Peiping'
Radio made no mention of any
losses to its planes or torpedo
Another broadcast, however,
charged that American warships
penetrated Red Chinese territorial
waters six times yesterday and
quoted a foreign ministry spokes-+
man as calling these "serious
armed provocations." He said the
Red Chinese government was giv-
ing its "sixth warning against
these provocations."
ok Show Rise
About one per cent of the new
Undergraduate Library's total book
collection was taken from the open
shelves in the first nine months
of its operation, according to
Roberta C. Keniston, librarian.
More than 750 volumes have
been stolen from the library's
60,000 available books since the.
opening of the $3 million building'
on January-16, 1958.
This figure is the final compu-
tation, after all books had been
returned to the Univer'sity library
from books dropped. in other
libraries, book stores and other_
places, Mrs. Keniston said. Many,
books found during, the summer
reduced the figure tosomesextent.
When asked if the losses oc-
curred in any special type.of book
or fields of study, Mrs. Keniston
said the books were taken from all
parts of the library and were con-
cerned with all types of subjects.
No patterns, of losses were dis-
"A surprisingly small percentage
of the losses were non-circulating
reference books and overnight re-
served copies. The. vast majority"
of the books taken, were regular
books that could be taken :out for
the usual two week loan period,"
she said.
UAW Plans,
'Get Tough'
~~-iCease Fr
World News Round up
By The Associated Press
LOUISVILLE -- The Kentucky president of the National Assn.
for the Advancement of Colored People said yesterday state police
are investigating reports four Negro students at an integrated Mad-
isonville school still are under harassment.
James Crumlin of Louisville said he telegraphed Gov. A. B.
Chandler that rocks and vegetables were being thrown daily at
from Pride Avenue Elementary
DETROIT (-The United Auto
Workers, with a Ford contract
settled, adopted a tougher attitude7
yesterday in bargaining with Gen-
eral Motors and Chrysler.
It warned GM that the "time has
come for them to quit playing
games" and told Chrysler that ma-
chinery for a strike might be set,
in motion if real progress is not
made soon.
The UAW summoned its execu-
tive board for a 1 p.m. meeting
tomorrow to approve the Ford con-
tract and review Chrysler and
General Motors negotiations. The
board could. be asked for strike'
authorization at that time.
GM and Chrysler resumed talks
with Walter Reuther's union to-
day, but declined to comment on
whether the Ford-UAW pact work-
ed out yesterday had given either
side a bargaining advantage.
At Solidarity House, home of
the UAW, there was no such re-
luctance. Every union official from
President Reuther down felt the
gains made in the Ford contract
would be a springboard for further
gains from GM and Chrysler.'
The UAW made it plain it would
not accept merecarbon copies of
the-Ford agreement from GM and
May Announce
New Algerian-
CAIRO () - The Egyptian
press said yesterday an Algerian
government' in exile will be pro-
claimed throughout the Arab
world tomorrow.
A spokesman 'for the Algerian
National Liberation Front' (FLN)
refused to confirm the report, but
did say a statement would be
made tomorrow.
Formation of a so-called free
Algerian government would give
formal face to the FLN executive
committee, which has been di-
recting the four-year fight
against the French in Algeria.
Setting up the government now
obviously would be timed 'with an
eye on the Sept. 28 French con-
stitutional referendum, as well as
the scheduled UN debate on Al-
Such a step by the FLN could
bring on a. whole series 'of prob-
lems. The question of 'recognizing
the government would prove em-
barrassing to many countries in
their relations with France. For-
mation of the exile government
had been delayed in the past ,for
fear that some mideast countries,
such as Tunisia, Morocco and
Iraq, would not recognize it. But
FLN leaders say the time is now
Garg' Staff
Positions Open
Petitions for senior positions on
Gargoyle staff are available to-
day at 4:30 p.m. in the Gargoyle
Puts Hopes
In Warsaw'
Peace Talks
U.S. Reserves Right
To Toss Problem
Into UN Assembly
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles called last night for a
prompt cease-fire in the Formosa
strait that would set the stage for
peaceful negotiations of all issues
in that powderkeg area.
