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May 15, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-15

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See ,page 4

Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom


Herter Tells Plan
o Conference
Urges Russians To Accept Proposals.
1 On German Merger, Disarmament
GENEVA (P)-Secretary of State Christian A. Herter laid on the
line yesterday the West's sweeping package plan for uniting Berlin,
merging East and West Germany and starting global disarmament.
He urged the Russians to accept it. as the basis for 'a European"
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, who had decried the
package in advance. as a tangle of unrelated issues, remained.silent.
during the Big Four conference's two-hour, 10-minute fourth session.
*Mlakes No Comment
He listened carefully but without comment to Herter's presentation,

of the plan, which includes at
" e
Drops Little
The University decline in fresh
man engineering enrollment is le
severe than the trend noted in
recently conducted national sur
vey, according to an associa
dean of the engineering college.
"Last fall, there was a sma
drop, but not as much as the1
per cent discovered in the nation
survey," Walter Emmons, associa
dean and secretary of the eng
neering college. said.
Two professional organizatio
found that 151 of 223 colleges sur
veyed had seen a seven per cen
increase over the fall of 1957i
total freshmen enrollment. In con
trast, the drop in freshman eng
neering matriculation was mea
ured at 11.1 per cent.
Fewer Enroll This Year
Last fall 70,029 freshmen e
rolled in engineering schools, a
compared with 78,757 the yea
before. Total engineering enrol
ment was 289,680, or 2.5 per cen
lower than 1957.
At the University, statistics fro
the fall of 1957 and 1958 refle
a three per cent decrease. Upt
this fall, the engineering scho
showed a steady increase eac
In 1954, total freshman enrol
ment was 525. This figure i
creased to 584 the following yes
Figures"for 1956 are not availab]f
Enrollment Falls
Enrollment reached 680 engi
neering students in 1957 and fi
to 659 this past fall. Total engi
neering college enrollment is c
only one per cent, however.
The national survey also showe
that the nation's engineering ccl
leges can accommodate more sti
dents than they have now or e:
pect to get in September.
One of every five engineerii
schools anticipate a further dro
in freshman enrollment next fa
One-third of' them either see i
change or are unable to estima
now and the rest expect increase:
Estimates Deviate Slightly
"At present, University fresh
man applications and admission
are off three or four per cent,
Emmons estimated.
The report of the profession,
organizations said the drop oc
curred "in the face of the greater
need and the greatest opportunit
See SEES, Page 2
Panty Raiders

least a half dozen modifications of
-long-held Western views on Berlin,
German unification and European
A Soviet spokesman assured
newsmen after the session that>
Gromyko "will make his position'
known in detail"later.
There was one Communist com-
ment. East Germany's Foreign
Minister Lothar Bolt, who is seated.
as an adviser, said the plan "is of
such importance that it deserves
to be studied carefully."-
To Make Counter Plan
Ss Gromyko is expected to counter
a with a Soviet proposal for the Big
r- Four powers to conclude a peace
te treaty with the .,rival German
states and for the United States,
ll Britain and France to get their
11 troops out of West Berlin.
al France's Maurice Couve de Mur-
te ville, recovered from a mild case
'- of grippe,~ was, the day's chairman.
as Sec. Herter presented the long-
ns heralded package wrapped up by.
r- the Western ministers in Paris.
nt April 30.
in Sec. Herter said it goes "very
n- far to meet Soviet preoccupations,"
i- including the fear of renewed Ger-
s- man aggression.
Warns Gromyko
"So long as the German prob-
n- lem remains unsolved," he warnedl
as Gromyko, "a basic source of in-
ar security, dissatisfaction and risk
l- will continue to' prevail."
nt The United States, Britain and
France have made important
m changes in their proposals on Ger-
ct many and European security as
to advanced at the 1955 Geneva Sum
ol .mit Conference, he said, "in order
Oh to take account of Soviet views."
1- Couve de Murville asked Gromy-
ko whether he wished to speak.
- The Russian smiled and said

