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May 15, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-15

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- 1i~ ldfJpzrn &tttw
Sixty-Ninth Year
'uth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
'itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Very Good, Sir-You Have Just. Time To Change
For The Wage Negotiating Conference"

ST pIT jto~pEST
p p


-4 '1' ,

Commission Could Show

Fearful Faces

Hinsdale Report
Assumptions False
Daily Staff Writer
THE HINSDALE REPORT causing so much consternation among the
men associated with the Inter-House Council is, to understate the
case, quite curious. Unfortunately, although the Hinsdale House Council
spent so much time gathering information and writing the report, it
contains a number of statements which are either misleading or merely
However, it would be equally false to assert that the prime purpose
of this illustrious report-attempting to reevaluate IHC-is unnecessary.
THE HINSDALE Report assumes that the three main purposes of
IHC are 1) to coordinate house and quadrangle activities, 2) to repre-
sent members' views to the faculty and administration, and 3) to
establish service projects benefiting the member houses. Accordihg to
the Preamble to the Constitution of IHC, this assumption is correct.
Along with each of these functions, the document cites examples
showing the failure of IHC in these areas. It is with the validity
of certain of these examples that we take issue.
* * * .
FIRST, IN THE AREA of coordination, the report points out the
failure of IHC to effectively publicize the IHC Poetry Reading which
was to be held in Benzinger Library of East Quadrangle. The Hinsdale
paper states that the head librarian "had neither been notified nor
asked if he would allow it (the Reading)." Also mentioned was a failure
to post publicity. Quite convincing evidence. However, quite untrue.
According to both the former and current presidents of IHC, the
head librarian had been notified and had consented to the program.
And as for the lack of publicity, causing the reading to be a failure, it
is interested to note that it occurred only two days after the end of
Spring Recess. Thus little campus-wide publicity was available.
But even more curious is the fact that subsequent readings have
been quite successful. Most IHC mmebers attribute this success to the

commission on higher education could rear
ny ugly heads. It could be a commission for,
one against, higher education.
E'he nine colleges and universities which are
>ported by the state could be scorched by
eral of the powers proposed for the commis-
n. As it was introduced to the legislature last
ek by Sen. Elmer Porter, its more far-reach-
strengths were hidden behind its budgetary
)stensibly, the body would bring the schools
ether, where "duplication" and "competi-
1" have hindered their efficiency. Such a
ve was recommended by the Russell report
higher education in Michigan. In particular,
duty is to mold the nine budget requests
o a coordinated whole. In the past the state
Iget office has reviewed such requests and
ed down appropriations, before the Legisla-
e makes them final.
UT THE NEW commission would be able
to tell the schools what should go into the
uests-before they are made-as well as
at should be cut out of them. 'It would be
en the power to impose formulas which the
ools would be required to use in making up
ir budgets. Thus, the University would be
I to ask a specific amount of money per
Vould the group be qualified to say approxi-
tely how much each school's budget should
Since it is to be selected by the Governor
a state which traditionally has a Republican
ernor, the commission would be dominated
Republicans and big business interests. They
uld tend to be more cost-conscious than edu-
ionally oriented. They would also not have
ch time to devote to their duties.
Ls one member of the University's Board of
gents put it: it is difficult enough to be a
mnber of one board and being an adequate
mber of a board which oversees nine schools
lmost impossible.
'urther, the commission would easily be sub-
b to political pressure. Bad enough the way
s now, with the Republican-Democratic tug

