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May 08, 1959 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-08

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lKeep /Active
On Campus
(Continued from Page 1)
Am. Rocket Soc.-Erle H. Wales.
Ab. Soc. for Public Ad John C.
Am. Soc. of Mech. Engr.-Wayne
Anthropology Club-Drexel B.
Arab Club-Abdel Razek Ibra-
Bacteriology Club-Samuel H.
Baha'I Student Group-Jon J.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation-
Robert Stein.
Canterbury-Robert Miller.
Chinese Students Club-Richard
Christian Medical Society-Bob
Christian Reformed Stud. Fel-
lowship-John A. Tibbits.
Christian Science Organization
-Fred Norris.
Congregational - Disciples Guild
--Elizabeth Wright.
Council of Stud. Religious Org.
-Stan Rock.
Dental Hygiene Class of 1959-
Linda O'Connor.
Deutcher Verein-William See-
Eastern Orthodox Stud. Society-
Paul Ladas.
Engineering Council - Jorge
Evangelical & Reformed Stud.
Fellowship-Judith Field.
Exe. Bd. of Eng. Class of 1961-
John Mertus.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stud.
Assoc.-Hal Bruning.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society-
Charles Menges.
Gothic Film Society - Harold
Grace Bible Stud. Guild-Ronald
Graduate History Club-Alan
Graduate Outing Club-Kenneth
Graduate Student Council-
Martin Gold.
Hawaii Club-Donald Fujii.
India Students Association-Ram-
eshchandra M. Patel.
Indonesian Club-Liang L. Oey.
Industrial Relations Club.-
George Zin.
Inter-Cooperative Council-Neil
Intn'l Folk Dancers-Sol Syl-
Intn'tl Students Assoc.-Robert
Israeli-American Stud. Club-
Kalman Benyamini.
Italia n Club-Libby. Sundel.
Japanese Students Club-Shige-
take -Suzuki.
,Joint Judiciary Council-Allan
Junior Panhellenic-Beverly
Kappa Phi Club-Barbara An-
La Sociedad Hispanica-Frances
A. Gordon.
Latvian Students Club - John
Les Voyageurs-George Roehm
Lutheran Stud. Foundation-
Roy C. Lindholm.
Mechanical Engineering Club-
Wayne C. Townsend.
Mennonite Fellowship - Harold
Methodist Student Group-John
Mich. Actuarial Club-Richard
S. Miller.
Michigan Christian Fellowship-
Stan Rock.
Michigan Flyers, Inc.-Robert
t. James.
Mich. Men's Union-Barry

Muslim Students Assoc. - Mu-
hammad M. Ghaly,
Newman Club-William Mitch-
Presbyterian Stud. Fellowship-
Dan Brockman.
Rifle Club-Douglas B. flammer.
Russian Circle-Roger Anderson.
Sailing Club-J. Otto Scherer.
Social Work Club-David A. De-
Society for Adv. of Mgmt. -
Richard Slayton.
Society of Auto. Engineers-
--Leonard Muller, Jr.
Soil Conservation S oe iety of
America-Robert Twiss.
Stamm Foundation-Elaine Ra-
Student Councils-
School of Dentistry - Roger
School of Nursing-Diane"
School of Pharmacy - Beryl
Stud. N'tl Educ. Assoc.-Alva
Thai Association-Hambanonda
Turkish Students Club-Saba-
hattin Sagiroglu.
Ukranian Students Club--Dazia
Ullr Ski Club. r,th mh
Ullr Ski Club4-Paul Martilla.
University Christian Fed.-Emil

Deserving Students Receive Scholarships,

Prizes, Awards

(Continued from Page 1)

