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April 25, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-25

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014rmlrhlgau Daily
Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials 'printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This ust be noted in all reprints.

'URDAY, APRIL 25, 1959


Old Battle Cry, Weapons,
Highlight DAR Convention

"You Know, I Don't Think The UN Ever Replied
To Our Ultimatum Last Year"
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THE DAUGHTERS of the American Revolu-
tion try again. Reemphasizing their motion
of last year opposing the United Nations, the
delegates voted last Thursday in favor of the
United States withdrawing from the UN and
removing the UN headquarters from American
In doing so they expressed pride in their
stand., As one member put it, "You can't do
business with the devil."
This unrealistic, ostrich-like -attitude contrib-
utes little to world peace. Withdrawal from an
organization because. it is not immediately ac-
complishing its goals and because it involves
working with the Russians is foolish.
It seems that the DAR, an oranization
founded in 1890 to "preserve the memory of
those active in achieving American indppen-
dence, to foster true patriotism, to encourage
education" might have a broader picture of the
world situation and might regard patriotism as
Good Ideas Wor
STUDENT Government Council's executive
committee is undoubtedly heading in the
right direction with its proposed "Point Three
Program" to increase student interest in Coun-
cil affairs.
But the-plan seems very vague and sounds
like a desperate measure that won't really solve
the problem at which it is aimed. The intent is
commendable, but the plan itself leaves some-
thing to be desired.
The first part of the plan suggests moving at
least one SGC meeting a month from the regu-
lar Council Room in the Student Activities
Building to more strategic spots on campus
that would be more accessible to constituents.
Suggested meeting places are Club 600 in South
Quadrangle, the Mary Markley snack bar, Hillel
Foundation or various churches.
IP THIS part of the proposal were effected,
SGC would run ^the risk of evolving into a
huge show, with more emphasis on entertaining
the audience than efficiency in conducting its
business. The atmosphere of a snack bar or a
church basement is just not conducive to a
businesslike attitude.
Disruption in the proceedings would also re-
sult from the transiency of the constituents In
the informal surroundings of a snack baror
lounge. Furthermore, it hardly seems that this
type of audience participation would result in
a lasting understanding of the Council.
PERHAPS a feasible solution to the problem
would be to hold special discussion and
debate on items of specific interest in other
areas,-but to have the regular weekly meetings
at the SAB. This would provide an opportunity

more than talking only to Americans or giving
high school citizenship awards.
HOWEVER, there is some hope. During the
latest vote, there was a definite degree of
opposition to the motion-much more than is
usual among the DAR membership, In their
annual meetings in Washington, they usually
pass their policy resolutions and decisions with-
out much discussion and opposition, but about
100 of the 2,449 delegates stood to oppose the
It's "progress," of sorts, but the vast majority
of this tradition-bound group's delegates repre-
senting 186,000 "patriotic" women in the USA
opposed the UN.
Undoubtedly, their motion will be ignored, or
laughed at ... as it shoula be. But maybe next
time they leave the kitchen, the futility of their
gestures will ,force them to reevaluate their
Associate Personnel Director
th Reconsidering
for students to participate in discussions on
those areas of great interest, and would main-
tm the necessary dignity at Council business
The section of the proposal suggesting an
SGC newsletter to be written by a different
Council member each week requesting criticisms
and comments of randomly selected students
also seems to be a commendable, but futile
Although it would probably draw some com-
ment and personal contact, the measure would
waste a considerable amount of stationary and
effort in an unrewarding task.
It would be too easy to regard the letter as
another mail box filler and toss it unread into
the waste basket. If it were read, however, it
would definitely be an improvement over the
more impersonal Newsletter now published by
the Council.
THE LAST part of the proposed plan is prob-
ably the easiest to facilitate and would
probably do a great deal to improve Council-
student relations. This calls for the use of
existing campus organizations such as various
school councils and religious groups to discuss
Council action,
Information regarding pertinent issues would
be sent to the groups and they would be asked
to discuss the areas and submit any suggestions
to the Council.
SGC's executive council is undoubtedly to be
congratulated for this move in to general direc-
tion toward increasing student interest in the
Council. But a few sections of the plan do need

Pather Panchali
Beautiful, Deserving
PATHER PANCHALI is a masterpiece. But, there are many things
about Father Panchali that will repel a campus audience: fine
acting, superb photography, and a university that appears only when
man, and not machines, provide the 'vision and the 'scope.
The crowning insults to a campus audience are two: first, although

