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September 18, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-18

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Sixty-Ninth Year


"This One Is in Your Department"


Len Opiniona Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


Despite Surgery

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1958


'Go Slow' Advocates Ignore'
Facts of Southern Integration

71TH ALL the furor in the South, and
throughout the nation over crisis after re-.
ated crisis ir) Southern school systems, an
greasing. number of people have begun to say,
at perhaps. integration should proceed more
This feeling has spread .from the hard core
Southerners, who claim that there should
no integration whatsoever, to many classes
people in many sections of the nation. These
w' converts to a "go slow" policy are alarmed
the increasing tension in public schools, and
:y heed Southern claims that school integra-
n is proceeding too fast, that the South needs
re .time to get' ued to the idea of Negroes
Ing to school with whites.
ntegration, far from proceeding too fast, has
ually slowed to a snails pace.,
XCEPT for a f w districts in Arkansas, Ten-
nessee and North Carolina, nearly all the.
gress in integration! since 1956 has been
de in the border states. Only 400,000 of
arly 3,000,000 Negroes enrolled in' Southern
blie schools will attend integrated schools
s year.
'hese facts are hidden by the tensions in
ne school districts currently in the process
integration, but the facts are there, and
>uld slow that on a quantity basis, integra-
n. is proceeding- very slowly.

A Southerner could still maintain that, no
matter if there are only a small number of
schools being integrated, the number is still
more than the people of the South are willing
to put up with.
But it has never been demonstrated that
acceding to Southern demands, especially the
demands of a vocal minority, would lead to
increased Southern willingness to comply with
the Supreme Court ruling. In fact, it appears
that giving die-hard Southerners some of what
they want only increases their resistance to
integration. This year, for example the number
of schools being- integrated dropped sharply,,
while the number of uncompromising Southern
speeches stayed very nearly the same as last.
Last year 738 school districts were integrated;
this year, the total is 777, only 39 more than
last year. At that pace, school integration
would take approximately 55. years. Taking 55
years to integrate Southern schools would make
a mockery of the phrase "with all deliberate
It is difficult to see how school integration is
proceeding too fast. Perhaps if more people
realize exactly how slowly integration actually
is proceeding in the South, there would be
fewer saying that it is going too fast.

JT HAS BEEN SAID that Tennessee Williams is singing the s
song of naturalism. His characters are decadent, his passions
animal, and the questions he raises are often left unanswered.
Four years ago he wrote "Cat on' a Hot Tin Roof,"' a prize-winr
play that was very depressing and fairly naturalistic. But when
play was produced on Broadway, director Elia Kazan had .the tl
act revised so that the ending was a little more hopeful and not
Now MGOMI has rewritten the play again for the screen: so' tha
has a very happyending indeed, and is not the least bit naturali
The swan song has apparently been sung.
But "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" has weathered the strain of repei
revamping rather .well,-andit appears as quite a good motion Pict
'The sexual implications of the original play have been toned d
.drastically, but.strong acting in supporting as well as leading *roles
succeeded in preserving the spirit of violent, tormented passions.
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" i a drama of character revelation, cen
ing about the disgust and revulsion felt by Brick for a world he, fi
filled with hypocrisy and greed, a world he tries to escape through
coholism after the death of his perhaps too-beloved friend Sippe
Brick finds the courage to live in such a corrupt, world only fter
witnesses the courage of his father, Big Daddy, to face death f
cancer, and the determination of his wife Maggie, the Cat,. to st
beside him despite his rejection.
ELIZABETH TAYLOR, as Maggie, has shown once again that sh
not only a beautiful package of womanhood, but shy can handle a fa
difficult bit of acting as well. Paul Newman, as her husband Brick,e
a fine James Dean of brooding contemptuously throughout the en
In the same role he played on Broadway, Burl Ives portrays
Daddy, perhaps Williams' finest male character, with magnificent
derstanding. He' bellows, he swears, he acts every bit the bomba
fool. But beneath this, there is the sensitivity and magnaniinity c
great tragic figure.
Judith Anderson presents perhaps a little too sophisticated portri
of Big Mamma, but she does convey some of the pitiful tragedy of'
woman who has loved desperately, but has'never been loved in
Jack Carson, 'as Brother Man, and .Madelaine Sherwood, asSi
Woman, add grotesque comedy to the drama.
And not to go unmentioned are five of the most delightfully det
able children ever to appear-on a mhovie screen at one time.


