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September 17, 1958 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-17

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of.Woodhead Retires After 34 Years;
idied 'Unsolved Problems' of Parasites


University professor who de-
ted much of his career to the
nany unsolved problems of para-
ology," Arthur E. Woodhead,
tired this summer after 34 years
the faculty.
Prof. Woodhead of the zoology
partment has aimed his re-
arch at "pure" or "basic"-the
for Business
and Editorial

not immediately applicable-but
certain important applications
have been made as a result. ,
One Of his maJor accomplish-,
ments has been tracing the life
history of the giant kidney worm
-a parasite that gets into the;
kidney of an animal and "takes
over"-many times causing death.-
The worm had been found in;
mink of a farm near Ann Arbor.
Studied Mink
Prof. Woodhead and his staff of
graduate students studied the in-
fected mink and learned that the
worms were entering the. mink
from catfish being fed to them.
The situation was brought un-
der control by following Prof.
Woodhead's suggestion that the
fish be thoroughly cooked before
they were served to the mink. The
professor has also been a long
time advocate of pre-cooking gar-
bage fed to hogs.1
Prof. Woodhead has developed
a photographic apparatus, which]
takes "inexpensive micro-moviesE
which can be used to study thet
method of penetration, of para-
sites into their hosts."

Prof. Woodhead, who was born
and educated in central Massa-
chusetts and married "a Yankee
compatriot," Ethel A. Hayden of
South Thomaston, Maine, came to
the University as an instructor in
zoology in 1924. In 1929 he was
promoted to assistant professor
and became an associate profes-
sor in 1937.
Discovered Cycle
The germ cell cycle in a species
known as trematoda, which causes
the deadly disease schistosomiasis
or human blood fluke and swim-
mer's itch, was discovered by Prof.
Although his theory was formed
nearly 20 years ago that trema-
todes pass through three genera-
tions in their germ cell, until re-
cently few parasitologists have
been willing to accept his view.
Undaunted by the failure of his
colleagues to accept his ideas,
Prof. Woodhead asserts; "Wheth-
er they go along with my thinking
or not, the germ cell cycle is all
wrapped up in old Woodhead's
head and I know I'm right."

Asian Plan
By Institute
The University has undertaken
to train Southeast Asian teachers
in English, Prof. Edward M. An-
thony of the English Language In-
stitute announced recently.
The program will send 15 per-
sons whose native language is
English to Laos, Vietnam, Thai-
land and possibly Cambodia to
teach persons in those countries
how to teach English.
At the same time, a total of
eight people from the Asian Coun-
tries will come to ELI for similar
The United States International
Cooperation Administration is pro-
viding the funds for the program,
which will cost $1,349,750 over a
three-year period. The grant
covers allcosts for travel, salaries
and equipment.
Prof. Anthony will be among the
first group to go to Asia. He will.
make his headquarters at Bang-
kok. Others from ELI who will
participate are William A. Stacey
and William T. Weir, who will go
to Laos.

Atomicdenergy law should seek
the "golden mean" of protecting
the general public while still pre-
serving the industry from the risk
of excessive liability, according to
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law
If it does not, "the economic
basis of atomic enterprise could
become questionable," he warned.
Dean Stason suggested that
damages incurred through acts of
God "-earthquakes, war, sabo-
tage, or airplane crashes, for
example-" should be paid by
government. Otherwise, owners of
atomic reactors would be unable
to insure themselves fully.
Notes Tendency
Speaking at the Second Inter-
national Conference on Peaceful
Uses of Atomic Energy recently,,
Dean Stason noted an interna-
tional tendency to hold individuals
or companies liable for damages,
even though accidents occur
through no fault'of theirs.
He urged that reasonable limits
be established upon this principle
of absolute liability in order to
avoid overburdening of the atomic
energy industry in its infancy.

Legislation'should set maximum
damage payments, he said. "This
will protect the employer from
financial failures resulting from
excessive liability and will enable'
him to cover the predictable risks
by insurance."
Considering Laws
The dean observed that Britain
and West Germany are now con-
Prof. Spuhler
Directs Study
Of Fertility
Prof. James N. Spuhler of the
anthropology and human genetics
departments is directing a one
year study of seasonal variations
in human fertility..
One hundred Jackson prison in-
mates are assisting in the project
which is now in its fourth month.
There is a high probability of
fetus loss due to seasonal varia-
tions, Prof. Spuhler said. The re-
searchers are studying when the
variations occur and why they
Roger Heglar and Charlotte
Otten, senior serologists in the
depar4ment of ,anthropology, are
assisting Prof. Spuhler in the,
study, which is done on a monthly

