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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
:43 a t ty
VOL. LXIX, Nb. 143
i ini n rnr i r rirrr..r.rrwirrws'+
Room Raise
' Will Force
Few Away'
Director Notes
Change in Past
A raise in room and board rates
of 20 to 30 dollars per year would
force only a few students to leave
the residence halls, according to
student and administrative opin-
John Hale, senior resident direc-
tor of men's residence halls, said
that past experience showed that
the number of students not return-
ing to the quadrangles did not
appreciably increase when rates
have been boosted.
The last room and board raise
was passed in the spring of 1957.
It called for a $25 yearly increase.
Hale said that many who drop
out will say their action was
prompted by the added cost. Many
would find other reasons if this
raise had not come along, he com-
He noted that students attend-
ing the University under extremely
marginal circumstances would be
affected, but pointed out that the
National Defense Education Act
would make more money available
for University loans than is now
Hale said it has been University
policy to loan students money for
room and board expenses.
Herman Besselink, Grad., director
of East Quadrangle, agreed with
Hale and added that everything is
Leonard Schaadt, business
manager of the residence halls,
refused to comment this morn-
ing after making two appar-
ently contradictory statements
regarding increases in resi-
dence hall rates.
He told WCBN yesterday "I
have no idea" if there will be
increases next year. He said
they are possible but are no
more likely now than two
months ago or a year ago.
He added that what he ac-
tually said was "twisted" for
the "benefit' of a story."
Later, however, he reaffirmed
the story which apeared In
The Daily yesterday morning
which quoted him as saying
the increases were "probable."
so "terribly tentative" no one
could be sure what will happen if
a raise goes into effect.
Officials say they do not know
what the increase will be.
It was noted that the quad-
l rangles' loan funds would not be
used for aiding students in paying
room and board.;According to Hale,
the funds are used for short-term
loans of about two weeks which,
generally are not for more than 20
Peter L. Wolff, outgoing presi-
dent of South Quadrangle, said he'
thought some students might be
affected by the proposed increase,
but noted he had heard of no defi-
nite instances.
SGC Proposal1
Sees RIerest
By Students
A tentative three-point program
aimed at increasing student in-
terest was presented by the Stu-
dent Government Council execu-
tive committee at the SGC meet-
ing last night.
The plan, introduced by Jo
Hardee, '60, executive vice-presi-
dent, includes a suggestion for
moving the Council meeting place
at least once a month to areas
more accessible to students, such
as South Quadrangle or Mary
Markley Hall.
A revision in the SGC Newslet-
ter is also included in the pro-
posal. A different Council member
would write the newsletter each
week and send it to students
chosen at random, requesting their
comments on Council action.
The proposal also specifies the
use of campus organizations to
discuss SGC affairs with their
members to further interest in
student government. A final rec-
ommendation will be presented
next week.
Russian Request
Scorned byU.S.
WASHINGTON A')-The United States scornfully turned down
yesterday a Russian request that this country halt its buildup of
nuclear-missiles capability for West Germany pending negotiations
over Germany's future.
"Completely hypocritical . . . propaganda effort," a State Depart-
men spokesman said of the Soviet proposal.
The Soviet bid was made in a note which the Kremlin sent to
Washington yesterday. Its rejection was the first important public
move in foreign policy following the swearing in today of Christian A.
Herter as Secretary of State.
The events gave substance to what Herter's aides have been say-
ing: that he will maintain the major lines of United States foreign
policy charted by former Secre-
tary John Foster Dulles.
About 30 minutes after Herter
P olice Twas sworn in, State Department
Press Officer Lincoln White issued
U 'T S t dents the United States statement, which
ents presumably was cleared with Her-
From Class
About a dozen University stu-
dents have been taken from their
classes in the past week fbr not
paying traffic fines, Ann Arbor
Police Chief Casper M. Enkemann
said last night.
