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May 06, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-06

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Staff Influences

Erect A
Judiciary Operations
eling violators is stressed areas is related to fear of ill-will
chanical punishment in all between house residents.
aris mentioned. The value Having original jurisdiction in
iertkov explained, is having cases dealing with firecrackers,
o live with a violator help infraction of all-quad rules and,
it his problem, violation of the University rule on f}
ig the course of the hearing liquor in residence halls, the three
iciary not only draws out all-quad judiciary groups also
it facts in the case but deal with appeals from the houses.
s to get at the causal back-s n .
of the individual's prob- Compositio Varies
owing the reasons for the Composition of these groups is
ne difficulty, the group peculiar to the individual quad
onceives "psychological with East using the house judic
s"of solving the problem, chairman as members while South
hing violators, however, and West, representatives are ap-
icts the idea of counsel- pointed at large from each house.
house judiciary chairman Considering matters, this body will
out. While you may want tend to a more formalized proced-
a student, it is often neces- ure while still stressing the idea of
fine him to impress upon counseling violators.
e fact that he cannot vio- The number of cases which the
adrules, he added. quad group hears is often depen-
ventatives Cancel Out dent on the desire of the resident
two different types of pre- director's of the three units to use
measures - punishment this level as opposed to the mdi-
Diseling - cross out each vidual houses.
)isgust with the fine often One reason why staff often looks
the effectiveness of coun- to the quad group is that it is :.a
he chaff mp said. composed of older students, Ash-s
ties often replace or ac- ton noted. House councils may4
iy the counseling technique- often be freshmen and sophomore
an range from a suspended while the quad has juniors and
a work assignment in the often seniors deciding cases, he GOING UP-Construction oni
or suspension from the added. present Alpha Gamma Delta s
ity. Staff members usually have under way. When finished, th
is respect some house resi-more confidence in their opinions members, 28 more than its pres
omplain that at times the because of their greater experi-
y group does not effectively ence at the University, he stated.
violators. This in certain Individual May Appeal
carry his appeal to a higher level, re e
3INEERS' WEEKEND the IHC judiciary will consider the
plea. Members of this group are
the quad judiciary heads plus a (Continued from Page 1)
chairman chosen by the IHC.
Three members vote in cases discriminatory policies, one loca
considered, however, as a residence president says.
hall chairman usually disqualifies Southern Problems
himself when a case from his quad "The problem you're dealin
is being considered. with in the South is not whethe
The IHC group will also hear a Negro will be admitted to a fra
violations involving individuals ternity, but whether he will b
from more than one quad, admitted to a university at all,"a
If an individual wishes to have Georgia Tech Chi Psi said.
his case considered further, IHC Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi
will refer the appeal to Joint Judi- and Sigma Nu were all founde
ciary Council for a final opinion. about the time of the Civil War
"The quad system works out so Two, ATO and Sigma Nu, origin
that cases rarely go before the ated in Virginia.
Council," Ashton added. This, he But in addition to souther
MAY 27, 8, 9 pointed out, has removed a great chapters, alumni also have bee
many cases from their docket, criticized for their part in check
-__ __ _ing moves to eliminate discrimin
atory policies.
ENDS Institute Plans Want Clause Continuance
TODAY A study done by The Colorad
TODAY 7Daily reveals the alumni of ATO
urope 1our Sigma Chi, and Sigma Nu ar
Filmed entirely The Institute of E u r o p e a n "Fraternity men at the
WITHOUT. Studies will initiate an "At and University generally appreciate
Music Program" this summer, in- their bond with the national."
Army cluding tours of eight countriesa
co-operation!sd two weeks of non-compulsory "apparently committed to a 'don'
COOprai~ c ourses in to are-asat theUni give an inch' policy," and woulc
versity of Vienna. rather retain a discriminator
For 40 days participants will clause at the expense of losing
LEMMON " ERNIE KOVAGS tour the Netherlands, Belgium, chapters on campuses which pro'
Luxembourg, France, Italy, Ger- hibit clauses.
many, Austria and Switzerland. One Sigma Nu, as quoted by th
In addition, the itinerary includes Colorado paper, declared, "ou
nine music festivals and a week in fraternity voted overwhelmingl
p a famous Austrian resort.against the elimination of th
"We are not inclined to give clause at its last convention. T
credit for educational travel, but my knowledge, there has been ni
probably could allow a few hours alumni movement against thi
if the courses are acceptable in a stand." The paper claimed th
liberal arts program," Prof. Ben- comment summed up the presen
. CAPONE" jamin Wheeler, faculty counselor stands of all four houses on th
for special programs in the liter-campus which have clause prob
ary college, said. lems.
Prof. Wheeler has jurisdiction Alumni Influence
for allotting credits to literary col- Just how influential are th
DIAL lege students. Music students alumni?
NO 2-251 3 should discuss credits with their Fraternity men who discusse
own advisors, he said. the question with The Daily al
Two University students, San- most unanimously claimed tha
dra Koss, '60, and David Rosen- their chapters were generall;
thal, '60, are presently participat- autonomous and able to act ina

