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May 08, 1959 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-08

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Engineering Freshmen

University Intercollegiate Teams
Complete Very Exciting Season

Richard Robert Allen
Jerry Lee Beard
Allen Edward Blaurock
. Donald William Boettner
Bruce James Bolas
Patrick Michael Cassen
Edward Louis Cicciarelli
Thomas George De Jonghe
Raymond William Green
Paul Theodore Greiling
Ross Henry Hieber
Robert Eudelmar Ide
Robert Frederick Koester,
B.Mus. (Mus.Ed.)
Joseph Louis LazaroRf
Richard Alan Lloyd
Norman David Marschke
John Frederick Marshall
Beverly Jean Barchi
Allan Meakin Collins
Pamela Johnson Dexter
Larry Dean Elliott
Donald Allen Rademaker,
Gerard Henry Roeling
William Cobb Schmidt
Harold Walter Slawsby
., Juniors
Carol Jean Akey
Beverly Rochelle Berney
Rachelle Rosen Channon
Roberta Gail Dorph
Martha Mary Taylor
Saundra Lee Witherspoon
Elaine Janet Wright
Dorothy Louise Bush
Thomas Hamilton Jeffs
James George Knollniller
Lawrence Brian Silver
Nursing Juniors
Kay Bauer
Donna Kay Burley
Joyce Elaine Fox
Barbara Nagle Gilbert
Mary Elizabeth Kotting
Sue Caroline McCleary
Donna Lou Tigelaar
Linda Suyeno Hiratsuka
Kathleen Ann Hodgman
Sharon Agnes Mail
Linda Jo Rice
Anne Kerstin Peterson
Anna Sargent Davis
Hope Ann De Jonge
Delores Ann Gustavson
Mary Susan Rainaldi
Joyce Elizabeth Schrage
Gloria Jean Zimba

Music School
Jerre Jean Brittain
Clarence Edgar Byrd
David Louis Effron
James Parkinson Fairleigh
Nancy Jane Grawemeyer
Judith Elaine Mansfield
Ella Alberta Villa
Leah Belle Gretzler
William Eugene Hettrick III
Ann Frances Kynast
Jerry Loren McLaughlin
and Design
Arline Barbara Harms
C" LRA0 .,,, 0

Student Publications Finish Year
With Expectations for Next Fall

John Harvey Martin
Jane Allison McCann
Peter Thomas McLean,
Michael Arnold O'Neil
Blake Reynolds Patterson
Stanley Leonard Piatkowski
Frederick William Roos
Dana Murray Schmidt
Ira Milton Scholnick
Bruce Alle Schuck
Robert William Schultz
Anthony Bertrand Segur
Stephen Chester Smelser
Jerome Allan Smith
Duncan Steele
James Quincy Steigelman
Donald Preston Tate
John Richard Vogel, Jr.
Beta Gamma
Commerce Honor Society, 1913
Beverly Jean Barchi
John Edward Paul Barnds
Ronald George Coleman
Allan Meakin Collins
Walter Edwin Cox, Jr.
John Leonard DeMey
Pamela Johnson Dexter
Van Thomas Edsall
Robert Charles Eisemann
James Edward Elliott
Larry Dean Elliott
Norman Kenneth Foley, Jr.
Allan Dana Gilmour
John Franklin Gordon, Jr.
Kenneth Bennett Johnston
Robert Wayne Livengood
John William Madigan
John Roger Moody
Gordon Henry Pethrick
Alexander Sylvester
Robert Winthrop Pratt, Jr.
Donald Allen Rademaker
David Robert Rubin
Bobby Gene Seal
Harold Walter Slawsby
Kenneth Clifford Stine
WilliamDavid Stumpfig
Eric William Vetter
George Hanford White
Carol June Wray
Senior Men's Honorary, 1902
Daniel N. Belin
Russell Stephen Berman
Kenneth Ross Childs
Edward William Cole
Memie Clifton Burton, Jr.
Jon David Erickson
John Patterson Gerber
Maynard Goldman
Mamon Gibson, Jr. .
Richard Dennis Hanley
James Roy Hayslett
Cyrus Clark Hopkins
Alan Hedrick Jones
Richard John Kimball
Carl David Martenson
Barry Alan Shapiro
Richard Paul Taub
Stephen Allen Topol
John Charles Weicher
* Carl Thomas Woolley
IHC Ends
Sixth Year
On Campus
In the past year, the Inter-
House Council has concentrated
its work in two areas-scholastics
and revision of the basic function
of the IHC Presidium.
Executive Committee
Robert William Ashton,
William Fehlberg,
executive vice-president

