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May 06, 1959 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-06

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To Examine
Auto Laws

Hear Recommendation
For Reassessment

The Student Government Coun-
cil driving regulations review com-
mittee will hold an open meeting
1 at 2 p.m. Friday on the third floor
of SAB.
The committee has been estab-
lished to discuss and recdmmend
changes in existing driving regula-
tions, Ron Bassey, '61, sC repre-
sentative to the group, said yes-
Karl' Streiff, assistant dean of
men, is chairman of the committee
and Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis is a com-
mittee member.
Betsy Barley, '61, and Bruce.
Johnson, '59E, are acting as repre-
sentatives of Joint Judiciary
Council on the committee and
there .will also be a permanent
representative from. the city at-
tending the group's meetings, Bas-
sey said.

The Ann Arbor City Council
has received a recommendation
for reassessment of the city's real
estate from the Board of Review.
The recommendation g i v e n
Monday night emphasizes "re-es-
tablishing a uniform ratio" of as-
sessment to current sales values.
A report of present assessment
rolls compiled by the Board of Re-
view was sent to a council work-
ing committee for further con-
To Study Plan
An informal meeting to study
the proposed urban renewal plan
was scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Fri-
In, addition to Council mem-
bers, the members of the Wash-
tenaw County Planning Commis-
sion and Earl H. Cress, head of a
group considering erection of low

cost housing units in Ann Arbor,
were invited to attend.
In other action, the Council es-
tablished a committee of three to
consider the city bus problem in
light of a report presented at the
meeting that said any privately-
conducted city bus line would be
financially unsuccessful.
To Examine System
Councilman Russell J. Burns, a
member of the newly-formed
council bus committee, suggested
that the committee decide if there
is to be a city bus system and how
much to subsidize one if it were
to exist.
Committee appointments were
also made at last night's meeting.
The Rev. H. Vaughn Whited,
pastor of the eWst Side Methodist
Church, was appointed as chair-
man of the city's Human Rela-
tions Commission.

To Discuss
Courtly Love
Prof. Kenneth J. Northcott of
the University of Sheffield, Eng-
land, will give a lecture titled
"Another Look at Courtly Love"
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural'
Science Auditorium.
The lecture will deal with an

"The Clothing Stores' Tailor"
Alterations for Men and Women.
Pressing While You Wait
118% E. Washington NO 2-4617
(above Conlin and Wetherbee
Clothing Store)


important part of French, English
and German medieval history,
Prof. H. W. Nordmeyer, chairman
of the German department, said.
The words "courtesy" and "chiv-
alry" as we know them originated
at that time, he explained.
Prof. Northcott attended the
University of London, specializing
in the older German dialects. His
special interest is the Germanic
Middle Ages.
He is presently a visiting profes-
sor at the University of Chicago.