sidering laws implementing this
policy, and could become part of
the pattern of future atomic legis-
In regard to the less hazardous
uses of atomic energy, however,
the normal liability regulations
may prove sufficient. Dean Stason
cited the medical use of radioac-
tive isotopes as a case in point.
"It seems generally to be
thought that' doctors should not
be subjected to new or higher
standards of care than in connec-
tion with other treatments. .
doctors may prove to be the favor-
ed children of the atomic age,"
he said,
Extension Needed
On account of radiation .in-.
juries, which do not make them-
selves felt for several years, the
statutes of limitations will need
to be extended to insure justice,
Dean Stason said.
Certain diseases, which can be,
caused by radiation but also are
acquired by a given percentage of
the population from other causes,
will also cause complexities in,
atomic liability law.
The origins of these diseasesa
very likely will defy precise iden-
tification, Dean Stason said. Lawsi
governing liability here can, be
drafted tonly after scientific and
statistical research on the diseases,
he suggested.

Liability Protection Needed

Needs Cited
"Emphasis of scholarsh'
give the erroneous ii c1
that our problem is pripiaruiy u
of quantity rather than of quali-
ty," President Samuel R. Spen-
cer. of Mary Baldwin College said
For this reason, Spencer ,said,
the federal scholarship program
cannot solve the country's, great-
est educational needs.
Spencer cited increased faculty
salaries, improved facilities, bet-
ter libraries and laboratories, and
a "more dyamic" educational pro-
gram, as among these -major
The genuine concern for educa-
tional improvement in the Ad-.
ministration's program is encour-
aging to all persons in the edu-
cational field, but there is a dan-
ger that the people will sit back
and assume that the Federal gov-
ernment can and will solve the
problem," Spencer added.
Education in the .future must
be based on four principles, he
said. He listed these as:
1) Improved status for teach-
2) Seeking out and encourag-
ing of gifted students';
3) Education according to abil-
4) Emphasis on quality rather
than quantity.


Germination of Ragweed Pollen Studied

1 1

For a freshman,
I.din'tlook. very fresh!
Matter of fact, I looked un-fresh. Rumpled. You know?
Bought a couple shirts, ties, slacks, etc., but couldn't
manage all new threads. And when I wore last year's stuff
I heard the man say: "Look at that rumpled freshman!"
But then I got a tip ... "Man, go to Greene's Cleaners"'
so ran
into Greene's.
It's the greatest! Greene's South U. store has complete
service for students. Their cleaning process - "Micro-
cleaning"--is so good it's-patented! It's gentle, thorough,
revitalizes older clothes, gives new clothes the right start
so they last longer. Greene's has "custom cleaning" for
formals . . shirt laundry that's the greatest. There's even
a handy self-service set-up especially for busy students!

An attack on plants is under
way by University researchers.
Hay fever, and the cause of its
sneeze is drawing the heaviest
The question of exactly what in
pollen causes hay fever is the fo-
cal point of study.
Working this summer with the
idea that germination may be the
root of hay fever, Theodore Beals,
a doctoral candidate in botany,
now theorizes that the sneeze in
hay fever stems from something
in the outer shell of the pollen,
or by something inside the pollen
itself which enters the body after
the pollen germinates in the suf-
ferer's nose.
Germination Heavy
Ragweed produces more pollen
than any other plant and in its
natural setting, may have close
to 100 per cent germination, Beals
says. But until recently, research-

ers lhave only been able to ger-
minate 10 per cent of the pollen
in artificial trials.
Beals reports "up to 80 per cent
success" by using a mixture of
sugar and gelatin similar to the
sticky substance\found. .on the
stigma (female) part of the rag-
weed flower."
Although the "method enables
researchers to get almost four-
fifths of the pollen to germinate,
or begin growth, "as yet we have
not discovered the right medium
for truly successful germination.
Many times the growth starts but
it doesn't continue," Beals said.
To Work on Tissue
A future step will be experi-
mentation with human tissues.
If Beals is successful in the at-
tempt to germinate pollen in hu-
man tissues, and when predict-
able results are achieved, re-
searchers can then look for:

1) The effect of age on pol-
len's ability to cause sneezing;
2) Whether human tissue al-
lows pollen to germinate; and,
3) Whether antihistamines in-
hibit pollen germination and why.
Beals is conducting his research
with Prof. Warren H. Wagner, Jr.
of the botany department and
head of a five year University
study of ragweed and hay fever,
sponsored by the National Insti-
tute of/Health.
Project Under Way
In another project, a Univer-
sity' research team is 'surveying
seven southeastern M i c h i g a n
counties to learn which plants
grow there and how they are re-
lated to other organisms.
It will be the first such inven-
tory of the plant communities in
Washtenaw, Macomb, Wayne, St.
Clair, Livingston, Oakland and
Monroe counties.

I O __ ..f i V



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