-Democrats Face Bitterness

nother Contract; Another Round

Ford-UAW agreement beneficial to the
n, Ford and . to the general economy of
nation. While the contract may well be
)orarily beneficial to the union, the nation
uindoubtedly pay through higher prices for
JAW's never-ending demands.
e UAW strategy in selecting the Ford Mo-
:ompany as the strike target has paid off
e company selected lost money in the see-
quarter of this year; it began new, model
iction just two days ago. The combination
actors could only spell success for Reui-
e union avoided General Motors, which
made large profits this year despite de-
ed sales, apparently because a strike of
lore than 200,000 workers would have cost
union a great deal in strike pay. Chrysler,
current poor brother of the Qutomotive
stry, while .not the easiest bargaining
aer from past negotiations, is having fi-
ial trouble due to a hold on the market
hi has been slipping since 1955.
JS FORD, a strong company 'despite its
sses this year, and employing many work-
ut not too many, presented a choice plum.
ompany, after a hundred _million dollar
tment in new models, can look forward to
'ike with anything but dread. Thus the
athon" negotiations almost had to end

in a quick settlement; Ford was in no posi-
tion to quibble.
'Reuther's rewards from the talks, the con-
tract sections, are not to be applauded. Far
too many exhorbitant demands had to be
met, and the end result means another large
bout with inflationary trouble in the months.
ahead. Wage increases, added supplemental
'unemployment "'benefits" and the rest mean
higher priced cars for the American public,
and in .the near future, inflation enough to,
erase the short run union gains and set the
leaders searching for new ways to get more
for their members.
UAW's -demands s that these benefits be
made retroactive to June 1, when their con-
tract expired. The union continued to work
for three months without a contract. To now,
desire added benefits for -these months, as if
they had been exploited, shows again how'
powerful 'unions injudiciously wield their,
Reuther has helped milk American wage
earners of some of the value of their dollars.
Next come the steelworkers who will undoubt-
edly win higher wages to pay for more ex-
pensive cars and so the story goes. The. dollar
is' not yet the German mark of the 1920's, but
the resemblance is growing.

(Editor's Note: William S. White,
The Daily's newest columnist, is the
author 'of the Pulitzer Prize winning
biography "The Taft Story" and the
best seller, "Citadel: The Story of
the United States Senate." Until he
began writing his three-times-a-week'
column this year, he was Chief Con-
gressional Correspondent for The New
York Times, having joined the paper
in 1945. Born in. DeLeon, 'Texas, White
attended the Universitysof, Texas,
joined the Associate4 Press in 1927,
and soon transferred to the Washing.
ton Bureau. where he began his
career as a political correspondent.)
cratic party's ablest minds.
are occupied only on the surface
now with the Congressional cam-
paign-which the Democrats be-
lieve at this point they have as
good as won.
These minds are mainly turned
instead toward a less obvious but
an incomparably more important
matter: the racial crisis, which
raises the greatest long-term dan-
ger to the party since. the Civil
War. They see only partial, but
nevertheless chilling, parallels
With the destruction a centuryr
ago of both the old Democratic
and Whig parties.
,* *
THE BASIC cause of dissolution:
then was the inability , of the
moderates in either party to pre-
vent the extremists from violently
exploiting the issue of slavery.
The Whigs broke apart in 1856.
The Northern Whigs went -over.
largely to the Republican party,
which for the first time became a
truly national power thereby. The
Southern Whigs went_ over prin-
cipally to the Democratic party.
But that party, in turn, was cut
right down the middle on the
same issue in 1860. One of the
results was the election to the
Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.
Thus, the present Democratic

