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September 15, 1958 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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CHESE WALLS of the Women's League both men and women study, relax, learn to play
dance or take part in campus activities.
locia Life Ceners a League

the League -was founded
ago, its purpose has been
women students regard-
backgrounds, courses . of'
filiations or interests.
ague has a complex but
tructure. All policy con-
he building is decided by
d of Governors which is/
of eight alumnae and
nd five students.
udent' group has three
of government: the
ouncil, the Women's Sen-
the Judiciary Council.
iuncil Coordinates
Council, which is the ad-
lve branch, includes of-
ommittee chairmen and

presidents of organizations ass6-
diated with the League. ,The pur-
pose of this group is to plan and
co-ordinate activities for Univer-
sity women.
The many committees offer a
varied program, including com,,
munity service through jospital
volunteers and entertainers.'Cam-
pus groups who. sponsor charity
events also refer to this commit-.
Instruction in social dancing,
the Latin rhythms and jitterbug
,are given by a professional teach-
er which the dance class commit-
tee sponsors.
Coitact Provided '
Cpntact with international stu-
dents through the American
Friends Program enables women
students to become acquainted
with people from many lands. This
is an active committee because the
University has the largest inter-
national enrollment of any school.
in the United States.
There is also tutoring services,
for students desiring help in their'

subjects and there is another com-
mittee "which takes care of the
maintenance and staffing of the
League's library. This library has
complete drama and fiction col-
lections, plus records for music
literature students to listen to.
Special projects of educational
and entertainment value, as well
as parties and dances, are pre-
sented. There are class projects
like, the' Junior Girls' Play, So ph
Show and Frosh Weekend.
JGP Presented
JGP, the oldest original produc-
tion on campus, is a musical play'
written, directed, acted and pro-
duced by the women in the junior
Soph Show is also a musical
presentation which men and wo-
men in the sophomore class pre-
sent. They usually select a well-
known Broadway show for their
production. This year's Soph Show
is Cole Porter's musicale, "Any-
thing Goes."
Frosh Weekend consists of one
See LEAGUE, Page 2

Dean Bacon
Greets Coeds
With Advice
Stresses Importance
Of Right Study Habits,
Activities, Counsel
Dean Speaks .
Dean of Women Deborah
Bacon has these words of advice
to incoming freshmen.
"In May and June, the Amer
ican skies echo with good advice
to graduating seniors. In. July
and September, they ring again
with equally good advice to in-
coming freshmen. We will be
happy to start 'a new 'year and
a four-year cycle with the
freshmen women of the class
of '62.
"I have only three pieces of
advice to you before you start
this major project of so much
meaning and potential.
"(1) The number of freshmen
women at the University of
Michigan who turn in good
grades on January 30 by begin-
ning to study on January 15 is
distinctly limited. If, by each
Sunday night, you have com-
pleted the week's assignments,
you will experience little aca-
demic difficulty -in your years
as a Michigan undergraduate.
However, nobody but yourself
is going to turn this idea into
a steady program of sucdessful
(2) Concerning extra-currie-
ular activities: Cultivate the
Golden Mean. You miss much
of the meaning of college life,
you deprive yourself of real fun
and friendships, if you fail to
become an active participant in
one or two activities in your
house this fall. But pick these
two or three projects with dis-
crimination. Don't rush around
in everything. Overparticipaton
means .shallow participation; a
squeaky wheel on campus is
not necessarily a.Big Wheel on
(3) If you have a genuine
problem facing you - academic
or financial or emotional or
health -- it stands to reason that
there must be somebody at the
University of Michigan who is
more of an expert on the sub-
ject than your freshman room-
mate. There are. many areas of
college life in whih your fresh-
man friends can help more than
anyone else in the world.,
But they are not the best
authority on course substitu-
tions, dental repair, budgeting
for a University life, etc. Con-
sult the experts who are all here
to help you solve situations as
they arise. If you do not know
whom to contact, or where to
find him, the special counselor
onyour floor or House Director
;does know the varied resources
of this great University.
Again let me assure you of
our pleasure inhaving you start
this magnificent four years of
your life with us, this fal at
-Deborah Bacon
Dean of Women

