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February 21, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-21

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rrowsmith Relates Critical Positions

another factor has been the fact
that the critic seldom undertakes
the full job, under the guise of
objectivity. Prof. Arrowsmith's
general charge against the old
critics is that of incompleteness.
Plays Discussed
He believes that the plays
should be discussed at the level
of experience. His critical ideal-
"to restore depth and passion be-
fore and after their moralizing,
sense, feeling, the significantly
lived experience, to know again
why the plot is the soul of the
play and not its skeleton, to re-
fresh simplicity of reason" has
not been completely realized in
even the new criticism.
This, although it escapes the
scientific, factual approach has a
certain drive of symbolism which
also misses the turbulent nature
of human experience.
"A new perspective would re-
fresh our traditional idea of
Greek theatre," Prof. Arrowsmith
Talked on Heroism
In his second lecture, Prof. Ar-
rowsmith discussed necessity and
tragic heroism.
"Necessity, that set of unalter-
able facts we call the human con-
dition is the center of Greek
tragedy. It is the inherent hostili-
ty of blind chance, the great god-
sprung trap of Oedipus."
In the struggle of necessity, the
hero is borne of his magnificence
in power to rise above it, unmak-
ing and remaking the old morali-
ty. "Orestes, for example, discov-
ers compassion and purity in the
face of a deforming necessity."
Prof. Arrowsmith explained.
Choice Called Factor
"Choice is a determining factor
in heroism. "We all think we act
in freedom, though upon reflec-
tion we find we could- not have
acted otherwise," said Prof. Ar-
rowsmith. "Agamemnon really
chose but was also compelled to
choose. A man acts from the ne-
cessity of his nature and as the
gods choose." This is not as para-
doxical as it appears, Prof. Arrow-
smith explained, but is a firmly
classical notion.
In this relationship of choice
and fate, man and Zeus share the
laurels of justice. "God," said

Polls Help
Public opinion reporting "is add-
ing a new human sideto inter-
pretative reporting," Samuel Lub-
ell said speaking at one of the
University lectures in Journal-
In order to do effective public
opinion reporting one must know
one's problem, he continued. In1
order to really do this, it is neces-
sary to be able to trace its impact
on people, and to understand why
different people give different an-
swers to the questions asked.
In addition, one must know the
community in which one is work-
ing and be able to understand the
forces acting on the people, Lub-
ell said.
Skills Needed
Also, a reporter in this field
must have skills in interviewing
people and "none of these things
are easy to do," he added.
There "are three key techniques
to opinion reporting," he. con-

Regents Approve
Leaves of Absence

. . . guest lecturer

tinued. These are: flexibility of in-
terviewing technique, the ability
to place people in a setting of sig-
nificance, and the ability to take

Prof. Arrowsmith, "sends the ne- the responses of the individuals
cessity upon man so that he may and to project them into a pat-
learn and share responsibility with tern which has meaning.
the gods, who also must learn." "Interviewing," he said, "is
Greek tragedy, particularly the strenuous, sometimes even dan-
tragedies of .uripides, has been gerous. People have all sorts of
hurt by the c tical notion of the suspicions." Little things such as
tragic flaw, the hero's possession ress and manner are very im-
of which will necessitate the re- portant.
suiting tragedy. Critics try to find Gets Quotes
the tragic flaw in a hero's nature, In order to put people in mean-
Prof. Arrowsmith said, but often, ingful settings, Lubell uses vari-
there is none, aid its expectation ous techniques. He trys to get his
only creates trouble. "quotes so they sound like real
Concept Altered people" are speaking. In addition,
Euripides further conflicted he thinks through the problem he
with. Aristotelianism in that he is concerned with very carefully
rarely has a single hero; he dif- and figures out what factors are
fuses heroism over several char- influential in producing differ-
acters. When this occurs, concen- ent responses. Then the people
tration on the "tragic flaw" no- that are to be questioned must be
tion of tragedy leads only to con- chosen m light of this analysis.
fusion."These factors all merge," Lub-
Prof. Arrowsmith pointed out ell said, and through this method
that the hero's progress is related of analysis, one can get a very
to the'structure of the play good idea of individual motivation
meaning into action." and develop techniques of public
The critical question. in tragedy, opinion reporting which rivals
he said, is how a protagonist at- statistical methods in effective-
tains heroism. "We need far great- ness, but which has the advantage
er precision indealing with the of allowing the reporter to know
hero," Prof. Arrowsmith added. why he does what he does.