SGC Group
New Plan
A revised Student Government
Council plan was presented to ,the
SGC Plan Clarification Commit-
tee yesterday by Mort Wise, '59.
One proposed change is that it
would take two members of the
Board . in Review to request a
meeting instead of one as it is
now. He-said that he hoped that
this would. get away from un-
necessary calling of the Board to
review' SGC actions.
After Wise had spoken in sup-
port' of his motion, James A.
Lewis, Vice-President of Student
Affairs, moved to table it until the
next meeting. He explained that
time should be spent in studying
this 'plan and the one that had
been: made by ,the faculty. His
motion passed.
Discuss Several Amendments
The major part of the rest of
the meeting was spent in discuss-
ing, and voting on various amend-,
ments which had been brought up
concerning the revised faculty
proposal on the Committee on Re-
ferral (now the Board in Review).
A motion setting the boundaries
of review for the Bpard was
brought up by Barbara Maier, '59.
Set Meeting
The final meeting of the
Sltudent Government Council
Clarifcation Plans Committee
before the Regents meeting
will be held at 7 p.m. Monday
on the third floor of the Stu-
dent Activities Bldg.
A report is to be submitted at
next week's Regents meeting
on the progress of the commit-
It was based on a motion passed
by SGC Wednesday. The motion
said that the only criteria for re-
view would be jurisdictional ques-
tions, procedural. questions and
decisions contrary to the great
weight of evidence.
Most debate centered around
the last point as the majority of
the committee accepted the first
two. Maier insisted that the Board
should not be left with very broad
powers but should have "faith"
in SGC. After hearing debate by
the comittee* Prof. Lionel Laing
of .the political science depart-
ment moved that a further criteria
for calling the Board would be
the belief that an "action whose
overall effects mnight be detrimen-
tal to the University."
Amendment Fails
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea,
said the addition made by Prof.
Laing was fundamental to their
way of thinking and must be kept.
The Laing amendment failed, as
did Miss Maier's in two secret
Only two amendments were
passed at the meeting. In one,
the two student members of the
Board in Review would be the
SGC president and another stu-
dent not now a Council member.
The two administration members
are to be appointed by the Vice-
President for Student Affairs, one
of which is to be either the Dean
of Men or Women, under the
amendment. The other set the
time limits for Board reconsidera-
tion of SOC actions.






Ike Requests
Federal Aid
To Research
Seeks $100 Million
For Atomic Energy
NEW YORK () - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed'
yesterday that the Federal Gov-
ernment underwrite the cost of a
$100 million atomic research unit
to help preserve America's free-
He said he will ask Congress to
authorize the' huge project - a
machine two miles long, the larg-
est of its kind ever to be built.
Construction would take six
Planned by Stanford
Stanford University, where the
huge atom smasher is to be built,
announced details of the project a
year ago. At the time, university
authorities said they were hope-
ful of federal financial backing
for the project.
President Eisenhower outlined
the building plan at a dinner
sponsored by the National Acade-.
my of Sciences, the American As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Science and the Alfred P. Sloan
The President said: "Our im-
mediate task - America's first re-
sponsibility - is to see that free-
dom is not lost through ignorance,
complacency or lack of vigilance."
Calls Science Necessary
He said science and technology
are the cornerstone of American
security and the nation's program
for a just peace.
"For the government to neglect
this fact would be folly," he said.
The President said plans for the
big atomic research unit were rec-
ommended by his Science Advis-
ory Committee.
He called for construction of a
huge new electron linear accelera-
tor at Stanford University in
California, which proposed the
Such accelerators - or atom
smashers - are one of the main
tools of physicists, in exploring
the sub-atomic universe.
Paintings Due
By Tomorrow
Art works loaned through the
Art Loan Fund must be returned
by noon tomorrow.
Pictures are to be taken to Rm.
528 in the basement of the Stu-
dent Activities Building. This room
will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. to-
day and from 9 a.m. until. noon
A fine of twenty-five cents a day
will be charged for overdue paint-
ings. Grades will be withheld until
this fine is paid.

