"How About A Push Pal ?"
Sixty-Ninth Year
iloiis Are Frew
wwl Prevau"
Societa Corelii:
Charming Inconsistency
LAST NIGHT the Societa Corelli presented its first of three concert
playing to a capacity filled Rackham Auditorium. The program con
sisted of four works beginning with two Baroque works, Corelli's Con
certo no. 8, opus 6, the Christmas Concerto, and Vivaldi's Concert
grosso no. 11 in D minor from opus 3, the "Harmonical Whim."
Societa Corelli is not on a par with either Quadri's or Rossi's grout
Even-less favorably does this group compare with the Virtuosi di Rom
or I Musici in technical ability. And yet the Societa Corelli does nc
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editois. This must be noted in all reprints.
IFC Selectity Study:
A Noteworthy Move:
IERFRATERNITY Council's Executive
ommittee should be congratulated for its
sion to survey selectivity, including the area
)las clauses.
hie motion passed Thursday night in general
.onstrates an admirable willingness on the
ncil's part to inspect the more questionable
of fraternity affairs.
riefly, the plan calls for a committee of five
ernity men who would 1) compile data of
action in the area, 2), evaluate the present
ation, which will undoubtedly reveal a de-
,sing number of houses having written
ses, 3) propose changes to Council policy
he area, and 4) make definite recommenda-
s for future action by the Council, un-
btedly the most important segment of the
ne suggestion which might improve the
ly centers around composition of the com-
mittee. Although study of the bias problem
may properly originate from within the fra-
ternity system, the investigation might be
aided by the addition to the committee of one
or more intelligent observers.
A second suggestion regards the wording of
the motion. The passage proposing "changes,
modifications, or additions to Interfraternity
Council policy in this area" could be very cru-
cial but lacks solid meaning due to the vague-
iess of actual Council policy towards clauses.
In recent years little action has been taken
which can honestly be called policy. A specific
statement of Council policy, or at least attitude,
while difficult to arrive at, might have strength-
ened the plan.
As things stand, however, the idea is.a
sound and good one. It is hoped that the
resultant recommendations will be equally
U.S. Nears Realism
HE FORTHCOMING Western note to Rus-
sia concerning the ;'erlin crisis may be one
the few realistic approaches by the Allies
the issue.
[he proposal to include Germans in the
rlin discussions is apparently a concrete
p toward relieving the situation . . . and
there still remains vagueness. Undefined
the question of which German representa-
es will attend.
The Germans perhaps are not the most ob-
tive decision-makers, Put they can best
Ige the reaction of their own people to the
cision and can'determine policy clashes
.h their own national problems.
Iowever, realism in the Western note stops
t is all well and good to' invite German
egates, but there is no indication of wheth-
they will be democratic West Germans or
nmunistic East Germans.
[t is unlikely that the invitation is for East
Only Sep
.NDWICHLED unobtrusively between an im-
passioned discussion of a Council Clarifica-
in Study Committee and a long-awaited
unseling Study Report, SGC proclaimed next
ek, Feb. 15-22, as Brotherhood Week- at the
t is somewhat ironical that at the same time
Council made its unobtrusive proclamation
join the nationally sponsored program, a
b of Negro students boycotted six public
tools in North Carolina, hoping for better
3rotherhood, or lack of it, is also in the news
m Northwestern University where trouble is
swing or has already boiled over the familiar
estion of sorority and fraternity bias clauses.
Symptoms of intolerance and prejudice are
o visible here. Need for an Inter-fraternity
uncil study of "restrictive clauses" and the
ole Sigma Kappa issue point out defects in
attitude of brotherhood at the University.
SEEMS that such1 a fundamental concept
has been handled a bit lightly by the rather
sty proclamation. The ideal program, of
arse, would have been a week of extensive
Germans, and yet, this would be a concrete
step toward attaining an East-West compro-
mise on the problem.
IF JUST West, Germans are intended by the
invitation, then there is no realism in the
entire note. Past experience indicates that
Russia would not agree to such a proposal.
Perhaps the very vagueness of the invita-
tion underlines a major problem in the issue.
It appears that both sides are clouding =pro-
posals with idealistic, vague and propagandistic
phrases. This leaves the proposal's intention
unclear, and hence the opposition responds.
with either "no" or "nyet."