Arthur Brown,
administrative vice-president
Charles Arthur Sheffer,
Robert Garb, secretary
James Claffey,
East Quadrangle president
Richard Abrams,
West Quadrangle President
Peter L. Wolff,
South Quadrangle president
Standing Committee Chairmen
Boren Louis Chertkov, judiciary
Boyd Conrad, house services
John Morgan, publicity
Lawrence Fenton, scholarship
Richard Mohl, WCBN
Presidium Members
Robert Crabtree, Green House
William McCormick,
Anderson House
Jon Eliason, Cooley House
Thomas Coffey, Hayden House
William Anderson,
Hinsdale House
Gareth Owen, Prescott House
Richard McLaughlin,
Strauss House
Joel Rowean, Tyler House
Thomas McConnell,
Allen-Rumsey House
Paul Campbell, Adams House
David Catron, Chicago House
Louis Jaffe, Lloyd House
Michael Bittner,
Michigan House

Daily Sports Editor
The current. sports year has,
with a few exceptions, been one
marked by surprising success -
and seems indicative of an even
brighter future.
At the end of the 1957-58 cam-
paign Michigan athletic teams had
hit the lowest point since the late
1930's, and there seemed to be
little reason to expect improve-
But improvement - in many
cases on the fantastic side-has
been recorded so far in the 1958-
59 season, and by all indications
should continue to throughout the
Swim, Track Excel
The two most outstanding teams
thus far are a striking comparison:
Michigan's fabulous swimming
squad was expected to win, and
responded by winning everything
in sight by the most astounding
margins ever achieved; while the
Wolverine trackmen surprised the
world by grabbing the Big Ten
title almost un-challenged by!
teams which were supposed to be
on Michigan's par.
Although the swimmers were no
improvement over last year (aside
from individual records and crush-
ing point totals they are really no
more Big Ten and NCAA cham-
pions than a year ago) the track
squad jumped from eighth to first.
Improvements were also registered
by the basketball team, which
jumped from sixth to second; the
gymnasts, who moved up from
third to second; and the wrestlers
who went from fifth to third.
No Improvement
only the football and hockey
teams failed to improve on the
previous year, and despite the
icers' poor season it was the great-
est winter sports campaign that
'U' Sororities
Panhellenic Association is the
co-ordinating body foi the 21 na-
tional sororities, the one local
sorority, and two associate mem-
bers on the campus.,
As representative of affiliated
women on campus, Panhel has the
purpose of cooperating in the
maintenance of high social stan-
dards, furthering intellectual ac-
complishment and sound scholar-.
Ship, promoting cooperation among
sororities and: unifying the inter-
ests of sorority and non-sorority
Panhel is headed by the Execu-
tive Council. This council heads'
the administrative chairmen and
the Board of Delegates, composed
of two representatives from each
of the sororities, one representa-
tive being the president.
Executive Council
President: Mary Virginia Tower,
'59Ed. Kappa Kappa Gamma.
First vice-president: Mary Eliza
beth Wyss, '59, Sigma Kappa.
Second vice-president: Phyllis
Esther Levine, '59, Alpha Epsilon
Secretary: Dianne Gilbert, '60
Ed. Alpha Gamma Dlta,
Treasurer: Barbara Lea Sutliff,s
Alpha Chi Omega.
Administrative Chairmen
Rushing Counselors: Mary Eliza-
beth Wellman, '60Ed, Alpha Phi.
Assistant: Janet Ellen Van Wag-
hien, '60E, Alpha Chi Omega.
Rushing: Lois Nancy Curtis, '59
Ed., Alphi Xi Delta.
land, '60, Delta Delta Delta.
Public Relations:' Sheila Ann
Stamfli, '59, Delta Gamma.
Secretarial Manager: Nancy
Lynne Moore, '60, Alpha Phi .
-President, Junior Pan-Hellenic:
Beverly Ann Ford, '61, Kappa

