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April 14, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-14

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Women's Groups Announce Officers

DIAL NO 8-6416

"The Man
Bernard Blier
Jean Rigaux
John McGiver



r I
Kathleen Raine, poet, critic and teacher, will conclude her week's
stay at the University with a lecture this afternoon.
Miss Raine will lecture on Blake's "Mental Traveller," and
Yeat's "Gyres" at 4:10 this afternoon in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
* * * *
Prof. Herbert Barrows of the English department will read Hart
Crane's "Bridge" at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the South Quadrangle Library.
This is the third in a series of poetry readings in the residence
hall libraries. It is sponsored by the Inter-House Council and the
three Quadrangle Councils, according to John Morgan, '60, IHC1
publicity chairman.
* * * *
The journalism department will present a lecture ,by Charles
Ferguson, senior editor of The Reader's Digest, at 3 p.m. today in
the Multipurpose Room of the Undergraduate Library.
Ferguson, speaking as a University Lecturer in journalism, will
discuss "The Uses of History in Journalism."
Formerly the religious editor of Doubleday Doran and president
of the Round Table Press from 1932-34, he has worked on The
Reader's Digest since 1934. In 1940, he became its senior editor.
The ninth annual "Dance Organization Concert" will be pre-
sented at 8 p.m. tomorrow and Thursday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
* * * *
The University's Woodwind Quintet will present a concert at 8:30
p.m. tonight in Rackham Auditorium.
The concert is being held in connection with Creative Arts Week,
April 12-19.
The Wolverine Club has chosen committee chairmen for next
year, club President Robert M. Baer, '60$Ad., announced yesterday.
Harley Kripke, '61, and Antoinette Iffland, '60, have been chosen
as Block "M" committee heads. Pep rallies will be organized by Frank
Starkweather, '60, and Jeff Jenks, '61.
The publicity chairman will be Maureen Goldstein, '62, and the
special events committee will be headed by Irwin Dinn, '61.


Based on a
novel by
Hadley Chase

Produced by
Jacques Bat
WOO" .

TONY SCOTT-Together with his poetry-reading partner, Lang-
ston Hughes, this famous Jazzman has been making "poetic
music." They have reached a common ground; a ground on
which poetry could be read to jazz with perfect harmony and
Scott, oet es
- ~ u m-m -



DIAL NO 2-3136
Only on the huge State Theatre screen
can you enjoy the colorful and action-
packed epic greatness of "Tsmpest."


African Head
T o Speak at 'U'
Tom Mboya, political leader in
both Kenya and Africa, will be at
the University on Friday, April 24..
Besides being a member of the
Kenya Legislative Council, Mboya
is also Secretary-General of the
Kenyon Federation of Labor. Since
the second Accran Conference he
has been the chairman of its steer-
ing committee.
A lecture will be given by
Mboya at 4:15 p.m. April 24 at the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The sub-
ject will be "A Report on Africa."
It will deal with the problems that
are now facing both his own coun-
try of Kenya and Africa as a
Also planned for Mboya are a
press conference and a luncheon.

Pool "'alei
He was washing dishes in a
Paris nightclub, and the jazz
sounds from the outer room were
diffusing through the air.
He was moved, and he began to
write. First came the poems about
jazz, about the blues and the syn-
copated rhythms of the music it-
self. Later, his style changed, but
his incentive did not. This time,




for positions on



Ass't Genera
(female only,

i Chairman

Program Chairmen
Productions Chairmen

.. .reads poetry
the poems themselves were the
jazz; they were written with the
same beats, oyertones, and
rhythms of the jazz music.
The musician and poet had fi-
nally reached, a common ground,
a ground on which poetry could
be read to jazz with perfect har-
mony and accord.
Evidence Results
The result has been evidenced
often,, in the United States, Can-
ada, and throughout Europe, and
last Saturday night was not the
first time that the poet, Lang-
ston Hughes, and the musician,;
Tony Scott, have combined their,
individual talents.,
"Playing jazz to Langston's
poetry is certainly not hard,"
Scott commented. "Jazz Is a Ne-
gro culture, and Langston writes
about the Negro culture; the two
fit in perfectly together."
Hughes noted, however, that it
is not possible for every poem to
be read to jazz. He laughed at
those who write poetry and then

