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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
.. ;-
VOL. LXIX, No. 141
State Committee
Passes Vet Fund
Bill Provides for Sale of Securities
To Aid in State's Cash Emergency
LANSING (I)-The Senate Appropriations Committee, yesterday
approved utilization of the Veterans Trust Fund in the State's cash,
Y Endorsement ;came on a shaky vote of 5 to 2, with two members
Only two Democrats joined with three Republicans to advance
4he bill for a showdown vote on the Senate floor later this week.
Provides for Sale
As the bill came from the Committee, it provided for outright sale.
of the $50 million worth of securities in the big fund. Their market
value is estimated at $43 million. The money will be poured into
0 the State's anemic general fund,
available there for disbursement
to cash-poor local school districts,
welfare recipients and to hard-up.
major universities.
Just before the vote, the Com-
mittee was read a letter from a
Democratic leader in the House,
which had approved use of the
Trust Fund under a mortgaging
.. elected chairman
Prick ,Sawyer'
Ralph A. Sawyer, Dean of Horace
H. ltckham School of Graduate
Studies, and professor of physics,
has been elected chairman of the
Governing Board of the American
Institute of physics.
A faculty member since 1919,
Dean Sawyer has held numerous
< .other positions. He was technical.
director of Joint Task Force One,
the, group 'that tested, the first
atomic bomb at Bikini in 1946,
and is currently director of the
j Michigan Memrial Phoenix Pro-
ject, a research program in the
Peaceful use of atomic energy.
Other Offices;
A specialist in spectroscopy,
Dean Sawyer served as president
of the Optical Society of America
from 1955-1957, is a fellow of the
American Physical' Society and
Associate Editor of the Journal of
the Optical Society of America.
A member of Phi Beta Kappa,
the University Research Club, and
Phis Kappa Phi, Dean Sawyer was
president of the Association of
Graduate Schools in the Associa-
tion of American Universities, in
The American Institute of Phys-
ics is composed of the five princi--
pal scientific societies ,in the field
of physics in America.
Includes Other Groups
It includes the American Phys-
ical Society, the Optical Society of
America, the Acoustical Society
of America, the Society of Rheol-
ogy, andi'the American Association
of Physics Teachers.
To Discuss
LSA Science
The literary college steering
committee will hold a conference
questioning "Changes Necessary in
the Natural Science Distribution
Requirement" at 7:30 tonight in
the Hussey Rm. of the League.
It will be introduced by Prof.
Samuel Krimm of the physics de-
partment, Prof. John Milholland
of the psychology department,
Prof. Lawrence Slobodkin of the
zoology department and Prof.
Erich Steiner of the botany de-
Students and faculty members
are invited to take part in the
discussion which will follow, steer-
ing committee chairman Philip
Zook, '60, said. Coffee will be
served after the meeting.
. ----- 1
Give Views
Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski of De-
troit said the proposal for selling
the bonds outright-despite provi-
sion for resorting the body of the
fund later on-would "almost cer-
tainly be doomed to defeat in the
Kowalski continued, "It would
only prolong the agony and ac-
complish nothing in the way of
averting an immediate cash crisis."
Sen. Frank Beadle of Std. Clair;
Republican majority leader, push-
ed the sale plan in preference to
Push Sale Plan'
He pointed out his plan was the
best way to accomplish the pur-
pose both from the standpoint of
the State- and of veterans. He
said $43 million would be immedi-
ately realized, against $38 million
in value from mortgaging.
The cash would be available to
all state agencies rather than a
few. Provision for restoring the!
body of the fund was more orderly
and sure than would be the case
under mortgaging.
Huse Kills
Bill To Aid
LANSING () -- The House last
night killed a bill to bring Michi-
gan under a 13-week extension of
temporary unemployment benefits.
The move was taken by rejecting
the recommendations of a confer-
ence committee of the House and
Last night's action means that
more than 28,000 jobless workers,
whose unemployment compensa-I
tion ran out early this month, still
are unable to collect extended
.Form Said
'A trocivous'
Questionnaires asking students
to list well and poorly-adjusted
freshmen, distributed t h r o u g h
freshman English classes, were
called "atrocious" by an English
professor, but defended by their
As part of a "Personality Per-
ception Project," the question-
naires asked students to list in
one group the names of freshmen
they considered as having "the
best social adjustment, interper-
sonal relations, and leadership po-
tential." The directions add,
"Normally these are the ones who
have a nice personality and the
ones you like best."
