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April 24, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-24

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom







IHC Presidium







South Quadrangle Delegates Leave,
Protesting Discussion of Rumors
The first meeting of the Inter-House'Council Presidium since
Boren Chertkov, '60 was elected president of the group ended
"abruptly" last night.
A sudden walk-out by. the delegates from South Quadrangle
climaxed an evening of growing discontent with the meeting's
When it was-apparent that a quorum would not be present to act
on two major issues - room and board raises in residence halls and
'jthe purchase of recognition pins






4 .

Lewis Says
Police Action
To Cease
Misunderstanding apparently
was the cause of police taking
University students out of class
to serve warrants on them for un-
paid traffic tickets, Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A.
4 Lewis said last night.
He went on to say that he had
agreed with Ann Arbor Police
Chief Casper M. Enkemann that
henceforth students for whom
warrants are out will be called
into the Office of Student, Affairs
and not taken out of class by
Cites Previous Agreement
In the past, Lewis said, "Our
agreement has been that if stu-
dents are in trouble - except for
serious violations of the law -
the police would work through the
Office of Student Affairs. WeJust
don't want to embarass students
by having police officers take
them out of class." Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea said he had had
the same arrangement.
Dean Rea emphasized that "over
the years we have had excellent
cooperation with the police." He
said he was sure the recent serv-
ings of warrants on students in
class were "the result of some er-
ror or misinterpretation."
Reports Student Removal
Enkemann had said Wednesday
night that about a dozen students
had been taken out of classes in
the past week because they had
not paid traffic fines.
This was part of the Police De-
partment's drive to serve its
thousand warrants for traffic vio-
lations by students and other resi-
dents of the Ann Arbor area.
Enkemann had said that only
in "aggravated cases' had stu-
dents been taken out of class.
Dean Rea said last night that
he did not know how the patrol-
man who served the warrants had
discovered the students' class
schedules. Three other deans said
they did not know eithe - Dean
Roger D. Heynes of the literary
college, Associate Dean Walter J.
Emmons of the engineering school
and Assistant Dean of Men John
World News

for the Presidium, members grew
restless and began to show their
Lawrence Gusman, '59, a con-
stituent, spoke at the meeting, and
claimed that the fact that the
group had voted $75 to buy pins
for itself showed that they didn't
deserve them.
Many house presidents had ex-
pressed their desire to take a re-
vote on the issue to change their
decision, but there being no quor-
um, action could not be taken.
Charles Sheffer, '61, adMinis-
trative vice-president of the
Council announced he would place
the order for the pins Monday un-
less he heard otherwise from a
majority of the house presidents
by that time.
Discussion concerning room and
board rates was limited to a state-
ment by Peter L. Wolff, '59, pres-
ident of South Quadrangle, in
which he urged the body to "in-
sist there be a furious drive to
weed out incompetent employees.'
The question was also raised
concerning the possibility of dis-
crimination against the independ-
ents' units on the part of the all-
affiliate central committee of
Spring Weekend.
"The meeting was degenerat-
ing to a discussion of third hand
rumors," a member of the South
Quadrangle group said in justify-
ing their action.
Joint Judic
Posts Open
Petitions for Joint Judiciary
Council may be picked up, begin-
ning Monday, at the Dean of
Men's office, Allen Stillwagon, '59,
the group's chairman, announced
Stillwagon added that these
petitions must be in by 5 pim.
Wednesday, May 6. He also pointed
out that honoraries must clear
tapping dates with Joint Judic.

Retain Hope
RnHpAfter Defeat.
Of Proposal
'U' Vice-Presidents
'Expect Payroll' Soon
University vice-presidents re-
mained somewhat optimistic yes-
terday in the face of the Senate's
defeat of the Veteran's Fund liqui-
dation proposal.
"We expect a payment from the
state Monday to cover our April
30 and May 5 payrolls," Vice-Pres-
ident in Charge of Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said.
State Treasurer Sanfqrd A. Brown
said he will pay the University and
Michigan State University from
the almost-depleted general fund.
While Brown has promised funds
only for payrolls. Pierpont said the
University requested $3.6 million
for the two payrolls and to reduce
payments to creditors which now
total $700,000.
Can Be Revived
"May 5 is as far as we are going
to plan until we see what the state
does," Pierpont added.
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehuss was "dis-
appointed that the Senate is pro-
longing the uncertainty of the
situation" by their vote. The Vet-
eran's Fund proposal could be re-
vived today or Monday for a sec-
ond try at passage.
Since the uncertainty of meeting
University payrolls will not occur
until late in May, and the state
has promised funds to meet the
early May payroll, the Senate
"has some more time to act" on
using the Veteran's Fund to help
the University, Niehuss said.
See Eventual Passage
"I think eventually they will
have to pass it," he declared.
Both men declared that no
emergency measures are being
considered, since missing a payroll
has been delayed another month.
The University has had uncertain-
ty concerning the meeting of pay-
rolls since early December when
the state could not meet its $2.5.
million monthly payment to the

