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May 01, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-01

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Sixty-Ninth Year.

Tue Supreme Commands

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Truth WillPrevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Y, MAY 1, 1959


University's Three Parts
Still Don't Add Up

FHE IDEAL university is a homogeneous
institution. Its elements, the students, fac-
ty and administration, work together with
ich group bearing its own responsibilities
bile attempting to understand and aid in
le solution of the other groups' problem. This
eal may be held, but certainly has not been
aplenmented at the University.
The blame for this falls almost equally on
1 three groups. Each section is far too self-
volved to free itself from its problems ands
ew the 'University as a whole. The University
,nnot exist as a separate faculty, administra-
on and student body. When the University
mmunity realizes the immediacy and serious-
ss of the problem, a step has already been
ade to overcome the weakness.
'HE ADMINISTRATION is at fault. Having
become involved with efficiently running
e University it often resembles the leadership,
a huge corporation. It has, to a large ex-
nt, lost sight of the University's primary
nction: education.
An example can be found in the residence
,lls. The Michigan House Plan called for liv-
g inits that were oriented in educational op-
rtuni-y, not administrative expediency. The
ar-ideal physical plant is represented in the
st quadrangle -- West Quad. It has indi-
lual houses with separate entrances, as called
r in the plan.
But 'gold carries more weight than ideals, so
uth Quadrangle is nine stories high, imper-
nal, inadequate and inexpensive. The admin-
ration is at fault.
ND THE FACULTY is at fault. It comes out
of Haven Hall to teach courses only to re-
n again to cry for academic freedom. It is
the defense against the administration's
sition, and to an extent ignores the students'
n-academic needs.
The faculty teaches - and generally does
well. But like the other groups, it remains
of from the University.
When the Faculty. Senate voted on the
rma Kappa issue only a small percentage of

the members were there. All Michigan, is di-
vided into three parts, and the faculty is at
BUT THE STUDENTS most of all are at
fault. They neither try nor care to under-
stand the problems of the University. The
overwhelming majority do not know what the
problems of the University are. Those who try
are hindered by their youth or lack of exper-
ience. Many do not have the maturity that a
few more years will bring. Some are blindly
idealistic, some have untempered tempers.
Most important of all, few attempts have
been"made to channel the energy of those who
would like to help in a manner that would en-
able them to be constructive.
Perhaps students would get farther with
the administration if they would temper their
antagonism - even when the administration
deserves it. Students might be held in higher
regard by the faculty if they took a greater
interest in the facets of education that dont
show up in grade-points.
A recent poetry reading on one of the quad-
rangles attracted precisely zero students. It
is true the publicity ran afoul, but there were
some who knew about it.. Certainly the stu-
dents in charge of arranging the event might
have appeared. The students are indeed at
It is not too far wrong to describe this as a
university of egocentrics. Administrative ex-
pediency has become a dirty word. What about
faculty expediency and student expediency?
Efficiency is nice, but this is not a factory.
Minds are not bottled in bond.
THE STUDENT Faculty-Administration con-
ference is coming up in a couple of weeks.
Like brotherhood week, it comes periodically
and is forgotten between its appearances.
What would happen if the Conference be-
came a Congress? Why couldn't it meet once a
month to allow the three groups to exchange
ideas, problems and gripes?
It would' be a worthy experiment which, if
successful, would weld the three parts into a

.'-. .

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Brahms Night Closes
With Musical Peak
HEATED UP to the Brahms temperature by a thoughtful manage-
ment, Hill Auditorium provided a vast battleground on which Ru-
dolph Serkin fought the Philadelphia dragon last evening. And the
sixty-sixth May Festival was begun.
Brahms' Piano Concertos are essentially symphonic in charac-
ter; the-second is cast in four movements with a "scherzo" following
the first movement. But whatever the structural innovations, these
concertos are notable both for complexity of structure and abundance
of thematic material.
RUDOLPH SERKIN is a pianist who has always been successful
with the music of Brahms. Last evening was no exception to this
In Serkin's hands, the Brahms idiom predominates. And so the
First Piano Concerto turned into a battle of sorts, with Serkin pulling
toward romanticism of the most inexcusable and admirable sort, the
orchestra tending toward the more restrained.
If one might have wished for a more taut and dramatic version of
the Third Symphony, the Concerto more than evened the score. Ser-
kin's unrepressed enthusiasm dominated the scene to bring the pro-
gram to a peak of musical intensity which may not be equalled dur-
ing the next three days.
BRAHMS' THIRD SYMPHONY begins with three chords which, in
one guise or another, recur throughout the work. Every reappearance
of this passage demonstrates Brahms' mastery of orchestration. The
Philadelphia Orchestra sailed into the composition with precision
which made one wish Beethoven's Eighth was on the program.
Ormandy's treatment .;of the Third was more idiomatic 'than his
treatment of the Academic Festival Overture. In fact purists in the
audience found themselves deep in syrup during several passages. The