ing in the IES five-month pro- convention with no severe pres
gram at the University of Vienna. sure from alumni. Most, howevei
Miss Koss is majoring in English agreed that there often arises
and comparative literature and clash between "reactionary alum
Rosenthal's field of concentration and idealistic undergraduates."
is psychology. For instance, discussing at
"There often arises a clash
between reactionary alums and
r idealistic undergraduates."
tempts to remove a clause fron
Ph. NO 8-7083 for information his fraternity's constitution, on
EARL GRANT GregoryBIG COUNTRY student delegate reported tha
sng"ImitationofLife Grr Peck Jean Simmons high fraternity officials had de
also C clared the documents in questio
COMPULSION" Walt Disney's STORMY were unamendable.
Technicolor Cites Alumni Influence
It is this sort of happenin:
which led sociologist Alfred Mc
Clung Lee, to declare in 1955 thai
"alumni frequently do not have
controlling vote in national fra
rn Students Club and the I.S.A. ternal conclaves, and yet the;
succeed in maintaning their con
ceptions of Aryanism in member
ybody to a Celebration. of ship selection."
Lee, chairman of the sociolog3
and anthropology departments a
Brooklyn College, and author o
several books concerning socia
problems, was president of th
national committee on fraterni
ties in education.
N E D A Y In his 1955 report, "Fraternitie
W'i t h o u t Brotherhood," Le(
charged that it is not difficult fo
featuring alumni to dominate conventions
He pointed out several methods
NET DAlumni More Experienced
1) "In comparison with under
- - - c ~ I N D


University May Legally Accept Grants
Containing Discriminatory Restrictions


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of three articles on
the University's gifts and grants
The legal aspects of the Univer-
sity's position on accepting gifts
and grants which appear racially
or religiously discriminatory are
Even in the event that the state
were to passe civil rights legisla-
tion forbidding "public educational
institutions" to in any way par-
ticipate in discriminatory prac-
tices, such a law would not. be
binding on the University because
of its independent status granted
under the state constitution.
The University attorney reports
that court precedents are very
clear in maintaining that the Uni-
versity's internal operations can-
not be affected by such state laws.
Or if the Regents were to pass
a by-law saying that, retroac-
tively, the University would allow
no racial or religious discrimina-
tion in the distribution of scholar-
ship aid, it is also doubtful that
this would be legal, he said.
In either case the heirs of Crapo
Smith, for example, could sue the
University, in chancery court, and
demand that the money be re-
turned to the estate. The heirs

-Daily-Allan winder
the addition which will join the
orority house to its annex is well
he single structure will house 72
ent capacity.

alumni Influence

graduates, alumni have staying
l power, knowledge, and identifica-
tion with fraternity w e 1 f a r e.
Whereas few students attend more
g than one convention as under-
r graduates, delegates from certain
- alumni clubs may attend one con-
e vention after another. Their grasp
a of fraternity law, precedent, and
organization gives them power
with which transient undergrad-
uates can rarely cope."
2) Alumni can offset under-
' graduate voting weight by de-
pending upon constitutional pro-
visions which frequently specify
n that a vote by two-thirds or even
n three-fourths of the delegates at
- more than one national (usually
- biennial) convention is necessary
in order to change basic laws.
Some fraternities even have docu-
o ments or traditions specifically
, designated as unamendable and
e unchangeable."
Hold House Titles
3) "Alumni clubs and alumni
boards of trustees frequently.hold
_ title to chapter houses. They can
t implement national mandates
d either through "fatherly counsel"
y or through threats of eviction.
g Some colleges cater to fraternity
- alumni in order to assure the fi-
nancial support of these organized
e groups in building programs.
r 4) To undergraduates, alumni
y loom large for their possible as-
e sistance in entering business, pro-
p fessional, or even political, ca-
0 reers. Talk about the handicaps
s to a career from a reputation for
e 'trouble-making' has calmed the
t reformist zeal of many a frater-
e nity undergraduate. Like his eld-
- ers he possibly soothes his con-.
"Men will often swallow
their beliefs at a convention in
e order to preserve the national
fraternity ."
science with the thought that the
t present moment is not the most
y auspicious time to fight for
a change; after all, he can tell him-
self, he will be able to work more
r, effectively for change when he
a himself is an alumnus."
5s Alumni Valuable
_Regardless of their debatable
influence, there is little doubt that
alumni are often of valuable serv-
ice to a fraternity. The Colorado
Daily again writes:
"It is true that alumni groups
n are a powerful influence in na-
e tional Greek organizations. To say
t this influence is evil is another
- thing...
n "Alumni chapters are usually
made up of individuals who are
interested in young people and
g "University fraternity ,men
-almost unanimously claimed
t that their chapters were gen-
a erally autonomous.. ."
Y the welfare of the organization as
- a whole because they know the
- value of such an organization .,.
Denies Democracy
Y "To deny them a voice in the
t running of their organization's af-
f fairs would be, in effect, denying
L1 the American system of govern-
e ment .. .
- "They are, after all, members
of these Greeks organizations.
s The organizations are there be-
e cause these people have gone be-
r fore. They have as much right to
. a voice in the affairs of their na-
tional organizations as anyone
else. To deny them this voice
- would also be denying undergrad-