Cynthia Madeline Simone
Janet Marilyn Smith
LeConte Anne Bollendonk
Charles William Wixom
George H. Benzenberg Awards
Robert Wynne Anthony
Richard Nelson Boyd
David Richard Haller
Bruce Allen Schuk
John Roland Shreves
Alan Stuart Wineman
Don M. Yee
Board in Control Scholarship
Charles Blackloc Clarkson
Peter Howard Fries
Donald George Gourley
Cyrus Clark Hopkins
Walter Norman Johnson
Richard John Kimball
George G. Booth Travelling
Rudolph Horowitz
Borden Scholarship Award
Shirley Ida Miekka. .
Shirley Ida Miekka
Joseph M. Boyer Scholarship
Richard Walter Beekman
Carl Edward Hoyt
Carl Dennis Karaba
Thomas Francis King, Jr.
Robert Eugene Little
Bernard John Lucci
Seymour Norman Manello
Robert Arthur Mills
Thomas Charles O'Brien
Bradley Moore Davis
Undyergraduate Award
in Botany
Caroline Margaret Dieterle
Gail Ann Rutherford
Bristol Laboratories Award
Dwight Russell Tousignaut
Edgar C. Britton Fellowship
in Organic Chemistry sponsored
by the Dow Chemical Company
James Arthur Marshall
Donald Joel Brown Memorial
Louis Ira Jaffee
William J. Bryan Prize
David Stanley Brown
Joseph Aldrich Bursley
Mechanical Engineering Award
Robert Eugene Little
Ralph N. Byers Memorial
Merit Awards in Journalism
Earl Charles Goott'schalk
Harry C. Carver Award
Matthew Joseph Zeiler
The Central Pharmaceutical
Journal Pharmacy
Administration Prize
Margery Ann Blatchley
Winthrop Burr Chamberlain
Scholarship Award in Journalisn
Joseph Michael Baplitney
Roy D. Chapin Scholarship
Walter Frederick Lewis
Department of Chimistry Scholar
Charles Weyand Heitsch
Morton Z. Hoffman
Ernest Franklin LeVon
Chemstrand Scholarship
James Edward Briggh, Jr.
Chicago Tribune
Gold Medal Award
Alex Anckonie III
Bryant Paul Fillion
Richard Theodore Guttman
Michael Victor Marston
Malcolm Lee Sargent
Richard Thompson
Chicago Tribune
Silver Medal Award
George Andrew Benington
Karl William Nuechterlen
Dean'Stanton Williams
Richard Wald Schubart
Conference Medal Award 1958-59
Business Administration
Walter Norman Johnson
Consumers Power Company
Roual Juan Cayo
William Harry Morris
Frank George Tenkel
Consumers Power Company

Freshman Scholarship
in Engineering
John Fredericklllrick
Convair Award
Witold Peter Klimenko
Convair Aviation Award
Jack W. Ross III
Curtis-Wright Corporation
Fellowship and Scholarship Fund
in Aeronautical Engineering
Kenn Edward Clark
Gary Lee Cosens
William Charles Engehart
Clayton William LaPointe
SNAME Undergraduate
Bryant Alarr Hilliard
Union Carbide and Carbon
David Paul Baron
Alfred Benjamin Cocanower
David Kennedy Hirst
Richard Duane Karkkainen
Howard Charles Mueller
Edward August Oette
Yancey, Emerson Smith
Andras Szanto
Flint College Prizes, Scholarships
and Awards
George G. Allen Scholars

