t . Discrimination
in Fraternities,
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the first in a series of seven articles
discussing discrimination in fraternities at the University. The study is based
on research, conferences with Interfraternity Council members, fraternity
presidents and members, and editors of other college newspapers.)
The social fraternity defends the individual's right to liberty
and equality of opportunity.
-From, "Principles of Demotracy," statement
of the National Inter fraternity Council, 1941
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
The declaration of principles quoted above can be found on the
walls of a vast number of fraternity houses across,;America.
But whether or not the social-fraternity does, in practice defend
r the principle of "liberty and equality of opportunity" is a co'mplex,
controversial, and perhaps imponderable question.
Particularly in this decade, there has been expression of a strong.
and heated feeling, both nationally and locally, regarding the existence
within fraternities of membership policies restricting individuals
because of religion and ancestry.
Some call it selectivity, others bias or discrimination. The differ-
ence is a fine, but distinct, one. Selectivity 'is the broad area of mem-
bership pplicy, which might impose no restrictions on who a fraternity
may rush.
Four Fraternities Have 'Clauses'
Bias or discrimination imply a restriction of some sort, and for
the purposes of this survey, will be defined in the often-used sense of
racial or religious discrimination.,
Four fraternities on this campus-Acacia, Alpha "Tau Omega,
Sigma Chi, and Sigma Nu-contain constitutional clauses barring
individuals because of race, or religion.
Opinions on the subject fall generally into two broad divisions.
One side in the debate holds that a private, predominantly-social
group, such as a fraternity, has the right to set its own adnmissions
By this reasoning, no individual has 4an inherent right to member-
ship in any particular organization. Carl R. Woodward, president of
the University of Rhole Island set' forth the argument in these terms
in 1953:
"Under our American concept of freedom and self-determination,
selective membership is in keeping with the democratic institutions of
our society, and the right of our fraternities to attain it should be.
Oppose Practice for Violating Democratic Principles
Those opposed to discrimination claim it is not compatible with.
democratic principles. They say judgement of an individual should,
be based on his character rather 'than the color of his skin or his'
religious beliefs.
Author Robert W. Root, professor at Syracuse University, illus-
trates the argument by pointing out the "bitter irony that Jesus
himself, because he 'was _a Jew, could not today be pledged to many.
fraternities that profess to be Christian . . . our democratic and
Christian ideals press us to be brotherly. We must make our brother-
hoods real brotherhoods."
Further, these persons argue that discriminatory fraternity prac-
tices are injuring America's democratic reputation in foreign lands.
Finally, and of serious concern to the ,University, is the argument
that the fraternity's right, to discriminate should not be allowed to
Texist, in an educational community
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond of a series' of three articles on'
residence halls. Tomorrow's article
will discuss the educational philoso-
phy of the University's system.)
Daily Contributing Editor
Stlmu lates
be utilized more in setting the.
academic tone of the house.
Staff counselors could occupy
their time with stimulating and
sponsoring academic and social
programs which would enrich and
broaden the scope and experience
Much, if not most, of the suc- of individual residents.
cess or failure of the Michigan Similarly, with the freshman
House Plan is dependent on the houses the staff which would re-
staffs of the individual houses. main would be slightly more con-
The staff should set the tone centrated and could better aid
and and discipline of the house as underclassmen in their problems.
well as oversee the overall resi- Lack Professionals
dents welfare. With present com- Present counselors are not pro-
position of houses including both fessionally-trained people for the
upper and lower classmen it is most part. They do, however, have
necessary for much of the staff's a definite and legitimate function
time to be expended in enforce- in addition to their disciplinary
ment of rules and regulations. roles. G{nerally they are persons
If and when upperclass housing who have remained in the resi-
is instituted, staff personnel, which dence halls system and who are,
would be at minimum strength in the director's opinion, mature
in the upperclass situation, could and capable individuals.
These counselors advise about
10 per cent of their charges in one'
way or another, estimates Jack M.
Hale, senior director of men's
residence halls. "Often encourag-
ing bull sessions or participating
in casual conversations are all
that's necessary," he explains.,
"The resident may not even re-
alize he's been counseled. He may
have merely needed someone to
listen to him and allow him to talk
it out by himself."
Refers Student.
Probably the primary "counsel-
ing" function performed by resi-
dence hall staffers is helping in-
dividuals to get proper help. Often
pointing out that specialized help
is available - curriculum advis-
ers or perhaps psychiatric help -
is all that is necessary to start the
resident off on the right track
towards solving his difficulty.
This is the kind of help' staff
counselors under the present set
up can, do and should offer. More
serious problems than these are
out of the range of staff capabili-
yt and should be handled by more
competent persons. About five per
cent of the residents are referred.
by staffers ,to more formal coun-
seling personnel, according to
Question Need for Housemothers
One member of the staff prob-
ably counsels more residents in an
informal way than any other. The
associate adviser, or housemother,
is frequently a willing ear for wor-
ried inhabitants.