____ .% "«': .a. ~.W .7. flf l * r . 3%" ,S r:=}:': a !'. . . *f*i~r: . w, ..... . .. .w r:r. .a WVAV:.
The Daily Official. Bulletin is an tive Assistant to City Manager." James prefer engr. with experience in the pro- ice at 1:00 to interview. He wants men
official publication of The Univer- L. Calloway, city mgr. and Charles B. cess industry, especially in chemicals, with a farm background.-
sity of Michigan for which The Hetrick, asst, city mgr., both of Park paper, or petro-chemical industries. De- Interviewer from Easterling Co. will
Michigan Daily assumes no edi- Ridge, Ill. Thurs., May 7, 8:00 p.m., E. troit and other locations. Will consider interview men and women interested in
torial responsibility. Notices should Conf. Rm., Rackham Bldg. June grad. -- with military obligation sales work.
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to completed. Wed., May 6:
g before 2 AdministratiopBreedn Analysis Seminar: Prof. J. L. Ullman U. S. Civil Service Commission. Fed- Mr. Ostrander fronm Winnetka Com-
publication. Notices for Sunday "Tchebycheff Polynomials Associated eral, local and regional civil service munity Smith ill interv ewof men a
With Lemniscates." Thurs., May 7, examination announcements posted Douglas Sme
3:00 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. outside the Bureau of Appointments, women for counselor jobs at 3:00 in
4001 Admin. Rm. 3Y of the Union. He will also be
WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1959 Dr. William S. Benninghoff, Dept. of Positions Available in Muskegon at the Summer Placement Service on
VOL. LXIX, NO. 154 Botany, "Current Palynological Studies area: Graduate Mech. Engr. with some Thursday afternoon and Friday morn-
in the Dept. of Botany." Wed., May 6, design ability, good math. background. ing.
4:00 p.m., 1139 Natural Science. Chem. or Ceramic Engr. for small local
Gen r ,lIcesfirm, will train; Mech. Draftsman with Contact Summer Placement Service
Phi Beta Kappa meeting to consider Robret P. llasdelI, Dept. of Botany, at least two yrs. of Mech. Engrg. or re- about the following positions:
cent graduate; Co. has opening for Shady Trails Speech Camp. Secretary.
request of Flint College for a branch "Evolutionary Sutclies in the Fern Grad. Mech. Engr., must have com- Camp Tamarack and the Fresh Air
of Michigan Alpha. Wed., May 6, 4:15 Genus Cystopteris," Thurs., May 7, 4:15 pleted military service Society. Physician for each camp. Nine
p.m. 443 Mason Hall. All members p.m., 1139 Natural Science Bldg. Co. in Ann Arbor. Typist-Reception- week season, family housing available
urged to attend. Mathematics Seminar: ProfIst. Full time job: 5% day week. and salary. Willing to accept two or
International Center Tea:Thurs. N. Coburn, "Discontti inies, Waves and Mich. Civil Service vacancy report for three doctors to fill one position.
My743-60,ImatI thurs.,althN. ornma"DConiutes ae and yrmg a on file at Bureau. Hubbard and Co., Chicago. Two me-
May 7, 4:30-6:00 p.m., at International Noal Con and imyod Metals Co., Richmond, Va. chanicarengineers who have finished
Cn Rm. 246 W. Engrg. Bldg ,Refresh-7-,0 p naval architect to work on development junior year.
in m. 46 . Egrg Blg. efrsh-of new uses of aluminum in ship con-
Economics Club, Prof. Paul McCrack- men.ts atd3:30 p.m. in Rm. 274 W. of ne uion.Experience preferred, in sim-
Pn, School of Bus. Ad. "Practical Poll- Engrg, Bldg. fliar work. "g
tical Ecdony." Wed., May 6, 8 p.m., Merit System Council, Richmond, Va. I($an
Francis Haines, Bacteriology; thesis: Vital Statistics Director. College degree
"Phyto-oncolectins: Anttumor Fac- supplemented by one yr. of graduate
ytors Derived from Seleted Plant study in public health, public admin.,No ie
Lectures taseds" ed, omay6,156eeced.Bldg.hataeprmnnrotetoen
Seeds," Wed., May 6, 1566 E. Med. Bldg., or statistics, and five yrs. of public
Lecture: Biophysics .Research Center. 9:00. a.m. Chairman,. W. J. Nungester. health department or ther govern-
"The Structure of Viruses." Dr. F. H. C. mental agency admin. ASCE-Student Affiliate, final meet-
Crick, Molecular Biology Research Unit, Doctoral Examination for Robert Crucible Steel Co. of America, Pitts ing, May 6, 7:30 p.m., Union, 3rd Floor
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, Eng- Spir6, History; thesis: "History of the burgh, Pa. individuals interested in Conf. Rm. Speaker: Karl KlIpfel (IBM
land. 4:15 p.m., Aud. C, Angell Hall. Michigan Soldiers' Aid Society, 1861- pursuing a career in internal auditing. eng. staff), "Electronic Computers and
1865," Wed., May 6, 3609 Haven Hall, Position available in Sanderson-Ha- Civil Engineering." R e f r e s h m e n t s
Lecture, Dept. of. Germanic Lan- 1:00 p.m.. Chairman, D. L. Duinondi. comb Works In Syracuse, N.Y. Three served.
guages and Literatures. Prof. Kenneth .or more yrs. exp. in public and indus- * * *
J, Northcott, of the Univ. of Sheffield Doctoral Examination for Gennaro trial accounting. Deutscher Vdrein, meeting. May 7, 8
(England) "Another Look at Courtly Louis Goglia, Mechanical Engineering; University in the East has Internal p.m., Union, Rm. 3-S. Speaker: Prof. H.
Love," in the Nat. Set. Aud., Wed., May thesis: "Limit of Supersaturation of personnel position open. Experience Paper, "The Origin and Development
6, at 4:15 p.m. Nitrogen Vapor Expanding in a Nozzle," and maturity preferred. Contact the of the Yiddish Language." Refresh-
Wed., May 6, 329' W. Engrg. Bldg., at Bureau h ments.
3:0 pm.CharmnG.J. anyln, For further information concerning * * *
Concerts 3:00 p.m Chairman, G.. Vanwylen. any of the above positions, contact the Graduate Student Coffee Hour, May
fro Opera, Opera Class, Jo- Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin., 6, 4-5:30 p.m., Rackham, 2nd floor, W.
sef Blatt, director, ed., May , at 8:30 Place ent o c Ext. 3371. Lounge. All graduate students invited.
p.m., Atd:: Angell Hall. Personnel Requests: Summer Placement Interviews: WAA Golf Club, meeting, Will play
The Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass. Thurs., May 7: on U. of M. golf course after 3 p.m.
Academ ic Notices Sales Engrs. Man with Bach.'s in Elec- Men who sent applications to the May 7 with a picnic to follow. In case
trical, Chemical Engrg., preferably, but H.' J. Heinz Co.: Mr. A.E. Hildebrand of rain, meet in WAB golf cages at 5
Social Seminar: "From Administra- will consider Mechanical Engrg. Would will be at the Summer Placement Serv- p.m.

ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.75;
socks 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup-
plies. Samn's Store. 122 E. Washington.
'53 VESPA. German-made. Reasonable.
Call on Thurs. & Fri. 4-5:30. NO
2-4739. N62
GUY CARis now accepting applica-
tions in his newest beauty college.
Days, afternoons, and evening classes.
For student beautician. For more in-
formation write or call Ann Arbor
Beauty College, 4567 Washtenaw,
Ypsilanti or NO 5-7500. )CCl
Shop for
Washington Fis Market
208 E. Washington NO 2-2589
TYPING-NO 5-3511, evenings or ma-
terials accepted 12 noon at U High
office. Gladys Smith. J4
WE'RE RIGHT near you on Packard
just off State Street. Our hours are
from 7:30 A.M. till 12 Midnight. Stop
at Ralph's on your way to and from
anywhere. We have what you're
looking for.
709 Packard NO 2-3175
Complete line of Beauty work
605 E, Williams
Phone NO 8-7066
EXPERT TYPING. Theses, Papers. NO
8-6157. J76
Radio, Phono, TV.
Fast Dependable Pick Up & Dlelivery
Ann Arbor Radio and TV
1217 S. University. Phone NO 8-7942
Your lawnmower sharpened and re-
conditioned like new. Finest preci-
sion process. Free pick-up. NO
3-8949. FF28
Shoe Repairing - Hat Cleaning
Tailoring - Pressing
Shoe Shining
119 East Ann Street
(opposite court house)
NO 8-6966
Free pick-up and delivery
Eddie's Paint Store
Colors .... ........... 82.48 per gal.
White paint .........$1.98 per gal.
117 E. Ann NO 8-6966
all of your gardening needs. Grass
seed and fertilizers, lawn- and fer-
tilizing carts, lawn rakes, pruning
shears and all other gardening tools.
311 S. Main St.
Phone NO 2-3277




Thinklish translation: This fellow has so
many degrees, he looks like a thermom-
eter. He's so myopic, he needs glasses to
view things with alarm. Though quite
the man of letters, the only ones he favors
are L.S./M.F.T. "I take a dim view of
other brands," he says. "Give me the
honest taste of a Lucky Strike!" We see
this chap as a sort of squintellectual (but
remarkably farsighted when it comes
to cigarettes).
an make commer-
(smellevision) and
that easy! We're
r check is itching
Mt. Vernon, New
rersity and class. T:..:h :SsEpOWER
English: DOG pOUND

AUSTIN-HEALEY, '55, wire wheels &
overdrive, extras. Call NO 3-7059.
'54 NASH Statesman, hydromatic, bed,
screens. Fine condition. Phone Bright-
on Academy 9-6621. N79
We specialize in good used cars from
$100 up. GENE'S AUTO SALES at
544 Detroit Street. NO 3-8141. N3
56 OLDS SUPER 88, 4 door. Exceptional
condition, original owner. Also '56
BSA 500 C.C. motorcycle. Leaving for
South America. Call NO 3-7367. N74
Black and white top. Padded dash.,
good condition, low mileage, auto-
matic trans. Radio and heater.
Phone Pinckney UP 8 3-445
'56 VOLKS. Economy plus top condition.
Extras. NO 3-3123. N77I

Take a word-television, for example. With it, you ca
cial TV (sellevision), loud TV (yellevision), bad TV
good TV (swellevision). That's Thinklish-and it's#
paying $25 for the Thinklish words judged best-you
to go! Send your words to Lucky Strike, Box 67A,A
York. Enclose your name, address, college or univ
Get the genuine article
Get the honest ta
of a LUCKY S





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