By The Associated Press
Red China sharply warned In-
dia, United States and other
criticstoday against intervention
in the Tibetan rebellion.
It coupled a fresh attack on
India, host to the Dalai Lama,
with a declaration that the shoot-
ing is all but over in Tibet.
The Chinese Communist com-
mand in Lhasa claimed it has
crushed Tibetan strongholds in
the mountains south of that capi-
tal, wiped out the bulk of the
rebellion and killed, wounded or
captured nearly 2,000 rebels.
Rebellion Near Finish
Red troops are mopping up the
scattered remnants, it said, and
"they will be wiped out in the near
"A part of the rebellious ele-
ments fled to India," said a com-
munique broadcast by Radio Pei-
A sidelight came in a dispatch
issued in Taipei by the Tatao News
Agency, which is run by the
Chinese Nationalist Justice Min-
istry and claims underground con=
tacts on the mainland. The dis-
patch said the Reds are shipping
250,000 reinforcements to Tibet
and that 70,000 of these have
already been moved in by airlift.
Warn 'Meddlers'
Radio Peiping broadcast the Red
military pronouncements along
with officially inspired warnings
New Rocket
Hit's Targe
Thor intermediate range ballistic
missile hit the target yesterday on
a 1,500-mile test aimed at improv-
ingaccuracy and reliability.
The Air Force announced its
65-foot rocket, already on site in
England, logged a highly success-
ful flight on its 28th launching.
Good instrumentation was received
during all stages of the fiery trip.
A data capsule, containing in-
formation verifying the missile
performance, was recovered after
it popped out of the nose cone near
the end of the journey. It was the
fourth time such a capsule has
been found.
A light to permit more accurate
tracking by ballistic cameras sta-
tioned along the route flashed on
and off as the Douglas-built weap-
on streaked aloft.
The Thor, fired by a Royal, Air
Force crew for the first time from
Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.,
last week, also provided the power
for blasting two Discoverer Satel-
lites into orbit.
The missile will be used as the
booster for a 25,000-mile high
radiation satellite and a space;
probe to the planet Venus in the
near future.

from deputies in the National
People's Congress to "the im-
perialists and Indian expansionists
not to meddle in China's internal
Persons close to the Dalai Lama
say the man, regarded by his
followers as the reincarnation of
Defer Plans
To Change
"Not imminent," Dean of the
literary college Roger Heyns yes-
terday called a change in natural
science distribution requirements.
He explained that the curricu-
lum committee of the literary col-
lege has decided to wait and submit
a "total proposal," which would
include changes planned in social
~science and humanities distribu-
tion, as well as natural science.
Predict Waiting Period,
"No one on the faculty," he said,
"including myself, can tell you
when new requirements will go
into effect." He added, "if we have
a good faculty debate over the
proposals, we won't decide on any
until well into next year."
Meanwhile, Prof. Louis Briggs of
the geology department, past head
of the natural science study com-
mittee, predicted a three- or four-
year wait before a change in the
natural science distribution setup
would go into effect.
Set Standards
He said first the college admis-
sions committee would have to set
minimum standards in mathe-.
matics proficiency for entrance in-
to the University.
His committee's report indicates
that "meaningful courses in phy-
sical science for all non-science
students" cannot be established
unless instructors can assume the
students are at least capable of
doing 10th grade mathematics.
Studying Exams
At present, a sub-committee of
the admissions committee is study-
ing mathematics proficiency ex-
aminations "with a view toward
possible introduction." Different
types of tests have been adminis-
tered two times to groups of enter-
ing freshmen.
It will probably be at least three
more years before any one test is
settled on, committee chairman.
Prof. John Milholland of the psy-
chology department noted.
Dean Heyns added, "We willa
also want to make sure we have:
the co-operation of the high
schools before setting these exams
as a standard of admission, so
that most students will be quali-
fied to take them."1