In a mildly worded major, policy
speech to the 81-nation general
assembly, Dulles expressed hope
this could be accomplished at the
United States - Communist China
diplomatic talks in Warsaw. But he
added that if the talks fail, the
United States reserves the right to
toss the Formosa crisis into the
United Nations.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko, the only speaker at the
afternoon Assembly session, scrib-
bled notes while Dulles spoke.
Gromyko is expected to accuse the
United States of aggression against
Red China, and renew demands
that the United States withdraw
its military- support of Nationalist
Rejection Not Final
A United States spokesman in-
dicated Communist China's rejec-
tion of a cease-fire as broadcast by-
Peiping radio was not regared as
a final word, and the United
States believes an agreement is
still possible.
Dulles charged Communist
China with attempting to seize
the .Nationalist-held offshore is-
lands of Quemoy and Matsu "by
naked force."
He said the' issue "is thus a
simple one' armed aggression,
and 'the United States considers it
"a grave threat, with ominous'
Seek Eqitable Conditions
He expressed hope a peaceful
solution could be found, in the
Warsaw talks, and added:
"We seek a prompt cease-fire
and equitable conditions that will
eliminate provocations and leave
for peaceful resolution the dif-
ferent claims and counterclaims
that are involved."
Dulles said the United States
plans to discuss with president-
elect Fuad Chehab of Lebanon
soon after he takes office on Sept.
24 "a specific schedule" for early
withdrawal of, the remaining
United States troops in that coun-
Dulles also expanded on the
proposal of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower for a standing UN,
peace force,. stressing that it
should be .a peace force and not
a combat force. Its . duties, he
added, would be to "observe and'
patrol, and by its very presence
make visible the interest of the
world community in the main-
tenance of tranquility."
Third Party
Of Dixiecrats
F"V 4-h
'* * -*
DETROIT - Seven new cases
of polio .were reported yesterday
in' Detroit's current epidemic,
bringing 'the total in Wayne
county to 500 this year.
In the past week 72 new cases,
have been reported in the city,
six less than the previous week's
LONDON - Laborite leader
Hugh Gaitskell said' yesterday
Red China's admission to the
United Nations is "an obvious
condition" of any settlement of
the Formosa crisis.
"We take the view that recent
events have shown even more
clearly the absurdity of keeping
out of the United Nations the
government of a nation of 600
million people," he told reporters.
* * *
cratic National Committee says if
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
had used the moral authority of
his office to promote orderly in-
tegration of schools the "school-
opening crises of these last years
could have been avoided."
Police Ask Bicyclists To Observe Laws'
Many' students, entering the
University-thissyear, may not
realize that bicyclists are not
exempt from obeying the Michi-
gan Motor Code, Lieut. H. G.
Schlupe, head of the traffic bu-
reau, said.
"Bicyclists must obey the same
rules and regulations as motor
vehicles," Lieut. S c h l u p e ex-
This means, he said, obeying
stop signs and signal lights, driv-
ing on the right side of the road
and all .the rest of the provisions
of the Michigan Motor Code.
Bicyclists are also warned to be
especially careful of their bikes
during this period, as one Ann
Arbor police officer, viewig the
influx of students, commented
that "the season of bicycle thefts
has begun again."
The problem of an acute short-
age of parking space becomes the
biggest traffic problem, as school
tional Republican C h a i r m
Meade Alcorn predicted -early y
terday a third party will
formed by Southern Democra
with their own presidential ca
didate, in 1960.
He said the new party will :
sult from a "gradual breaking
of the Democratic party. Cons
vative, Southerners are bei
driven from the party and tl
no longer have a home in it."
Alcorn wound up a two-d
speaking tour of the Carolir
with an address at a 12th Distr
rally here. He came here fr
similar fund-raising .appearan
at Winston-Salem and Statesvi
... .-. ..