problem is very similar' to that
of a hundred years ago-this time
to accommodate the school inte-
gration issue as between Northern
liberals and Southern resisters. A
further complicating factor,
moreover, is clearly present now.
This is .the probability that No-
vember will bring heavy Demo-
cratic victories in both Senate
and House from the North and.
West. Such victories would en-
large the influence-and the de-
mands-of the all-out integra-
The all-Texas Democratic Con-
gressional leadership caused the
last Congress to break' materially,
if not quite mortally, with the Old
South and to pass the first major,
civil rights bill in eight decades.
It was even then touch-and-go as.
to' whether these leaders-Speak-
er of the House Sam Rayburn and
Senator Lyndon B. Johnson -
could fend' off a fatal party
They did so, indeed, only by.
taking great personal risks. and
by a virtuoso performance in
* * *
THERE IS the gravest doubt
that such a compromise will .Ie
possible in the new Congress con-
vening in January. And this is so,
even apart from the basic fact
that this new Congress will be
- more impatient for'quick integra-
tion than was the old.
For the old-guard Southern
position against any kind of inte-
gration and the advanced North-
ern liberal position against any
kind of delay have both hardened
in the meantime.
So, the Democrats are in one
'of the oddest positions in history.
Fortune smiles broadly ;and.
brightly upon them-for 1958. But

there could well be a frightening
look on' fortune's face for the
Presidential year 1960 and per-
haps far beyond that.
The new Congress could so rub
up and inflame the civil rights
issue as to make the Democratic
national convention of 1960 hard-
ly less destructive than that of
1860. Of this the Republicans are
fully aware. Already, they are
maneuvering to drive every pos-
sible civil rights wedge into their
Democratic opposition
WHAT ARE the Democratic
leaders to do about all this? This
is the question that engrosses
them, at this very moment, far
more even than the already con-
solidated Democratic gain in
.,Maine and the prospect of many
other gains in November. Here
are some of the tentative answers
worked out by powerful Demo-
They will be compelled next
year to give more ground on civil
rights; they can only hope not
to htave to give up so much as to
repeat the intra-Democratic civil
War of 1860.
They will be compelled - and,
indeed they will not at all mind
this-to take up a much more
critical 'attitude toward President
But it well may be that, apart
from civil rights, the great run-
ning issue will be foreign policy
and peace or war. On this issue'
the Democratic leaders cannot, in
temperament or in conviction,'
adopt a merely partisan' line
against the President, 1960 or no
1960. And this they will not do.
A rare and bitter dilemma may
await them, and they know it.
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

Comedy Classics
Stlcood Fun
A GOOD TIME for all is being offered at the Campus Theatre
week, in the form of two contemporary near-classics of comf
"Mr. Hulot's Holiday," now so old that it is about to appear on Det
television, features Jacques Tai in some great slapstick routines re
niscent of Charlie Chaplin. The plot is nothing: Tati goes to a re:
by the sea frequented by Englishmen, meets a girl and a waitet, and.
trouble with his car. It is Tati and his brilliant cohabitants who m
the picture, building up "from sequence to sequence, ending in
uproarious episode in a shack full of fireworks.
Along the way, Tati goes through a series of misadventures, play
tennis, helping a man catch a bus that has, left without him, hunting

a ping-pong ball. And so on. The
material is old; Tati has affinities
with the Keystone Kops and the
silent films. He is a mime of the
first order, and the little bit" of
dialogue ,he includes in'the film
could as well be dispensed with
Fernandel is the other attrac
tion, playing the title roles in "The
Sheep Has Five Legs," a tour de
force which is uneven. but often
first-rate. He opens as the father
of five male quintuplets, all of
whom have deserted him in his
old age.
The rest. of the story concerns~
the efforts of an old friend of his
to find the quints and reunite'them
for a great celebration on' their
40th birthday. This provides
plenty of scope for Fernandel's
PARTICULARLY humorous are
the stories of the third and fourth
brothers, a hard-gambling smug-
gler and a lonely-hearts columnist.
Too much of the rest, however,
merely takes up film footage, with
the fifth brother especially being
a rather useless character.
Another chapter in the decline.
and fall of Mr. Magoo rounds out
the program.