This is part of the crackdown
by the Police Department to re-
duce the backload of accumulat-
ed tickets that havenbeen ignored
by both students and area resi-
"It isn't our standard policy to
serve students with warrants in
their classes," explained Enke-
man, "but these have been ag-
gravated cases."
Ignored Notices
Enkemann said that in every
case the student received three
notices over a period of at least
eight weeks and that he or she
ignored them all as well as phone
"Most of the students have been
pretty good about paying their
fines," Enkemann said. "There
are just a few who have given a
black eye to the rest of the stu-
dent body."
One patrolman has been as-
signed to the campus to serve
warrants. Enkemann said the
deans' offices have been very co-
operative by giving the officers
class schedules of the delinquents.
Enkemann pointed out that a
student is taken from his classes
purely as a last resort.
Call at Residence
"After the warrant has been is-
sued the patrolman calls the per-
son at his residence," Enkemann
said. "But if there is still anoth-
er day's delay, we come and get
Those with parking violations
need only pay the fine or post
bond to correct the situation. But
an additional penalty awaits those
with moving violations.
A notice goes to the Secretary
of State's office and a notation is
placed on the offender's license
plates' application, Enkemann
said. The person's application the
following year is then held up un-
til an investigation can be made.
Asks Payment
Enkemann expressed the hope
that all offenders would pay their
fines on their own accord.
"It's not only embarrassing to
the student to have us serve him
with a warrant," Enkemann said,
"but it's a tremendously costly
and time-consuming process for
the city."I
Enkemann said that police will
continue to serve students with
warrants in their classes as long
as all notices are ignored.
Soviets Protest
The Soviets protested against
the United States' supplying mod-
ern weapons, including missiles
capable of delivering nuclear war-
heads, to West Germany and other
NATO allies. The Russians have
objected many times in the past
to the rearming of West Ger-
many-a project undertaken after
the Soviets started building up
military-type organizations in
Communist East Germany.
Recalls March 26
The Russian note recalled that
last March 26 the United States,
British and French ambassadors
in Moscow told Soviet officials that
any single-handed action would
hurt prospects for a foreign minis-
ters conference on Berlin and Ger-
many. The Western ambassadors
were cautioning Russia not to up-
set the present status in Berlin or
make a separate peace treaty withl
Russia cited this background,
U.S. officials said, in an attempt
to make it appear that the United
States had suddenly started arm-
ing West Germany in a manner
jeopardizing the Geneva meeting.
Living Costs
Keep Stead Y
During March
WASHINGTON ()- -Living
costs held steady in March to set
a record for sustained stability,
but new price increases are in
The Labor Department an-
nounced yesterday that declining
food prices offset the rise in other
consumer costs to keep its family
price index at 123.7 per cent of
the 1947-49 average.
This was exactly where the in-
dex stood nine months ago. It
went to a record of 123.9 per cent
in July and again in November
but otherwise has fluctuated with-
in that narrow margin.
However, grocery store prices-
whose irregular decline since last
summer has been offsetting a
steady, gradual rise in most oth-
er goods and services - are due to
rise seasonally. The rise may have
begun this month.
"The indications point to a sea-
sonal increase in consumer prices,
but perhaps less marked than in
other recent years," said E. H.
Riley, director of the Price Divi-
sion of the Bureau of Labor Sta-
There were no cost-of-living
wage increases for 1,350,000 work-
ers whose labor contracts provide
for such raises when prices go up.
These workers are mainly in the
railroad, electrical and aircraft
Dissatisfied counselors of stu-
dents in the literary college honors
program have urged changes in
counseling which will go into ef-
fect next fall.
Faculty advisors will be avail-
able in a central office for the
first two weeks and last three
weeks of the semester, Prof. Ro-
bert C. Angell, chairman of the
honors program, reported. At this
time, he explained, routine elec-
tions and "add" and "drop" work
will be done.
The central office will probably
be housed in Rm. 1210 Angell Hall,
he said.