Hatcher Stresses Common Values

Americans and Russians must
realize and correct their miscom-
prehensions of each other's politi-
cal values, University President
Harlan Hatcher said Monday.
President Hatcher, the leader of
an American group currently sur-
veying the Soviet educational field,
made the comment in summing up
his favorable impressions of the
Soviet system.
"Stalin is dead and it is time
that Washington began to realize
'this, President Hatcher told The
New York Times.
Urges More Understanding
"And in the same connection, it
is high time that Moscow under-
stands that the era of the robber
barons, the era of primitive
nineteenth-century capitalism, has
ended in the United States and
given way to a completely new way
of life," he added.
Too many persons in the United
States, particularly at the policy-
making level, have tended to over-
look the evolution that has, oc-
curred in the last six years, he
President Hatcher said it was
time "my countrymen begin to
understand that changes can take
Irish Stop
Associate sports Editor
Notre Dame relief pitcher Jack
Mitchell stopped Michigan's rally-
ing baseball team short yesterday,,
hurling shutout ball for the last
3% innings as the Irish took a
9-8 squeaker in the cold and
dampness of Ferry Field.
The Wolverines had recovered
from an 8-4 third-inning deficit to
bring the score to only 8-7 with
two on and one out in the sixth
ining when Mitchell took over
from Irish starter Chuck Scrivan-
ich. Wilber Franklin and Bill Ro-
man had just hit successive run-
Scoring singles.
The Notre Dame righthander
induced Dave Brown to fly out.
Michigan catcher Jim Dickey
sliced a double down the right-
field line to send across Franklin
with the tying run, a marker offi-
cally charged to Scrivanich, but
then Mitchell struck out John
Halstead to end the inning and
the Michigan scoring.
He then retired Michigan in or-
der in the last two innings to pre-
serve a one-run Notre Dame lead
resulting from a seventh-frame
Michigan error. In that inning,
left fielder Mike Graney led off
with a double.
After a strikeout and walk,
Mitchell grounded a double-play
ball to second baseman Kucher.
Kucher threw to shortstop Gene

benefited from the impact of new
scientific attitudes," Pres Hatcher
said. In fact, Soviet scientists, en-
gineers and technicians have a
broader basis in the humanities
than many in the United States,
he estimated.
Helping to conduct a seminar
for graduate students in contem-
porary literature at Moscow Uni-
versity, President Hatcher found
them widely read and conversant
in both English and American
literature. He attributed this to
the foundation in languages and
literature laid in Soviet 10-year
Notes Contest
President Hatcher also noted
that the contest of ideological
courses, such as civics and govern-
ment, was not so different in con-
cept from American courses as he
had expected.
"There is a spirit of competition
all the way through the Soviet
education system and, indeed,
Soviet life, which I did not expect
to find," he said.
Sn lSS1,0, 1

... discusses Russia
place in the Soviet system and;
that these changes are. actually,
occurring before our eyes."
Education Gives Motivation
"Education is the motivating and
guiding force in this evolution,"
he explained. "I think that the
direction of this movement is going
to surprise everyone."
In the field of education, "Soviet
society is moving at a much faster

'U' Officials

Request Raise

Local Council
Gives Approval.
To New Budget'
The City Council approved Ann
Arbor's budget for, the fiscal year
1959-60 at its meeting Monday.
Amendments to the budget pass-
ed, amounted to an increase of,
$11,477 over the original budget.
submitted by City Administrator.
Guy Larcom, Jr.; but the increase
was balanced by a decrease of the
same amount in the contingent'ac-
The general operating fund re-
ceived an appropriation of $2,865,-
428. Included in the provisions of
the fund are 'all general govern-
ment offices, public safety depart-.
ments, public works services, parks
and recreation, the contingent ac-
count, capital improvements and
various miscellaneous accounts. A
newly created budget for Civilian
Defense is also included ,in the
A total of $5,810,992 was ap-
propriated for the water supply
system, sewage disposal system,
market and parking system funds.
Also included in this appropriation
were the pension and social se-
curity, garbage collection, debt
service, weight and gas tax and
special purpose budgets. This
year's special purpose budget is in-
tended for the city's share of the
cost of surfacing streets and re-
pairing sidewalks.
The new budget is to be financed
by a tax rate of '$17.93 per $1,000
of assessed valuation, a reduction
of seven cents per thousand from
the current levy.
This is the third successive year
Ann Arbor's budget has. involved
no new taxes or a tax increase.
Erroll Garner
To Perform