Alpha Theta.
Panhel Delegates
Alpha Chi Omega: Kathryn
June Schiller, 59.'
Alpha Delta Pi: Judith Elaine
Adams, 59 Ed.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Sarah Graph
Weiners, 59.
Alpha Gamma Delta: Marcia Lee
Bryant, 60Ed.
Alpha Kappa Alpha: Jean Maxwell
Cooper, '60M.
Alpha Omicron Pi: Karen Ruth
Aldridge, 60.
Alph Phi: Sara Marie Daliere,
Alpha Xi Delta: Jennie Ann
Morgan, 59.
Chi Omega: Pamela Johnson Dex-
ter, 60 BAd.
Collegiate Sorosis: Penelope Ann
Reynolds, 59.
Delta Delta Delta: Suzanne
Janetzke, 59Ed.
Delta Gamma: Gertrude Ann Mc-
Kewen, 59Ed.
Delta Phi Epsilon: Marilyn Judith
Sloan, 60.
Delta Sigma Theta: Sandra
Jeannette Johnson, 59 Ed.
Gamma Phi Beta: Janebeth
Kappa Alpha Theta: Lynnette
Beall, 59.
Kappa Delta: Beverly Jean
Barchi. 59BAd.

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS-Swimming team captain Cy Hopkins
(right) is holding the National Collegiate Athletic Association's
championship swimming trophy which Michigan won, as swim-
ming coach Gus Stager (center) and Robert Kane, Director of
Athletics at host school, Cornell, looks on.

Michigan has seen in many years:
ending with two firsts, two seconds
and a thir din Big Ten action.
In most cases the triumphs can't
be credited to single individuals-
for almost all sports take the co-
operation of the entire team. The
victories achieved by the track and
swimming squads were team ef-
forts of unusual proportions, with
almost every individual involved
turning in his greatest individual
The finishes of the wrestling,
gymnastics and basketball teams
were also due to balarce and depth
- ,although the cagers boast a
number of individuals who have
reaped special award's.
The individual stars are too
many to name. The swimming
team alone boasts a list of cham-
pions that even when limited must
include NCAA titlists Dick Hanley
and Frank Legacki, Dave Gillan-
ders; Big Ten winners Tony Tah
nick, and Ron Clark; and a host
of others like Captain Cy Hopkins,
Carl Woolley, John Smith, Dick
Kimball, Tony Turner, Joe Ger-
lach, Alex Gaxiola, and John Ur-
banczok who added valuable points
in the big meets.
In track, too,,the list of runners
who aided the Conference cham-
pionship is huge. Tom Robinson,
Tony Seth, Dick Cephas, Eeles
Landstrom, Les Bird, and Captain
Mamon Gibson must come first,
although many others aided in the'
'M' landslide.
Individual Stars
Sophomore Don Courriere, with
Michigan's single Conference mat
title; gymnasts Ed Cole and Frank'
Newman on the trampoline and
Bill Skinner and Jim Brown on
the mats; and big M. C. Burton,'
the leading scorer and rebounder,
The following students were of-
cers of the International Students'
Association and its various nation-,
ality clubs for the past school year:
P. Krishnamurthy, Grad.,
Robert Arnove, '59,
Mary Lou Giesman, '60,,
Corresponding Secretary
Ahmnad Dalati, Grad.,
Recording Secretary
Sergio Scarabello, Grad.,
George Haniotis, ISA,
Alva Reineman, A&D,
Suha Cevik Alpayli, '60E, Sports
Abu M. M. H. Rahman, Grad.,
Ahmed Belkhoda, Grad.,
Debates and Discussion
Kolawole Ana, 159M,
President, African Union
Abdel Razek Ibrahim, Grad.,
President, Arab Club"
Alan Stanley Tweddle, 161E,
President, Canada House
Richard Yeung, 'TOE, President,
Chinese Students Club
Mark N. Stephanidis, '60,
President, Greek Students Club
Ramesh Chandra M. Patel, Grad.,
President, India Student
India Students Assciation 1
Liang Lee Oey, Grad, President,
Indonesian Club
Kalman Benyamini, Grad.,
President, Israel-American 1
Students Club
Shigetake Suzuki, Grad.,1
Japanese Students Club
Won-Yon Chon, Grad,
President, Korean Club
Jom L Gelais, '60,
President, Latvian Club