To Experiment
Along with the new counseling
plans, the honors program will'
experiment with "peer counsel-
ing." The students will be asked
to volunteer to help in the central
office. Working at specified times,
like the faculty counselors, they
are expected to provide "informal
At present, too many details
bother advisors all through the;
year, Prof. Angell noted. "Set away
in their separate offices," he said,
counselors lack proper course in-
formation and have to frequently
call the honors office.
Under the new setup, without
spending too much time during the
year "thumbing through catalogs,"
counselors expect more of a chance
for career planning and long-
range advice.
Honors students will be en-
couraged to seek out their faculty
advisors in their departmental of-
fices during the semester.
Give More Time
"We are trying to give these stu-
dents more time, because they are
potential leaders, and it is par-
ticularly important to get them
going in the right direction," Prof.
Angell said. Also, he pointed out
that most students in the honors
program need extra advice on
graduate work.
Formerly, Prof. Angell had ar-
ranged counseling so that advisors
met students and dealt with their
problems throughout the year
from their own offices.
Counselors in the program vol-
unteer for the job, and handle
about 12 students each, as com-
pared to 160 students apiece han-
dled by other freshman-sopho-
more counselors.
Ten Houses
Wgin Tryouts
Of IFC Sing
Ten fraternities were selected
last night to appear as finalists in
the Interfraternity Council Sing
May 11.
The houses chosen in tryouts at
Aud. C, Angell Hall, were, in the
order they will appear in the
Sigma Nu, Phi Gamma Delta,
Theta Xi, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sig-
ma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Beta
Theta Pi, Lambda Chi Alpha, and
Delta Tau Delta.
The show is planned as a "kick-
off to Greek Week," according to
co-chairman Mike Sklar, '60. The
week-long round of Greek activi-
ties will continue through May 16.
The three top competing fra-i
ternity groups will be presented
awards after their concert at Hill
Veterans' Fund Propu*"osa.
Electra' Featured as Last int Series
April Payroll
Funds Secure
The last of seven major produc-
tions of the 1958-59 Playbill series,
Sophocles' "Electra," will open at
8:30 p.m. today and continue
through Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Written about the middle of
Sophocles' career, "Electra" is one
of seven plays which remain of the
more than 100 he wrote.
It was apparently intended as
part of an integrated trilogy, a
follow-up story on the murder
after the Trojan War of Agamem-
non by his wife, Clytaenestra, and
her paramour, Aegisthus.
Made Prisoner
Agamemnon's daughter, Electra,
has been made a virtual prisoner
and slave because of her open de-
fiance of her mother and Aegis-
thus. Indeed, the only thing which
keeps her spiritually alive is the
thought that her brother, Ores-
tes, will come and help her to
avenge their father's death.
She relates her sorrows to the
Greek chorus which acts as her
confidant and advisor, saying, "I
have no strength. I cannot stand
alone under this load of my afflic-
Brother Arrives
When her brother finally arrives
and reveals himself to her, she
calls for justice, imploring him to
kill her mother-"Must I still call
her mother"-and Aegisthus. She
has no sympathy for either of
them. While her mother begs Ores-
tes for mercy, she shouts, "You
had none for him, nor for his
father before him!"
Electra asks her brother to kill
Aegisthus "as quickly as you can,"
for "this is the only thing that
can bring me redemption from all
my past sufferings." She adds,
"And killing, throw him out to
find such burial as suit him out of
our sights."
Most critics agree that- Sopho-
cles pronounces no judgments in
his presentation of "Electra,"
neither approving nor condemning
the actions of any of the char-
The persons of the drama are
less individuals than puppets sym-
bolic of people entrapped in the
predicaments which condemn hu-
manity. Only heaven can decide
their destiny.
Prof. Halstead Directs
Prof. William Halstead, who will
direct the speech department pro-
duction, indicated that the E. F.