In the bottom group, students
were asked to list an equal num-
ber of freshmen they felt had "the
poorest social adjustment and in-
terpersonal relations."
Project Criticized
In sharp criticism of the pro-
ject, Prof. James R. Squires of the
English department declared that
it "pretends to be a scientific in-
quiry aiming at objective results
that I don't think can be ob-
But the project's head, Prof.
Benno Fricke of the psychology
department, said that "the best
source" of adjustment ratings is
the students themselves. "Right
now there is no really satisfactory
measure of general social adjust-
ment," he declared, "but the way
not to do this is through experts.
They are worthless."
Prof. Fricke admitted there
would be some objections to the
questionnaire, noting that "many
people feel this sort of thing is
too personal." But he said he dis-
agreed with this attitude.
Characteristics Sought
"We are not interested in any
individual," he explained. "What
we want to do is to identify those
things which go along with being
well adjusted, what characteris-
tics and attitudes are associated
with social adjustment and good
interpersonal relations."
'The names themselves will not
be made available, Prof. Fricke
d~clared.,"The project is not con-
ncted to any dean's office," he
said. "All the names will be for-
gotten after the tabulation-they
are -really just numbers."
The project aims at about 400
students in each group, Prof.
Fricke explained. "The two groups
will then be contrasted with each
other," he said. "That is why we
need an equal number in each
He added that another reason
for the request for equal numbers
in each group was to insure that
students would fill in enough
names in the bottom group. "It's
always easfer to list people you
like," he noted.
Council Asks
Urban Plan
Date Change
The Ann Arbor City Council last
night voted ~to request a three-
month extension of the federal
government's date for submittal
of the city final Urban Renewal
The government last week ap-
proved the plans, asking for some
revisions and asking, the city to
re-submit the plan in final form
by June 1. The date requested last
night by Council will be Sept. 1.
Mayor Cecil O. Creal called June
1 "unrealistic," for several reasons.
One reason given in discussion
was that Council may want to
have a referendum on the city's
paying its share of the project,
now $459,509, and that referenda
must be put on the ballot 45 days
before they are voted on.
Delay Submittal
That alone would put off sub-
mittal of the plans into June.
The Ann Arbor Planning Com-
mission must approve the plans,
and so must Council, after a pub-
lic hearing.
As Creal pointed out, Council
must also approve the City's bud-
get for the coming fiscal year by
May 11. The budget was submitted
last week.
Council took no other steps last
night toward completing the plans.
Asks Fuller Development
The federal government has
asked the city to develop more
fully its plans for relocating resi-
dents whose homes would be re-
moved. Provision for them so far
has included a private redevelop-
menit company to build 30 rental
units for displaced low - income
families and a non-proft company
to subsidize part of their rents.
Court Rules
To Eliminate
Party Aid
preme Court ruled five to four
yesterday it is a violation of fed-
eral law to promise donations to
a political party in return for help
in getting a Federal appointive
The decision reinstated a c1arge
that George Donald Shirey had
illegally promised to give $1,000 a
year to the Republican party
when seeking appointment as
Postmaster at York, Pa.
The Justice Department ap-
pealed the case to the Supreme
Shirey was alleged to have told
former Rep. S. Walter Stauffer
(R-Pa.) he would give $1,000 a
year to the party in return for the
use of influence to get the post-
mastership. The offer was alleged
to have been made around Dec. 5,
.. . MacBeth ... Lady MacBeth,
... waits for Godot
Name Stars for Drama Season
Charlton Heston, Carmen
Mathews, Paul Hartman, Conrad'
Nagel and Jacqueline Brookes are
slated to appear in the 1959 Uni-
versity Drama Season which
opens May 11 and will run for
five weeks.
William Shakespeare's "Mac-
beth," Phoebe Ephron's "Howie,"
Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for-
Godot," Ray Lawler's "Summer
of the Seventeenth Doll," and
Kyle Crichton's "The. Happiest
Millionnaire" arerthe five plays
which will comprise the spring,
The Season will present Heston
in the title role of 'Macbeth" dur-
ing the opening week of the festi-
val. Miss Brookes will be seen in
the part of Lady Macbeth, while
Earnest Graves will also play a
major role in the production.