Shamsuzzoha Z. Ansari, Grad.,
President, \

in the Big' Ten, highlight the
other winter storts.
But it is not so much the indi-
viduals, but the Michigan system
who must reap the honors. When
it is apparent that almost all of
the teams are on the upswing, and
the list of star performers reaches
the length that it has-then the
schoo litself, and the athletic de-
partment that is responsible must
be given the credit.
Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz"
Crisler, and the many fine coaches
working with him, have made the
necessary steps-both in recruiting
and preparing the athletes - to
pull Michigan in a single year
from the worst to the best in 'M'
sports annals.
And judging by the present stars
-mostly sophomores-and the al-
ready known names on the fresh-
man rolls--the 1958-59 season is
simply the beginning of better
things to come. j

The Michigan Daily, housed in
its half-million dollar plant, has
completed its 68th year of edi-
torial freedom.
The paper, which publishes six
times per week, is divided into two
general staffs, run by students:
editorial and business.
The Michiganensian is the Uni-
versity yearbook, combining edi-
torial, artistic and business staffs
in its staff.
Generation, the inter-arts maga-
zine, was founded in 1949. Ap-
pearing in the magazine art art,
music, poetry, drama, fiction and
Gargoyle, the campus humor
magazine, manages to poke fun at
many University institutions and
personages during the course of
the year.
The Daily
Richard Paul Taub, '59, Editor.
John Charles Weicher, '59, City
Michael Bernard Kraft, '59, Edi-
torial Director.
David Robert Tarr, '59, Associate
Dale G. Cantor, '59, Personnel
Elizabeth Gertrude Erskine, '59,
Associate Personnel Director.
Beata Prochow Jorgenson, '59,
Associate City Editor.
Jean Isabel Willoughby, '59, As-
sociate Editorial Director.
Ralph Ernest Langer, '59, Con-
tributing Editor.1
Night Editors
Peter McDonald Dawson, '60;
Susan Jane Holtzer, '61; William
Barton Huthwaite, '60; Robert
Alexander Junker, '60; Joan Ellen
Kaatz, '60; Charles Evans Kozoll,
'60; Phillip Harwick Power, '60;
Selma Loraine Sawaya, '60; Thom-
as Edwin Turner, '60; Elwood Lane
Vanderslice, '59.
Assistant Night Editors
Bruce Kasner Cole, '61; Judith
Ann Doner, '61; Cynthia Jean
Hartwig, '61; Thomas Emmett,
Hayden,, '61; Thomas Herman
Kabaker, '61; Nan Leslie Markel,
'61; Kenneth Brooks McEldowney,
'61; Kathleen Frances Moore, '61;
Ruthann Recht, '61; James Ken-
neth Seder, '61.
Sports Staff
Alan Hedrick Jones,''59, Sports
Simon Florenz Coleman, '59, As-
sociate Sports Editor.,
Carl M. Riseman, '59, Associate
Sports Editor.
Sports Night Editors
James Stewart Benagh, '60;
Frederick Phillip Katz, '60; David
Charles Lyon, '60; Richard Allen
Mintz, '60.
Business Staff
Stephen Allen Topol, '59, Busi-
ness Manager.
Carol Hecht, '59, Associate Busi-
ness Manager.
Richard Elmer Martens, '59E,
Advertising Manager.
Thomas Eugene Creed, '59BAd.,
Finance Manager.
Ronald Lee Burkhard, '59, Ac-
counts Manager.,