Several months ago petitions to.
do away with' the position of.
house-mother were circulated in
one of the quadrangles. The move-
ment died but' the problem re-
Favor Group
To. Review
At its meeting yesterday the
Student Government Council Plan
Clarification Committee discussed
the utilization of a Committee of
Referral to review actions taken
by SOC.
Both students, faculty and ad.
ministrative members agreed on
the' necessity of some sort of a
board, but differed on its size and
ultimate authority.
Considering the student plan
submitted by Ron Gregg, '60,
Council president, and Al Haber,
'60, at a previous meeting, facul-
ty and administrative representa-
tives. favored the' insertion of the
committee to consider Council de-
cisions before their submission to
the Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs, who would have veto power.
Favor Less Jurisdiction
Gregg explained such a board
would defeat the purpose of the
plan, which eliminates the Board
in Review, by judging decisions'
after they are made instead of
advising the Council before it acts.
He said a solution to the prob-
lem would be to remove complete-
ly certain areas of jurisdiction
from SGC's power.
Asked if the students would fa-
vor a committee to advise the
Vice-President for Student Affairs,.
Gregg said he would have to con-
sult with the other students on
the committee, but ' thought it
would be more acceptable than
the Committee of Referral.
Discuss Use of Alumni
Speaking about the plan to es-
tablish such an advisory board,
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said the best
way to get "stacked" advice on
issues was to let the Vice-Presi-
dent' name his own advisory-
The committee will hold an
open meeting at '7:30 p.m. Mon-
day in then'Council Room of the
Student Activities Bldg. All indi-
viduals or representatives of
groups desiring to speak are re-
quested to contact Prof. Charles.
F.Lehmann of the education
school, chairman of the 'commit-
tee, for a place on the agenda.
jMag ne
which theoretically fosters beliefs
ad 'practices free from prejudice.
In 1954, the State University of
New York banned racial and reli-
gious discrimination from frater-
nity admissions practices on all 27
of its campuses. The school's posi-
tion, as stated by its president,
William S. Carlson:
"One of the pillars upon which
the State University of New York
was founded is' that educational
opportunities be made available to
those qualifieji, without regard to
race, color, religion, creed or na-
tional origin. It would be sophistry
for the State University to vigor-
ously conbat discrimination in its
admissions and educational poli-
cies and, at the same time, con-
done these practices among the
extra-curricular organizations
which it recognizes."
Strauss its,
00 s
WASHINGTON () -- Lewis L:
Strauss fired back at a scientist-
critic yesterday and was supported
by several Senators.
Strauss, testifying at a Senate
Commerce Committee hearing on
his nomination to be Secretary of
Commerce, denounced as false
charges leveled at him by David
R. Inglis, an atomic scientist.
"Untruth" and "unqualified
falsehood" were some of the labels
that Strauss used allegations.
Inglis, who said he would feel
safer about the future of this coun-
try's national security if Strauss
were not in Presicdent Dwight D.
were not in the Cabinet.
. .. wins first 'M' matches 1
. ,
Hand" OS U
9=0 Beating
Michigan's tennis team stormed
to an easy 9-0 whitewash of Ohio
State yesterday in its first outing
of the season.
The action was part of a week-
end four-team meet on the Var-
sity Courts in which each squad
is scheduled to face the other
three times. Each match is con-
sidered a separate dual meet. No
overall champion will be pro-
In other matches, Minnesota
had little trouble with Toledo in
the morning, 7-1 (one match was
a tie), and then won two of three
doubles matches, in the afternoon
to edge-OSU, 5-4.
The Wolverines play a double
bill today, beginning with Toledo
at 10 a.m. They take on Minne-
sota at 1:30 p.m. In the day's final
match, Toledo meets Ohio State at
Coach Bill Murphy gave four
Wolverines their first start in
Michigan uniform and all came
through with little difficulty.
Saults Dies
At, Hospital
Edward W. Saults, 61 years old,
actuary in the University Person-
nel Office, died yesterday at Uni-
versity Hospital where he had been
under treatment since March 26.
Highly regarded as an expert in
insurance and annuity programs,
Saults had served as a consultant
in this field to several Michigan
Most of the retirement programs
now in effect at the University
were designed by Saults during his
period of service here. He joined
the University Personnel Office
staff in July, 1945, and served as
secretary to the University's com-
mittee on annuities.
Born in Waterbury, Conn. on
March 25, 1898, Saults attended
the University for three years be-
fore' joining the American Life
Insurance Company in Detroit inj
1926. There he held the positiont
of assistant actuary and auditor7
for twelve years. From there he
went to Ford Motor Company
where he did tool design work un-
til joining the University staff.