When Mary Markley Ha
its doors for the first tit
September, it will welco
pnoimatel. 1 .200f wnmen

NEW RESIDENCE HALL-Designed to house 1,200 women, the Mary Markley Residence Hall is.lo-
cated near to the other women's dormitories on the "Hill." The picture shows one side of the building
with its long, unbroken rows of windows.
,Asseml Cordnae Activities
Fre nden .ue
F~rindpendent WOmen Students


Markley Hal Opens to 1200 Won
{oed op


All freshman women entering
the University this September
automatically become meibers of
Assembly Association, the body of
student .government representing
independent women on campus.
Seeking to coordinate the activ-
ities of women living in dormi-
tories, league houses and cQ-opera-
tives, Assembly is governed by the
Assembly Dormitory Council, the
Co-op Council and the Assembly
f Assembly Dormitory Council
consists of the house presidents
and one representative for every
60 girls. At their weekly meetings
with the Board, Council members
express the opinions of the group
they represent concerning various
facets of student life.
Suggestions Asked
Students are urged Ato bring
their suggestions and" complaints
to their representatives, since it is
through ADC that effective deci-
sions concerning student activities
can be made.
Women living in co-operatives
are represented by the Co.- op
Council, composed of co-op presi-
dents and headed by the Assembly
second vice-president.
The Board, comprising the of-
ficers of the organization, directs
the activities of Assembly as a
whole. The President is an ex-
officio member of .the Student
Government Councild
Work on Dances
Assembly provides a means for
women to participate in a variety
of extra-curricular activities. The
I-Hop, the first dance of the
school year held in October, and
Assembly Ball, held in the spring,
give independent women an op-
portunity to meet people through
work on various committees.
Shortly after I-Hop in the fall
semester comes Fortnite, the an-
nual skit competition among dor-
mitory residents under Assembly
auspices. Entertaining an all-cam-
pus audience in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, each house pre-
sents a humorous skit to vie for

Panhel'Directs, Regulates


3y Arch it(
'H' Shaped Dor
Consists of 8 1-
Double Rooms,



Sororities on Campus

the winning trophy. Scholarship'
cups earned the previous semester
are also distributed at Fbrtnite.
To honor outstanding individuals
in the Residence Halls, Assembly
instituted Circle Society in the
spring of 1957.
Helps Orlent Freshinen
On the more practical side of
campus life, Assembly has jurisdic-
tion over the House Service Com-
mittee. Working with Leonard
Schaadt, Business Manager of the'
Residence Halls, this committee
tries to make dormitory living
more. comfortable. 8

One of Its more recent projects
was , advising the architectural
committee of Markley Hall on
room design and decoration. As-
sembly also sponsors a Big Sister-
Little Sister program tobhelp orient
freshman women to campus life.
To better understand the func-
tions of the Assembly Association
and perhaps to help in their execu-
tion Patricia Marthenke, '59; pros-
ident, extends an invitation to all
independent women on campus, to
attend Assembly meetings at 4
p.Mn., every Monday, in the Student
Activities Building.


nsts have the'
'resident and
on an in-
he Hatchers
the campus
-.the school'
idence direc-