Herter Has Friends, Flexibilty

filmed in subtropical West Bengal,
sex; second, the film implies an
audience capable of both thinking
and feeling. Since movie-goers in
Ann Arbor consist of people on
breaks, between the embry quiz
and the chem hourly who haven't
had a date for a month, Pather
Panchali is not what the central
committee ordered for spring
Father Panchali demands a
good audience. Produced in West
Bengal, India, by Satyajit Ray, a
young Indian amateur movie-
maker, whose efforts were partly
financed by his government,
Pather Panchali is the first of
three films in a now complete
series based on a novel written by
Bibhuti Banerji published in 1931.
* * *
THE FILM focuses on the life
of a poor family in a small Indian
village. The family, father, mother,
son, daughter, and aged aunt, are
concerned in varying degrees with
the essential problem of staying
alive. The father, Kanu Banerji, Is
a Brahmin priest, a dreamer who
is "bursting with ideas for plays
and poems." The'mother (Karuna
Banerji) is the central figure of
the film, the one around whom the
other persons and such plot as
there is revolves.
The boy Apu grows to be a hand-
some child whose eyes rcord what
he sees, which is everything, with
seismographic sensitivity;. his sis-
ter Durga as a child (Runki Ban-
erji) and as a young girl (Uma
Das Gupta) is, early, a vital and
loving child and, later, a subtle
study in adolescence.
* * *
THE PLOT is not very import-
ant, but the departure of the
father tp find work, the quarrel
between the mother and aunt,
the aunt's death, the death of
Durga just before the father's
homecoming, and the family's de-
parture for Benares, proves the
sequence of events. The point is,
the poverty and suffering do not
depress but exhilarate because the
story is so gently played against
a background of transcendent
loveliness. The film is a vision of
life that is large, noble and beau-
tiful. There is little more that
any art form can provide; one re-
greets that Pather Panchali won't
find an audience.
-R. C. Gregory
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assuires no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices 'for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, NO. 145
Public Lecture: Jacques Duchesne-
Guillemin, Prof. of the Religions of
Iran and India, U. of Liege. "On Some
(Continued on Page 6),

nobody strips off saris for a bit of
prices and crowded streets and
squirrels that all make up the
local scene, there appears every
two years something called Spring
Weekend. And somewhere between
the upside-down cake eating race
and the inside-out bicycle and po-
tato peeling race comes Skit Night
at Hill Auditorium,
Skit Night arrives in one large
six-act package featuring twelve
living groups who collaborate two-
by-two in presentation of some-
what original skits with scenery
and acting and even music. It adds
up to something' less than four
hours of hilarious confusion.
Since the PI Phi's weren't re-
presented last night, I was faced
with the difficult task of watching
comparative strangers, but this
turned out to be less difficult than
one might imagine. The collection
of valuable talent demonstrated
once again that imagination is still
alive, somewhere.
* * *
IMAGINATION was best. re-
presented by the Gamma Phi
Beta-Chi Phi skit "Metropolitan
Museum of Art." A. collection of
famous and infamous art works
briefly come to life toshow 6s, for
instance, what the White Rock
Girl is looking for, and what the
Thinker is thinking on.
"Point to Point" by Kappa Del-
ta and Delta Sigma Chi attempted
a satire on Ed Murrow's show
which contained the funniest lines
of the evening, most of which can-
not possibly be reproduced here.
More humor and elegant costumes
appeared in the KAT-ZBT "Play
on Will" which also resurrected the'
old Gargoyle routine of quoting
Shakespeare out of context.
Still more elegant costumes in
the Kappa Kappa Gama - Delta
Tau Delta "Search for Beauty," a
sort of Petroushka-like affair. Off-
stage singing was extremelyeffec-
tive here, aiding an otherwise un-
imaginative skit. SDT-Phi Epsilon
Pi presented Connelly's "Green
Pastures" which was mainly not-
able for containing the best actor
of the evening, Russell Berman, as
God, no less. Early in the skit,
Berman criticizes the quality of
heavenly custard, an old routine
for a one-time Union officer, I
~Smoke Screen" by Geddes-Phi
Sigma Kappa had the most am-
bitious script, by Robert Tanner.
Unfortunately the idea overflowed
the form here and there. Tanner's
play is not without its significanc,
but Skit Night is not the plave for
'Most imposing character of the
evening was Steve Williams as the
Magician in "Search" and I for-
get everything else except that
the auditorium lobby at intermis-
sion was a Balfour showcase, and
a couple of first - rate gymnast
provided between-scene. entertain-
-David Kessel


