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February 22, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-22

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nion To Host Second Annual Campus United Nations 1 1


UNITED NATIONS--Delegates to the mock Campus United Nations will assemble in Rackham Lecture
\ Hall on March 7 to debate a resolution over'the Algerian question: The resolution was drafted by
Tunisia and it proposes to recognize Algeria as an independent country. Maynard Goldman, president
of Student Government Council, will be Secretary-General of the General Assembly and will preside
over the debate.

To promote understanding be-
tween foreign and American stu-
dents at the University, and to
promote an interest in the United
Nations and to give students an
opportunity to express their views
on an important world problem,
the Michigan Union will hold the
second annual mack United Na-
tions on March 6 and 7.
This mock United Nations will

be conducted just like its father
in New York, and University stu-
dents either born in or from for-
eign nations will act as delegates
from their respective countries in
the general assembly, Maurice Zil-
ber, '60, Union executive council-
man in charge of the Internation-
al Relations Committee, said.
No Russian Students
Only the Union of Soviet Social-
ist Republics will not have any

representative actually from it.
American students in the Russian
studies and political science de-
partments will act as delegates
from Russia.
With the exception of the Rus-
sian delegation who will express
the official stand of the U.S.S.R.,
each student will give his own
opinions and not necessarily those
of his government, Zilber said.
The proposed resolution for dis-
cussion by the . general assembly
will consider the Algerian ques-
Tell Resolution
"Considering that world peace
is a vital interest to all nations
and recognizing the principle of
self-determination embodied in
the United Nations Charter and
believing that the situation in Al-
ISA To Start
In Dancing
The International Students As-
sociataion dance classes in Ameri-
can ballroom dancing and Latin
American dancing will begin at
7:15 p.m. and .8:15 p.m. respec-
tively tomorrow in the Lane Hall
basement, according to Robert E.
Hiedemann, instructor.
The classes are open to all stu-
dents and Americans are particu-
larly urged to attend. The Ameri-
can ballroom classes will learn the
fox trot, waltz and jitterbug steps.
The Latin American class will
concentrate on the rhumba, mam-
bo and cha-cha.
Classes will be conducted each
Monday -night for ten weeks. Re-
quests to learn particular steps
will be fulfilled if there is time.
At the end of the ten-week
period a party for all students
will be held. Further information
can be obtained by calling the
International Center after 1 p.m.
or Heidemann at NO 5-6290 after
ADC To Conduct
Dinner Meeting
At Couzens Hall
Assembly Dormitory Council
will hold its first dinner meeting
tomorrow at Couzens Hall.
This type informal meeting is
now possible due to ADC's greatly
reduced membership, Patricia
Marthenke, '59, its president, told
the group last week at its first
meeting of the semester.
A constitutional amendment
ratified in January changed mem-
bership from proportional repre-
sentation-about 60 members-to
one elected representative from
each housing unit. There are now
23 ADC representatives.
Tomorrow's discussion will focus
on problems involved in women
changing residence halls for ,the
fall semester and tentative plans
for expansion of women's cooper-
ative housing, Miss Marthenke

geria is a great threat to world
peace,, we resolve:
"1) To recognize the right of
the Algerian people to self-deter-
mination and independence.
"2) To provide, under the aus-
pices of the United Nations, for a
two-year transitional period dur-
ing which the administration will
be transferred from the French
authorties to the Provisional Gov-
ernment of the Republic of Al-
geria, being the only representa-
tive of the Algerian people.
"3) That the future government
of Algeria is to respect the rights
of all minority groups in Algeria."
Opens Mock UN
At 8 p.m. March 6, in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall, P. Krishna-
murthy, Grad., president of the
International Students Associa-
tion will preside over the opening
These consist of a proclamation
calling the second annual Campus
United Nations to order, one min-
ute of silent prayer and a report
by the credentials and procedures
committee affirming the geating
of the delegates and outlinihg the{
procedure for debate which will
be based on "Robert's Rules of
This committee, which consists
of three members, is elected by
the General Assembly and it will
makerrecommendations for chang-
ing these rules if it is found neces-
sary to do so. No delegation may
represent a country unless its cre-
dentials have been approved by
the committee.
Krishnamurthy will then intro-
duce Maynard Goldman, '59, pres-
ident of the Student Government
Council, who will preside as Sec-
retary General of the debate.
Introduce Speaker
Goldman will introduce Univer-
sity president Harlan Hatcher,
who will introduce Sir Leslie Mun-
roe, the featured speaker of the
evening. ,
Sir Leslie Munroe, past presi-
dent of the United Nations, has
just returned from a fact-finding
mission in Korea, and his special
interest is the United Nations Po-
lice Force.
After his speech, Goldman will
introduce Ahmed B e 1 k ho d j a,
Grad., delegate from Tunisia, who
will read the Algerian resolution
wich Tunisia wrote.
Following this, Goldman will
adjourn the session for that day.
Delegates to Register
Delegates have been requested
to officially register at 9:30 a.m.
on March 7 and the general as-
sembly will be called to order at
10 a.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall,
Zilber said.
Debate of the resolution will be-
gin at this time with a delegate
from Tunisia and one from
France giving 20-minute speeches.
These two speeches will be fol-
lowed by 10-minute speeches con-
cerning the resolution by the Phil-

the assembly and the same pro-
cedure will be observed if an
amendment is introduced.
Conduct Vote
After the vote on the amend-
ments, a vote will be taken on
the resolution taking each part
separately. Then, a final vote will
be taken on the whole resolution.
The final vote will be a roll call
vote and at this time, each coun-
try may speak for two minutes
about the resolution or why they
voted the way they did.
A two-thirds majority is neces-
sary for passage of the. amend-
ments, the parts of the resolution
and the resolution in general.
Following the final vote, there
will be one minute of silent prayer
and then Goldman will call for
adjournment, which is expected
to be around 4:30 p.m., Zilber said.
Commission Mural
The Union has commissioned
the art department to make a
permanent mural depicting the
purposes of the mock United Na-
tions. This mural will be on dis-
play at Rackham during the ses-
sions and it will then be put on
display at the Union.
All students of the University
are invited to attend any or all
of the proceedings without charge,
Zilber said. Although other col-
leges and universities have mock
United Nations sessions, the Uni-
versity is unique in that students
actually represent the countries
from where they come, with the
exception of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics as there is no
Russian student on the Univer-
sity campus, he continued.
The entire proceedings has the
official backing of the speech,
history, and political science de-

.,..ISA president
ippines, Ceylon, United Kingdom,
Indonesia, Russia, United States,
Ukraine, United Arab Republic,
Iraq and India.
Then there will be a five-minute
rebuttal each by Tunisia and
France. Following this the assem-
bly will be adjourneduntil 2 p.m.
The afternoon session is sched-
uled to begin with discussion of
an amendment to the resolution.
This amendment will have been
prepared in advance, Zilber said.
Two five-minute speeches for
the amendment and two against
will be heard and then a vote will
be taken on the amendment.
A second amendment may then
be introduced by any country ex-
temporaneously from the floor of

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