are arranged vertically on
sides of the "H."
"The houses are' more or
separate so that students.can
that they belong to a living
smaller than Markley as a wh
Pat Marthenke, '59, Asse
president, said. .
Women Plan Hall
She explained in many res
lafkley has been built to
ply with the desires and tast
Michigan women. Several5
ago a questionnaire was circu
among women students to
teormine-which facilities are
sidered of greatest important
A 'student representative
Assembly on the Architec
Board brought coed opinion t
A Markley Hall planning
mittee was created by Assen
Members of the committee
presented with possible
schemes for Markley rooms
with swatches of material W
could be used for interior dec
Select Furniture, China
In making these selections;
deciding on furniture and <
ware, the committee tried tc
press coed opinion, Miss A
thenke said.
All the rooms in Markley
are doubles. The ,basement
the wings contain laundryr
and music rooms where stu<
will be able to practice. "We
that pianos for these rooms wi
bought soon," Miss Marthenk
Markley corridor meetings
not be of the long and narrow
perpetuated in the older de
tories. Sacrificing tradition
confort, each hou a will hav
own meeting room. house d
tor and a counselor will liv
different floors of each unit.
Facilities Provided -
The center of the "H" con'
facilities to be used by, all Mar
residents. Dining rooms, recrea
rooms, a library, andLa coed;lou
in addition to such essential
mailboxes and a service desk
be located there.
"Perhaps the most. attra
feature of the central area is
ever-tempting snack, bar,"
Marthenke said.
By ruling of the Board of C
ernors, Betsy Barbour, an up
class house last year, will retur
being'a four-year dormitory
Through a, questionnaire c
nated by Assembly, it zwas fo
that there is still a definite d
on the part of coeds for an up
class dormitory. Thus Asser
was faced with the problemi
creating a residence for up
class women.
Little Established
The planning committee dec
to establish Barbara Little as
upper-class house. This plan
accepted by Assembly and
Dean of Women, Miss Marth

Dorm Big Sisters Welcome
New, Students with Advice


Panhellenic Association, gov-
erning the one local and 21 na-
tional sororities at the University,
is the body which represents the
affiliated women on campus.
Phi Sigma Sigma, a chapter,
extinct at the University for a
number of years, was reactivated
this past yar. Endorsed by Pan-
hellenic, and having the necessary
legal apd financial qualifications,
Student Government Council ap-
proved the -charter bf Phi Sigma
Sigma last spring.
The self-styled objectives " of
Panhellenic are three. First, Pan-
hel co-operates with the Univer-,
sity administration to maintain
high ideals among womgen over
which they have jurisdiction.
Second, it promotes co-opera-
tion among the sororities and be-
tween sorority and 'non-sorority
women. Last, the Association
compiles and regulates rules gov-
erning rushing, pledging and ini-

years, rush had been held in the
fall, the week after registration.
This year, however, sorority
rushing was not held until the
second semester,. In snow and
cold, approximately 1300 rushees
were led around to 22 sorority
open houses over a three week
Divided into groups of approxi-
mately 50, the girls were oriented
and counseled by a rushing coun-
selor who had been temporarily ;
disaffiliated from her house in or-
der to facilitate her job.
Bids Sent
Bids were sent out for each of
the four sets of parties that each'7
sorority gave. The parties were of
the same general type, dinner,
informal or garne-slaying warty.

set many years ago,
lnts eat fancy pastry'
formally with, the Pres-
als wife.
s from the League act
nd conduct students on
e historic home.
tainment Provided.
quartets, soloists, .or'
ps may be present to
formal entertainment.
campus may often be
ent is open 'to all the
id foreign students area
nvited to get acquainted
American students. A
oup or residence is in-
h open house as special
Alexander Ruthven
e student open houses
s 22 years of office The
became a tradition.
stom Introduced
om of having men and
idents serve as hosts,
es and introduce guests
dent and his wife start-
hen the social commit-
League and Union took
sk of organization.
ident's home, the oldest
n campus, has a long
850, it is located on the
acres of the campus.
Style Popular
by an eastern archi-
use resembled the style
i this region in the
e "Widow's 'Walk," a
ed area on the roof
e was intended for the
e who anxiously waited
t glimpse of her hus-
a as he returned from

"Wear comfortable shoes for
orientation," and "Don't be afraid
of your English 23 professor" arel
sample bits of advice offered to
incoming students by their Big
In the spring, girls sign up in,
the dorms to be Big Sisters the
following fall. During the summer
they are sent a list of the new
girls, assigning them one or pos-
sibly two little sisters, to whom
they write welcoming, letters.
Through these letters, Big Sis-
ters can give the new girls some,
idea of what to expect on cam-
pus, from weekly corridpr meet-
ings to rainy weather.
They can impart bits of advice
derived from their own experience
from "Don't forget a raincoat!"
and "Bring hangers and a shoe
These letters are perhaps the
most important part of the Big
Sister program, since they make;
it possible for incoming coeds who
might otherwise know no one on!
campus to know at the least the
name of one girl.
Big Sisters return in the fall
in time for orientation to help
their little sisters through the first
few days which are apt to be the
most confusing. At this time the
houses have Big. and Little Sister
picnics where the girls can get to
know each other.
In addition to this they may
have dinners, teas, get-together
parties and coffee parties to fur-
ther this friendship. Each house
conducts its own program and
determines the type and extent of
the program.
In the past, the Big Sister pro-
gram has ended ,with these first
weeks. "This year," Karen Barling,
'59Ed., Assembly Association Big
Sister chairman said. "I would