WASHINGTON - Subtle but
important changes in our at-
titudes in the world will soon flow
from the elevation of Christian
Herter to Secretary of State.
A new day is coming, no matter
how earnestly we may say there
is going to be no alteration in fun-
damental policies. This does not
mean a "softness" where once
there was strength - as in our
views toward the Berlin crisis and
our nonrecognition of Communist
It does not mean that the bad,
old "inflexibility" of John Foster
Dulles (as some saw it) will now
necessarily be at once supplanted
by an excellent, new, Herter "flex-
ibility." But it does mean that no
vital American decision intimate-
ly involving the lives and hopes
of our allies is likely ever again to
be made by a single man, as Mr.
Dulles could and did make such
decisions as Secretary.
IF, IN THE FUTURE, the Amer-
ican line here and there should
appear less positive and deter-
mined, it may well be the strong-
er, rather than the weaker, for
this very fact: it will now be a line,
whatever it is otherwise, to which
the whole collective institution of
the American government is com-
mitted by genuine conviction and
prior concert of opiniorr. Some-
times Mr. Dulles committed this
collective institution by acts of
foreclosure; he simply acted and
all simply had to go along.
In a word, we have exchanged a

devoted, powerful, resolute but es-
sentially one-man operation of
our foreign policy for a no less de-
voted and powerful multi-man
operation, The Dulles technique
had th, advantage of swift, un-
hesitant execution. The old gentle-
man could move in crisis with the
speed and efficiency of a lashing
whip. The Herter technique, how-
ever, will not be without its own
advantages, and it may turn out
to be the more effective in the
long run.
Dulles had on his side most of
all his wholly untroubled self-
confidence, plus the utter and
automatic confidence of a Presi-
dential superior, Mr. Eisenhower,
plus the guarded a n d r a r e l y
wholehearted confidence of the
Democratic Congress. Herter will
not have quite this degree of self-
confidence and perhaps not even
quite the same total and invari-
able confidence of the President.
But he will have something more.
* * *
HE WILL HAVE the full crea-
tive 'and cheerful assistance of the
Democrats, particularly those of
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. And these are among
the ablest men in public life to-
day, fully capable both of helping
to prepare high policy and of
gathering support for it at home.
Herter carries the Senate in his
pocket ,as Dulles never could. And
this, at home or abroad, is a wea-
pon whose firepower cannot easi-
ly be overestimated. Indeed, some
in the Democratically-controlled

Senate already refer to him as a
"Democratic" Secretary of State.
It may seem odd but it is never-
theless true that these are factors
of great practical, and not mere
clubby, significance. Christian
Herter years ago served in the
House of Representatives in close,
pleasant association with two oth-
er young men who were faithful,
if also less than urgently partisan,
* * *
ONE OF THESE is today the
assistant Democratic leader of the
Senate and also an influential'
member of the Foreign Relations
Committee, Mike Mansfield of
Montana. The other is the power-
ful chairman of that committee,
William Fulbright of Arkansas.
Anybody who supposes that Sec-
retary Herter will have less than
the full-time, all-out and highly
useful assistance of Senators Ful-
bright and Mansfield - and of
many others - just does not know
the Senate or "The Hill" in gener-
al, as the men of Congress call it.
And anybody who supposes that
Herter will withhold anything
from these men has forgotten that
Herter, too, is at bottom a man of
Congress. If there is anything to
the notion that two heads are
better than one - and there is -
then we can look for this: a for-
egn policy deeply protected in its
domestic base as it has never been
since the war; a foreign policy far
more meshed with the wishes of
our allies.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

Senate confirmedi th
tary Herter are impress
were meant to be. Th
the damage caused by'
gracious way in which
It is not easy to expl
and his press assistan
much to create the im
pointment was beingi
with reservations. Arth
York Times, in his pen
affair, is no doubt right
the President was suffer
reaction to the vety bi
Reed Hospital. But, asF
out, this still leaves un
of why, after the resul
check-up were knowni
Dirksen and others in t
the appointment would
was still casting doubtt
A possible explanation
was until the last mom
sure from supporters o
This is an unpleasant
planation which will do
that the President avo5
grim facts until Dulles,u
some weeks earlier, insis
face up to them. Thes