of war over appropriations for higher education
resulting in insufficient funds. At least the
Senate Appropriations Committee can only tear
down after the budget is submitted. Political,
pressures, acting on the new body, could reach
down to the very act of setting it.
True, an administrative wing is provided for.
The only hope for semi-professional evaluation
of the institutions' needs lies in this.
1UDGETING is the facade of the "coordi-
nating" body. Behind lie subordinate fea-
tures which give it even more fearful rights to
overrule the schools.
Power is given "to recommend to the budget
offices and to the legislature a supplemental
contingent appropriation to provide for in-
creases in enrollment." In other words, the
commission will have power over enrollment.
Most frightening, no new department, degree
program or certificate program could be added
at any state supported college or university
without "specific prior consent" of the com-
mission. And it is further enabled to order
consolidation or elimination of programs, and
to designate research, extension and public
service programs which are paid for with state
REACHING OUT through budgetary preroga-
tives to grasp academic decisions is reach-
ing too far. A university must have control over
what it does.
Many other objections to a "commission on
higher education" have been raised. It may be
unconstitutional for the Legislature to limit
constitutionally independent bodies. Also, some
observers point to coordinating boards in Texas,
North Carolina and Oklahoma and say they
haven't worked. Others point to this state's
Council of College Presidents and note its
effectiveness in coordinating the colleges and
universities. An objective evaluation of the
Council of College Presidents and of the actions
of commissions in other states, might indicate
how "coordination" can be made as' small a
monstrosity as possible.

Rushing Report Raises Problems

Inflation To Continue


IS STILL touch and go whether the Pres -
nt will -get from this Congress exactly the
get he has asked for. But on the broad prin-
es which he has adopted, he seems now to
assured of support. These principles are that
next budget shall be balanced approximately
that this shall be done not by raising taxes
by holding down military and civilian ex-
litures. For the time being the battle the
ident is waging against inflation is going
onably well, in that the price level is on the
'le standing still.
evertheless, the news from the money mar-
gives little support to the idea that the
le against inflation is being won. The Trea-
is having to pay very high rates for very
't term money. The long term bond market
epressed while stocks and real estate are
bese are the classic signs of inflation, that
> say, a lack of confidence. People prefer
>wn tangible goods, as they do when they
equity shares, to having what are promises
ay dollars in the future.
hie. behavior of the markets reflects the
ments of the great investing institutions
i their expert advisors. They are saying
they expect a continuing inflation, whether
ot the President wins his fight in this Con-
s about this particular budget.
HEN WE ASK ourselves what is the basis
of this pessimism, we must begin by re-
nbering that there is no precise answer to
question. We are dealing with a situation
re a preponderant majority of investors
only in this country but also abroad have
e to the same practical conclusion, though
necessarily for the same reasons.
he same conclusion they have come to is
e evidently that in the battle against in-
on the President has not produced a policy
is good for more than the next budget. He
no policy which is good for a much longer
I *a l

future. It may be that the 1960 budget can be
made to balance, though even this takes a
certain amount of finesse in the bookkeeping.
But If this particular budget is balanced, it
will be done not by reducing expenditures but
by postponing them.
F WE LOOK at our national commitments,
it is unfortunately all too probable that our
position as a whole is going to be out of balance,
for years to come. Our national commitments
are for defense, for internal development, for
welfare and public facilities. Lined up against
these commitments we also have commitments
to the farmers and to the veterans and to the
taxpayers, who are expecting a tax reduction.
Some mighty political battles will be fought to
bring these conflicting commitments into bal-
There is no reason whatever to think that we
shall be able to spend less on defense. On the
contrary, almost surely we shall feel compelled
to spend more. In the field of civilian expendi-
tures, there must be a substantial increase over
the present level unless by some unlikely miracle
the huge agricultural subsidies can be done
away with or at least drastically reduced. It is
virtually certain that the public money spent
for public facilities will rise steeply in the years
to come.
The growth of our population is one reason
why these expenditures must rise. The growing
concentration of our growing population in big
cities is another reason. Moreover, owing to the
World War and the Korean War there is a big
backlog of necessary public expenditures for
schools, hospitals, and many kinds of projects
to conserve and develop our natural resources.
If a third world war is averted, as probably it
can be, we can count it for certain that the
decade of the sixties will see a movement, com-
parable with the New Deal of the thirties, to
modernize the public facilities of this country.
THE PROSPECTS in defense and in internal
civilan improvements make it virtually cer-
tain that with our present tax structure and
our normal rate of growth, there will be a heavy
pressure against the balance of the budget. A
consideration of these realities . may account
in considerable measure for the pessimism of
,the money markets.
Is there a remedy? Certainly there is no
simple and easy one. What must=come first,
however, is to stop pretending that the 1960
budget is,a' genuine and adequate answer to
the problem of inflation. Then we have to begin
defining and posing the real questions which
will confront us. They arrive from the fact
that in order to balance the budget against the
rising expenditures which are inevitable, we
mnfha - t --aeY.+ k v te , iiai<