rate than is generally realized Student Government Council,
either here or abroad," he evalu- will conduct its Summer Reading
ated, after a month's inspection of and Discussion Program again this
Soviet universities. year, Roger Seasonwein, '61, chair-
Visiting seven of the principal man, announced yesterday.
Soviet universities, the group of Prof. Leslie A. White of the
educators headed by President anthropology department will be
Hatcher was impressed by the the faculty leader of the area
drive, energy, pioneering spirit and titled, "An Analysis of The Science
high competence in Soviet higher of Culture." Prof. Kenneth Bould-
education. ing of the economics department
Comments on Students will lead "An Analysis of The
Of the students, Pres. Hatcher Image."
said, "They arrive at the univer- The area of "Social Security and
sity wonderfully well prepared, its Relation to a Free Economy"
They have excellent 'study habits. will be conducted by Prof. William
"Their extracurricular activities Haber of the economics depart-
are tied into serious subjects. ment. Carl Lndstrom, visiting lec-
Reading habits are widespread and turer to the journalism depart-
good. The use of libraries is ex- ment, will lead "Journalism: Its
ceptional." Social Relationships." "A Discus-
The group devoted chief atten- sion of Dr. Zhivago" will be lead,
tion to the humanities and found, by Prof. Marvin Felheim of the
much to their own surprise and, English department.
contrary to the reports of some Prof. Marston Bates of the zool-
observers that the study of science ogy department will head "Dar-
was not making the humanities win's' Influence on Culture." A
suffer. faculty leader has not yet been
"On the contrary, we have found selected for the final area, "The
that the humanities here have Individual Within a Mass Society."
Ives Issues Press Statement,
Says Apology Owed to Dennard
Councilman Lloyd M. Ives issued a press statement early this after-
noon declaring that Ann Arbor's mayor and city council members owe'
Councilman Richard Dennard an apology.
According to Ives, the apology is due for the reading of a letter'
from several members of the North Central Property Owners Associa-
tion accusing Dennard of spreading misinformation about the effects of
YUrban Renewal. The letter was

Board Rules
To Maintain
Present List
Agreement Permits
State Payrolls To Get
'Smeekens Bill' Cash
University officials made a bid
in Lansing yesterday for higher
priority to available state funds.
Although they were met with
"sympathy," the University re-
mained in the same priority cate-
gory after a meeting of the ad-
ministrative board late yesterday.
Welfare and debt service head
the list, with payments on the
primary school interest fund in
second place .The state employes
payroll and universities are in the
third category.
Funds Available
Stopgap funds were made avail-
able to the state Wednesday after
Governor G. Mennen Williams
signed the "Smeekens bill.' But
an agreement between the Gov-
ernor and the legislature was
made to use these funds first to
meet state payrolls, treasurer San-
ford A. Brown said last night.
The delegation from the Uni-
versity included Vice-President
and Dean of Faculties Marvin Nie-
huss, Vice-President In charge .of
Business and Finance Wilbur
Pierpont and Regent Eugene B.
They urged higher priority for
the University since it has vouch-
ers due from as far back as Feb-
ruary, and payments 'have been
made'to other state agencies since
that time, Pierpont said.
"We have been, cooperative in
the past and we don't want to be
penalized for it," Regent Power
noted. He said the visit was 'help
ful" in impressing the justification
of the University's position upon
the administrative board.
'Recognizes Merits'
At the conference Gov. Williams
recognized the merits of the Uni-
versity's claim, Niehuss said. But
the Governor gave no assurance as
to amounts or dates at which pian-
ments would be made.
The state at present owes the
University nearly nine million dol-
lars. Niehuss said he expects to
receive a payment within the next
two weeks which will be at least
enough to meet operating expenses
for a month.
Gov. Williams also stressed yes-
terday that the state would inae
every effort to make up back pay-
ments to the University (which in
turn would enable the University
to clear up back debts), Niehuss
However, the Governor called
release of the Veterans' Fund ,a
necessary condition for meeting
these and other back payments.
MSU Official
Gets Position
In New York
Thomas H. Hamilton denied
last night that he is leaving his
post as Vice-President of Academic
Affairs at Michigan State Univer-
sity because of the financial crisis.
The newly-appointed president
of the State University of New
York said, "Basically, it's because'
of the challenge of working in the
New York area in this school."
Negotiations for his appoint-
ment, effective August 1, have