John Andrew Rigg
Manfred Fiske Schleuss
Robert Arden Stork
George Theodore Strassburger
Flint Sales Executives Club
Marketing Award
Russell Henry VanGilder, Jr.
General Flint College Scholar
Velma Grace Gordon
Saginaw Valley National
Association of Accountants
Robert Arden Stork
Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship
William Donald Skinner
United States Public Health
Service Traineeship
John Paul Flynn
University of Michigan,
Public Junior College Scholars
Mary Jo Allard
Ronald Henry Andersen
Fredrica Kathryn Bartz
George Frederick Borgelt, Jr.
Ronald James Brewer
William Eugene Connolly
VioletRuth Darby
Sheila Alice Elton
Helen Elizabeth Hoeffgen
Patricia Ann Jarrett
Edward Allen Middleton
Patrick George Morris
John Kenneth Myers
Margaret Viola Nielsen
Fauniece Audrey Price
William Donald Skinner
Mathilde Anna Slider
Donald Andrew Tomalia
Russell Henry VanGlider, Jr.
Florence Mae Wheaton
University of Michigan'
Flint Alumni Club Scholars
Thomas Redden Colladay
Margaret B. Bush
Zonta (Flint) Scholar
Elaine Genevieve Saunders
Flint College Honorary
Fraternities, Sororities and
Arrow Society
Mary Elizabeth Buckley
Margaret Joyce Clinton
Joseph Stephen Dietch
James Elieff
Sheila Alice Elton
Harry Ray Faulk
Bessie May French
Jane McNiel Hurd
Joan Hhena Jacobson
Gretel Kiesekamp
Madeline Rose McAinsh
Gail Muriel Moss
John Kenneth Myers
Margaret Viola Nielsen
Andrew Popovecz, Jr.
Marvin Joseph Roberson
Elaine Genevieve Saunders
Ida Mae Shaker
William Donald Skinner
George Theodore Strassburger
Marilyn Jane Swift
Joseph Komell Tali
Mary Joanne Veenhuis
Peta Alpha Psi
John Andrew Rigg
Robert Arden Stork
George Theodore Strassburger
Phi Kappa Phi
Pearl Dumoff
Sheila Alice Elton
Rosemary Agnes Kominek
Manfred Fiske Schleuss
William Donald Skinner
Pi Lambda Theta
Mary Ellen Collins
Pearl Dumoff
Rosemary Agnes Kominek
Forestry Faculty Award
Natural Resources
John Alan Vance
Foundry Educational Foundation
Ivan Anders Franson
Henry Guenther Kunsmann
Edmond Alan Merriman
John Wertel Smythe
Leon aHrison Frank
Memorial Foundation
Morton Ahern Lipman
Leon Joseph Lockwood
Alvah B. and Salome K. Frederick
Virgil James Barbat
Alan Charles Green
George Edward Thrasher, Jr.

Gannett Scholarship for
Engineering Students
Vernon Stanley Mummert
Robert Campbell Gemmell
Richard William Simmons
General Motors College
Nancy Mia Houk
Charles Arthur Judge
Martin Robert Lipp
Gregory Allan Marks
Patricia Kathryn Woods
Alfred Ellis Hoover
General Motors National
Jane Elizabeth Dean
John Charles Roberts
Albert William Ruesink
Moses Gomberg House
Gomberg House Freshman
Scholarship Trophy.
Robert George Crowder
Hugh Hazen Witemeyer
Jack Kelsey Memorial Award
Frederick Robert Channon
Moses Gomberg Fellowships
in Chemistry
Jerome Frederick Levy
James Allbee Smith
Moses Gomberg Prizes for Seniors
James Michael Reh

Barry Wayne Beals
Leslie Benko
John Robert Bliss
James Franklin Burns
Louis John Cattaneo
Frederick Nels Christophersen
John Duncan
David Stunge Eddy
Peter Sandor Eros
Jose Leon Flores
Gee Sing Goo
Frank Sympson Hammond
William Jay Harris
Wilfred Richard Hildebrandt
Ralph John Hitchcock
Darrell John Iverson
Peter Geza Katona
Eugene Fredrick Knott
Norbert Felix Kratkiewicz
Robert Michael Kulfan
Chien-Sen Liu
Rocque Edward Lipford
Michael James Malinowski
Peter John McCullock
Peter Thomas McLean
Ted Evan McVay
George John Meldrum
Gerald Herman Miller
David Lennox Mills ,
Thomas Eugene Ness
Douglas Dean Orvis
George'Donald Pace
John Harry Pattison
Barry Lewis, Peebles
Winston Kent Pendleton
William Michael Perpich
Stanley Charles Pincura
Thomas Rattray
Delmar Hurley Robbins
Raymond Frederick Ross
Martin Rothenberg
Paul Edwin Sager
Gordon Kwai Fong Sam
Barnett Schneider
James Henry Schindler
James Franklin Schulbert
Richard Lee Selvala
Stanley Jay Shackman
Philip Owen Shriner
Glen Charles Smith
Robert Norman Tap
Chao Chung Ting
Arthur Guntis Vedes
Marjorie Ann Voelker
Sheldrake Arthur Walker
Kinglsey Stuart Wineman
Maurice Eugene Witteveen
Hailperin Mathematics
Student Aid Grant
Marianna Veronika Katona
Hopwood Freshman Awards
Patricia Ann Cannon
Barbara Rochelle Stoler
David Arthur Saunders
David John Cook
Jennice Gail Thomas
Brenda Sue Yogus
Suzanne Cumberworth
Stuart Alan Curran
Roberta Carole Ormandy
Hopwood Minor Awards
Joseph Ira Dassin
Sarah Naomi Drasin
Louis Geza Megyesi
Florence Evelyn Wiselogle
Laurel Elaine Duberstein
Jay Gerson Hamburg
Drama and Poetry
Donald Ray Howard
Hopwood Summer Awards
James Truman Kent
Burley L. Hendricks
Bernard Francis Mc Phillips
Fiction and Poetry
John Harlan Underhill
Robert Walter Wheeler
Marilyn Loretta Keith
Hopwood Major Awards
Jane Trimble Miller
David Newman
John Robert Szucs
Martha Bennett Stiles
Bernard Keith Waldrop
Nancy Margaret Willard
Padma Heimadi
Mary Owen Rank
Edwin Charles Scott4Sauter,