Daily Staff Writer'
THE RUSHING report submit-
ted to SGC on Wednesday has
many favorable points'f but cer-
tain drawbacks.
In the first place, it seems that
the committee the report recom-
mends setting up would be unduly
favorable to the fraternity sys-
tem. This opinion is mainly based
on two sections of the report.
One is the beginning statement
which states there was a certain
lack of knowledge on the part of
IHC representatives to a previous
study group. Though this may be
true, it hardly seems right to say
it as such.
Such a lack of knowledge mere-
ly shows up one" of the basic
problems of, rushing today - ig-
* * *
THE SECOND, and perhaps the
more important, drawback is in
the proposed composition of the
study- committee. Besides mem-
bers of the administration and
one from SGC, it also recommends-
that there be one representative
from IHC and two from IFC. John
Gerber, '59, past president of IFC
tried to explain this by saying
that there would be one represen-
tative from IFC itself and one
from the fraternity system, not
connected directly with IFC. This
seemed to lack ;something.
It is shard to see any necessary
reasons to have one of the two
concerned groups, (IHC and IFC)
possess twice as much representa-
tion as the other. Also that the
proposal suggests that the IFC
Executive Committee should have
the responsibility for the con-

tinued inspection of - the frater-
nity rushing system leaves further
doubt as to its fairness to the
residence halls students.
The best rush set-up for the
University as a whole is best for
the fraternity system, the report
indicates. On this basis, fraternity
system responsibility for watching
over itself is justified. '
Well, so what? Someone else
could just as easily say that the
best rushing procedure should
benefit say Hinsdale House, and
then Hinsdale should have the
responsibility of keeping the com-
mittee working.
It might be better to spend
more space on the recommenda-
tions in the report itself, but it
seems that any committee that
isn't far to one side, can't really
present too comprehensive a final
report. It is to be hoped that
composition changes in the com-
mittee will be made.
* *, *
posals however seem to have deep
insight into the problem. One im-
portant problem the report brings
up is in the field of grades and
how they are effected by rushing
and pledging. There have been
cases reported in which almost an
entire pledge class were placed on
probation because of poor grades.
If such poor grades are a direct
result of the rushing system that
changes must be surely made. In
any system of values the import-
ance of remaining in school must
come above all other considera-
Many of the other proposals
and suggestions of the report seem
to center around the problem of

lack of information on the part
of the incoming freshman on the.
fraternity system in general. This
is also a very f important area.
There is no sense in having fresh-
men rush and pledge when they
have no real idea of what the fra-
ternity system stands for, or in
fact what the differences are be-
tween the different fraternities.
Perhaps here the solution lies
in a more complete orientation of,
the student to the fraternity sys-
tem. Increased knowledge might
in many ways make the fresh-
man's decisions concerning rush-
ing much easier.
IT IS HARD to tell at first
glance whether the Rose Bowl
referendum showed general apa-
thy or merely a lack of interest in
something that most students feel
doesn't concern them in the least.
Perhaps it is a combination of
both. The idea of suddenly de-
ciding whether or not it is best to
continue with the pact with the
Rose Bowl, is one that no doubt
confused many students. It can
hardly be considered to be a true
test of student opinion. For an
experiment, as it was called by
the referendum director, it might
have been. better had there been
some question that was of general
interest to the student body.
Referendums are a good- idea
and should be continued, but
there must be some doubt, after
the small turnout for this one,
that others will be held. If they
aren't, it will be a loss, for student
opinion is too often disregarded
completely in many of the de-
cisions that are made at any uni-