been going on about a month,
Hamilton said.
MSU President John A. Hannah
said he accepted the resignation
"with greatest reluctance." Mem-
bers of the faculty will be asked
for suggestions for Hamilton's
successor and a recommendation
wll be submitted to the Board of
Trustees May 22, he added.

A group of panty raiders got
but two pairs of pants last night
as an attempted raid fizzled even
as the raiders reached the Hill.
About 11:40 p.m. a small fire
started in a South Quadrangle
elevator shaft, causing several
hundred men to go out into Madi-
son Street. Almost immediately
the "to the hill" chant began, and
when the quadrangle was re-
opened, many of the men refused
to go in.
They went to East Quadrangle
for reinforcements and returned
to South where another body of
men joined the mob which then
headed for the Hill by way of the
Engineering Arch and the Univer-
sity. Museum.
By and large there was little
shouting and the raiders walked
sedately to the Hill.
They arrived in front of Stock-
well about 12:30 and began to
chant "We want pants!"

Says Political Scientists 'Borrow' Ideas

"The political scientist tends to
borrow ideas and concepts from
other disciplines, and doesn't al-
ways use them with the same
degree of' rigor as do those who
developed them," Prof. Lucian W.
Pye of the political science depart-
ment of Massachusetts Institute of}
Technology said last night.
He tends to become an amateur
psychologist, sociologist, or econ-
omist, without a set technique of
his own, he added.
Speaking at the Political Science
Roundtable meeting, Prof..Pye
noted that although political sci-
ence has a very definite contribu-
tion to offer in matters of state, it
has never been strong in establish-
ing its principles.

these things could be set up to
help man, always with the idea
that man is a moral being with a
With the Freudian revolution
opening the door to the subcon-
scious, he noted, there has been,
a change in the view toward ra-
tionality, a trend to pointing out
its limitations, and to look toward
other dominant factors.
Call Inherent Needs Few
Man has a very limited set of
inherent needs, he continued, and
the rest all come from the influ-
ences of society.
"According to a contemporary
view, the public act of man is
nothing but an attempt to solve
his personal problems, and to re-
duce conflict and anxiety within
the nprsnality aea" h esid.

not yet come up with a solution,
he went on. Yet, he suggests, we
now have some idea of the five key'
problems with which to deal.
First, how can personality cul-
ture be related to the system, that
is, the individual to the commun-
ity? Secondly, in considering social
change, what is the relationship
between social institutions and the
functions they perform?
Another area for study concerns
the search for the ideal public
policy. Since the idea of a Utopian
solution has been rejected as no
longer possible, there may be a
return to a more modest, incre-
mental view of changing policy.
Must Apply Observations
Also, it is necessary to be able
to apply observational methods
and techniaeq f the nolitical

read at Monday night's council
meeting and was published the
next day in The Ann Arbor News.
"Councilman Dennard does not
disclose his role in thatrespect
(giving misinformation) ," the let-
ter said in, part. "The people' of
the area have not forgotten this
and that is why they have turned
their backs against him as their
Claims Misrepresentations
Ives said the letter contains
"aspersions concerning the per-
sonal integrity, honesty, devotion
to duty, and representativeness of
Councilman Dennard . . . a num-
ber of falsehoods and misrepre-
sentations which should have been
apparent to whomever ordered the
letter read."
Ordinary good taste and com-
mon decency should have dictated
a different procedure, Ives con-
tinued. "If some members of the
Council wish to identify them-
selves with the objectives of the
NCPOA, let them do so without
lowering the standards of the

. , i

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