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The Class of 1959
(Continued from Page 10)
Several pointed out that they
now "had a better understanding
of people." In some cases, this
meant they could now work better
with others, which they termed an
important asset for any business
man; one person thought he had
been able to make good contacts
for future years. Two expressed a
belief they had developed poise
and tact through meeting others.
Almost all 'saw this improved
"ability to get along with others,"
as. a major asset for their private'
Almost all agreed that they had
become more "tolerant," "well-
rourded," and "broadened." While
these terms were largely unde-
fined, they generally applied to
getting along with others, meeting
people of different backgrounds,
from different parts of the United
States, and gaining many different
kinds of knowledge.
One student explained that
thinking of others "got one out
of oneself.," which he considered
MOST WERE quite happy with
the quality of their profes-
sional education; but reactions to
liberal arts courses varied greatly.
Some found them beneficial and
"broadening." One said they would
help him to converse intelligently
with people, and face problems
"outside his professional career."
Some were sorry that they had not
had the opportunity to do more
work outside their field. They had
developed interests in English,
fine arts music literature and phi-
losophy. Another said that the two
year requirement of literary col-
lege courses was extremely valu-
able and far more satisfactory
than four year business adminis-
tration courses.
Some students however, derided
the values one picks up in the
literary college, One pointed up
that he "could pick up the stuff
you get in L.S.&A. by traveling in
Europe for a year." Another said
that literary college course's would
not help one to make a living.
Five thought they had learned
how to think more critically since
they had come to school, that they
"can analyze and evaluate alterna-
tives more rationally;" were "more
critical of authority-less inclined
to accept it;" and could "objec-
tively examine both sides of an
argument," before coming to a
PRAISE for the business admin
istration school was almost
unanimous. Many pointed to its
high quality technical courses, to
a better understanding of business
and a better understanding of
their own goals. As one student
explained, it "focused his voca-
tional aims - now he knows what
he wants to do."
And most of the men interviewed
know what they want to do. The
decisions range from graduate
school and law school, to working
in a bank, to working at the mid-
dle management level, and in mar-
keting research. Only one student
wanted his own business, and he
did not want it to become too big
so that he would be forced to give
it all his time.
Desired incomes at the end of
ten years, where listed, ranged
from $10,000 to $20,000. Almost all
wanted to get married and settle
down soon, and only one specifi-
cally mentioned he planned to
participate in community activities
of any sort.
Education School
' HE ACADEMIC values of edu-'
cation school range from
"aroused my intellectual curiosity"
to "courses are discouraging, un-
challenging and a complete waste
of time," seniors in the school re-
One male student commented
that the school of education "made
me reason and learn to think"'
while at the same time "it broad-
HE WHOLE IDEA of athletic
scholarships is absurd. Why
should a university be out paying R l
athletes? A university is an edu-
cational institution and it should
not lower itself to hiring athletes. political scientists and Eng
Athletic scholarships exist nowhere structors voice objections fo
else in the world. No foreign uni- tally the same reason.
versity would tolerate it and we're Not that they as part
excusing it more and more. I don't University have ever felt pi
see any reason for giving an ath- from the athletic plant oz
lete any considerations he doesn't beeh coerced into favoring
merit on grounds other than ath- letes, but because they1
letic ability." that the present system is a
The auhr. thto academic development
The author of that quote is voice their objections.
Avery Brundage, a consistent critic The threat lies in athlet
of athletics in the United States. tracting monetarily, publica
Until recently many of his opinions' cially and interest-wise fro
have gone without support, sole purpose of the Univ
Today, however, he is being education.
backed by certain educators who In particular the compl
believe, especially in the area of against athletics, but will
scholarships, that intercollegiate all "extra - curricular act
athletics has become too much of which detract from the mai
a business, gram of "intellectual de
At a Johns Hopkins University ment."
conference, A. Whitney Griswold, Speaking from past expe
president of Yale University, Prof. Rqbert Angell describ
labeled athletic grants as one of situation as "a question of
the greatest education swindles to draw the line. We hav
perpetrated on the American pub- well beyond the desirable pc
lit today. this University."