uates a good deal of experienced
aid and wise counseling."
A recent poll at Dartmouth
sheds new light and has a degree
of impact on the problem here.
Reject Affiliation
A majority of fraternity presi-
dents and students agreed in the
poll that national affiliation of
Dartmouth fraternities does not
add to undergraduate life.
The sole benefit derived from
nationals is of a financial nature,
most of the presidents agreed.
They favored "going local" to-
gether, so the remaining nationals
on campus would not enjoy an
advantage during rushing.
Drop Affiliation
Fraternities at other schools,
including Harvard, Princeton, and
Oberlin, have cast off national af-
filiation in favor of various types
of social groups.
University fraternity men, how-
ever, solidly reject "going local."
"Alumni groups are a power-
ful influence in national Greek
organizations. To say this in-
fluence is evil is another thing."
"A local has to go along on little
more than its ideals," is the way
one fraternity president phrased
However, he added, fraternity
men must still decide "between
the national fraternity and the
human obligation" to end discrim-
In other words, if fraternities
wish to maintain deep traditional
ties with their national groups,
and at the same time wish to
eliminate discriminatory practices
within the national, they are
caught in delicate and complex
A few houses have solved such
a problem.
Kappa Sigma, for instance, "re-
alistically faced" the situation,
"swallowed its pride," and deleted
its discriminatory clause in the
summer of 1957, according to one
of the local members. Theta Chi
made a similar move the same
In the face of increasing pres-
sures, whether or not other houses
will follow the pattern is a ques-
tion which might soon be an-
Glee Club Sets
The Michigan Men's Glee Club
will open its annual spring con-
cert with its traditional opening
hymn "Laudes Atque Carmine" at
8:30 p.m. Saturday in Hill Audi-
They will also sing "Invocation
of Orpheus;" " ilees;" "Luck be
a Lady;" Michigan songs and
Tickets for the Spring Concert
are free, and are available at the
Administration, Building. Tickets,
however, will only be valid until
8;30 p.m. on the night of the con-
At that time, the doors will be
opened to the public so that they
may, fill any unoccupied seats.

