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May 02, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-02

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)AY, MAY 2, 1959



Staff Oversees Welfare, Discipline

Greek Discrimination
Controversial ssue
(Continued from Page. 1)

(Continued from Page 1

as rom assignments and room-
mate conflicts.
They axe also, Hale assertsm -va-
'r uable liaisons between adminis-
tration and parents. "often when
a student gets himself into diffi-
culty the first person Mom or Dad
go to see, if they come to Ann Ar-
bor, is the housemother."
Performs Liaison Function
While the liaison feature prob-
ably does note by itself, justify the
presence.ofhousemothers, it is a
valuable service and adds to the
overall contribution they make.
Other services offered by the,
residence hall staff include jani-'
tor and maid service. These two,
are not of the highest quality in
the minds of many residents.
One upperclassman spoke bit-
terly of the;reduced maid-service.
"It's really silly to pay for serv-
ices as unhelpful as this. I can
do the work in 10 minutes flat and
what good does it do anyway to
wave a dust mop at the floor and
dust the -desks once every two
weeks? I think they should fur-,
nish linen - two sheets each week
too; this using one sheet for two
weeks. is unsanitary and grubby-
and let it go at that!"
Cite 'Incompetent Maintenance'
He also deplored the "incompe-
tent maintenance staff." He
pointed out the remnants of a
paper label stuck just over a third
floor urinal. "Trhat piece of paper
is from a pickle jar and has been
there for two years," he said. He
wet his index finger and ran it
down the wall leaving a clean
streak. "Why?" he asked.
Another gripe of a lot of resi-
dents is, of course, the food. A
1957 booklet on residence halls
recognizes this fact with: "This
is not to say that students never
complain about the food, for 'grip-
ing' about meals is a time-honored
national student tradition."
The griping sometimes becomes
outspoken - and vehement as with

the "no-eat" strikes which oc-
curred in the women's residences
last semester and the food riots
in the men's system in 1956.
Funds For Construction
A report by the Inter-House
Council president and presidents
of the three quadrangles, pre-
pared just after the men's. dem-
onstration, cited the "lack of ade-
quate communication between
student government and the stu-
dents and members of the business
staff and students."
The report suggested that ru-
mors that 35 per cent of room and
board rates were spent for bond
retirement and that food expendi-
tures were being cut in favor of
new construction were also to
blame. The four presidents sug-
gested a member of the adminis-
tration speak to students to clear
up the misunderstanding.
Quadrangle administrators have

apparently continued the prac-
tices of increased communication
with students. The amount of ef-
fort fluctuates from time to time
and some business staff people are
still regarded as anti-student and
"darn hard to get anything out
of," but the past year has seen
several devices of the public rela-
tions type.
West Quadrangle for example,
has taken to using chatty notes
from Jack Hale, and/or Joel
Stoneham, quadrangle business
manager. The notes, on topics
from "Yes, it's sunny outside but
we frown on using quadrangle
blankets for laying on the grass,"
to "please bear with us and the
heat, it's economically infeasible
to shut it off at this time," prob-
ably increase resident understand-
ing of administrative problems.
They are, at least, a step in the
right, direction.

A Chance To Speak

In addition to the New York ex-
ample, the discrimination problem
has come up continually on Ameri-
can campuses during the past
Among many problem sites are
Colorado, Northwestern, Wiscon-
sin, Dartmouth, Missouri, Rhode
Island, Connecticut, Princeton,
and Amherst.
The whole problem is many-
sided. The conflicting arguments
already noted are only the basics.
From them spring several ques-
tions which increase complexity
and friction.
Cite National Control
It has- been charged, for in-
stance, that the national frater-
nity wields unnecessary influence
over the local chapter. A great
number of fraternity men deny
this, however.
Second, conflicting legal prin-
ciples make the issue difficult to
resolve in an1y court and place the
burden largely on college admin-
But does elimination of clauses
eliminate discrimination? This
question, that of unwritten dis-
crimination, looms as perhaps the
crucial consideration.
Use Time Limits
Time limits - usually of five
years, in which a fraternity is ex-
pected to eliminate its written
clause or lose recognition - are
being used frequently as solutions
to the problem.
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking, May,
3; 2 p.m., meet in back of Rackham
(N. W. entrance).
* * * '
Mich. Christian Fellowship, May 3,
4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Rev. P.
Clifford, "The Awful Dignity of the
Human Will."
s s
Unitarian Student Group, meeting-
Election of officers, May 3, 7 p.m., Uni-
tarian Church. Speaker: Warren Ed-
wards, "Zen Buddhism."
Folklore Society, guitar and banjo
workshops. May 2, 2-5 p.m., Union, Rm.