A truly realistic approach has yet to be taken
by the West. The new note to the Soviets has
the framework for taking concrete action
perhaps in two or three months it will ma-
Ven Days
activities planned to emphasize the ,'golden
rule" concept of giving others rights and re-
spect regardless of race or religion.
A schedule of activities comparable to Inter-
national Week or at least planned as thoroughly
as the League's Frosh Weekend or SGC's J-Hop
probably would have been the most effective
method for emphasizing the concept 'to the
H OWEvER, because of a lack of time neces-
sary for promoting such an extensive pro-
gram, the week can only serve as a, reminder-
a challenge to reaffirm a fundamental demo-
cratic principle.
But seven days of brotherhood are a mere
drop in the bias bucket. Brotherhood Week can
only serve as a reminder of the solution of
what has been called America's number one
problem-intergroup relations.
SGC, in dedicating next week to interna-
tional brotherhood, has provided a push in the
right direction. But it seems to be a tap where
a shove is needed.
play without merit. It was refresh-
ing to escape the Italian "super-
smoothness" for once; this group
was not afraid to attack the music
As a whole the concert was in-
consistent. It was marred with
technical faults in many places.
And yet "spotty" highlights did
appear at which time the group
really showed its capabilities, play-
ing with charm as well as under-
Corelli's Christmas Concerto was
probably the most successful work
on the program. The concertino
played beautifully, its singing
quality contrasting sharply with
the tuttu. Unfortunately the tutti
at this point did not show the
"roughness" necessary for a more
dynamic contrast. The forte and
piano contrasts between concer-
tino and tutti as well as the con-
trasts within the tutti itself stood
out as models of technique for
playing Corelli. The tempos used
throughout the concerto were also
just right.
s* *
THE VIVALDI concerto was less
successful, being literally riddled
with technical mistakes. The most
glaring error was committed by
the first cellist who completely
missed his cue and came in a full
measure too early. Despite the
technical errors, Society Corelli
played as if nothing were wrong,
giving the concerto an effective
interpretation. The cellos, inter-
estingly enough, maintained the
necessary "roughness" throughout
this concerto. The- closing Allegro
was attacked vigorously and the
group employed the ,most delicate
shadings during the melanchollic
The Boccherini cello concerto
was by far the weirdest work on
the program. The cadenzas in the
Allegro and the Rondo sounded
like a conglomeration of "musical
impressions" treated too roman-
tically by Mr. Zuccarini. These
cadenzas became even more mud-
dled amid Mr. Zuccarini's tech-
nical errors. In sharp contrast to
the first and last movements of
the concerto, the Adagio was
beautifully played; Mr. Zuccarini's
tone was excellent.
Technical ?proficiency was re-
stored when Societa Corelli played
Stravinsky's Concerto in D. As an
encore, the group played a short
work by Corelli which could aptly
be termed cute.
-Michael Cohen.
Dulles Burd
WASHINGTON - The gravest of so functioning, the r
responsibilities now lie upon world would not belie
the Senate, and especially its the real creative head
Democratic majority, and upon policy, Mr. Dulles, is
the Administration's political op- compromised by his ill
position, in general. Our vital interests c
The hospital leave forced upon periled by the slighte
Secretary of State John Foster exploitation of these
Dulles has most unpleasant impli- circumstances, as the
cations. To face the facts head-on, were imperiled four dec
it means that for indefinite weeks willful Senators in thef
our foreign policy leadership will tion of Wilson.
necessarily be weakened. And this Fortunately, the pres
is at a time when Western and ship of the.Senate in l
Soviet maneuvering over the Ber- is well aware of all t,
lin crisis will reach the pitch of most certainly will actE
delicacy. Even more fortunately
The situation is to some degree trolling Democrats foe
reminiscent of 40 years ago, when have patiently _builta
President Woodrow Wilson lay ill. adult bipartisanship. I
Then, a hostile Republican Senate have had much cooper
opposition made a shambles of his senior Republicans.
