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May 24, 1959 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-24
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Phenomena of Clairvoyance

THE TALL, thin man with gray-
ing hair loosened his collar
and cuffs, removed his shoes, and
stretched himself on the couch.
Placing his hands across his
stomach, the man's respiration
deepened gradually, until there
was a long, deep breath._ After
that he seemed to be asleep. This
man was Edgar Cayce who was
going into a trance in order to
give one of his famous readings
on the diseases and cures of the
human body. The life of this man
is recorded in the book, "There Is
A River" by Thomas Sugrue. '
There was silence in the small
room at the hospital created for
this purpose at Virginia Beach,
Virginia. Soon Cayce began to-
speak. His voice deepened and
became authoritative. His wife,
who conducted the dissertations
mentioned the name of the pa-
tient and his location.-
Clearing his throat, Cayce be-
gan, "Yes, we have the body here;
--Now, as we find there are ab-1
normal conditions in the physicall

The Strange Powers of Some
Provoke Questions and Doubts

functioning of this body. These
conditions would prove very in-
teresting and worthwhile in con-
sidering a condition that in many
portions of the country, and in all
portions to some extent, is gradu-
ally increasing and that proves
unusually hard to cope with; for
conditions are so often hidden
that it is hard to find the source;
or the cause of that which the,
professions have called 'the point,
of infection'."
HE CONTINUED, diagnosing the,
case of a person he had never
seen "even better than I could
have told how I felt myself." After
prescribing necessary treatment
and diet, he asked for questions.
At the end of the reading he
said, "We are through for the
present," whereupon his wife told
him, "Now the body will be so

equalized as to overcome all those
things that might hinder or pre-
vent it from being and giving its
best mental, spiritual and physical
self. Now, perfectly normal, and
perfectly balanced, you will wake
Clairvoyance, mental telepathy
and extra-sensory perception are
strange phenomena. Cayce's pow-
ers seem even more strange when
one realizes that he knows noth-
ing about the human body and its
functions when he is awake. He
describes himself as an ignorant
SEEKING to find where his
strange power came from, he
noted that his grandfather was a
'water-witch' and could locate
water by concentrating as he
walked with a hazel twig.
Edgar learned early that he was

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singled out for an extraordinary
life, the book states. He began
reading the Bible at the age of
10, and his devoted interest in the
Book seems to be the source of
the spirit which he later saw.
One spring day, sprawling out
on the grass, reading the Bible
story of Manoah, he became
aware of the presence of someone
else. He looked up thinking it was
his mother. A woman was stand-
ing before him. When she spoke
"her voice was soft and very
clear; it reminded him of music,"
he said.
"Your prayers have been heard,"
she said. "Tell me what you would
like most of all." Then he noticed
she had something on her back;
"winglike shadows." "Most of all
I would like to be helpful to oth-
ers, and especially to children
when they are sick," he answered.
[JE LOOKED up again when he
dared to ... she had vanished.
He ran home and told his mother
about this strange experience. She
comforted him and together they
tried to find out what the woman
A few days later the school,
teacher, his uncle Lucien, made
him stay after class to write the1
word "cabin" five hundred times
on the blackboard because he
could not spell it. His father, the
town squire, was infuriated. After
supper that evening, he began to
teach Edgar his lesson for the,
next day.
It was a long evening,. Edgar
just couldn't learn to spell. Then,,
suddenly he had a feeling that by
sleeping on the book, he would1
learn his lesson. Later that even-
ing, his father found him asleep,;
using the book for a pillow. He;
woke the boy and told h7im to go
to bed. But Edgar, all excited, ex-
claimed, "Ask me the lesson, I
know it now."j
THE SQUIRE began. The an-1
swers came quickly and cor-
rectly. "Ask me the next day's I
lesson, I'll bet I know that too."
His father then skipped through
the book's pages and the answers
were always correct. Edgar began
to tell where the word appearedt
on the page and what the illus-
trations were.
The next day in class he was
brilliant in spelling but still poori
in his other subjects. So he tookc
the books home, prayed to the1
lady 'spirit' to help him and wentj
to sleep on the books, Sugrue's
book states. He began to progressl
and skipped grades rapidly. Later,
Ruthann Recht is an assist-
ant night editor on The Daily.