Many persons, however, have ob-
jected to the use of force as a
persuader. An evolutionary ap-
proach, based on gradual educa-
tion, would be better, it is argued.
At the University, problems have
been notably acute. Between 1950
and 1952, tempers often raged
as various solutions, prominantly
including a 1956 time limit, were
proposed and rejected. Recent in-
cidents, particularly the Sigma
Kappa dispute, have returned the
problem to its full significance.
IFC Forms Survey Group
The situation here demands a
constant evaluation in order to
maintain an awareness of facts
and trends. As an example of this
type of approach, the Interfra-
ternity Council recently estab-
lished a committee to survey the
whole area of selectivity and even-
tually make recommendations re-
garding future action.
Sells Land
After long negotiations, a 21-
acre piece of land next to Willow
Village is being sold to Superior
township for non-profit housing.
The deed to the land which sold
for $16,000' was signed yesterday
by Fred Gattego one of the three
partners in the Willow Woods De-
velopment Co. which owns the
land. Also present were officials
of the Federal Housing Adminis-
tration and local officials.
This land will be turned over to
the Willow Village Apartments,
Inc. This non-profit organization
will use the land for construction
of up to 200 rental apartment units
for those who are displaced from
the temporary housing that was
built during the war.

Cornell Faces


i "
Housing Crisis
Facing a crisis in its off-campus
housing situation,' the Common
Council of Cornell University in-
creased the budget for the Ithaca
Building Department to $13,705 in
answer to a request for $31,500 by
Acting Building Commissioner Ar-
thur J. Golder.
Golder, who terms his request
a 'bare minimum,'"declared the
new'; budget figure "entirely un-
acceptable" in regard to the Build-
ing Commissioner's salary, and an-
nounced his resignation.
The proposed budget hike would
provide for 'increased insurance
protection for Ithaca real estate,
augmentation of the Building De-'
partment. to four times its present
size, and increasing the staff..
Golder bases dhis fund proposal
on the fact- that the work of his
department cannot be "done ef-
ficiently by the calibre of per-
sonnel available, at substandard
wages." His claim is backed up. by
a 195. survey of Ithaca's fire-pre-
vention resources, conducted by
the National Board of' Fire Under-
Recognizing the specific, prob-.
lems of off-campus housing, Gold-
er advocates a municipal code for
housing, stating in his report on
the situation "a state of' confusion
exists" in regard to housing regu-
At present Golder is earning $3,-
640x as Acting Building Commis-
sioner. In, a speech before the Com-
mon Council, he rejected the new
figure of $5,127, adding that 'I
cannot possibly consider the posi-
tion under, these circumstances."
Mayor Ryan of Ithaca, New York
expressed dissatisfaction with the
Council's action in turning down.
an amendment to raise the salary
of the Building Commissioner.
"I'm probably as mad about this
as Golder is," the mayor remark-
ed. "He was a good man for the
job, and he -was quite right in ask-
ing for a.fair salary. There's a lot
of responsibility involved in the.
job, and it's about time that the
city got busy and cleaned up the
entire housing situation."
Also Golder suggested that there
be increased cooperation both with
the municipal government itself
and between the city and different
citizen groups.
The other group that is con-
cerned with the problem of build-
ing safety in Ithaca is the Fire
Department., They also submitted
suggestions in 1958.
Director Qits
At Colorado
Kenneth C. Penfold, director of
alumni relations at the University
of Colorado. resigner last week.

-Daily-Mike Ronta
HYDE PARK -- Amidst yelling and debating several hundred
students yesterday talked on the relative,merits of nuclear testing,
segregation, Student Government and other questions of interest.
Though starting slowly, Hyde Park developed quickly and toward
the end had about three or four different speakers at the, same
time, each one vieing for the most audience.

To Display
An exhibit showing how the
United States is prepared to cope
with the danger of nuclear war-
fare will be here next Tuesday
and Wednesday.
The display will also demon-
strate what to expect in weapons
in 1975. The display will be housed
in' the University Rifle Range
Bldg. which is located between
the West Engineering Bldg. and
the Undergraduate Library.
The exhibit will be open from
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday and
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednes-
day. There will be no charge for
It is' being sponsored by the Re-
serve Officers Training Corps.
This will constitute an official
visit .of the, United States Army's
recently-announced S t r a t e g i c
Army Corps. It will arrive here
from Washington by motorcade.
In addition to methods of fight-
ing wars both now and in the fu-
ture the, exhibit is planned to
point up the historical and tech-
nological evolution of weapons.
Included in the exhibit will be
a three-dimensional sequence the-
atre using voice narration and a
color motion picture. The picture
will show field maneuvers.
This exhibit .ties in with a term
project being worked on by the
Sophomore class of Army ROTC.
Each team composed of up to
four cadets are to predict how the
next war of the future will be
Each project consisting of a
paper of 2,500 words will be pre-
sented to the class as a whole to-
wards the end of the semester.
To0Open Talks
The Driving Regulations Com-
mittee will begin to hold open
meetings at the end of next week,
Ron Bassey, '61, said yesterday.
Open hearings on complaints
about driving regulations andrtheir
enforcements are also planned by
the committee. The specific times
and dates of the meetings will






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