post-World War I policy. * * *
For-to look plainly at yet more THUS, though there
reality-Mr. Dulles, and not Pres. hiding fromt' the fact t
Dwight D. Eisenhower, has domi- entering a period of na
nated the Eisenhower Administra- ger, there is also a so
tion's foreign policies. President not to be too alarm
Eisenhower: has always handed outcome. The Senate
over unusual power to Cabinet the Senate of 40 year,
subordinates, and particularly to not even the Senate o
Mr. Dulles. 10 years ago, when ix
*'* * partisans from the
MOREOVER, to much of the far-right wing clawed
world, quite apart from much of mered at the Truman
the United States, the President tion, seeking its destru
ever since his heart attack of 1955 middle of the Korean V
has been regarded, rightly or It is surely plain now
wrongly, as less than a full-time back, that the moder
participant in the direction of this crats have been wisei
country's affairs abroad, the endless demands of
In brief, the constitutional head cratic left wing that t
of foreign policy, President Eisen- there and fight the.
hower, for nearly four years has tion" in foreign policy
been seen as not fully functioning. gressional Democrats 1
And even if he had in fact been understood what the no
(Continued from Page 3)
Mathematics Colloquium: will meet
Tues., Feb. 17, 1959 in Rm. 3011 Angell
Hall at 4:10. Prof. Albert E. Heins, of
Carnegie Institute of Technology, will
speak. His topic will be announced at
a later date. Refreshments: 3:30 in 3212
Angell Hall.
Student Recital: Lawrence Hurst, who
studies double-bass with Clyde Thomp-
son will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music in Aud. A,
Angell Hall on Mon., Feb. 16, at 8:30
p.m. He will be assisted by Charlotte
Davis, pianist, and an ensemble, con-
ducted by Robert Hause, composed of
the following: Richard Wilson, clarin-
et; William Scribner, bassoon:enary
Stollsteimer, trumpet; John Christie,
trombone; Harold Jones, percussion;
and Elnore Crampton, violin. Compo-
sitions by Eccles, Koussevitzky, J. S.
Bach, and Stravinsky will be played
by Mr. Hurst,'and the recital will be
open to the general public.
Student Recital: Jay Thompson, bass-
baritone, who studies voice with Chase
Baromeo, will present a recital in Aud.
A, Angell Hall, on Sun., Feb. 15, at
8:30 o'clock. He will be assisted by
Nelita True at the piano, and has
chosen to perform compositions by
Bach, Mozart. Faure, Schubert and
Qulter. Mr. Thompson's recital is be-
inE presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, and will be open to
the general public.
Academic Notices
Engineering Mechanicseminar, Mon.,
Feb. 18 at 4:00 p.m. in R m. 218, W. Eng.
Bldg. william P. Graebel, Dept. of En-
gineering Mechanics, will speak. The
title of his talk will be "The Hyper-
circle Method for Approximating Solu-
tions of Differential Equations.
Coffee will be served at 3:30 p.m. in
Room 201, W. Engrg. Bldg. All interest-
ed persons are invited to attend.
Sociology 1 Makeup Final Exam will
be given Fri., Feb. 20 from 3-5 p.m. in
5634 Haven Hall,
General Undergraduate Scholarships:
Applications for these scholarships may
be obtained at the Scholarship Office,
2011 S.A.B.
Undergraduates having financial need
and an overall academic record of at
least 3:0 at the University are eligible
to, compete. Applications must be com-
pleted and returned by March 2.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, 2014 Angell Hall, 3:30 to 5:00
p.m. Feb. 17, Jacob Marschak will
speak on "Random Orderings and the
Stochastic Theories of Responses."
(Please note time change and also
room change.)
(Continued on Page 5)
ens Democrats
rest of the
ve it. Now,
of foreign
ould be im-
st partisan
se interests
cades ago by
sent leader-
both parties
his,, and al-
y, the con-
r six years
a practical,
In this they
ration from
can be no
that we are
tional dan-
und reason
ed for the
is not now
s ago. It is
of less than
and ham-
ction in the
u, in looking
rate Demo-
in rejecting
the Demo-
hey "get in
. The Con-
have always
sional Democrats, in the national
committee and elsewhere, have
been persistenly unable to grasp.
This is that the United States
can have, across the' waters, only
one President and, one Secretary
of State at a time. Good, bad, or
indifferent as these may be, there
is no rational alternative to sup-
porting them whenever we are in
trouble anywhere abroad. Indeed,
any other approach is not even
good politics; it is the shrill cam-
pus politics of a girls' finishing
This was precisely the lesson the
right-wing Republicans could
never learn when, not long ago,
they were trying to smash Mr.