Watling translation of- "Electra"
was chosen because it seemed to
be the closest to the straight-for-
ward, unadorned style of Sopho-
The production uses some con-
ventions of the Greek theatre, but
its major goal was to find a pro-
duction method which conveyed
the "larger-than-life" quality to
a modern audience.
Lorraine Small, '60, will star in
the title role of Electra, while
Howard Poyourow, '59, will be
seen as Orestes, Howard Green,
'62E, as Aegisthus and Nancy Eng-
gass, Grad., as Clytemnestra.
A few tickets for tonight's per-
formance only may be purchased
at the theatre box 'office.
State May
Other 'U'
Not Meet
CHORUS CHANTS - A potent force in most of Greek tragedy,
the chorus will add its mood-setting note to the Playbill produc-
tion of "Electra" opening at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. The play will continue through Saturday.
Study of ush Effects
Proposed by IFC, IHC
Inter-Fraternity Council and the Inter-House Council have rec-
ommended a more thorough study of effects of rushing and pledging
on incoming freshmen.
A permanent study committee has been proposed to implement
this recommendation and to continually evaluate the rushing sys-
IBrown Says
tem and the role in orientation of'
freshmen which fraternities and
residence halls play.
This committee would be ap-
pointed by the Interfraternity
Council in co-operation with the
Dean of Men's Office. Proposed
membership would be the director
of orientation (chairman), the as-
sistant dean of men for fraterni-
ties, the senior director of men's
residence halls, four students, one
each from Student Government
Council and IHC and two from
IFC, and a faculty represesntative
of the academic counseling office.
To Study Plan
Particular emphasis in the
study will be placed upon the pos-
sibilities of a system of deferred
rushing for first semester fresh-
men. Recommended areas for the
committee to study are: the ef-
fects of rushing and pledging upon
grades, effects of -systems of de-
ferred rush at other campuses, ef-
fect on rushing of an expanding
summer orientation program, and
the present rushing ssytem and
possible solutions to its deficien-
Motivating the proposals made
in this report, formulated by John
Gerber, '59, IFC president, and
Bob Ashton, '59, IHC president,
wree several basic conclusions.
First it was decided that periodic
'one-shot' reviews were not effec-
tive in providing for an effective
rushing procedure through the
To Take Responsibility
Secondly it was concluded that
IFC should take the responsibility
in the area of finding the most de-
sirable rushing procedure for men.
Also a continual evaluation over
the years is essential in the study
of rushling.
Finally the report noted that an
SGC decision on the men's rush-
Sing system as it now stands would
be impractical.
The original committee, consist-
ing of four members of the Inter-
fraternity Council and four men
from the Inter-House Council, was
set up in the spring of 1958 and
met first in the fall of that year.
No profitable conclusions were
reached by the group.
To Talk Today
Prof. Albert Cook of Western
World News
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA - State-supported
colleges were given rigid new ad-
mission policies yesterday by their
regents for use in opera~ing under
the state's ban on student race
The action removes a freeze on
registration of new stLlents im-
posed after a United States district
court ordered the. Georgia State
Colleges here not to bar Negro
students on account of race. The
freeze had kept thousands of stu-
dents from registering for the
spring quarter.,
WASHINGTON -Christian A.
Herter took over formally yester-
day as Secretary of State.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
told Herter he is the best qualified
man available to direct the na-
tion's foreign policy.
President Eisenhower publicly
pledged his full support as the
former Massachusetts governor
was sworn into office at the White
House, succeeding John Foster
MUSSOORIE, India - Tibet's
exiled Dalai Lama struck back to-
day at Red Chinese, charges that
his statement denouncing their
rule in his country was issued by
someone else.
He declared the statement was
issued under his authority "and I
stand by it."
The Lama in a statement at
Tezpur Saturday accused Red
China of breaking its pledge of
self-rule for Tibet, interfering with
religious affairs, destroying mon-
asteries and killing and enslaving
Buddhist holy men.