Daniel Freeman Jaffee
Laurence James Lieberman
Horowitt Award
Frederick Bruce Parker
Harriet Eveleen Hunt Scholarship
Norman James Campbell
Thomas Norris Hitchman, Jr.
Stanley Maksymiuk, Jr.
Donald Raymond Marble
Patrick Francis McSorley
Ralph Carroll Parris
Jerold Watson Russell
Frederick William Zinger
Mahon Foundation
Engineering Scholarship
Richard Hodge Cullen
Simon Mandlebaum Scholarship
Alan Keith Parker
Marine Corps Association Award
Peter Arnold Patterson
Marksmanship Medal
Robert Hollis Fear
Donald M. Matthews
Memorial Award
Natural Resources
Robert Francis Wambach
1959 McNaught Award for
General Excellence in Journalism
Margie Helen Goldowitz

Carol Nancy Kallio
David Hale Kibler
Michael Benjamin Luskin
Daniel Joseph Murphy
Richard Louis Noh
Paul Edward Parker
Ann Patton
Jane Ford Putnam
Deanna Jeanne Schmid
Barbara Jean Thom
Alice Janette Travis
Stephen Alan Vile
John Richard Vogel, Jr.
Wayne George Vroman
Michigan Aviation
Foundation Award
Richard Edward Siemon
Minnesota Mining and
Manufacturing Fellowship
Norman Eliot Levitin
Nola Sauer Minnis Prize
in Chemistry
Ruth Anne Peereboom
Arthur B. Modine
Tau Beta Pi Scholarship
Stephen Douglas Bojack
Shantilal Khushaldes Dani
Bud Anthony Vander Lugt
Monsanto Chemical Company
Douglas Neal Reinhard
Robert H. Morse
Foundation Scholarship
James Victor Ball
Conrad Marshall Smith
Leon E. Strikaitis
Jerrold Lawrence Wagener
Mu Phi Epsilon Scholarship Award
Leah Belle Gretzler
Xi Sigma Pi Upperclassman Award
Natural Resources
Joe Dan Barrus
Albert Kahn Scholarship
Harutun Vaporciyan
Francis W. Kelsey House
Robert L. Drake Scholastic
Leigh Wayne Mintz
Kothe-Hildner Sophomore
First Prize
Charles Jonathon Westover
Second Prize
Phyllis Kay Herrick
Ladish Company Scholarship
David Lee Schroeder
Lambda Kappa Sigma Award
George Frederick Fishman
Lehn and Fink Prize
Shirley Ida Miekka
Lockheed Leadership Scholarship
Joseph Robin Klein
Albert Lockwood Memorial
Karen Louise Taylor
Francis Brown Lowry
Kenneth LeRoy Bays
Charles Cooper Hoopes
Meyer Morto Trophy 1958
Richard Edward Syring
Claude Halstead Van Tyne House
Freshman:Scholarship Awards
Robert Carl Landgren
Alan JudsonStenger
Guy H. Jenkins Memorial Award
in Journalism
William Eldon Bradford
Edward and Barbara Jewett
Scholarships x
Jeffrey Annin Moore
Donald Emmett Ross
Malcolm Alan Walker
Jerry Stephen Zelenka
Johnson Service Company
John Joseph Conway
Arthur Travers
William J. Olcott Scholarship
Harry William Kimel, Jr.
Robert-Michael Rusnak
International Business Machines