and become members of the
For a new girl, whether a fresh-
man away from home for the first
time or a transfer student trying
to get used to a different campus,
a Big Sister is someone who has
been here before, and can answer
questions about what to wear to a.
Little Club dance or what "nat;
sci." means.
She can help her little sister
with personal problems, answer
questions about academic and
campus life and in general aid in
the adjustment to University life.

During the past
held. spring rush. .

year, Panhel
In previatis ,

held snrin~ rush. In urevious


League, Union To Sponsor Social Orientation

The Union and League, in co-
operation with the administra-
tion, will sponsor the social orien-
tation 'programdtoparallel the
University's academic orientation.
Orientation week for freshmen
and transfer students who have
not had summer academic .orien--
tation will begin Monday, Sept.
15, with a mass meeting in Hill
Auditorium where they will meet
their orientation leaders and join
their respective groups. 4
The rest of that day and Tues-
day. will be devoted to academic
testing with the language place-
ment tests being given on Monday
Registration Planned
On Wednesday there will be,
registration withIindividual groups
meeting before. In these meetings,
the orientation leaders will ex-,
plain the procedure .and answer
any questionp the new students
may have about rgeistration.
The rest of the week will be de-
voted to social activities so that

leaders will address the new stu-
dent body.
Following the "President's Wel-
come,'7 there will be an all-campus.
sing on the Diagonal. The band
and cheerleaders will be there to
lead the group in their first intro-
duction to school spirit.
There will also be College Night
where students will become fa-
miliar with the schools they are
enrolled i. Besides this, the
League and Union are planning
coke dates and the dorms will ar-
range mixers. s
Individual orientation groups
will be able to attend League-
Union Forums where the students
will be given the opportunity, to
ask upper classmen questions
about the University and campus
life, too.
Students To Tour
In addition, there will be tours
of the campus including the Stu-
dent Publications Building, the
League, the Union and the Stu-
dent Activities Building. These'
btinac will ha a ill.c,.hn.

but each house had a central.
theme which it carried through.
'To each party a lesser number
of girls is invited, and it is
through this procedure that the
"final dessert" list is selected.
Final desserts are the last and
most- important parties given.
They are dressy affairs at which
coffee and a "house specialty"
are served.,
Supervision Provided
Panhellenic provides, supervi-
sion' for the entire rush process
by serving as a middle-man, re-
ceiving the bids from the various
sororities and distributing them1
to rushees.
Through an IBM machine, sor-
ority bids are tabulated, rushees
preferences are noted and the re-
sults are distributed accordingly.
Honor Code Enforced
Each sorority, is on its honor
to give no indication of its inter-
est in a girl, or to place any pres-
sure on a girl during the period
preceding and including rush, ac-
cording to Panhel rushing rules.
Spring rush will again be in e#-
fect for the 1958-59 academic
year. It will begin on Feb. 17.
Panhel is composed of an ad-
ministrative and' 1 e g i s l a t i v e
branch, the former. being the Ex-
ectitive Council and the latter the
Board of Delegates.
The Executive Council, com-
posed of Panhel officers and ad-;
ministrative chairmen, plans and
coordinates the activities of the
Association, is responsible for the
formulation of policies concern-
ing Panhel and submits such
nolicies to the Board of Deleates


Dean of W(
planning con
for' filling t
was felt tha
had already

League F-
Dance CI
Once again the Leai
ing dance classes to
students, staff and fac
There are classes fe
and intermediates, plu
the Latin rhythms. F
time, there will also be
.TJnsftde a nrnfes

's home was one

.:.:. :

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