Junior Managers
Ronald Barkette Peters, '60E,
Display Advertising Manager.
Theodore Roy Cohn, '60, Promo-
tions Manager.
David Joseph Rapport, '60BAd.,
Classified Advertising Manager.
Edward Harold Hayman, '61,
Circulation Manager.
Morley Gwirtzman, '6OBAd., Na-
tional Advertising Manager.
Marilyn Helen Fisher, '60, Lay-
out and Proofreading Manager.
Richard George Champe,
'60BAd., Display Accounts Man-
Barbara Victoria Chafetz, '60,
Subscriptions Accounts Manager.
Assistant Managers
Judith Ann Nicholson, '61, As-
sistant Display Advertising Man-
Michael Joel Hermanoff, '61,.As-
sistant Display Advertising Man-
Caryl Dale Scheinblum, '61, As-
sistant Display Advertising Man-
Monte Jay Nagler, '61E, Assist-
ant Promotions Manager.
Elsa Lee Szold, '60, Assistant
Promotions Manager.
Gary Mac Price, '61E, Assistant
Promotions Manager.
Louise Menlo, '61, Assistant
Classified Advertising Manager.
Lynn Enid Brandman, '61, As-
sistant Classified Advertising Man-
Florence Ann Gumberts, '61, As-
sistant Circulation Manager.
Sally Ann Abel, '61, Assistant
Layout and Prrofreading Manager.
Sara Anne Shiffman, '61, As-
sistant Layout and Proofreading
Stephen Matthew Augustyn, '61,
Assistant Subscriptions Accounts
David Newman, Grad., Man-
aging Editor.
John Weichsel, '59, Art Editor.
Lawrence,'K. Snider, '60, Busi-
ness Manager.
Leslie Newman, Nice Lady.
Nathan Scott Newman, Grad.,
Associate Editor.
C. David Martenson, '59Ed.,
Managing Editor.
Paula Rutili, '59, Copy Editor.
Charles Robert Casper, '60, Art
& Engravings Editor.
Judy Ann Nichols, '60Ed., Per-
sonnel Manager.
Junior Staff
Section Editors.
Karen Ruth Aldridge, '59, Fea-
tures Editor.
Carol Gail Handschumaker,
'60Ed., Schools & Colleges Editor.
Margaret J.,McKee, '60Ed., Or-
ganizations Co-Editor.
Alan Jay Shapiro, '60, Organiza-
tions Co-Editor.
Judith K. Webster,' '60, House
Groups Co-Editor.
Marshall Strome, '61, House!
Groups Co-Editor.