Saults is survived by his wife,7
Ila, and a daughter, Margaret.
PANAMA (M) - The invasion of
Panama was snuffed out yesterday
with the surrender of the main
body of the invading force to
Panamanian troops.
More than 80 Cuba-based fight-
ers put down their arms.
There was no word of any fight-
ing in thequick climax to the in-
vasion that began last weekend on
the Caribbean coast of this stra-
tegic Central American country.
Authorities said, however, na-
tional guard troops occupied the
town of Nombre de Dios without
resistance. The Cuba-based in-,
vaders took over the town after-
their landing and then holed up
there and spent most of the week
talking surrender.
The announcement that they
had given up was made by Fern-
ando Lobo, head of the observa-
tion team rushed to Panama by
the Organization of American.
States (OAS) to check on the in-
He said more than 80 and per-
haps as many as 86 men had put
down their arms and handed
themselves over to guard troops.
Panama's Minister of Government
J. D. Bazan put the number at 87.
An earlier government an-
nouncement had said two-thirds
or about 60 members of the inva-
sion. force had pulled out of Nom-
bre de Dios and were marching,
toward the main highway leading
to this capital.
- The later information from
Lobo indicated, however, that the
main body called it quits in the
little town.
City Orders Wiring Improvements
Sigma Nu fraternity planned to
follow the city's orders to improve
electrical wiring and safety exits
this summer, John E. Ryan, Direc-
tor of Ann Arbor's Department of
Building and Safety Engineering
explained, but because of the re-
cent fire "they will just have to do
it faster."
All affiliated and associated
housing have been ordered to com-
ply with safety inspection recom-
mendations by September, he said.
So far we have inspected 1,000
multiple dwellings, Ryan con-
tinued, and 700 are in full com-
pliance with safety codes. "As part
of a five-year program, inspection
of all city multiple housing should
be completed in two years and we
should have full compliance in
three years..
Cooperative Inspection Used
"The most prevalent offense is
caused by wiring that was meant
just for lighting instead of hi fi,
television and ,appliances."
University inspection of "affili-
ated and associated 'housing,"
which works in cooperation with
the city's program, has reached
a point where we can start in-
sisting upon enforcement, Assist-
ant Dean Peter A. Ostafin,
Director_. of University Housing,
commented. "If houses do not clear
up violations," he said, "they will
not open in the fall."
The decision to intensify the
inspection program was made this
spring, Ostafin said. We are plan-
ning to send letters to the houses,
he explained, and we have about
18 more housing units to inspect.
"Next year we are changing the
priority system of safety viola-
tions," William W. Joy, University
housing inspector, said. Joy directs
the Health Service Environmental
Health and Safety Department,
which conducts the inspections of
University housing.
Since a majority of houses have
already complied with wiring' and
safety exit requirements, Joy said,
we are also going to stress litchens
and other areas.
"This is not a police campus,"
Ostafin remarked, referring to the
housing safety program. When the
program was begun, he said, we
decided that the problem was to
educate. "We have to get houses
to accept the concept of health,
safety and well-being."
Cite' Ordinance
Specific requirements for fra-
Cash Crisis
Creates Debt
"We cannot continue not paying
our creditors and expect them to
continue making deliveries of sup-
plies to the University," Vice-
President in Charge of Business
and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont
said yesterday.
He said that as a method of re-
taiing cash for the payment of
faculty salaries this spring when
the state has fallen $9 million be-
hind in its payments, the Univer-
sity has withheld about $1 million.
from creditors.
Execute Saving Moves
The University has been able to
operate without the $9 million in
state payments by a series of
money saving moves. Withholding
payments to creditors has saved
$1 million. The University has also
used up its student fees, which are
normally dispersed over a wider
span of time, Pierpont explained.
About $600,000 is still owed
banks from the $4 million loan the
University received in January.
"We' have bought no coal, paint
or maintenance materials since
the first of the year," he added.
Eliminate Stockpiling
He said the University normally
begins stockpiling coal and other
supplies in the spring to carry
them through the winter season.
Also, the University is, during
the early spring, normally ahead
in its payment schedule because
the June payrolls are unusually
large, he said., This practice has.
also been discontinued.
Thus, Pierpont said, the Univer-
sity has operated on $9 million less
than is necessary to carry on
normal operations. He said the
University treasury now has just-
enough money to cover Tuesday's
The U~nivesrity is forced to die-
ternities include the following ar-
ticles from the Ann Arbor City
Ordinance,.sent to house managers
and stewards:
All fraternity houses over four
stories in height must be of fire-
proof construction. . . . One and
two story fraternity houses may
be constructed of wood or any ma-
terial that is less combustible
than wood.