Herman Lawrence Finkbeiner
International Nickel Company
Nancy Kathryn La Tendresse
Julia E. Emanuel Scholarship
for Girls
Maureen Marcia Frank
Elaine Joyce Green
Engineering Materials Scholarship
James Quincy Steigelman
Arthur C. Tagge Scholarship '
Architecture and Design
Mrs; Frances Wynifred Cortes
Carolyn Ann Thurman
William Oliver Walcott
Fred Manville Taylor House
The Laing Award 1958
Charles Kenneth Veenstra
James R. Davies Award Fund
David Thomas Morrison
Texaco Scholarship
Alan Drew Baker
Frederick John Meyer
Ellen H. Toporek Memorial Award
Shirley Jo Dayharsh Barron
The Trane Company'Scholarship
Richard Harry Carlson
Pi Kappa Lambda Freshman

Carl David Martenson
Marianne Harriet Davidson
Lowell Lawrence Pressler
M. Scholarship
Gerald Allan Schmitt
Procter and Gamble Company
Harry Andrew Smith
Professor of Air Science Award
Donald Saxton Post
Oreon E. Scott Awards
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts
Sharon Carole Adams
Samileh Asgarzadah
Susan Bergholtz
Bernard Stewart Bildman
Ronald Arthur Bortman
Robert Olcott Bradley
Mary Elizabeth Carroll
Jere Michael Cohen
Judith Adams Cook
Stuart Alan Curran
Jane Elizabeth Dean
D'Arline Gertrude DeJongh
Deanne Doebeli
Robert Morton Elvove
Susan Felicity Farrell
Todd Lawrence Fay
Harvey David Feinberg
Diana Frances Feldman
Barbara Louise Finkelstein
Albert Edwin Fowerbaugh
Daniel Hilary Friedman
Sally Ann Furnas
Mudite Gedrovics
Sandra Louise Gentry
Wallace Howard Glendening
Brian Gerald Glick
Michael Harvey Glicker
Elenor Sue Goetz
Samuel Golman
James Wharton Greene
Edwin Jon Hammer
Theodore Weston Haworth
Paul William Holland
Lois Louise Holwerda
Nancy Ruth Huesmann
Louis Robert Jacoby
Marilyn Ruth Johnson
Joanna Lee Jury
Rita Mary Kambos
Richard George Klein
Arthur Jay Klinghoffer
Lois Paula Kolber
Kenneth Francis Kowalski
Robert Carl Landgren
Jon Alan Leibee
Martha Alice Leigh
Bruce Dunn Lippmnann
David George Lockwood
Mary Beth McDonald
Charles Paul Martens
Raymond George Mercier
Robert James Methven
Patricia Ann Michelmore
Douglas Earl Miller
Daniel Joseph Murphy
Susan Otto
Roger Phillip Pascal
Ann Patton
Robert Vincent Peterson
Jean Adele Pfeffer
Thomas Harrison Price
Elinor Louise- Reading
Gary Howard Rich
John Charles Roberts
Albert William Ruesink
David Arthur Saunders
Sally Jo Sawyer
Roger Thomas Schlatter
Nancy Jean Schmitt
Marjorie Ellen Schuman
Ralph Shrahrigian
Peter Simon
Cynthia May Smith Kueter
Alan Judson Stenger
Roger Harold Stewart
Ralph Everett Stingel
Barbara Rochelle Stoler
Paul,William Strait
Linda Anne Swanson
Robert Spencer Thorpe
Robert Alan Troester
Jacqueline Van Kampen
Elizabeth Therese Von
Garth William Warner
Joan Carol Weeber
Faith Leah Weinstein
Edmund Valentine White
Mary Catherine White
Kuang Hui Wu
College of Architecture
and Design
Havia Alswang