A Tacit Meeting of the Minds

Philadelphia's horn and string sectic
ing this performance. The rather
complex fourth movement, a veri-
table checker-board of interlock-
ing themes was managed in a
more deliberate fashion.
A somewhat restrained version
of Brahms' "Academic Festival
Overture" was the initial presen-
tation, illustrating the astonish-
ing precision of the Orchestra to
a receptive audience.
Brahms based the Overture on
many of the popular student
drinking songs of the period, to
the dismay of the Administration.
Much of the humor of this situa-
tion is lost on present-day audi-
ences who may not be acquainted
with late nineteenth century
European student affairs. The
traces of good spirits which re-
mained were cleverly dispersed
with a whiff of grape-shot from
the podium, and a more or less
straight-forward production re-
-David essel

to the I

Those Tired Women

never sounded better than dur-

Daily Staff Writer
PROBABLY the most significant
agreement to emerge from the
seemingly endless discussions go-
ing on in the Committee on Clari-
fication of the Student Govern-
ment Council Plan has been almost
entirely implicit. The Committee
seems now to be nearly unanimous
in its acceptance of the basic as-
sumption that the student body,
faculty and administration are co-
ordinate elements within the Uni-
versity community, and that the
students should function as such
through the means offered by the
In the Committee's meeting, Al
Haber and Ron Gregg introduced a
suggestion which would make the
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs the reviewing authority, with
provision for independent appeal
and pressure on him to be gener-
ated by interested segments-of the
University community. This was
criticized by committee-members
because it, providedinsuffloient op-
portunity for the representatives
of the University communityas a
whole to discuss the effects 'of
SGC's action during the review
On the other hand, the faculty
proposal, which provides for a
Committee on Referral, composed
of students, faculty, administra-
tion and an alumni representative,
was criticized for the same alleged

ACADEMIC freedom was con-
sidered at SGC's meeting which
lasted until early yesterday morn-
ing. Al Haber introduced a pre-
liminary discussion of the concept
of academic freedom, and then
presented a series of motions. The
only one which passed set up a
Committee on Student Rights and
Academic Freedom.
Unfortunately, the consideration
given by the Council wasn't too
effective. Part of the fault lies with
Haber for over-estimating SGC's
capabilities on such a level of
abstraction. The debate, aside
from being perhaps as confused
as any SGC has had in recent his-
tory, was pretty flippant and ill-
considered. Segments of the Coun-
cil seemed to take the attitude
that such concepts and motions
were inherently uncomprehend-
able and beneath their interest
with a discussion of Rose Bowl
participation scheduled for the
near future. Such a lazy attitude
toward the question of academic
freedom has, more than anything
else, brought it into being.
P, of the difficulty lay, how-
ever, in Haber's motions them-
selves. The statements are in
themselves a good idea and calls
for statements from the University
discussing academic freedom, for
more concern from the University
on the subject, for establishment
of a committee on academic free-

[EN WORK from sun, to sun but woman's
work is never done," the old adage says.
oompared with man's short bread-winning
rs, a wife has a 16-hour work day, a seven-
work week - and all without pay. The
k costs her in energy and runs her down.
o on and laugh, young University husbands.
eker at your wife as you read this to her
it's the word of Dr. Leonard Lovshin, spe-
ist in internal medicine at the Cleveland
cost mothers are tired because they work so-
d, he recently told the seventh annual
ting of the American College of Obstetri-
is and Gynecologists.
fter examining 60 tired mothers with chil-
i under 16 years of age, he found only 12
e suffering from some organic disease. The
rs, he concluded, were just tired.

