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May 01, 1959 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-01

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___re' , Crushes 11Ch as
~ALE otreDame ciga,421

Big Ten Tenn
Hosts QuO
Coach Bill Murphy's tennis team
opens Big Ten: competition this
afternoon on the varsity courts
playing host to a quadrangular
Originally scheduled were dual
meets with Minnesota and Ohio
State, but plans were changed to
include a non-conference oppon-
ent, the University of Toledo.
Play opens today at 10 a.m. with
Minnesota meeting Toledo; Michi-
gan opposes Ohio State at 1 p.m.;
and Minnesota takes on Ohio State
at 4:30.
Saturday will see Michigan and
Toledo meeting at 10 a.m.; Michi-
gan and Minnesota are scheduled
for 1 p m.; and the meet closes
with Ohio. State playing Toledo
at 4:30.
Michigan, although as yetun-
tested and featuring two new-
comers, sophomore Gerry Dubie
and Larry Zaitzeff, a transfer from
Utah, nevertheless, is rated an
overwhelming favorite to emerge
The great strength of Murphy's;
squad lies in its solid core of five,
returning lettermen, headed by
Captain Jon Erickson. Erickson
was a number one singles finalist
in the Big Ten Championships last
Also lettering last season were

is Play Opens;
adrangle Meet
Bob Sassone, a number three final-
ist in the Big Ten; Frank Fulton,
who copped the number five top
spot; and Wayne Peacock, winner
of the number six singles title.
Last year in the rain at Colum-
bus, the Wolverines stopped the
Buckeyes, 9-0. Erickson won in
straight sets, 6-2, 6-1, while Sas-
sone and Fulton were also vic-
torious in singles matches by iden-
tical 6-2, 6-3, scores. Michigan did
not meet either Minnesota or Tole-
do in regular season play.
Michigan finished third in the
Big Ten last spring, while Minne-
sota was seventh and Ohio State RAY LOVELL
placed ninth ....in action tomorrow
GolferStarts aS Youth
Michigan students will get their
Being captain of a golf team is first look at the 1959 captain in
nothing new for Frank Raymer action tomorrow as the Wolver-
Lovell, leader of this year's Wol- ines open their home season by
verine squad, entertaining Illinois and Iowa.
"Ray," as his teammates and "We stand a good chance of
friends call him, was captain of winning this weekend," Lovell said,
the Country Day High School team "although I don't know how'strong
in Detroit his senior year, just as our opponents are. The home
he is now at Michigan, four years course advantage will help us, Just
later. a it will in fiture meeta n ni-


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