His sentiments were echoed by
Princeton's head Robert Goheen THE PUBLIC in many
and of course applauded by Robert pushed the University 1
Hutchins, former president of the that point Prof. Angell argt
University of Chicago and long- demanding more winning
time advocate of toned-down in- after .World War II and br
tercollegiate competition, pressure to bear on losing s
Interest which sometime,
THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan into direct attempts to inf
also has its share of opponents policy is most evident during
to the present "high pressure sys- ball season. Football for
tem." .Sociologists, psychologists, large universities provides
Threat 1
embers Question
f Sports at 'U'
Examining all sides of the question
ish in-
r basi-
of the
r have
g ath-
[cs de-
illy, so-
om the
aint is
aim at
n pro-
ed the
e gone
oint at
ued by
s boils
g foot-
a good
ened my intellectual scope." One
coed commented, "After four years
I know more especially in realizing
that there is much that I do not
know. However, I am not sure that
is a result of the University."
For the most part, students were
most happy with those courses
that they took in the literary col-
lege and felt that the education
school courses were merely a
means to an end. That an educa-
tion as well as a profession were
acquired in four years indicated
that the students were satisfied
with their education at the Uni-
"NOT ENOUGH teaching experi-
ence" was an attack leveled at
the curriculum by several students
who felt that student teaching
should be increased to two semes-
ters of work. One suggested that
the prospective teacher would be
better prepared if he had had a,
to gain a perspective was believed
important to the future teacher.
Many were looking for a place,
where you are what you are, and
are not recognized because of
family, social or financial back-
SOCIAL LIFE on campus was
thought to be "great" and
"curious," with several comment-
ing that they would rather spend
time with fewer people rather than
a little time with a lot.
Due to the wide variety of cul-
turestand backgrounds at the Uni-
versity, the majority of those in
education school have met inter-
esting people and broadened them-
selves. The sense of values, better
citizenship, less prejudice, and the
contacts in the concentration area
were felt to be most beneficial.
Many of the women getting
teacher's certificates plan to teach
for, a year or two. Some will be!
married in the near future and will
four year liberal arts program with put their husbands through school
one year additional specialization jand support the family. "I'll teach
to secure the professional training for a year and then start a fam-
tnr h"~+lrcnr-iia~ ~n . .,
'finding solutions'
and teacner s certificate. . . much
dike the curriculum for teachers at
Harvard University.
Students in the education school
on the whole feel that they met
and appreciated a greater variety
of people. Their outlooks were
broadened by the diversity that
the University provides. One girl!
from a small town said that she
prefers the more personal rela-
tionships of her home, but that
she had learned to live with--al
kinds of people.
Many of the friendships formed
by the seniors were with people
from their own backgrounds and
in their field. The ability to meet
with many different types in order
ily,'' was a familiar response as
many coeds plan not to get their
permanent certificates. Home life
and a degree of security are de-
sired by all persons interviewed
while a few felt that they also
want to take an active role in
community affairs.
Nursing School Senior
SELF-SACRIFICE does not seem
to rate high with nursing sen-
Comments on the academic
values of the University were ex-
clusively concerned with the nurs-
ing school which received high
praise. Reactions ranged from "I-
learned how to be a good nurse,
but I also received a good liberal
education," to "I got my degree
and my husband." The major em-
phasis seemed to be on professional
training, and none mentioned out-
right that they were challenged to
think and formulate new ideas.
Marriage is in the future plans
of most nurses. The desire for a
sense of security is prevalant with
financial worries encountered only
by those who are planning on
putting a husband through school,
"if they don't start a family first."
Meeting new people and learn-
ing how to get along with them
was a positive value felt by all of
the women. One "learned how the
environment affects attitudes and
that all people are not equal"
while another expressed the view
that the University environment
"brings out the realist rather t1han
the idealist as students learn to ac-
cept things as they are." "The
diversity of people encountered
makes you mellow or change yoilr
views," and "I kept my religion,
but for the first time I was forced
to think about it," were other fac-
tors that were influenced by the
cross-section found on campus.
Specialized Schols
j THE SPECIALIZED schools ap-
pear to satisfy the student in
the particular course area of con-
centration. However, some people
feel that they have missed out be-
cause they are limited in the num-
ber of electives they can take when
in a school such as pharmacy or
natural resources.
Ideas concerning the University
.are conflicting. Most people think
that the University was a broaden-
ing experience-again especially in
meeting people and in gaining
tolerance and a contact with cul-
ture. In contrast to this general
trend was the complaint of one
transfer from a small college who
felt that the University was too
large and therefore was- too limit-
ing. In general students believed
they had gained self confidence
and had learned to evaluate them-
selves. Some expressed an in-
creased understanding of other
people and their views.