Truman's Secretary of State, Dean
IF THE Congressional ,Deio-
crats had got in there and fought
the Eisenhower Administration on
world matters, what would have
been the results? First, they would
not have been able to dislodge Mr.
Dulles anyhow, any more than the
right-wing Republicans were able
to dislodge Mr. Acheson. Second,
since Congress cannot make for-
eign policy anyhow except by sub-
tly leading rather than berating a
President, they could not have
really altered the Dulles policies;
they would only have enfeebled
those policies bofore the world.
, And, finally, today the Demo-
crats would stand properly con-
victed, of having added, for no
sensible reason, to the burdens
that have at last laid low the man
who is, after all, the only Secre-
tary of State we have got.
The Cyprus Surprise'
Reader Warns Against Cinema Ce
Associated Press News Analyst
E NEW PLAN foi peace on Cyprus may'
not prove to be simple in administration,
nevertheless is sufficient to cause wonder,
, why somebody didn't work it out sooner.
mly a few weeks ago the conflict appeared
e in one of those multi-angled deadlocks
hich the postwar world has become more or'
rery time a solution is reached in such case,'
n Austria and Trieste, it comes as a sur-,
hen Britain evacuated her military bases in
pt, Cyprus became her chief military outpost
he M~iddle East. She showed no intention of
tquishing it despite the fact that terrorism
unting to virtual civil war seriously threat-
i the effectiveness of the base.
)KA, a terrorist organization claiming to
esent the four-fifths of the population
h is of Greek origin, demanded nothing
than -conrplete integration into Greece.
RKEY, speaking for one-fifth of the popu-
ation, insisted that if British rule should
Editorial Staff
end there must be an outright partition, despite
the absence of any .ethnical boundaries on the
island and the fact that tens of thousands of
people would have to be moved.
Turkey feared the island would be defenseless
under Greek administration, and might become
an enemy military base almost within sight.
of her shores.;
THUS THREE MEMBERS of the North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization were at serious
t odds, and the entire Western community was
disturbed over an island that held only half' a
million people.
For four years neither Turk nor Briton nor
Greek could tend to business because of the
reign of terror, killings and bombings.
The whole southeastern arm of the western,
defense perimeter against Communism beeame
of doubtful value.
Then, deciding against trying to fight it out,
on the original lines, the three nations decided
'to find a means of living together.
THAT DECISION in itself appears to have,
marked the 'end lof the trouble. Britain still;
must approve the terms of the new constitution
worked out by Greece aad Turkey at the con-e
ference in Switzerland, where so many years
ago Turkey relinquished her sovereignty over
Cyprus to Britain. This is believed to be assured,,
and preliminary statements indicate that EOKA
To the Editor:
AFTER re-reading the letter on
the film "Flesh of Morning" I
feel an answer is necessary. My
first reaction when viewing this
short was astonishment that such
a film would be shown. It was an
uncomfortable period of wonder-
ing just what they were going to
show next. However, the after-
math of my first reaction was
very different from Mr. Darsky's.
Masturbation, if it was that, is
something we do not usually talk
about. However, we may talk
about it, we may write about it,
and we may even' make a movie
about it. The subject content of
art cannot be dictated. This film
was not art or artistic in the
"fine" sense, but it was in a medi-
um which we include in "the arts."
The argument seems to be that
this was on the live screen which
made it an affront to the sensibili-
ties, Certainly 'much worse has
been said in the pages of literature
and still can be called art. Pictori-
ally, 'though, we also have a his-
tory of the distasteful in visual
art. Goya's depicting of the muti-_
lated bodies of Spanish Civil War
victims was anything but pleasant.
Art may speak of any subject. It
is the way in which the subject
is treated which makes it art. We
morals. However, thdugh these
may be grounds to attack, they
are not grounds to censor. Most of
us would not care to have our
tastes restricted nor would we
care, therefore, to restrict others
if they are at all open-minded. On
moral grounds, who is 'the censor
to say that though he was strong
enough not to be morally injured
by viewing or reading something,
others will not be so strong. Cen-
sorship is based on -fear and a
lack of confidence in man.