good job done by IHC's publicity
chairman. They also say that he,
not IHC, was responsible for the
East Quad failure. The important
point here is that the Benzinger
difficulty was due to ineffectiveness
of one person, not IHC.
* * *.
SECONDLY, the report says that
instead of coordination in the field
of Honors Seminars, there is dup-
lication. Through I1C, counselors
for honors students were selected.
on a quadrangle basis. This facil-
tated the opportunity for honors
counselors to meet with a number
of their students at the same time.
the Hinsdale Report attacks the
IHC budget. For example, the
document cites a budgeted figure
of $420 to be used for the main-
tenance of IHC. Yet according to
a financial statement made this
week, IHC has actually spent a
total of $35 for maintenance.
"Ambiguous projects" such as
the IHC Sing, sale of records of
the Sing, and the IHC Show
(Kingston Trio) were self-sup-
porting. All expenses for these
projects were deducted from the
profits. FUrthermore, the expenses
incurred running tournaments
(chess, bridge, etc.) and presenting
trophies were taken from the
Council's Education Fund, which
is financed by the above projects.
AT THE END of the Hinsdale
diocument, it is admitted that,
withdrawal from IHC would result
in subsequent notoriety for both
Hinsdale House and IHC. And it
concludes that the best solution of
the problem is to have INC organ-
ize a committee to evaluate itself.
But the recent action taken by
Hinsdale contradicts its own rec-
For instead of remaining in the
organization, the house council
acceeded to the "majority desire"
of its members and has withdrawn
from IHC. It explains that the
action is constructive-"construc-
tive in that -it would stimulate
thinking about IHC's worth." Even
if this were a new reason, it would
be difficult to accept.'
Three years ago South Quad-
rangle threatened the same action.
Fortunately there must have been
some strong personalities running
the Quad Council because it re-
mained in IHC. Rather than with-
drawing, South Quad's members
served on committees which com-
piled a constructive re-evaluation
of IHC.
It's difficult to see how Hinsdale
considers its action constructive.
The' most disgusting aspect of
the entire mess is that Hinsdale
quit just-as IHC was assuming new
leadership. The least the renegades
could have done would have been
to stay in the Council and serve on
the reevaluation committee they so
noisily advocated. Destroying an
organization is bad enough; but
knifing it in the back, so to speak,
before it gives its new leaders an
opportunity to assert themselves
is pretty rotten.