The Senate and Herter
d speed with which the then the President shrank from taking the
e nomination of Secre- final step of " naming Dulles' successor. During
ive, and obviously they this hesitation he opened himself to pressure
e Senate was repairing to appoint someone other than Herter.
the funmbling and un- The action of the Senators reflects not only
the, appointment was their high opinion of Mr. Hetrer. They have
also given notice to the President that he has
lain why the President a Secretary of' State who carries great poli-
t JimhHagerty did so tical weight, and is not to betreated as a minor
ipressionthat the ap- underling. The Senate has not only confirmed
madpreluctaioHerter for the office, but it has done all that
made reluctantly and it could do to confirm his influence after he
ur Krock, of the New isn h fce
etrating account of the the office.
t that in the beginning Both abroad and at home this is salutary
ring from an emotional and important. For in the complicated negotia-
ad news from Walter tions which Herter is conducting, it would be
Krock goes on to point a fatal handicap if Chancellor Adenauer or
[explained the mystery President de Gaulle or Prime Minister Mac-
lts of Herter's medical millan were given the impression that the Sec-
in Augusta, after Sen. retary of State does not have the confidence
he know had said that of the President, and that there is an appeal
go kowHrtersagety over his head through others who have the ear
go to Herter, Hagerty of the President. The Senate has struck a
upon it. mighty blow against such shenanigans. For
n is that the President the unanimous support of the United States
ent under strong pres- Senate is something that few of Herter's pre-
f some rival for the decessors have ever enjoyed.
At home, the action of the Senate is a use-
and embarrassing sub- ful offset to the thunder on the right. This
o the least damage is thunder is still in the distance. But it is un-
ided facing up to the mistakable. It is designed to intimidate him.
who had tried to resign The purpose of the intimidation is to prevent
ted that the President him from negotiating a modus vivendi-the
shock was great. Even theory being that in war, cold or hot, anything
short of unconditional surrender is appease-
% + "m ly IjN TIMES like these the easiest and cheapest
position for a politician or a public man is
dI Staffto demand the unconditional surrender of the
UB, Editor adversary. The extreme position is often re-
JOHNWgarded by the gullible, who do not know the
tad difference between natrintism and natrioteer.



' Weapons Prompt More Comment

To the Editor:
THE ABDICATION of moral re
sponsibility suggested by the
lead editorial in Tuesday's Daily,
arrogantly entitled "Pauling
Wrong . . . ," by Lane Vanderslice,
represents a sad retrogression from
the sound thinking expressed in
the same columns a little over a
year ago by James Elsman. Fortu-
nately, recent "Letters' indicate
that there are some, at least, to
whom the grim effects of nuclear
testing, as described by Linus Paul-
ing, have more than statistical
According to the figures quoted
by Mr. Vanderslice, the bombs
already exploded will be responsi-
ble for an estimated total number
of deaths from leukemia or bone
cancer and serious physical and
mental deformities of only 240,000
persons. After all, that amounts to
merely about the total number of
individual students enrolled in the
University of Michigan over a 40-
year period (at present levels)--or,
saw, between now and the year
2000. Casualties numbering in the
thousands of children expected to
suffer as a result of past bomb
testing may indeed be statistically
insignifica.nt mnarA xith n11 +he

choice whether or not to expose
What kind of perverted logic is
it which claims that because we
may not be able to detect whether
someone else is doing wrong we
ought not to stop doing it our-
selves? Tuesday's editorial sug-
gests a progressively reduced
"quota system" for putting radio-
activity into the air. Fine! How
about a quota system for, say, the
amount of pollution any party
may put into the Huron River
above our source of drinking
water? It should be reduced in a
few years, of course, and only a
small number of students would
likely suffer from typhoid.
The arms race cannot be char-
acterized as good or bad, necessary
or unnecessary. It is simply mad-
ness, and there is no such thing
as "relatively good," "necessary,"
or "lesser evil" madness. Madness
is madness. I believe there are
enough people in the world who
recognize this that any nation
which tried to break the vicious
study of disarmament as much
money, time, effort, and personnel
as it put into armament would
receive unqualified international
support and encouragement.
--Edward G. Voss

fully predicts that "everybody
flunks out," the temptation to in-
dulge in comments concerning
glass houses and people occupying
them is rather great. Consider it
-Paul R. Elliott, Grad. '
To the Editor:
FOR Mr, Ohlson's information;
and for all others concerned,

the Congregational and Disciples
Guild is a "voluntary association"
but does not have, as Mr. Ohlson
implies, "arbitraryqualifications
for membership." The Guild seeks
to be an accepting community
where the person is all-important,
regardless of, his color, national
origin, political or theological
heterodoxy. When these qualifica-
tions stand in the way, (and the
"radical" label is increasingly ap-
plied to all of them if one is seek-

S enimore Says ...

ing a scapegoat or elects to fear
the unknown rather than to seek
understanding), the person, is lost.
The Guild has sought to practice
what it has been espousing through
petitions, namely, to end discrimi-
nation, segregation or any other
injustices perpetrated against
people. The motivation is deeply
religious. If it stands squarely
against the more popular trend or
indifference of society, then I guess
it is "radical."
-3. Edgar Edwards,
Campus Minister
Redress . .
To the Editor:
THERE IS respectable authority
opposing Mr. Ohlson's thesis
that an integration petition and
march are radical. The First
Amendment of the Constitution
says: "Congress shall make no law
.. . abridging .. . the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and,
to petition the government for a
redress of grievances." The Su-
preme Court says that "redress of
grievances~ includes demands for
the government to exercise its
powers in furtherance of petition-

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