Anarchy was mentioned in sub-
stantiating the idea that we must
drive this type of film from the
screen. Of course we cannot have
anarchy in social and political life,.
but the arts have been a field
where a certain element of anar-
chy has always reigned.
Those, pro and con on censor-
ship continually talk about a line
which either must or must not be
drawn. Censors depict a grim pic-
ture of degradation if it is not
drawn tightly. Those in opposition
to censorship see the line encom-
passing more and more and even-
tually stultifying art. The latter
is what I feel must be closely
guarded against.
-Jean Ellickson, Grad.
one so young is qualified to judge
a voice Toscanni calls "that of an
angel." The reviewer is apparently
not even familiar with the birth-
place of the composers whose
Mme. Tebaldi performed. Neither
Mozart nor Handel can be in-
cluded in the reviewers expression
"Her program was restricted en-
tirely to Italian repertoire."
Though both composers are in the'
Italian style, they are nevertheless
not Italian. If one is to review, one
must not be ,entirely ignorant of
his subject.
As for the appraisal of Mme.
Tebaldi's voice, the reviewer him-
self does not seem quite decided,
though the outstanding critics in
the world do not but praise her.
He begins by saying that her
voice, "due to expressionistic de-
vices" results in "a generally mo-
notonous vocal color," yet he adds,
"the floated highnotes, the gentle
caress of a phrase, the passionate
outburst of tonem all part of
Tebaldi's vocal nature" make for
first-rate musical experiences.
Is it not foolish and presumptu-
ous to state that Mme. Tebaldi's
voice is-"over-ripe to the point of
unpleasantness" or "though it has
opulance, luster and power, it is
thickened with overtones and un-
steadiness?" For Mr. McLaughlin
to say this of Mine. Tebaldi is for,
'Buccaneer' Weak
THE FABULOUS ERA when Hollywood was the land of the glamor-
ous and home of the eccentric is slowly fading away and fast be-
coming a memory as one by one its inhabitants play their last scene or
call their last shot. Cecil B. DeMille was probably the most typical
figure of this era as he dazzled the world with his re-writes of the
Bible and overpowered everyone by the sheer size and scope of his
It is a shame that "The Ten Commandments" was not his
final spectacle because it was the apotheosis of his own com-
mandment, "Thou shalt not be
From Moses, DeMille shifted his
cameras to "The Buccaneer," Jean
hi La Fitte -- pirate, lover, and pa'.
nsors p triot. Unfortunately weshall
never know how the master would
who were unfortunate enough to have handled this picture, because
have read The Daily review, read he was taken ill and was unable
what is undoubtedly one of the to personally direct it. He turned
most adolescent reviews yet writ- his megaphone over' to his son-in-
ten, law, actor Anthony Quinn with
I am ashamed for The Michigan the result that it is quite evident
Day anhd for The niriyao the follower was not able to fill
Michigan. Perhaps the "angel" will the leader's shoes. This is not to
excusenurchildish tongue. say that Quinn did not turn in an
excuse our --Nan ue.acceptable job, because that he
-Nan Reuscher, '6I did: rather it means that he
lacked the imagination and dar-
ing necessary to carry off this
Parliam entarY costune spectacle. Much of the
film is corn, the Juicy, golden va-
riety to be sure, which DeMille's
Proceaurwe. genius could have transformed
into something electric.
TO THE DISMAY of the Har- Every now and then the mas-
yard-Radcliffe Committee to ter's spirit does surge forth as in
Study Disarmament, it woke up the sinking of an American ship
toward the end of an evening to by some renegade pirates and the
find moved, seconded and adopt- destruction of La Xitte's fortress,
ed, a motion to change its name but at the picture's climax, the
to the Council Against Appease- battle of New Orleans, fought by
ment! the Americans, a real hodge-podge
"The action," the chairman of army, against the multitudinous
the erstwhile Committee to Study British, smartly uniformed and
Disarmament told the Crimson, marching with precise step, the
"is flagrantly unconstitutional." movie's current fizzles.
He revealed the methods of the
subverters. The ringleader had IN THE TITLE role, Yul Bryn-
apparently formed a study sub- ner occasionally allows an emo-
committee of the Disarmament tion to flit across his wooden
Committee, and got thirteen anti- countenance, but he is acceptable
Communists to come to a meet- because he really can swashbuckle
ing of it. when he has to.