'-"' ' '

JUST INQUIRING ... by Michael Kraft'

Ti meforQ uestioning.
... " 6t':R!fi: "' iY.: r . ,.;":' fi ;': ":"C . ',, "C' ''g '. ' ---------- - - " +.,

RING ONE WARM, tieless and coatless
lay this past August, a faculty member, in
issing the difference between summer
0l and regular sessions, sighed and quipped,
the summer, they even write down the way
y 'good morning."'
Ms brought up the subject of "steno-'
heritis," the weakness some students have
recording a professor's every utterance.
that accurate notes aren't' desirable, and
aps it's even a little flattering to a faculty,
iber when his words are taken so religiously,
it sometimes, the copious notes, when
equently memorized for ready reproduc-
indicate something more than respect.
although another registration period is
r way, supposedly marking the beginning
semester's academic life, the' academic
ude and spirit of inquiry does not neces-
y continue past the process of finding out
t courses and professors.
E IC49gt ZiAtau~d

IN A LARGE UNIVERSITY, with numerous
lecture sections, the easiest way to "get" an,
education is to absorb it; This means a sponge-
like tendency towards "stepographeritis" an
assumption that. a lecturer's precise and com-j
plete meaning is fully conveyed in fifty minutes
of talking, and'that' the printed word of the
text is the last one.
This also means that college is a farce. ForI
a real education cannot be "absorbed," it must
be pursued. To accept facts without question, to
accept interpretation without explanation' is
to accept a thin, weak flicker of knowledge's
THE INFLUENCE of one's four years at
college vary; surveys have indicated that
few student attitudes undergo much change
during the time supposedly spent in intellectual
activities. Part of this may be attributed to
the initial attitude itself-the lack of a ques-
tioning attitude' allows the absorption of facts
and does little to encourage an understanding
of their nature or meaning.
Reflection of this all too prevailing approach
to attaining a degree is evident throughout the
year, not just during the summer when even
the "good morning's" seem to find their way
into notebooks. The dull discussion sections
with the blank response to "any questions,"
and the scurry to get out of a lecture hall
mirrors the interest:of a generation that justi-
fiably is called silent
THIS DOES NOT DENY the assumption that
y the faculty knows more than the students.
It is merely "to emphasize that the approach
to better understanding often lies in interested,
intelligent questioning.
To be sure, the questioning mind is not
always the traniull mind. mBt the mee deciinn

Kremlin Puts Soviet Youth To Work

By The Associated Press
THE KREMLIN is having prob-
-lems with young people who
leave secondary schools but can't
get admitted to higher education
-and don't want to become man-
ual laborers..
Nikita Khrushchev reports So-
viet institutions of higher educa-
tion are currently accepting about
450,000 new students a year, only
half of them for full day courses.
With secondary school graduat-
ing over one million students this

means, according to Khrushchev,
that about 700,000 cannot get in-
to higher educational institutions
or technical training institutions.
For comparison: Government
estimates indicate that slightly
more than 12 million Americans
will graduate from high school
this year and around 740,000 will
go into institutions of higher edu-
cation as first-time students.
* * *
THE 700,000 Soviet graduates
.unable to continue their educa-

tion, at least for the time being,
will have to seek jobs, most of
them as common laborers. Few of
these 700,000 'will have had any
intensive vocational training.
The Kremlin is trying to solve
the problem of what to do with
these young people by mass labor
The Soviet government has sent
many young people to construc-
tion projects in -remote areas of
the country -- Siberia, the far
north, central Asia. Others have'