Two specifically mentioned the
University controls - complaining
that the University should let the
student grow and not pamper him,
also allowing for more activities.
Another thought that the Univer-
sity's guidance was good for him.
One felt that her mediocre grades
were more than compensated for
and justified by her participation
in activities and that she would
'participate in them again if she
had a choice.
In the future the majority of
these students who have special-
ized in undergraduate school, an
to work and settle down immedi-
ately after graduation-with wife
and family. The one person who
specified an area of the country
in which he desired to live, plans
to settle on the west coast. Only
two of these students plan (per-
haps) to continue with school.
Several plan to travel, and one has
as his prime goal in life-making
part of the finance for the athletic
In this respect, Athletic Director
H. O. "Fritz" Crisler noted that.
the bulk of the financial responsi-
bility falls on the autumn sport
and the $4.00 tickets. With the
largest college owned stadium in
the country and a winning foot-
ball team, it is often easy to make
the athletic plant a self-supporting
part of the University.
Crisler emphasized that the gen-
eral public provided most of the
football money since students are
not allowed to pay for their foot-
ball tickets. "An old ruling by the
Regents requires free admission of
students to all events in the sta-
dium area, Yost Field House and
Ferry Field."1
STUDENT contributions come in
during registration each se-
mester when the University Ad-
ministration gives the Athletic De-
partment $5 from the tuition fee
which each student pays. "That
amount goes toward maintenance
of the department," Crisler noted.
Public pressure is perhaps one{
minor aspect of the problem as
educators see it. Scholarships, ac-
cording to Brundage, Goheen,
Griswold, Hutchins and a number
of faculty members, is the greatest
incongruity in the education-ath-
letics relationship.
"It seems incongrous to offer an;
athlete with a lower scholastic
average an almost complete schol-
arship while other students, hav-
ing a higher grade point, are
denied financial aid. The purpose
of education in that case isn't be-
ing served," one member of Stu-7
dent Government Council ob-
Agreeing with this student, a]
member of the University sociologyc
department said that ideally ther
"University should abolish athletic
scholarships as long as there are
intelligent and capable students
who cannot attend college for fi-
nancial reasons,"
Many take this viewpoint one
step further, calling the grants-in-
aid and scholarships symbols of
"performers hired by the Univer-
sity for their athletic ability."
Charles Kozoll, acting per-
sonnel director of The Daily,
formerly a member of the
sports staff, discusses the con-
troversy over whether a large
university should offer ath-
letic scholarship.
o Educ
IN PART at least they are right.
The majority of the athletes
would not be in college except for
scholarships and they only re-
ceived aid because of their prowess
in certain sports.
But what most people do not
realize is that funds come out of
athletic department supply. Money
is never deducted from the supply
available for scholarships to the
rest of the University student
It can be said that in this respect
athletes are treated as special
cases. But contending that sub-
standard students are admitted
through receipt of athletic aid is
misleading. Western Conference
and University rules require that
prospective athletes meet certain
rigid academic standards.
One very important requirement
is that he be in the upper one-
quarter of his high school gradu-
ating class. A second one peculiar
to the University is that he fit into
the general catagory of other stu-
dents who have "value" to the
Value of an athlete is rated on a
plane with top musicians, chemists
or journalists, Gayle Wilson, as-
sistant director of admissions said.
THE FACTOR of value is only
one part of the decision to ac-
cept or reject an applicant.
Others involve geographical
spread current with trying to get
students from all over the country
and competition for available
places in the various schools and
When and if an athlete does get
in, he is treated first as a student
and second as an athlete. Special
subsidized tutoring and favors are
almost non-existent.
Coaches will frankly admit that
rather than take a chance on a
boy who may require special help
to keep in school, they will pass
him by. Basketball coach Bill Peri-
go will on request rattle off a list
of top basketball players in the
Midwest who were either rejected
or frightened away from the Uni-
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What a lift you'll give your-
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Do athletics detract monetarily, publicly, socially and interest
wise from the University sole purpose of providing an education?
One faculty member calls the situation a "question of where to
draw the line."
:: Y
119 East Liberty
717 N. Univ. - West of Hill Aud.