Stuart Alan Karabenick
Joseph Engelbert Lunghamer
Elayne Ida Rotkow
Rene Salzman
College of Engineering
Richard Robert Allen
Jerry Lee Beard
Allen Edward Blaurock
Donald William Boettner
Bruce James Bolas'
Patrick Michael Cassen
Edward Louis Cicciarelli
Raymond William Green
Paul Theodore Greiling
Ross Henry Hieber
Joseph Louis Lazaroff
Iichard Alan Lloyd
Jane Allison McCann
Peter Thomas McLean
John Frederick Marshall
John Harvey Martin
Blake Reynolds Patterson
Frederick William Roos
Robert William Shultz
Robert William Schultz
Anthony Bertrand Segur
Stephen Chester Smelser
Jerome Allan Smith
Duncan Steele
James Quincy Steigelman
Donald Preston Tate
John Richard Vogel
School of Forestry
Larry Richard Jones
School iof Musaic

Richard Joseph Trzaskoma
Presser Musical Scholarship
College of Pharmacy
Gertrude Helen Klach
National Association of Engine
and Boat.Manufacturers
Robert Allen Hohlfelder
John Hart Klose
Miklos Magyari Kossa
National Merit Scholarships
Donald William Boettner
Jere Michael Cohen
Eleanor Rose Cook
James Henry Cul
Barbara Ann Falk
Eleanor Sue Goetz
Robert Arthur Greenes
Charles Wallace Haley
Ralph Peter'Hammerton
Ross Henry Hieber
Arthur Marmaduke Hobbs
Robert Eudelmar Ide
Joseph Louis Lazaroff
Charles Paul Martens
Anne Louise Middleton
Nancy Kay Nagelkirk
Susan Otto
Stephen Kinsley Parrott
Victor Michael Powers
Anthony Bertrand Segur
Linda Anne Swanson
Robert Alan Troester
Larry Lee Vanice
Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering Scholarship
Bryant Alan Hilliard
Robert Allen Hohlfelder
John Hart Klose
Miklos Magyari Kossa
Edgard Miner Morrill Jr.
James Franklin Wonnell
Navy League Sword
Robert Carl Arnold
Thomas Nowak, Jr.
Memorial Award
Glenn Melwood Schmieg
Saylor Award in Fisheries
James Dane Hall
Robert George Wetzel
Scabbard and Blade Award
Wilfred Lindahl McGuire
James William Nye
Scabbard and Blade
Sophomore Award
Peter David Winer
Arnold Schiff Interfaith
Memorial Award
Stanley Arthur Rock
Scott House
Fred Newton Scott Scholarship
Wendell Aaron Shultz
Resident Advisers Freshman
Award for Academic Prominence
Paul William Holland
The Burnett Award
William Russell Jones, Jr.
Scott Paper Company Scholarship
Charles Thomas Fox '
Norman Arthur Sussman
Frank Sheehan Scholarship
John Arthur Flory
Henry George Reichle, Jr.
Edgar Schwabold
Senior Competition
William Werner Seeger
Sigma Alpha Iota
Scholarship Award
Honors Scholar, Music, 1958-59
Martha Nell Rearick.
Sigma Delta Chi Award as
Outstanding Male Graduate
in Journalism
Ronald Martin Kotulak
Sigma Delta Chi Scholarship
Recognition Award
Margie Helen Goldowitz
Carol Ilene Meyer
Fredda Jen Sullivan
Silent Hoist and Crane
Prize Awrd
Paul Frederick Bath
Albert William Hilburger
Mitchell Harris Zucker
Silver Wings Award
Phillip Merle Horn
Ernest and Natalie Sims
Engineering Scholarship
Larry Jay Laursen
Mark Junior Kaliszewski
Charles and Helen Smillie
Ronald Delbert Bos