* .* *
WASHINGTON - Senate action
on Potter Stewart's nomination to
be a Supreme Court Justice is be-
ing held up to give Sen. Olin D.
Johnston (D-SC) time to submit a
minority report.
The Senate judiciary committee
approved Stewart's nomination on
Monday by a 12-3 vote. But it
agreed to withhold its report to
the Senate for a week at John-
ston's retuest.
* * *
A proposal for emergency, use%
of the Veterans' Trust Fund
"probably will fail" if it comes up
for a roll call vote in the State
Senate as expected today, Lansing
sources reported last night.
At the same time, State Treas-
urer Sanford A. Brown reassured
the University that it would re-
ceive enough funds to meet its
April 30 payroll, regardless of
legislative action.
Brown added he will be unable
to determine until this weekend
to what extent the state will be
able to meet the rest of the Uni-
versity appropriation, which in-
cludes funds for equipment and
Would Permit Cashing
The motion tentatively' sched-
uled for a passage vote today
would permit immediate casing
of securities in the Fund, result-
ing in an estimated $43 million to
ease the State's financial burden.
Proceeds would go into the
sttae's General Fund for use in
payment of overdue bills. Spon-
sor of tle plan is Sen. Frank
Beadle (R-St. Clair), GOP ma-
jority leader.
While Sen. Beadle gave the bill
a 50-50 chance of passing, Qppo-
sition came from several senators
'Will Face Tough Time'
Sen. Clayton H. Morris (R-
Kalamazoo) said the bill "will face
a tough time - I don't think it
will pass."
A capital official noted that
mounting "pressue to rush the
bill through" was angering some
legislators. "If the bill comes up
today, it will probably fail.
"The Senate apparently wants
more time to deliberate on the
proposal," he said.
Head Opposition
Sen. Morris, along with Sen. L.
Harvey Lodge (R-Drayton Plains)
and Sen. Charles O. Feenstra (R-
Grand Rapids), headed the move-
ment against the plan in the Sen-
Sen. Morris urged the Senate
not to become "panicky" and
move to a quick decision. Cash-
ing the fund securities would pro-
vide only a "stop-gap" solution to
the underlying tax problem, lie
Sen. Beadle and Sen. Harold M
Ryan (D-Grosse Pointe), Demo-
cratic minority leader, will caucus
with their groups before the vote
today in an effort to gather more
Nichols Says
'Ensian, Junior
Positions .Open.y
Petitioning for junior staff posi-
tions for the 1960 Michiganensian
will open today, April 23, accord-
ing, to Judy Nichols, '6Ed., man-
aging editor.
Positions open are picture edi-
torships and assistantships of
Features, Schools and Colleges,
Organizations, House G r o u p s,
Sports, and Photography; as well
as copy editorships of Schools and
C o l1 e g e s, Organizations, and
House Groups.
Petitions will be due Friday
noon, May 1, and interviewing
will be Saturday and Surjday, May
2 and 3. Anyone interested ma.y
contact the 'Ensian office, 420
Maynard St., for further infor-
Quads Elect
'U' Scientist Invents Tornado Machine
Youthful scientists now concentrating on producing rockets may
soon turn to producing toinadoes-in their basements.
A University scientist has designed a device capable of creating
artificial tornadoes at a cost young scientists can afford. Called a
"Storm Vortex Demonstration Chamber," the device can be designed,
constructed and put into operation for less than a dollar.
"But that's only to obtain a minimal effect," David L. Jones of
the meteorological laboratories commented yesterday.
Compiled Diagrams
Jones compiled diagrams and information on homemade tornado
chambers in response to inquiries from throughout the country. "The
University News Service distributed a picture of the device several
months ago," he said.
"It was published in several newspapers and ever since then people
have been writing me for more complete details," he added. "I decided
to compile the report so that interested students would be able to work