Paul D. Borman, '59, Sports Ec
Ronald Peter Sossi, '61, Phot
graphy Editor.
David R. Giltrow, '60E,Phot
graphic Laboratory Technician,
Assistant Section Editors
Susan Allen Deo, '61, Assista
Features Editor.
Brenda R. Barrett, '61, Assista
Schools & Colleges Editor.
Lois A. Starke, '60Ed., Assilita
Organizations Editor.
Mildred Friedman, '61, Assii
ant Organizations Editor.
Rosalie Sue Rude, '61, Assii
ant House Groups Editor.
Marshall R. Overstedt, '59, A
sistant Sports Editor.
Fred L. Shippey, '61E, Assista
Photography Editor.
Business Staff
Arvin I. Philippart, '59, Busine
Frank H. Mabley, '60, Sal
Thomas W. Howden, '59, A
vertising Manager.
Mary E. Murphy, '59, Accou
Ruth A. Wickham, '60, Offi
Cynthia L. Blanchard, '60BA
Contract Manager.
Timothy E. Johnson, '61E, A
sistant Advertising Manager.
D. James' Kay, '61, Assista
Sales Manager.
Gerald N. Goldberg, '60E Pr
motions Manager.
Mary E. Davis, '60, Sales A
counts Manager.
, Ann. Frances Doniger, '60, C
Albert James Young, '61, C
Robert Lon Harmon, '60E, BuE
ness Manager.
Louis Geza Meegyesi, '59, 1"
tion Editor.
Jay Gerson Hamburg, '61, Po
try Editor.
Cora Brody, '60, Publicatio
Paul Louis Nuchims, Grad., A
Albert Encols, '59A&D, Assista
Art and Illustrations Editor.
Regents Give
' U' Students y
(Continued from Page 1)
Sovereign, Lawrence Steiner, A
lan Thomas Stillwagon.
Gary Keene Stollsteimer, Car
Janice Stroud, Barbara Lea S
liff, Jeanne Tami Tanase, Joi
Elizabeth Taylor, Susan Joan Te
gan, Lucille Mary Timmony Fran
Herber Tranzow, Cyril Josep
David Leo Ver Lee, Jerrold La
rence Wagener, Charles Andr'
Wagener, Charles Andrew Wait
John Herbert Wargelin, Phil
Bruce Wargelin, Kingsley Norma
Warren, Toby Sharon Weine
John Richard Wilson.
Alan Stuart Wineman, Nanc
Ann Winn, Daniel Ralph Wolte
Anna Claire Wood, 'Terry Albe,
Wood, Shirley Ellen Woodcocl
Janet Grace Woodworth, Joant
Nancy Yagelo.
Lois Jean Zook, Jacob Zvirbull
School of Nursing
Mary Catherine Aldridge, Jea
Ann Butterer, Nancy Alene Ca:
kins, Mary Alice Trepp Giigai
Elizabeth Ann Henderson, Jear
nine Marie Hill, Barbara Lo:
Patricia 'Irene Hummel, Nanc

Jean Leach, Sharon Aline More
land, Barbara Jean Newhouse, El
sie Mae Planck, Constance Leal
trice Pointer, Helen Ann Powajba
Dorie Jean Reed, Charlotte Elle
Robb. Claudette Mae Rosenquis


Pol icy

For Women
Assembly Association is the poli-
cy-formulating body for all inde-
pendent women on campus.
Assembly traditionally sponsors
I-Hop, the first all-campus dance
of the fall semester, held at the
League in September, and Fort-
nite, co-ed choral competition be-
tween housing units.
This year Assembly changed its
constitution, cutting the member-
ship of Assembly Dormitory Coun-
cil from around 50 to 23--one
representative for each housing
Assembly Association Officers
Patricia Elise Marthenke, '59,
Christine Louise Wells, '59Ed.,
first vice-president
Joan Alice Comiano, '61, sec-
ond vice-president
Constance Kay Kreger, '60, sec-

Interf ratern ity Council

Elsie Louise Scherer,


Karen Marie Barling, '59 Ed.,
orientation chairman
Barbara Ann Bank., '59, pro-
jects chairman
Barbara Jean Bashara, '62, pub-
lic relations chairman
Martha Frances Kinley, '59SN,
activities and scholarship chair-
Beata Prokchow Jorgenson, '59,
public relations chairman
House Presidents
Janet Marilyn Smith, '60, Adelia
Carole Mae Jenkins, '60Ed., An-
Suenette Stonestreet, '59Ed',
Susan Leah Farkas, '60Ed.,
Abb9 Linda Gould, '61, Palmer
Portia Louise Robb, '59, Betsy
Margaret Eleanor Monrad, '59-
SN, Couzens
Patricia Ann Gallagher, '59,
East Couzens
Emily Wilshire, '59, West Cou-
Noreen Annette Bayly, '60A&D,
Cecille Yvonne Dumbrigue,_'60-
Ed., Geddes
Ann Louise Wiltse, ' 60A&D,
Jane Elizabeth Murphy, '59,
Julie Wasson, '59, Martha Cook
Ruth Ellen Mowers, '60, Butler
Marion Pearl Fawcett, '60SM
Sally Ann Little, '60Ed., Fisher.

