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May 01, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-05-01

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Muscular Dystrophy Association
To Sponsor Card Design Contest

sible. This card is not to illustrate
the disease; it should be definitely
of a Christmas motif."
"The use of originality and at-f
tractiveness in the expression of
this motif," she explained; "will1
be the determining factor in the
selection of the final artwork."
Four Judges To Choose
A panel of four judges will
choose four sketches from thoses
submitted. From these, the Muscu-
lar Dystrophy Board will select
the winner, Mrs. Wollam added.
All designs will become the
property of the Muscular Dystro-
phy Board unless the designs arel
sent with a stamped, self-
addressed envelope and a request
that the designs be returned.
However, Mrs. Wollam men-
tioned that some of the designs
might be used in the future. In
that case, she said, the designer
"will receive complete personal
and public recognition."
Display In Library
All designs submitted will be on
display for the public at the Ann
Arbor Library in June, she con-
All entries should be sent to the
ablove-mentioned muscular dys-
trophy address.
'U' Sororities
To Support
[FC Singers
A sorority will support each of
the 10 competing fraternities in
the Interfraternity Council Sing,
set for 7:30 p.m., May 11 at Hill
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will be
supported by Alpha Delta Pi, Del-
ta, Tau Delta will have the mem-
bers of Alpha Epsilon Phi cheer-
ing for them,-Sigma Nu will have
the support of Alpha Xi Delta and
the singers of Phi Gamma Delta
will be applauded by Chi Omega.
Alpha Omicron Pi will back up
the group from Theta Xi, Delta
Gamma's members are set to
cheer for Lamb'da Chi Alpha, Del-
ta Phi Epsilon will form a cheer-
ing section for Kappa Sigma, Phi
Mu will lend support to Sigma
Chi, Kappa Kappa Gamma to
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma
Kappa to, Beta Theta Pi.
Chairman Says
'U' Homecoming
Petitioning Open
Petitioning for central commit-
tee positions for Homecoming will
be held Monday through 'May 8,
Marty Farnsworth, '60, general
co-chairman for the event an-
nounced yesterday.
Interested students may obtain
petitions at the Union Student
Office or the League Undergradu-
ate Office and they must be re-
turned to the Union office. Inter-
views are scheduled for May 9 to
Positions open are chairman-
ships of the tickets, publicity, spe-
cial events, decorations, displays,
band, finance, booklet, alumni re-
lations, program and patrons and
building and grounds committees.

ISA Dance
To Be Held
"International Kaleidoscope,"
the annual International Stu-
dents' Association ball, will be
held from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight
tomorrow in the Union ballroom.
The dance is open to all stu-
dents and tickets are available at
the International Center. Tickets
will also be sold today on the Diag
and at the door tomorrow.
Earl Pearson and his orchestra
will play,,
During the evening a variety
show will be presented by mem-
bers of ISA. Included in the show
will be a Turkish dancer and a
Turkish instrumental group, an
Indian instrumental group with
an "exotic" dancer, and interna-
tional folk-dancing group and two
American- folk-singers, according
to Hannah Gruenewald, '61, chair-
man of the dance.
Decorations and publicity are
all being done by members of ISA.
Plan Algerian
Student Drive
The International Students' As-
sociation is sponsoring an Alger-
ian students refugee drive May 10
through 16.
This drive is not for money but
for clothing, medicine, books, pen-
cils and almost every other thing
a student would need, Ahmed
Belkhodja, Grad., chairman, said.
It will be cqnducted only on cam-
pus and collections will be held
in housing units.
Those interested in working on
the drive are asked to contact the
-iSA office in the Student Activi-
ties Bldg.
Congregational and Disdiples Guild,
luncheon discussion, May 1, 12 noon,
Guild House.
Luth. Stud. Assoc., discussion group
on "What Kind of Christians Is Mod-
ern Protestantism Developing?" May 1,
4:15 p.m., Luth. Stud. Center.
Presbyterian Stud. Fellowship, Grad-
uate Stud. Dinner, Prof. J. Reed, speak-
er, May 1, 6:15 p.m., First Presbyterian


Phone NO 2-4786
Classified Advertising


in wedding plans
in wedding papers
As the first step in planning
your wedding, we invite you
to come to us and initiate the
engraving of your invitations
on Crane's Kid Finish, the
choicest of papers for this most
important moment in your life.
Our staff will also take pleas-
ure in helping you select your

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