could maintain that the University
had forfeited its right to the mon-
ey by refusing to follow the be-
quest stipulations.
When the University is put into
the position of either having to
accept or reject a discriminatory
scholarship, it accepts them be-
cause a restricted scholarship helps
at least some segment of the stu-
dent body and "designated funds
do relieve free monies for more
general use with all kinds of needy
students," according to James A.
Lewis, vice-president for student
Another aspect of the Univer-
sity's gifts and grants program is
less clear.
It is difficult to explain the Uni-
versity's program for obtaining
gifts and grants because the pro-
gram is so amorphous-yet rough-
ly half of the physical plant of the
University was obtained through
gifts and grants.
Receive Bequests
Some of this money came
through bequests-bequests which
the University knew nothing about
until the will was probated. Some
of this money came through care-
ful negotiation between the donors
and the University. Some came
from alumni groups. Some came
from "contacts" of faculty mem-
bers. But until quite recently, none
of this money came through an
organized solicitation by the Uni-
The Crapo C. Smith bequest of
$1,250,000 for scholarship aid is
the most widely-known example
of a bequest to the University that
the University did not find out
about until the will was probated.
The University prefers to know
about such bequests in advance,
because there are frequently stipu-
lations on these bequests which
cause the University many prob-
lems. Frequently these bequests
contain stipulations that make the
gift worthless-or at least partially
so. -
Every year the scholarship office
widely advertises for students who
can fulfill the requirements of
some of these scholarships. Some
of these require the recipient to
come from certain specific locali-
ties or have a blood-relationship
to some long-deceased alumnus.
Contain Restrictions
Some, like the Smith bequest,
have restrictions which the Uni-
versity does not favor.
The Rackham graduate school
donation and the Dearborn Center
came after long negotiations be-
tween the donor and the Univer-
In acquiring Dearborn Center, a
University committee headed by
Vice-President and Dean of Facul-
ties Marvin L. Niehuss changed a
request by the Ford Motor Com-
pany that the University set up an
extension service training program
at the Ford plant into a Ford
Motor Company Fund donation to
the University of $6.5 million to
set up Dearborn Center.
The Niehuss committee then
changed an offer by the Ford
Motor Company Fund of 110 acres
of land into a gift to the Univer-
sity of Fair Lane, estate by the
Ford Motor Company.
Sets Up School
In the case of the Rackham
donation, Horace H. Rackham left
the University a large donation to
opera Class
To Perform
Scenes from Opera, performed
by the University Opera Class,
were presented yesterday and will
be presented again at 8:30 p.m.
today in Auditorium A, Angell
Prof. Josef Blatt, of the music
school, will direct the class in the
"Rigoletto, Act I" in Italian will

open the program, followed by
"Der Freischuetz, Act III, Scene
1" by Weber, in German.
"Don Pasquale, Act II" by Doni-
zetti, in Italian, will then be pre-
senited.The program will conclude
with the performance of "Der
Rosenkavalier, Scenes from Act
II," by Strauss, in English.
To Examine
Industry Role
Wayne Stettbacker, director of
the Employers Association of De-
troit, will address the Industrial
Relations Club at 7:15 p.m. to-
morrow in Rm. 146 of the Busi-
ness Administration School.
He will speak on the "Role of
the Employers Association in In-
dustrial Relations."

set up the Rackham Graduate
School-and included in the plans
were the Rackham Building.
However, a University bylaw
provides that no physical gift will
be accepted by the University un-
less endowment funds to provide
for the maintenance of the gift
are also provided.
The Rackham gift did not pro-
vide this endowment. However,
President-emeritus Alexander
Ruthven explained the situation
to the Rackham heirs, and they
then contributed the necessary
Also, a substantial amount of
University property not financed
by the state is the University's
athletic plant.
Under University bylaw, the
Regents provide that the finances
of the athletic department shall
be maintained separate from other
University funds-and there shall
be no intermixing of these two
Thus, the athletic plant of the
University is financed almost en-
tirely through football gate re-
(The organized University soli-
citation program which began
with the Phoenix-Memorial Pro-
ject and then developed into the
Development Council will be dis-
cussed in the next, and last,article
of this series.)
SU' Recipients
Of Fullight
Grants Named
Three University faculty mem-
bers and four students have re-
ceived Fulbright grants to study
abroad duiing 1959-60.
Prof. James R. Squires of the
English department will lecture on
American life at the University of
Salonika, Greece.
Philip E. Converse, study direc-
tor at the Survey Research Cen-
ter intends to conduct research on
social psychology at the Univer-
sity of Paris, France.
Floyd P. Kupiecki of the medical
center will conduct research in
biochemistry at Helsinki Univer-
sity, Finland.
John Williams, Grad., will study
art history at the State University
of Liege, Belgium. Alen Dean, 59,.
will study Chinese language and
literature at the National Taiwan
University, Taipeh.
George Quinnell, Spec., will
study Germanic linguistics at.
Charles Francis University of
Graz, Austria. Marjorie Putnam,
Grad., has received a grant to
study modern German literature
at the University of Cologne in
Germany. ,
Crick To Talk
On Viruses
Dr. Francis H. C. Crick, a visit-
ing lecturer from Cambridge Uni-
versity, now teaching at Harvard
University, will speak on "The
Structure of Viruses" at 4:15 p.m.
today in Aud. C, Angell Hall.
He will deliver a talk on "Re-
publication of DNA" at 4:15 p.m.
Friday in the third level amphi-
theatre in the Medical Science
Dr. Crick is a co-discoverer of
DNA, the basic material In
chromosomes, and his work
formed the groundwork of mod-
ern research and development in
this field.




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