Red China Warns Against Meddling

Buddha, may leave India to seek
asylum elsewhere if. Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru shows a lack of
sympathy for his aims at their
meeting today.
Commenting on the Tibetan re-
bellion, a prominent Moslem refu-
gee from central Asia called the
"courage shown by the Tibetan
people of great importance."
Reveal Chinese Cruelty
The refugees, Isa Yusuf Alpte-
kin, former Secretary General of
East Turkestan, revealed that
China's crackdown in Tibet has
been mild compared with Chinese
attempts to crush uprising in its
border provinces.
As a result, Alptekin explained,
the Tibetan people's courage "pro-
vides means of telling the outside
world of the oppressions in East
Turkestan, Mongolia and other
non-Chinese areas suffering under
Communist imperialism."
Face Financial Trouble
However, uprisings are not the
only problems confronting Red
China. Radio Peiping disclosed
yesterday its peasant communes
are in trouble and will need both
a subsidy and tax relief to bail
them out.
The radio broadcast that the
communes would receive a subsidy,
the equivalent of $435 million, and
get a 1.8 per cent reduction in the
agricultural tax.
With all this, the communes are
expected to contribute a smaller
percentage to Red China's over-all
revenue than they did last year-
indicating that many communes
are in dire circumstances.
SGC Closes
Petitioning for Student Gov-
ernment Council's standing com-
mittees closes today, Phil Zook,
'60, administrative vice-president
announced recently.
Interviewing for the positions
will be Tuesday and Wednesday.
Chairmanships are open for the
Student Education and Welfare
Committee, the Student Activities
Committee, the National and In-
ternational Committee, the Public
Relations Committee and the Cal-
endaring Committee. No petitions
have been received for the Calen-
daring Committee, Zook said.
Petitions for those positions ap-
pointed by the Interviewing and
Nominating Committee will be due
April 30. Interviewing will be
May 1.
Five student positions are also
open on the Student-Business Re-
lations Committee, composed of
students and Ann Arbor Chamber
of Commerce members. Members
to this committee will be ap-
pointed by the SGC executive
board next week.

No Funds Availble
For Monthly Payroll
Beadle Plan for Cashing Securities
11 Votes Short on Passage Roll Call
LANSING (A) - The Senate refused yesterday to approve
the Veterans Trust Fund Plan for 'state treasury relief despite
a warning that funds are not available to meet the state's
May 7 payroll.
The so-called Beadle Plan for cashing Veterans Trust Fund
securities attracted only 11 favorable Votes on a passage roll
call, seven short of the 18 re-f

Steel Group Announces
U' Fellowship Renewal

quired for approval.
However, it was kept alive for
a possible second passage try,
most likely on Monday.
Criticizes Senate
Gov. G. Mennen Williams im-
mediately ripped into the Repub-
lican-controlled Senate for what
he called "another awful demon-
stration of complete and reckless
The Democratic governor said
it was "simply appalling" that all
but four of the 22 GOP senators
voted for "payless paydays," the
cutting off of welfare funds, the
destruction of our universities and
the insolvency of our state."
Seven of the 12 Democrats sup-
ported the Trust Fund Bill. Sev-
enteen Republicans and five Dem-
ocrats opposed it, a total of 22.
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield)
sat silent in his seat.
Explains Money Lack
A few hours before the show-
down, State Treasurer Sanford A.
Brown said the money was not mn
sight for.:
1) The next bi-weekly payroll
for the 32,000 state employes, in-
cluding those staffing mental in-
stitutions, prisons and state sup-
ported collegesnother than the
three major universities. Amount
2) Payments to counties, due
Friday, for the State's share in
the cost of local-state financed
grants for poor relief. Amount $3,-
900,000 with the bulk due Detroit
and Wayne County.
Comments on Welfare
3) The $53,500 payroll due Fri-
day for State lawmakers and
legislative staff members.
Brown made clear the threat-
ened cessation in welfare pay-
ments involved only poor relief
Senate Blocks
To Labor Bill
WASHINGTON ()-The Senate
yesterday defeated an effort to
settle the no man's land problem
in labor disputes by turning many
cases back to the states.
It rejected, 52-39, an amend-
ment by Sen. John L. McClellan
(D-Ark.) in which he sought to
substitute his own solution for this
problem for the provision in the
Kennedy Labor Bill.
It was the first defeat for the
Arkansas Senator, Chairman of
the Senate Racket Committee,
after he had succeeded in getting
half a dozen of his proposals
The action came at a night ses-
sion after the Senate had disposed
of about a "dozen minor amend-
ments. Thingswere speeded up
some after Senate Democratic
leader Lyndon B. Johnson (D-
Tex.) won agreement -to limit de-
bate on each amendment and the
bill itself.
In the background, meanwhile,
Northern Democrats hunted for a
parliamentary tactic that would
enable them to reverse a defeat
they suffered Wednesday night.
That defeat came when the
Senate voted 47-46 to write a "bill
of rights" for union members into
the anticorruption bill sponsored
by Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-
Mass.). McClellan sponsored that
bill of rights.
A coalition of Republicans and