Sociedad Hispanica Scholarship
Phillip David Stone
Richard Joseph Trzaskoma
Square D Scholarship
Richard Theodore Guttman
Peter Geza Katona
SNAME Undergraduate
Edgar Miner Morrill, Jr.
James Franklin Wonnell
Socony Mobile Scholarship
in Geology
William Edward Langenbahn
Sons of American
Revolution Award
John Orin Grettenberger
Theodore-Michael Hurchik
Hllbron Bascom Love, Jr.
Albert A. Stanley Medal
Lawrence Page Hurst
Elsa Gardner Stanley Scholarship
Robert Luke Haus III
Charles H. Stocking Award
Thomas Richard Lyon
Sunnyslope Foundation
Russell Chloris Anderson
Charles Howard Barton
George Melvin Bedross, Jr.
Michael Peter Bittner

Thomas Weston Hutchinson
James Robert Mitchell
Fred Howenstine Mowrey, Jr.
Westinghouse Air Arm Division
John Foster Bloodgood
Andrew Anthony Bulleri
David Charles Schultz
Western Electric Company
Robert Louis Linnell
Steve Samuel Popovich
Whirlpool-Seeger Corporation
James Carroll Fox
Ronald Loren Sisson
Howard M. Wight Memorial Prize
Natural Resources
Donald Oscar Swanson
'Woodrow Wilson Award
Elaine Catherine Hatfield
Women's Auxiliary of the Michigan
Branch American Pharmaceutical
JoanneNancy Yagelo
Wood Technology Senior Award
Natural Resources
Irving Lee Plough
Clarence E. Groesbeck Memorial
Gene Everett Smith
Simon Mandlebaum Scholarship
William Shao-Chang Chen
George Charles Herm, Jr.
Jesse Sidall Reeves House
Charles Spencer Clark Scholar.-
ship Award A
Howard Merrick Parsons
W. Wiley Helms Memorial
John Richard Charters
Reserve Officers Association Award
Martin David Centala
Rho Chi Scholarship Award
Jerome Char
Willard Lauritz Harrison
Rho Chi Prize
Jerry Loren McLaughlin
Sharon Diane Stelter
Henry Earle Riggs Fellowship
John Herbert Hall
Detroit Edison Company
Freshman Scholarship
Arnold Gerald Bauer
Stuart Alan Curran
Edward Strauss Fry
Cornelius and Margaret Donovan
Bobby Osteen Alexander
Stephen Douglas Boaek
Frank Robert Cheslak
Daykl Earl Damouth
Robert Wallace Dunlap
Kurt Fritiof Frank
Roger Allen Frederick
Roger Joseph Frock
Bruce Lawrence Gehman
Gerald Nell Goldberg
Robert Ln Harmon
Richard Eastman Hartle
Stanley Maurice Headd
Charles Raymoand Hildebrandt
Eeverly AnniHill
Dennis Duane Jablonski
,Raymond Elmer Jacques
James Custer Judd
Lawrence Charles Kobus
Alan Bert Lovitch
John Mercer Lutz
William Frederick MacPher-
Herman Franklin Russell
Douglas Aircraft Scholarship
Charles Robert Bradfield
United States Naval Institute
Award (Contract)
John Edward Solomon, Jr.
United States Naval Institute
Award (Regular)
William George Sutcliffe
United States Public Health
Service Fellowship
Robert Edward Gilman
Universal Oil Company
Charles Edward Barnes
James Richard Street
University Fellowship
Lee Graves McKnight

University Scholarship
University Scholarship
Charles Weyand Heitsch
University Scholarships
General (Engineering)
Desh Kumar Kapur
Jal Nusserwanji Kerawalla
Hanns Jurgen Kristen
Richard Yee Yen Lee
Walter Frederick Lewis
Karam Chand Munjal
Mahendra Parekh
Sharandchandra Ramanlal
Gurpal Singh Rehal
Isam Hasau Rimawi
Patrick Seek-Lai Wong r
Richard Soo Tsai, Yeung
Louis Carl Fras
Thomas Goldman
Ronald Harry Jones
Donna Louise Kink
Jerry Loren McLaughlin
Shirley Ida Miekka
Frank Joseph Pignanelli
Mary Julia Roach
Harding James Ruggles
Charles Robert VanAken
Mary Clelland Walker
Yost Honor Award
Roger Baron
David Crawford Bowers





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