G ON AND LAUGH, young fathers. What
do you know of filing income tax returns,
chauffeuring children, sponsoring the Brown-
ies, belonging to the P-TA or cleaning-up after
children's games of hula-hooping and frisbie?
"Then this young mother has from one to
several children and almost always some ani-
mals. Our study shows that a puppy dog equals
about onb and a half children and a female
cat with a litter about two," Dr. Lovshin said.
And the only vacation she gets from labor
is labor itself, he added. Prior to childbirth
and during convalescence, there may be time
to rest from cases of tiredism.
Laugh, daddies. Then let's see you have a
Time is the only cure for severe cases, Lov-
shin said. For mild cases, he suggests an eso-
teric medical prescription: "A new hat, big
feathers on it."

dom and for more flexibility in
academic programs, the sugges-
tions are in themselves a good
idea. However, they seem to as-
sume that it is possible by struc-
tural devices alone to create an
atmosphere of academic freedom
at the University.
Nonetheless, as Haber said,
"There must be a start some-
where." Haber's particular start
may or may not be the most
effective one, but the attitude dis-
played by most of the Council
members is hardly preferable.
THE MOTION to hold a student
referendum to elicit opinion on
Michigan's participation in post-
season bowl games, and, more
specifically, in the Rose Bowl, is a
fine move. Although proposed in a'
rather flippant manner at last
week's meeting, it appears to be an
excellent way for the Council to
involve the campus as a whole in
an issue and to articulate student
Student opinion can hardly in-
fluence the .Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics, both be-
cause of its rather feudal nature
and also because it already has
voted. Student comment on -the
issue could well affect the coming
vote in the Faculty Senate, though.
Even if this is not the case, SGC
has taken an effective step in ful-
filling its functions to the student

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to'
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 pm. Friday.
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1959
VOL. LXIX, NO. 150
General Notices
Astronomy Dept. Visitors Night. Fri.,
May 1, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell Hall.
Dr. Lawrence H. Aller, "Atmospheres of
Planets." Student Observatory on fifth
floor, Angell Hall open for inspection
and telescopic observations of Venus
and Double Stars. Children welcomed,
but must be accompanied by adults.
Closing Hour Fri., May 1, will be 1:30
a.m., as authorized by Student Gov-
ernment Council and Women's Judi-
c ary Council.

Taxing the Mind
To the Editor:
GIVEN that no new industry is
coming to Michigan, and that
some is leaving, consider this:
tax industry high -industry
industry leaves-have
have unemployed-support
support unemployed-state -
Or, -
tax industry lower-industry
industry stays-less unemployed
less unemployed-tax people
tax people-state not bankrupt
So the simple solution is to tax
the people instead of industry, but
then Michigan thinks it is "evil"
to tax people. Why isn't it "evil"
to support the unemployed? New
tax industry lower-industry
industry stays-less unemployed
less unemployed-do not tax'
do not tax people--tax
tax legislators-state not
--Marvin Resnikoff, '59
To the Editor: .
WOULD you please send us,. in
a plain envelope, the names of
the twelve freshmen women who
have "the best social adjustment,
inter-personal relations, and lead-
ership potential? Normally, these
are the ones who have a nice
personality," according to the PPP.
--ay Salo, Grad.
-John Bay, '56



body. (Continued on Page 5)

Enforcement by Assent

German Reunification Counters Reds' Interests

AVING BEEN passed by the Senate, the
labor reform bill now goes to the House
ch is expected to hold hearings throughout
month of May. The main debate will be on
ther the amended Kennedy bill should be
ghened or softened. In fact, however, the
r-riding national interest is that a bill
ild be passed which establishes the prin-
e, as does the Senate bill, that there is a
lie interest in the internal management of
labor unions, and that the right to regu-
them is legally recognized and universally
his is ever so much more important than
specific provision of the bill. For the regu-
n of labor unions in order to prevent the
zes and abuses revealed by the McClellan
imittee is a vast undertaking. There are
his country some 200 national unions and
e 60,000 local unions. They have a mem-
hip of about 17,000,000 workers. It is easy
ay that these unions must all be honestly
faithfully administered in a democratic
. But it will not be easy for the Federal
rnment to enforce these desirable criteria
i vast and complex community like the
r unions. As an undertaking, it is compar-
in its difficulty with the problem of
eving equal civil rights in all parts of the
IN THE PROBLEM of civil rights, the
rucial question involves definition of the
imum that can be achieved in the way
bservance and enforcement by assent and
ent, without imposing upon the govern-

