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April 21, 1959 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-21

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Heston, Mathews, Hartman, Nagel Set
To Appear in 'U' Drama Season Series

He appeared In a past Drama
Season production of "The Male
Director Returns
Final arrangements for the
series are being made by director
John O'Shaughnessy, who has
staged the Drama Season for the
past thrde years.
Returning for his second year
as scenic designer is Ballou, whose
Broadway set for "The Legend of
Lizzie" won him a nomination for
the Antoinette Perry Award for
this season. This award is con-
sidered the "Oscar" of the theatre
Each of the five plays will con-
tinue for one week in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, playing at
8:30 p.m. Monday through Sat-
urday with 2:30!p.m. matinees on
Thursday and Saturday.
The costume scheme for "Mac-
beth" will be designed by Emma
H i r s c h Mellencamp, who has
worked on. past Season produc-
tions, as "Gentlemen, the Queens!"
for Helen Hayes.
The theatre box office will open
season ticket salse on May 4. Mail
orders will now be accepted.


University Students Retu''rn
Century" From Integration Marc
Hi ll Street (Continued from Page 1)
V' umber sponsored by the Congregational Disciples Guild and the Inter Co-
operative Council.
The march was described as much better than the one last year.
In the first place, this year almost 30,000 showed up as compared to
______ only 12,000. Also for the first year, th6y said, it was recognized officially.
This was shown by the message from President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
the police escorts and the grianting of permission to use the mall for a
Vacationing President Eisenhower conveyed his views to the group
through his deputy assistant, Gerald D. Morgan, who received the
petition from a. representative group of two white and two Negro
students Saturday.
Demonstration Allowed
It is important, they said, that they were allowed to demonstrate.
The rally on the Washington Monument grounds was attended by an
estimated 22,500 who waved slogan-bearing pennants and sang songs
advocating complete integration. Maybe this will give courage to
others to support integration, they added.
Many white students came from the South, the students continued,
even though they were scared that they would be in danger once they
returned. In all, about 40 per cent were white. Most of the groups were
mixed, they added.
Came from Nationwide
Besides the South, students came from all over the United States.
Over 175 buses came from New York alone as well as some groups from
the West Coast and all over the midwest.
The local University group said that if they had been able they
could have taken about 30 or 4Q but did not have the transportation.
Even with these problems that were faced by the groups, it was
called by Washington police as the biggest youth demonstration in
kend) Washington ever and possibly the biggest demonstration of any kind.
The main trouble was because they weren't University, sponsored and
were unable to get insurance easily and cheaply, the students added.

Series Ends
With Greek
Sophocles' "Electra" will end
the 1958-59 Playbill Series when
the speech department presents
the play at 8:30 p.m. Thursday,
Friday and Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Directed by Prof. William Hal-
stead, of the speech department,
the play tells the story of the Or-
estes legend, well-known to Greek
The entire play revolves around
Electra, the grieving daughter
whose father was murdered by his
wife and her present husband. Re-
fusing to obey or be servile to the
man who sits "in my father's
chair," Electra has been made a
prisoner - who must request per-
mission for the least thing - and
only leaves the house when her
step-father is away.
Electra Despairs
Electra is constantly despair-
ing; in fact the only thing which
keeps her spirit alive is the hope
that her brother, Orestes, will
come and carry out justice, by
killing , the murderers of her
father. -
When she learns that he is
dead, which is actually a hoax
intended to dupe her mother and
step-father, she tells the Greek
chorus of her sadness; indeed the
chorus acts as her confidante
throughout the play.
Starring in the title role will be
Lorraine Small, '60. The role of
Aegisthus, the step-father, will be
taken by Howard Green '62E.
Orestes will be plyaed by Howard
Poyourow, '59, while the murder-
ing mother, Clytaemnestra, will be
Nancy Enggass, Grad.
List Cast
Others in the cast will be Janet
Roberts, '61, Pon Catalina, '59,
James Stezenga, Grad., and Janet
Kosse, '61.,
The production will use the
translation -of E. F. Watling.
Courte Wife
To Present
String Duet
Prof. Robert Core, of the mu-
sic school, and his wife Lydia will
present a viola and piano concert
at 8 p.m. today in Aud. A, Angell
The Courtes will perform a pro-
gram of works by Marin-Marais,
Mozart and Beethoven under the
sponsorship of the Cercle Francais.
Each piece will be briefly intro-
duced by a short commentary in
French by Prof. Courte. The Cour
tes, who met in Brussels while at-
tending the music conservatory.
there, have spoken French all their
"We have been performing to-
gether for quite a few years - I
think 20," Mrs. Courte recalled.
Prof. Courte, instructor in viola
and chamber music, is the violin-
ist of the Stanley Quartet. He
was graduated "Diploma Superi-
eur" from Brussels Observatory.
The program is open to the pub-