"The Boyfriend," "Look Back In
Anger," "The Rivals" and "Waltz
of the Toreadors" will be the four
plays comprising the 1959 Summer
Playbill, the speech department
announced yesterday.
The fifth production, an opera,
will be announced at a later date.
Although each show will usethe
traditional 8 p.m. curtain, the
length of run for each production
will be extended from three to four
nights, Wednesday through SatU-
day. All plays will be given in the.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Open With Comedy
A musical comedy, "The Boyw
friend," will open the season on
June 24, with story and song lyrics
by Sandy Wilson. New York Times
theatre critic Brooks Atkinson call-
ed the play, "the wacky twenties
come to life -- delightful bur-
July 8-11 will find the speech
department presenting John Os
bourne's Protest Play of the Brit-
ish post - war generation, "Look
Back In Anger"-last season's re-
markable Broadway success.
Feature "The Rivals"
An older play, Richard Sheri-
dan's "The Rivals," will run July
On July 29 through August 1,
Jean Anouilh's "Waltz of the
Toreadors" will be performed by
speech department players.
The last production of the Sum-
mer Playbill will be the combined
speech department-school of mu-
sic opera.
Prof. William Halstead, of the
speech department, will direct
"The Boyfriend" and "The Rivals,"
while Prof. Hugh Z. Norton, of
the speech department, will direct
"Look Back In Anger" and "Waltz
of the Toreadors."
Combined Production Slated
Prof. Jack Bender, of the speech
department, will combine with
Prof. Josef Blatt, of the music
school, to direct the opera.
The speech department will of-
fer a season ticket to the Sum-
mer Playbill at $3, $4.50 and $6
prices, which may be ordered by
mail beginning the last weekin
A limited season ticket for any
four productions will alsQ be
Small Leads
V~ectjra' {Cast
The speech department's Play-
bill production of Sophocles'
"Electra" will be performed at 8
p.m. today and tomorrow ins theX
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Directed by Prof. William Hal-
stead of the speech department,
the play stars Lorraine Small, '59,
in the title role of Electra.

By The Associated Press
Moscow - The Soviet Union
has appointed an ambassador to
Ghana and is establishing an em-
bassy in Katamandu, Nepal, Tass
reported yesterday./
The news agency declared the
establishment of an embassy in
Nepal is the result of growing So-
viet friendship with that nation,
but said nothing about an ex-
change of ambassadors.
ALGIERS - The French gov-
ernment yesterday proclaimed the
May 13 anniversary of last year's
' rightwing uprising as an official
holiday in Algeria. It warned, how-
ever, against "all demonstrations
of disunity." .
* * *
TOKYO - The United States
Air Force has slapped a fine, re-
primand, and transfer on Lt. Col.
Charles Platt Jr., whose rush for
a Hawaiian vacation delayed seven
servicemen on a flight to the bed-
side of sick relatives in the United

United States Steel Foundation,
$2,350,000 program of Aid-To-Educatio
a fellowship grant for the University.
One phase of the foundation's eig
ships provide for a two-year study peri
a maximum benefit of $7,200 per recipien
Only 47 fellowships were awarded-
institutions. Of these grants, 14 were a
sciences, 22 for physical and natural sc
The University received one in the"f
field of social sciences.
Roger M. Blough, chairman of
the Foundation's Board of Trus-
'tees, declared that "the program
takes into account diverse and
changing needs in the field of
higher education and provides
breadth of coverage balanced with
significant allotments to selected
"Colleges and universities in-
cluded in the program have de-
monstrated they merit assistance
because of their educational qua-
lity or their enterprise and perse-
verance in enhancing excellence,"
Blough added.
The Foundation's eight - part
program also includes $667,000 in
operating grants to both group-
affiliated colleges and non-group

Inc., recently announced a
n, including the renewal of
ht-part program, the fellow-
od at the doctoral level with
25 to private and 22 to public
llotted for the study of social
iences and 11 for humanities.
0,000 LOSS:

Fire Sweeps Sigma Nu, Closes House
' Firemen battled an "intensely hot" fire for about an hour and a
half yesterday afternoon on the third floor of the Sigma Nu fraternity
house at Oxford and Hill Streets.
Damage was estimated at $50,000, Dennis Dahlman, '60, outgoing
Sigma Nu president, said. The 57-year-old house will be closed for the
remainder of the academic year, he reported.
The fire, which started in the attic of the southeastern dormitory,
spread through approximately half of the third floor, according to an
assistant fire chief. He said that defective wiring is suspected to be
the cause of the fire.
Treated for Smoke
No one was injured, although a couple firemen received treatment
for smoke. Dean of Men, Walter B. Rea, applauded the efforts of the
fire department, and also praised the police for their control of the
crowd of around 250 and protection of property.
The fire was discovered at around 2:30 p.m. by two actives who
were sunbathing on the roof, Chris Wilhoit, '59E, and Roger Dennis,
'60E. Ten men were in the house at the time of the fire.
When they saw the fire they tried to leave the roof through a
hatch leading to the third floor, but were driven back by the tre-
mendous heat. They finally escaped by jumping onto the platform of

Mboya To Talk
About Africa
Tom Mbova. chairman of the

Late Per


One-thirty permission for
Spring Weekend was granted


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