Best-known to the world for his
portrayal of Moses in "The Ten
Commandments," Heston has re-
cently returned from Italy where
he starred in the recent multi-
milliondollar -film' version of
People have spoken of Miss
Brookes in the same breath with
Judith Anderson, with whom she
appeared in the "Salute to
France" production of "Medea."
Graves was in Ann Arbor three
years ago, when he starred in the
Drama Season production of
"Tiger at the Gates."
Polaris Test
laris test rocket roared skyward
yesterday on what reportedly was
its best launching to date.
Sources said that the 28-foot
missile, a dismal failure in at least
three of the five previous shoots,
performed smoothly at the start.
far as major test objectives were
Charles Hohman and I4iss.
Mathews will co-star in the brand
new "Howie," a parody on tele-
vision's quiz show craze, complete
to the isolation booth, which will
be performed the week of May 18.
Hohman succeeded Andy Grif-
fith in the Broadway version of
"No Time for Sergeants." Miss
Mathews appeared in the Drama
Season's presentation of "Can-
dida" last spring.
What is often regarded as the
most controversial play of the
twentieth century, "Waiting for
Godot," will be seen the week of
May 25. This international come-
dy and metaphysical will co-star
Paul Hartman and Earle Hyman.
Hartman has been the star of a
number of Broadway musical
comedies and was seen in the Elia
Kazan film, "Man on a Tight-
rope." He also has his own weekly
Sends Plan'
In Letter
To Sov'iets
Limited Proposal
Backed by Britain,
Hope for Compromis
GENEVA (A)-President Dwig
D. Eisenhower has personally it
tervened in negotiations for a n
clear test suspension by askii
Russian Premier Nikita Khius:
chev to accept a partial, firs
stage solution of the problem.
The Three - Power conferen
discussed the President's move t
In a letter to the Soviet leade
the President said-limited agre
ment to cease certain types
atomic and hydrogen weapo
tests would be preferable to r
agreement at all.
No Reply Yet
Conference sources gave no i
dication that the PresidIent b
received any reply yet fro
Surprisingly, a Soviet sow
first leaked to newsmen that Pre
ident Eisenhower had appealed
Khrushchev and he later was td
by another Soviet official to Wit
draw the report.
-Western .informants limit
themselves to a tight lipped "
comment," but they were care:
to avoid denying that such a le
ter had been written.
Major Boost
Shortly after the hour and ft
minute. conference session , a
journed for the day it becan
evident that the President's mc
constituted a major attempt
give the negotiations a boost I
ward agreement.
The President's call for ae ,b
on all tests below 30 miles wou
leave the United States free
conduct nuclear tests such as t
Project Argus series of last Augu
and September in outer space.
New Iternatives
On the bais of Eisenhowe
letter, the Soviet Unior now cou
1) Breathe new life into t
Three-Power negotiations by
structing Soviet delegate Semy
Tsarapkin to negotiate on I
Western step-by-step approach
the test suspension problem.
2) Or, give some indication th
Moscow favored having the su
ject raised during the Forel
Ministers Conference opening
Geneva May 11.
Reds State Dalai Lama
Lies in Tibetan Report,
TOKYO (P)-Red China yesterday condemned as lies the Dalail
Lama's statement denouncing Communist rule in Tibet.
Radio Peiping broadcast a charge that reactionaries dictated the
statement and questioned whether the 23-year-old god-king, a refugee
in India,, had in fact written it.
"The so-called statement of the Dalai Lama issued through an
Indian diplomatic official in Tezpur on April 18 is a crude document
lame in reasoning, full of lies and loopholes," declared a long commen-
tary of the official New China News Agency.
Arouse Suspicions
"There are indications in the statement which arouse suspicions
as to whether it is indeed a statement by the Dalai Lama himself."
Barrir Seen Unlikely
To Herter Confirmation'
WASHINGTON (RP)-A trickle of complaints to its Foreign Rela-
tions Committee seemed unlikely yesterday to delay Senate confir-
mation of Christian Herter as Secretary of State.
Committee aides said they had received some verbal protests, from
persons they didn't name, that Ierter's physical condition would,
hamper his activities in the top diplomatic job. No formal objection
The basis for this reasoning was<
the fact the Dalai Lama referred
to himself as "he" rather than "I,"
which is customary. The commen-
tary added that statements of the
Dalai Lama over the past eight
years contradicted his declaration
at Tezpur.