Serves Camp
The Interfraternity Council is
the executive body of the frater-
nity system.
Officers of the IHC are elected
in the spring by the 42-member!
Fraternity Presidents' Assembly,
the system's legislative unit.
Interfraternity Council
John Patterson Gerber, '59,
Beta Theta Pi, President.
Thaddeus Karl Ketchum, '59,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Executive Vice-
Nicholas Christopher, '59, Sig-
ma Phi, Administrative Vice-Pres-
Richard Theodore Guttman,
'59E, Alpha Tau Omega, Secretary.
Henry Hampton Kerr, '59, Theta
Delta Chi, Treasurer.
Committee Chairmen
Michael Louis Sklar, '60, Zeta
Beta Tau, social.
Howard Lawrence Nack, '59BAd.,
Phi Epsilon Pi, rushing.
James Alexander Martens, '59,
Delta Kappa Epsilon, publications.
James Leland Moss, '60E, Theta
Xi, personnel.
Leonard Albert Calabrese, '60Ph,
Delta Upsilon, fraternity services.
Frank Edgar Wilson, '61, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, office.
Gordon Penner Clark, '61, Kap-
pa Sigma, office.,
F. Samuel Wilson, '59, Chi Psi,
Fraternity Presidents' Assembly
Bruce Lawrence Gehman, '59E,
John Walper, '60E, Alpha Del-
ta Phi.
Howard Marshall Schulman,
'60BAd., Alpha Epsilon Pi.
Douglas Donald Strong, '59, Al-
pha Phi Alpha.
-T-M0-- -Al-£

)us Affiliates
John W. Hubbard, '59, Delta
Sigma Phi.
Thomas Michael Hudak, '59,
Delta Tau Delta.
Arthur Edward Wible, '59, Del-
ta Upsilon.
Donald Michael Coleman, '59E,
Kappa Alpha Psi.
Neil Gray, '59Ed., Kappa Sigma.
Robert Bruce Johnson, '59E,.
Lambda Chi Alpha..
John James Asbeck, '59, Phi Del-
ta Theta.
David Max Wishnick, '59, Phi
Epsilon Pi.
Cyrus Clark Hopkins,. '59, Phi
Gamma Delta.
Philip Johnson, '59E, Phi Kappa

Psi. Roberta Wilma Scott, Shirley
John Stewart Locker, '59E, Phi lene Stewart, Kathryn' El
Kappa Sigma. Stinger, Onnalee Jennell Th
Harry Nicholas Kotsis, '59, Phi son Willnow, Joanne Bar
Kappa Tau. Sampson.
Charles Elliot Hurwitz, '59E,
Phi Sigma Delta.
Allan Leonard Poellet, '60E, Phi Men's G lee Clu
Sigma Kappa.
Michael David Schlanger, T59, oe P
Pi Lambda Phi. 1o Present Pieo
Charles Stuart Buchanan, '59, .
Psi Upsilon. For First Time
Scott Alfred Florence, '59, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon. Today marks the first time
Herbert Michael Kohn, '60, Sig- complete performance of "Vo
ma Alpha Mu. of Michigan" will be heard a
Glen Arthur Young, '59E, Sigma where in the world.
Chi. - The piece was written by J.]
Dennis Alan Dahlmann, '60, Sig- Lawton, '11, and Earl V. Mc
ma NuC t . '12, the present dean of the m'
Peter Anthony Cartwright, school, to commemorate the c
'59BAd., Sigma Phi. tennial of the Michigan M
Thaddeus Karl Ketchum, ''59' Glee Club.';
Sigma Phi Epsilon. There is an unusual story bel
Michael Richard Flyer, '59, Tau the" composition. Lawton, a
Delta Phi, tired insurance agent, was cor
Armin Everett Jocz, '59E, Tau ponding frequently with D


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