what he thinks should and should not be
done. But what counts is a bill which not
only points in the right direction but offers a
good prospect of moving in that direction.
By this test the Senate bill is a good one.
The proof that it is good is that it was passed
unanimously, taking account of Sen. Gold-
water's dissent for the sake of the record. The
bill has the support of the responsibly labor
leaders, beginning with Mr. George Meany.
Thus, if enacted into law, we may expect that
there will be a large amount of voluntary ob-
servance and a limited need for measures of
I have not in recent months followed in de-
tail the exposures of the McClellan Commit-
tee. But a year ago, its sensational exposures
of racketeering and corruption had covered
only seven out of nearly 200 national unions.
No doubt there are others which need to be
exposed. But no doubt also, there are a great
many which are honestly and faithfully run.
Their example and support are very necessary
to effective regulation of the labor movement.
IN MY VIEW, the critically important and
desirable feature of the bill is the require-
ment for detailed financial reports. For if this
requirement can be enforced, if there is full
and continuing disclosure of the income, the
investments, and the expenditures of the
unions, the foundation of effective regulations
will have been laid. This will not be the last
bill to regulate the unions which is to come
before Congress. The regulation of corpora-

Daily Staff Writer
ON A GERMAN settlement - on
this hang many of the laws
and prophets of the free world.
But settlement of the German
situation, says Prof. James IC. Pol-
lock, chairman of the political
science department, is mainly de-
pendent on the Russians, upon
whom rests 'the responsibility for
the present tension-laden situa-
The West, he explained in a
recent interview, is willing to make
concessions to solve the problem,

but all the Western concessions
possible will be for naught if
Khrushchev and Company remain
The principal hitch to a German
settlement is the problem of re-
unification. Such difficulties as
Berlin are merely symptomatic of
this basic problem. There will
never be a proper settlement that
does not include reunification,
warned Prof. Pollock, who recently
spent some time in Berlin to
evaluate the situation on the spot.
* * *.
WHEN THE victorious "Grand

Alliance" divided conquered Ger-
many into four zones of occupation
after World War II, Germany's
reunifigation problems began.
'The Allies also promised a
peaceful and democratic' place in
the free world to the German
nation and rejected annexation,
assuming that eventually, the
country would soon be reunited.
However, while the three West-
ern zones have been united in the
Federal Republic, the Russian zone
has become the People's Republic.
Efforts at uniting the two zones,

have been largely blocked by Rus-
sian opposition.
It is this attitude on the part
of the Russians, anctonly the Rus-
sians, Prof. Pollock emphasized,
that has frustrated plans for a
united Germany. In a desire to
gain recognition of their "ill gotten
gains," Prof. Pollock said, and
acceptance of their breaking of
agreements, that has led the Rus-
sians to want to keep Germany
divided. Western recognition of,
the Russian position in Germany
would accomplish much of this.
* *
IN ADDITION to using Germany
for this long term aim, the Rus-
sians are utilizing the situation for
short term tactical maneuvers.
Prof. Pollock said the tension
created in Berlin was probably
used to try to distract from the
attempted Soviet take-over in
The only thing that will change
the Russian attitude, Prof. Pol-
lock said, is if their illegally gained
possessions and power in East
Europe become more of a burden
than an advantage. This cannot
result from Western action, but
must be brought about by the
actions of the satellite populations,
The West, he said, will have to
believe "that free men will not
indefinitely tolerate slavery." Rus-
sian fears of a renascent Germany,
he concluded, may be alleviated
by Western guarantees; but as
long as the Russians profit from
the enslaved countries they will

man settlement were postponed too
long, nationalistic unrest might
arise in the country, though to
fear it now would be to think too
far into the future.
The actual mechanics of reuni-
fication, Prof. Pollock said, would
be relatively simple, if the Rus-
sians were willing to negotiate as
they agreed to do in 1955. A con-
stitutional convention of the two
Germanies would be' called and a
new framework, on the basis of
the constitution of the Federal
-Republic would be constructed.
Berlin would again tbecome the
Once these two sections of Ger-
many were reunited, Prof. Pollock
explained, negotiations between
Germany and Poland over the
Oder-Neisse country, which was
also taken from Germany at the
end of World War II and made a
part of Poland, could becarried
out. If the Russians would not in-
terfere, he said, a considerable
area of agreement would exist and
a solution of the problem could be
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Mayor
Friederich Ebert of East Berlin
delivered to,- a news conference
these definitions of freedom:
"In the West, freedom means
that one single man is elected to
decide everything for the people.



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