Radio Peiping broadcast the
commentary in English.
Release Text
It also put out the text of the
Dalai Lama's 1,000-word state-
ment - "as released by officials
of the Indian Foreign Ministry"-
charging that Red China had vi-
olated its pledge of self-rule, sub-
jugated the Tibetan people and
killed or enslaved many Tibetan
holy men.
It followed with a declaration
from the Panchen Lama, 21,
whom Red Chinese have en-
throned in Lhasa as the Dalai
ILama's successor, that the state-
Iment was a fabrication.
las been filed,however.Herter has-
suffered from arthritis of the hips
which makes it painful for him to
walk any distance or stand for
However, he underwent a physi-
cal examination at President
Eisenhower's request and White.
House Press Secretary James C.>
Hagerty reported "everything's'
Reaction to Eisenhower's an-}
nouncement Saturday of Herter's,
selection showed overwhelming ap-
proval of the appointment.
Goes to Senate
Even Sen. William Langer (R-
N.D.), who has piled up an im-
pressive record of voting against
Eisenhower's diplomatic appoint-
ments, said he favors speedy con-
firmation of Herter.
"The President has made an ex-
cellent appointment," Langer said.
"Herter has a keen knowledge of
international affairs. His appoint-
ment should be confirmed immedi-ael.
Formal nomination of Herter to
rparercaner-strickn nhn n.. s
Student Integration Marchers Return
Following marching, speeches, sore feet and cheering, a group of
_ University students that took part in the March for Integration in
Washington returned late last Sunday and early Monday.
The 17 students formed a small part of the estimated 26,000 to
s X 30,000 people who traveled to Washington in cars, buses, trains and
by plane to take part. People of all races and ages took part in the
demonstrations supporting integration.
In particular the speeches made supported the Douglas Civil
Rights Bill and the freeing of Asbury Howard, Jr., who is in an
Alabama chain gang for a year for supposedly protecting his attacked.
Escorted by Police
Once in Washington the buses with police escort unloaded on the
Washington Monument Mall at about 7th Street and marched up the
mall to near the monument where the speeches were given. Among
those in attendance were Martin Luther King, Harry Belafonte and
Jackie Robinson.
A group of 100 students, including Michigan students Al Young,
'61. and Dick Bauman. '61. presented the petition to United States"
WorldIN ewoes
By The Associated Press
States and Canada are joining in
rocket and satellite experiments
to learn more about the upper
atmosphere of the Arctic.
The non-military project was
announced jointly by officials of
the two nations today.
* * *
WOODFORD, England - Sir
Winston Churchill said tonight the
West must be patient and firm
with the "tyrannical" Russians,
but that West Germany should
never be surrendered to Soviet
"The terms of unification should
be such that the true will of the
German 'people is expressed and
that the country foes not fall
under the domination of the So-
vets," Churchill told- a meeting
of local political supporters here.
6 * *
WASHINGTON - Cuban Prime
Minister Fidel Castro declared to-
day "We are against Communism
and all dictatorships of all kinds."
He made his statement at the
National Press Club when asked
what he thought of Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev.
It was Castro's strongest de-
nunciation of Communism in nu-
merous interviews and several
speeches since his arrival in Wash-
ington April 15.
* * *
WASHINGTON-A former em-
ployee of the Senate Internal- e-
curity Subcommittee yesterday
proposed creationn of a.special
United States agency to lure top
Communist officials to defect to
the free world.
Stewart GViv
To High Cour
three vote, the Senate Judicia
Committee yesterday approv
Potter Stewart's nomination to
an Associate Justice of the S
preme Court.
Only Chairman James O. Eaz
land (D-Mlss.), and Sens. Jo
L. McClellan (D-Ark.) -"and O
D. Johnston (D-S.C.) voted agai
recommending his comfirmhati
by the Senate.
Stewart has been serving on t
high court since last October wb
President Dwight D. Eisenhow
gave him a recess appointme:
After Congress returned, Pre
dent Eisenhower sent a forn
nomination to the Senate on Ja
Weather Cool'
Brings Clouds
And ,Changes
For the next five-day peric
the Ypsilanti weatherman pr
dicts front, with a resulti
absence of University sunbathE
and picnickers.
The five-day outlook, he sa
is "quite cool, with minor day-I