Return NetI** * *
To the Editor:
pLEASE return our volleyball
We woke up last S a t ur d a y
,morning to find our volleyball net,
the only means to alleviate our
spring fever, was goae. Since we
do not know whether it was due
to somebody's prank or to some
Divine Grace that our net has
disappeared, we are writing this
letter, hoping that some one of.
you might give us a clue as to'
where our volleyball' net has
eloped, be it in heaven or hell.
Our daily volleyball game, since
the advent of springs has been en-
joyed by students from many
lands - from Ceylon, China,
Greece, Haiti, Honduras, India,
Iran, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Goa,
Puerto Rico, Sudan, U.S.A., etc.,
etc. - who live in and out of this
house, and we regard it as a high-
ly serious matter of international
controversy that may lead to a.
World War Three right here in
Ann Arbor, 'for you don't have to
have an H-bomb to start a aar!
Maybe somebody took the net
as a joke, but, for heaven's sake,
we are darn serious about it. So
please return our volleyball net,
and we shall be very grateful. We
also welcome anybody tQ our vol-
lyball game, played in our home-
made back-yard court every day
around 6:30 p.m. Especially we
need an impartial, clear-sighted,
jolly, generous referee - there are
too many cheaters in our teams
right now, and we have very sti-
ulating international skirmishes
going on every day, just to de-
cied who violated the volleyball
rules, and just to let off steam!
No more net, and we may be
obliged to buy a new net - so
please help us find out our volley-
ball net!
Your help and contribution -
as we need a net, two poles, and
above all, Spirit - will be grate-
fully accepted.
-Nelson International House
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an-
off icial publication of The Unver-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1959.
VOL. LXIX, NO. 162
General Noties
Students preparing to teach are re-
quested to complete the following be-
fore the close of the semester: Com-
plete transfer to School .of Education
if that is the plan. Complete applica-'
tion for teacher's certificate if, in oth-
er schools and colleges. See coordina-
tors for student teaching i assign-
mentsare desired for 1959-60. These
steps are urged to protect placea next
year for students now enrolled.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
Fri., May 15, 8:00 p.m., Am. 2003 Angel
Hall. After lecture,the Student Ob-
servatory on fsifth floor of Angell Hall
will be open for inspection ,and for
telescopic observations of tho Moon
and Jupiter. Children welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
..Any graduating senior interested in
speaking at commencement notify Sue
Christiansen, Senior Board representa-
tive, at NO 2-5675 this week.
Th nllnowing student-snonsored so-

to the


Russians Show Nothing New

Associated Pres' News Analyst
THE WESTERN Foreign Minis-
ters at Geneva may be a bit
confused by the seemingly childish
devotion of the Soviet delegation
to procedural matters, but it
wouldn't faze such, old hands as
Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles,
Anthony Eden or Georges Bidault.
The new hands will just have to
get accustomed to trying to ex-
tract sdme substantial meaning, if
any, from the gyrations of the
Andrei Gromyko, heading of
President EWight D. Eisenhower's
assessment of the meeting so far
as a-Russian effort to make propa-
ganda, might well look up in sur-
prise and ask "Well, that's what
we called it for, isn't it?"
' * * *
THERE MAY BE other reasons,
too, It's a good guess now that one
of them is to give the Reds a
chance to talk their way out of
Khrushchev's threat to take uni-
lateral action designed to get the
THE CURREN Tgeneration of
.-lan cla -f~ may a i1an

Allies out of West Berlin or, if
not that, to get Red forces in.
But one of the facts of the'
world's current life is that the
-Russians are fundamentally
strange fo the West. If a West-
erner wants to create the impres-
sion he is trying to save the world,
he's willing and may deliberately
choose to work in sackcloth and sit
in ashes. But the Reds are par-
ticular about where they sit, lest
someone think they are being
placed in an inferior position. Try-
ing to squeeze in the East German
Foreign Minister was by no means
the sole reason for the square.
table-roundtable argument.
titude toward small nations is that
they should pose as the big powers
dispose. Stalin never understood
why the West would not settle
everything by establishing spheres
of influence willy-nilly.
But suddenly the Reds are very
solicitous about the feelings of the
Poles and the Czechs who, on
every other day of their lives, are
expected to dance briskly to what-
ever tine the Kremlin calls.
It may be only natural that the
Reds, having gotten the Ukraine
and Byelorussia, two Soviet coun-
ties into the TTnited Nations

it is necessary to remember one
In all of its approaches to the
rest of the world, Soviet Russia
is like a man with evil designs on
the virtue of a girl. He sets fire
to her house, then puts on his
fireman's helmet and lets her run
the risk of perishing while he
maneuvers to be the only one to
rescue her.-

Quotes from the Bug .. .

Editorial Staff


City Editor

Associate Editor
CANTOR................ Personnel Director
WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director
JONES... .... .,............Sports Editor
A JORGENSON.........Associate City Editor
BETH ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director
LEMAN . ... ...Associate Sports Editor
RISEMAN..........Associate Sports Editor
D ARNOLD ................ Chief Photographer


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