Independence Helped Nation's Econom
the country, even in the South
"Communism seems to be more where the inhabitants are pri-
popular in British and French marily aborigine natives, he point- .
African colonies than in self- ed out.
governing African nations," Abdel Counters Charge
Attia, an exchange student in civil In response to the charge made
engineering from the Sudan, ob- by the British and French that
served recently. many of the nations and colonies'
Attia pointed to the fact that in Africa are not ready to govern
since Britain and Egypt signed an themselves, Attia said, "That is
agreement with the Sudan in 1953 always their excuse," and then
in which they gave that country pointed to the accomplishments
its independence, the Communist which he says the Sudan has made
party has continued to play a since Britain left.
minor role there. Attia is one of a large number
After England evacuated the of Sudanese students who have
Sudan it lived up to all the prom- been sent abroad with the inten-
ises made in the agreement, which tion that uipon their return they
has resulted in extremely friendly will have acquired the technical
relations betweep the two coun- skills necessary to help improve
tries, he said, the standard of living in the Su-
Conditions Improved dan. There are three Sudanese
However, "Sudan has been students at the University.
much better off since Britain t Two are sponsored by the gov-
evacuated our country," Attia said. einment of the Sudan, and de-
He asserted that living conditions spite the fact that there has been
have greatly improved and edu- a turnover in the government
cation has become more wide- within the last fer months it has
spread, which gives even more had no effect upon his academic
hope for the future. career, he said.
The university in the Sudan has Army Took Over ABDEL ATTIA
increased in number from 300 to Up until several months ago the . . . discusses Sudan
2,000 students and the wages Sudan was a democracy. Then the
there are comparable to those of army took over. This was occa- in Salt Lake City at the time.
Egypt, although the cost of living sioned, Attia said, "by strained re- 'The army in the Sudan is vol
is twice as high in the Sudan. lations between the._ Sudan and untary, but once -you enlist yoi
The government, though it is Egypt, which are ordinarily good, are expected to remtain in it th
hampered by the lack of finances but which weakened the govern- rest, of your, life," he said. "W
which accompany a primarily ag- ment and made it possible for the have no navy and our air force i
ricultural nation, has succeeded army to gain power. This is only only in its infancy," he continued
in maintaining schools all over a guess, however, because I was "but thev are not tnn neessaar

A university president who found
herself on both academic and so-
cial probation in her freshman
year at Wellesley College will be
the guest speaker at the 36th an-
nual Honors Convocation on May
8 in Hill Auditorium.
She is Pulitzer Prize author Mar
garet Clapp, whose successful ca-
reer in the field of education start-
ed off on the wrong foot. As a
freshman, Prof. Clapp was doing
poorly in physics and had come
in too late one night from a date.
"The car really did break down,"
she insisted.
Headed Government
Certainly, this wasn't the best
of beginnings, but Prof. Clapp
didn't let this stop her. She went
through Wellesley on a scholar-
ship, played basketball on the
varsity team and, in her senior
year, was president of the College
After graduation from Wellesley,
Prof. Clapp accepted teaching
positions at various colleges and
won the Pulitzer Prize for the dis-
sertation she wrote for her doc-
torate in philosophy at Columbia
Later two trustees of Wellesley,
introducing themselves as mem-
bers of the Public Education As-
sociation, sat in on one of Prof.
Clapp's history lectures at Brook-
lyn College. They were surprised
to find a wavy-haired, brown-eyed
assistant professor, # wearing a
bright red dress.
Trustees Attended
When she lectured, she spoke
softly, moving her hands only to
turn note cards. Prof. Clapp didn't
guess why the trustees were there
or why they lunched with her.
In fact, she rode {home to her
Greenwich Village Walk -'up via
subway and thought no more
about it.
But the trustees did. Prof. Clapp
soon found herself returning to
Wellesley-not in the capacity of
a graduate student, but as its pres-
Moved In
She probably felt a little bit
like Cinderella in the big white
mansion she had known as the
president's house, with twomaids,

Backers of disc jockey Jim Aus-
tin, who spent 203 sleepless
hours before a microphone in
an auto dealer's showroom
window, stanchly claimed a
world record for him in that
sort of thing Sunday. /
Austin. 30. began his waka-

then Aprl 10. He finally was al assifieds
trundled off to a hospital bed
Saturday night. Bring Results
It's not too late
to book your
1313 South University
Let us arrange all your



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