Edgar confessed his ~supposed
source of knowledge to his father.
Cayce left school at the age of
16, and a few years later began
to give diagnoses and treatments
of disease to osteopaths and oth-
er doctors until his death in 1945.
He apparently received this
knowledge through clairvoyance.
THE CAYCE file of readings,
published by his son, is now the
cornerstone of a national organi-
zation concerned with the preser-
vation, presentation and study of
these records. This organization
is located at Virginia Beach.
It has published many pamph-
lets in which Cayce's dissertations
are discussed by persons inteiest-
ed in the capabilities of clairvoy-
ants. They all believe in the va-
lidity of the extra-sensory powers
of men like Cayce.
In one article, "Is Atomic Pow-
er Back?" the author discusses
the continent, Atlantis, in light
of Cayce's readings. Cayce is
quoted as saying, "The civiliza-
tion of Atlantis existed over a
period of 200,000 years. It devel-
oped into even greater complexity
until the land mass began to
break up and disappear about 10,-
700 B.C. ... the citizens of Atlan-
tis had developed the use of
atomic energy and we, today, are
reaching the stage of the Atlantis
men at their peak."
He predicted that our civiliza-
tion will be destroyed, like that of
Atlantis, through lack of humility
to God.
CLAIRVOYANTS have practiced
throughout the ages. Cayce is
only one of many. They all seem
to follow the same pattern, ac-
cording to an article in the March
issue of The New Yorker maga-
zine. The article states that most
of these people are ignorant and
illiterate until they go into a
trance. Then they are transformed
into learned people, lecturing on
subjects which they do not under-
stand when they are awake.
The author of the article inter-
viewed Mrs. Laura Abbot Dale, a
member of the American Society
for Psychical Research. She de-
scribed clairvoyance as the men-
tal apprehension of objects not
present in the immediate sensory
MRS. DALE tells of the Society's
1957 public appeal for verifi-
able reports of extra-sensory per-
ception and clairvoyant phe-
nomena. Out of 1,620 responses,
the group categorized 201 as "real
screwballs" and 979 as "odd or
irrelevant." Two hundred sixty-
one were the "run of the mill"
type, she said, explaining that
these people claim 'I always know
who's calling the moment the
phone starts to ring.'
Ninety-nine were classified as
"interesting and sensible but not
worth following up." They de-
clare that they vividly recall
(concluded on Page 4)

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'U' Athletics-
(Continued from Page 3)
It believed the sport had become
too much like a business.
The University also has not
slipped to the extent of the Uni-
versity of Southern California
which was placed on probation by
the NCAA in 1959 for a recruiting
violation. Michigan rather stands
almost in the center--a solid aca-
demic institution that can main-
tain an impressive athletic tradi-
tion continuing for over a'century.
and some of the state's news-
papers fail to recognize this bal-

ance, demanding either one or the
other sides of the spectrum. Uni-
versity students should be the ones
to educate the public to the merit
of our position.
If Michigan recruits athletes,
they are able to meet the educa-
tional standards in the same way
as the prospective chemist that
was attracted here by the Univer-
sity's science curriculum.
If the University has a losing
football team, it is perhaps be-
cause men who would have made
the winning difference went to
different schools when they failed
to meet the standards Michigan
must maintain.
Education and athletics are not
constantly at opposition but can
complement one - another. Only
when movements are made into
extremes does friction result.

(Continued from Page 4)
THERE is "Dunbarton," a poem
of how Lowell accompanied his
grandfather on "yearly autumn
get-aways from Boston / to the
family graveyard in Dunbarton"
where they "raked leaves from our
dead forebears. / defied the dank
weather / with 'dragon' bonfires."
There is "Grandparents," a
moving piece of reminiscence too
anchored to the reality of place to
be sentimental. There is "Com-
mander Lowell," a portrait of his
father, and "Terminal Days at
Beverly Farms;" there is the
heartbreaking loneliness and ache

of "For Sale" and the almost gro- pa
tesque, yet loving, memory of da
"Sailing Home from Rapallo," an
Lowell's elegy for his mother who lif
died in Italy and whose body he
brought home to bury y to
Some of the final poems tell of flJ
Lowell's adult life-as a conscien- de
tious objector of War II, sentenced re
to the same federal jail where Czar Bi
Lepke of Murder, Inc., had".. . his or
little segregated cell full / ofILa
things forbidden the common pr
man: / a portable radio, a dresser, ot
two toy American / flags tied to- in
gether with a ribbon of Easter so
Palmn;"--as a husband, a. mental ni

Outstanding Americ





oIw lAii4rigan Daiu


Sunday, May 24, 1959

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Vol. V, No. 9

By Ruthann Recht Page Two
By Charles Kozoll Page Three
By Russell Gregory Page Four
By Jan Rahm Page Five
By Padma Heimadi Page Seven
By The Senior Editors Page Eight and Page Nine
By Robert Ashton Page Twelve
By Thomas Turner Page Thirteen
By W. G. Rogers Page Thirteen
PHOTOS: Cover: Hans Von de Bovenkamp; Page 3: Daily photos;
Pages 5 &r 6: Upper Peninsula Development Bureau, Inc.; Page 7:
Louis Zamiska; Page 8: top right-Daily-Allan Winder, bottom
left-University News Service; Page 9: bottom left-Daily-Allan
Winder, top right-University News Service; Page 10: Ensin-
Dave Giltrow; Page 11: top left-Daily-Robert Kaplan, bottom
right-Ensian-Dave Giltrow; Page 12: Daily-Allan Winder; Page
13: Thomas Turner; Page 14: Daily photos.




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SUNDAY, MAY 24, 3959


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