Russian Reversal Seems Possible,

been mobilized since 1954 to till
lands in central Asia and Siberia
under the Khrushchev plan for
use of these areas for grain pro-
These labor mobilizations con-'
tinue. Moscow's Komsomol Prav-
da reported May 13 that 50,000
young Communist league mem-
bers will be sent to build chemi-
cal industry factories, and gas
and oil pipelines this year.
NOT ALL the young people in-
volved are inspired by this sort
of future. The Teachers' Gazette
of Moscow reported:
"Unfortunately not all pupils- at
completion of school want to go
to work at production."
Khrushchex recently noted that
certain youths go to work unwill-
inglY in factories, 'and the like,
considering such work insulting.
The remedy which Khrushchev
has proposed is drastic reorgani-
zation of secondary education so
as to provide all students with
vocational training the last years
of the course.
There is a political angle in
this. In 1956-1957 it became ap-
parent' that Soviet students in

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
~official publicatiion of the Unive;-
sity of Michiiganfor which. The
Michigan Daily assume's no ed'
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form 'o
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday"
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The Audio-Visual Education Cent
formerly located at 4028 Admnin. Bldg,
has ymoved to a new location in. th
Frieze Bldg., 720 E. Huron St. Tele-
phone numbers. are University exten.
sions 2664, 2665, 2666.
Academic -Notices
Orientation Tests for New Students:
Make-up testing session, Fri., Sept. 19,
Rackhani Lecture Hall. Freshman engi-
neers report at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Non-
engineering freshmen report at 11 a.m.
and 1 p.m. Non-engineer transfers re-
port at 1:45 p.m.'
Placement Notices
The Kaydon Engineering Corp., Mus
kegon, Mich., is looking for a man
with a d6 ree iu Engineering,'Physics,
or related" mechanical fields who gradu-
ated 3 or 4 years ago with a mathe-
matics major. This company is a
manufacturer of large special. bearings.
as well as bearings for the automotive
Bausch &.Lomb Optical Co., Roches-
ter, N.Y., has positions availale" in
the Research and Engineering Division
-for thie following: Mechanical Engi-
neers, exp. in working with equipnent
for mechanical measurements, to assist
in developing new optical and elec.
' tronicmethods and devices for measur-
ing in m'etal-working industry. Me-
chanical Engineers, college degree, $
or more years industrial experience
preferable in creative design of instru.
ments or mechanisms.
Model Engineering and Manufactur-
ing Corp., Boyne City, Mich., is looking
for a Project Engineer and' an Assist
Project Engineer. Design work in-
cluding layout. Will consider experi-.
enced and non-experienced applicants,
or Feb., 1959, graduate.
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, New
York, -N.Y., has position vacant for
a. Contract Specialist in the New York
office of the A.E.. .Background should
include experience in research and
development, type contact negotiation
and administration, preferably in pro-
grams related to the'work of "the
Atomic. Energy Conmmission, or the
Department of Defense. This is not a
classified position under the Federal
.Civil Service system, but includes
many benefits.
Lever Brothers, Taylor Center, Mich.,
has a position available fo0 a Salesman

Editorial Staff
oial Director

City Editor

Associate Etor

ANTOR ............. ..... Personnel Director
'ILLOUGHBY.......Associate Editorial Director
JORGENSON.........Associate City Editor
ETH ERSKINE....Associate Personnel Director
ONES......,......... Sports Editor
,ISEMAN......*....Associate Sports Editor
EMAN..................Associate Sports Editor
ARNOLD................ .Chief Photographer
Business Staff
STEPHEN TOPOL, Business Manager
HECHT............Associate Business Manager

Associted Press News Analyst
assuming that Russia's propos-
al for a United Nations debate on
suspension of nuclear testing is
just a propaganda side issue not
intended to substitute for the in-
ternational conference already set
for Oct. 31 in Geneva.
The United States considers the

The Geneva conference was ex-
pected to follow up politically the
agreement among nuclear experts'
at Geneva recently that it is pos-
sible to set up a workable system
of inspection to see that nobody
violates a testing ban.
The United States had made
considerable concessions. She
agreed to a tentative ban for pur-
poses .ofnegotiation. She agreed

ago on the proposed Middle East.
ern Summit conference.
There was no unanimity of
opinion as to whether the pro-
posed United Nations debate was
merely (an effort to squeeze out
one last drop of propaganda val-
ue, or whether they were actually
setting the stage for a cancella-
tion of or a disagreement at the
Geneva conference.

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