In all fraternity houses not of
fireproof construction having
sleeping accommodations for over
25 men, there shall be provided a
bell, gong, siren or other approved
alarm on each floor of the build-
Every floor of the fraternity
house including the basement or
cellar shall have at least two in-
dependent means of egress; located
as far as possible from each other
and in no case separated by less
than 50 per .cent of' the 'length of
the hall; both of which shall be
accessible 'to all occupants of the
building and either of which is ac-
cessible without passing through
the other... ."
Series Stars
The third and fourth concerts
of the May Festival series will be
presented at 2:30 p.m., and 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
The afternoon concert will
feature William Kincaid, flutist,
and Virgil Thomson as guest con-
ductor of his own works. William
Smith, assistant conductor of the
orchestra, will lead the orchestra.
in the remaining numbers.
The program will open with
"Variations on a Theme" by
Haydn, "Op. 56a" by Brahms, and
will continue with "The Seine at
Night," written and conducted by
Following this, Thomson will
conduct the world premiere of his
suite "Fugues and Cantilenas" from
the United Nations film "Power
Among Men."
After intermission, the program'
will resume with Thomson again
conducting his work, "Concerto for
Flute, Strings, and Percussion." in
which William Kincaid will be
featured on the flute.
The program will conclude with
Dvorak's "Symphony No . 1 in D
major, Op. 60,"with: Smith con-
The fourth concert during the
evening will feature the soprano
Dorothy Kirsten, and the Phila-
delphia Orchestra, conducted by
Bach's "Chaconne" will open the
concert. followed by "Vissi D'Arte"
Bill Supporr
Trutst Fund
Taxation Committef
Expected To Offer
LANSING (Ap)-Republican 8
ators drove forward yesterday w
their campaign to solve the sta
cash problems with disguised si
tax increase.
At the same time, they cl
stubbornly to a bill which wa
permit immediate utilization
the 50 million, dollar Vetere
Trust Fund.
"We wanttomake it clear t
when the governor accepts the
bill the Trust Fund bill will cc
right along behind it," said Sei
tor Carlton H. Morris (R-Ks
mazoo), chief strategist on the r
GOP power play.
Boost Tax in Party Vote
The sales tax measure, tecl
cally boosting the three cent
tax: to four cents, was okayed
a 21-13 party line vote with
exception of Senator John
Smeekens (R - Coldwater), a
voted with the Democrats.
It was referred to the Ho
Taxation Committee where
faces strong opposition.
Promise Paycheck
Meanwhile, Gov. Williams. o
his administrative board promi
that the state will make good
its bonding obligations and pay
employes "at the earliest possi
The action was taken at one
the all-Democratic board's spe
sessions called daily to cope w
the financial emergency.
The board supported Gov. W
liams' proclamation urging si
employes to stay on the job e
though they may not get paid
schedule next Thursday.
Some legislative and court e
ployes, as well as lawmakers E
judges, went without payche
this week in the first payless p
day in Mate history.
Williams pointed out that,
State Employes Credit Union, v
more than seven million dollar:
assets, had agreed to make lo
to members at no interest. I
ployes may borrow up to the.
amount of their paycheoks.
Earlier, representatives of ere
unions, banks, small loan comps
ies and other financial firms f
institutions told the governor V
would takesteps to ease the fins
cial hardships for the appro
mately 28,000 affected employee
LSA Steering
Positions 0pei
mains. The question in some o
the residents' minds is whether o
not the housemother is worth he
keep considering the continues
upswing in board and room costa
Adds 'Social Tone'
She probably is. Among th
other reaons for the presence o
associate advisers in men's hall
is the 'social tone and continuit
they provide," Hale says. H
points out that the housemothe
is often the only factor to pro.
mote tradition and maintain con
tinuty in the house. The house
mother also upgrades the types a
social activities a house engage
in, Hale says.
Many fairly clerical jobs ar
performed by the associate ad
visers, who add somewhat of
personal note to these duties, sucl
See STAFF, Page 3
HydeParkCreates Diag Dissension
There was only silence as Hyde Park began yesterday.
One student finally strode up to speak; turned around, saying,
"I'm a coward," and crept back into the crowd. There was silence again.
Finally with courage regained, standing on a stone bench at the Diag,
he spoke on the dangers of nuclear fallout.
With this needed spark the debate's vitality soared, and climaxed
with SGC eclipsing the Arab problem, the Resurrection and state
financial policy.
The several hundred students, some choosing to debate from the
} }benches and some to heckle from the crowd, argued, for the most part
%f rin a rational way. In some cases, however, anger erupted.
SGC Called Useless
"Down with SGC: it doesn't do anything!" bellowed one slightly
hoarse student. Another one said "All it's ever done has been negative,
I suppose it'll withdraw recognition from me as a student."