The Regents in their meeting
yesterday approved 21 leaves of
absence, two were extended andr
changes were made in threeF
Eric M. Aupperle, a research as-
sistant in the University Research
Institute, was given leave without
pay from Feb. 7 to May 1, 1959.
Prof. Marston Bates of the zo-
ology department was granted sick"
leave for Feb. 1 to April 1, 1959,
because of a broken leg.,
Grants Leave1
Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of
the economics department, was
given leave from March 13 toE
April 13, 1959 to lecture at the
seminar in American Studies at
Prof. Kenneth M. Case of the
physics department, was given sick
leave from Jan. 27 to March 9,t
Prof. Irving M. Copi of the phil-
osophy department, was given
leave without salary for the firstj
semester of the 1959-60 year. He
will use the time to take a visit-
ing appointment at Princeton Uni-
Sabbatical Givenj
Prof. Donald R. G. Cowan of1
the School of Business Adminis-
tration, was granted his request
that a sabbatical leave be post-
poned from the second semester
of 1958-59 to the second semester
of 1959-60, and that instead he be
given leave without pay for the1
second semester of 1958-59.
The Regents also approved d
leaves for Prof. Samuel J. Elders-
veld and Prof. Russell H. Fifield,
both professors of the political;
science department. Prof. Elders-
veld has been offered an invitation
to be a fellow at the Ford Foun-
dation Center for Advanced Study
in the Behavioral Sciences in Cal-
ifornia and Prof. Fifield was given
time to accept a research fellow-
ship by the Council on Foreign
Relations. He will prepare a study
on "The Defense of Southeast
Prof. Edward O. Gilbert, an as-
sistant professor of areonautical
engineering, was given leave with-
out salary for the second semester
of 1958-59 so that he may devote
his time to research work and
consulting work.
Change Made
The request of Prof. Robert F.
Haugh, an associate professor- of
the English department for -a
change in his sabbatical leave
from the second semester of 1958-
59 to the first semester of 1959-60
was granted. Also he received
leave without pay for the second
semester of 1958-59.
Katherine S. Hill, a teacher in
the University School, was given
sick leave from Jan. 6 to Feb. 3,
Prof. Maynard Klein, an asso-
ciate professor of choral music,
was also given sick leave for the
second semester of 1958-59.
Group Starts
College Study
A citizens advisory committee
has been set up to study the need
for community colleges in thee six
county area in southeast Michi-
gan, Alice Beeman, vice-president
of the American Association of
University Women, a member of
the committee, said yesterday.
The committee will attempt to
determine how many community
colleges are needed, Miss Beeman
The study is a result of the Rus-
sell report which suggested addi-
tional community colleges in the
area which includes Wayne, Wash-,
tenaw, Monroe, Oakland, Macomb
and Lenawee counties, she said.

The advisory committee, which
includes 84 representatives from
education, business, labor and gov-
ernment throughout the southeast-
area of Michigan, has been divided
into seven sub-committees.
She said the committees will
study population and enrollments,
to determine how large an enroll-
ment there should be in certain
areas in future years; programs,
to determine how post high school
educational needs might best be
met; existing facilities; location
of new facilities; finance; legisla-
tion and public relations.

George H. Langeler, resident di-
rector of East Quadrangle, was
given leave for theperiod. from
Feb. 1 to Aug. 31,. 1959. He has,
accepted -a temporary position at
Oberlin College and will spend the
ummer in Europe.
Prof. Ernest N. McCarus, an as-
sistant professor of Near Eastern
Studies, was given an extension
of his leave without pay, so as to
continue as director of the Arabic
Language and Area School at
Beirut, Lebanon.
Prof. William D. Melvaine, an
associate professor. of industrial
engineering, ws given a leave
without pay for the second se-
mester of 1958-59.
To Complete Research
The request of Prof. Herbert E.
Miller of accounting, for a sabbati-
cal leave for the first semester of
1959-60 was granted. The time
will be used to complete the re-
search and study that will go
into the publication of a revised
Prof. Roger A. Pack, an associ-
ate professor of Latin, was, given
a change in his sabbatical leave
from the fullyear of 1958-59 to
the first semester of 1958-59.
Prof. Julius C. Palmer, of engi-
neering drawing, was given sick
leave from Jan. 23 to April 1, 1959.
Regents Act
Prof. Esther E. Pease, an assist-
ant professor of physical educa-
tion, was given a sabbatical leave
for the 1959-60 year.
Prof. D. Maynard Phelps, of
marketing, was granted an .ex-
tension of his one-quarter time
leave to cover the second semester
of 1958-59.
Prof. Ernst Pulgram, or romance
languages and of classical linguis-
tics, was given leave without pay
for the 1959-60 year. He has been
awarded a fellowship from the
American Council of Learned So-
cieties to engage in research in
Grant Extension
Prof. 'Gerald M. Ridenour, of
public health engineering, was
granted an extension of his sick
leave for six months from Feb. 12,
Prof. Maurice H. Seevers, chair-
man of the Department of Phar-
maeology, was given leave from
March 15 to June 15, 1959. He has
been invited to be a guest speak-
er and to accept an honorary
membership in the Japanese
Pharmacological Society in Tokyo.
Prof. Cyrus C. Sturgis, of inter-
nal medicine, was granted sick
leave for the period from March 1,
1959 to June 30, 1960.
Prof. Herbert F. Taggart, of the
accounting department, was given
a sabbatical leave for the second
semester of 1959-60. He will spend
part of the period in England ex-
ploring the uses of cost data for
pricing purposes ifthe necessary
arrangements can be made.
Franklin H. Westervelt, an in-
structor in mechanical engineer-
ing, was given leave from Feb. 1,
1959 to Jan. 31, 1960.
Bob Elliott Mark Harvey
Earle Pearson Dick Collins
Dick Pollinger Dick Tilkin

C/ei er
Tonight at 7 and 9 P.M.
Sunday at 8 P.M.
Short: Geography of the Body
50 cents
Cinema Guild Program
Union-League Wall Calendar



42 MIWoN PEoPLE '145 COes Au OvERa TrE WoRol
satDa by TERENCE RATTIGAN and JOHN GAY . , a mA %
DIAL NO 2-2513


(Mr. Steinberg's first appearance in Ann Arbor)
in HILL AUDITORIUM, at 8:30 P.M.

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