nts, Ideas
try to find a piece of jazz to co-
incide with it.
"The poem must be directly
patterned, on a particular mood
or jazz rhythm from the moment
that it is written, and this mood
must run through the entire poem
or else it cannot be successfully
read to jazz," Hughes said.
Scott agreed, and added that
those who try to read any poem
to jazz are "just making incorrect
use of a popular medium. The
roots of the poem must relate to
jazz," he said.
Then, speaking about his own
art, Scott related that "in Amer-
ica, the jazz that musicians are
playing today will probably not
become really popular until 10
years from now; the music be-
comes popular through the musi-
cians' change. Therefore, the jazz-
men of today do not play what is
necessarily 'popular,' but what
they know will eventually gain
Jazz in Europe
In Europe, however, this is not
true, especially in Sweden, he said.
"Most of the European countries
lack knowledge of certain types of
jazz, and are familiar with only
one or two types. Jazz musicians
in these countries, therefore, play
for the popular appeal."
Sweden prefers the more mod-
ern jazz, while France and Italy
favor the more traditional New
Orleans style.
"Yugoslavia, however, has prac-.
tically no jazz background at all,
and any jazz, if it's good, pleases
them," he said. Last year, Scott
and his quartet presented Yugo-
slavia with its first jam session,
and "the people went wild," the
musician reported:
Chooses Poetry
When choosing the poetry to
read at a concert, Hughes said he
"picks the poems that historically
illustrate the progress of jazz,
from the South African jazz with
its drums, to the New Orleans
dixieland and blues, to the spiri-
tual and gospel jazz, and finally to
the most modern; the progressive
and 'cool' misic.
His poetry presents the story of
the life of Harlem, "that nation in
the north of Manhattan where
people come both to escape from
the outside, and to try, to escape
to the outside."
He himself grew up in Harlem,
and thus, can write tenderly, un-
derstandingly, and yet even hu-
morously of its life. With the
background of jazz music, the
poetry's subtle blending of tragedy
and comedy with its honesty of
vision is clearly brought out.
Reads Poetry
He has read his poems at the
Village Vanguard, at the Strat-
ford Festival, and throughout
When asked how they thought
poetry and jazz were being ac-
cepted as a pair, Scott and Hughes
agreed that it was definitely re-
ceiving a positive response. "In
fact," Scott said, "because of the
reception it is getting, we are
planning on making a poetry and
jazz album together."

The new officers and committee
chairmen of the League, Assembly,
Panhellenic and Women's Athletic
Associations were announced at
eague Installation Night.
Each organization is also plan-!
ning separate installation for its!
new leaders.
League committees and their
Tutorial Committee: Ann Gould,
Fran Harris, '62, Judy Scheinfield,
'61, Marjorie Zempke, '62, Mariem
Westrich, '61, Jane Stick; ehair-"
House Committee: Ellen Martz,
'62, Georgia Rylander, '60, Harriet
Caesar, assistant chairman, Bar-
bara Court, '61, chaiman.
Social Committee: Ann Ham-
monds, '60, Jean Atkinson, '61,
Bonnie Boehnke, '62, Helene Fin-
berg, '62, Paula Struck, '61, Linda
McClellan, '61, Polly Wietzke, '61,
International Committee: Sally
Tabor, '6lEd., Carolyn Hafner, '62,
Bonnie Pickhaver, '61, Betty Ter-
penning, '62, Adele Becker, '61,
Nancy Schmidt, '62, Janice Kim-
ball, '60Ed., Anne O'Neal, '60,
Public Relations: Joanna Jury,
'62, Carol Decket, '62, Meg Hyatt,
'62, Rachel Cohen, '62, Betsy Sla-
gel, '61, Joy Kershesche, '60, Roz
Ribyat, '61, assistant, chairman,
Sue Winter, '61, chairman.
Community Service: Nancy Mc-
Courtney, '62, Mary Jane Nissley,
'62. Jean Ruby, '62, Barbara Ber-
ger, '62, Louise Yankee, '61N,
Marilyn Baginsky, -'61, chairman.
Special Projects: Barbara Con-
don, '62, Betty Bacon, '61, Ann
Cromwell, '61, Gloria Guy, '61, Sue
Solomon, '62, Marty Farnsworth,
assistant chairman in charge of
Homecoming, Sue Deo, chairman.
University Services: Midge Fried-
man, '61, Barbara Hess, '61, Judy
Spangenberg, '61, Ronnie Posner,
'61, Francis Panattierri, '62N,
Barbara Grossman, '62, Elsie Sara-
now, '61, chairman.
Freshmen Projects: Jackie Ef-
rusy, '61, chairman.
Judiciary Council: Jane Glick,
'62, Debbie Cowles, '62, Karen Tait,
'62, Sarah Anderson, '62, Doranne
Wilson, '61, Judy Guardhouse, '61,,
Leanne Winntck, '61, Jan Miller,
'61, Lynn Betts, '60, vice-chairman,
Cyra Greene, '60, chairman.
Interviewing arid. Nominating:
Iris Goberg, '62, Rosalie Weisman,
'62, Ellie Finkelpearl, '62, Carol'
Ference, '61, Ellen Weinberger, '61,'
Linda Meyers, Peggy Eflinger, '60,
vice-chairman, Mary Wilcox,
'60, chairman.
Panhellenic Association: Editor
of Affiliate: Carol Waldeck, '60;
Jr. Panhellenic President: Kathy
Bennett, '62;' Secretarial Manager:
Joy Kersheski, '60; Public Rela-
tions: Jane Thompson, '61; Assist-
ant Chairman of Counselors: Toni

Eflland; Chairman of Counselors:
Pat Hawkins, '61: Assistant Rush-
ing Chairman: Bobbie Place, '61:
Rushing Chairman: Barbara
Greenberg, '61; Treasurer: Louise
McQuilken. '60; Secretary: Bar-
bara Dix, '61; Second Vice Presi-
dent: Beverly Ford, '61; First Vice-
President: Barbara Nicula, '60;
President: Mary Wellman, '60Ed..
Women's Athletic Association
positions: Figure Skating, Deanne
Doebeli; Rifle, Ann Cullip, '61, and
Sue Sledick; Life Guard Corps:
V 11
'U' Lecturer
Gives Crisis
Service Talk
To know what to do and how
to do it is the basis for planning
for emergency services. Dr. Her-
man E. Hilleboe, chairman of
the New York Sttae health de-
partment, said yesterday.
In a lecture for the public
health school, Dr. Hilleboe said in
planning for any kind of disaster,
natural or war, preparation is the
most important thing."
There are two groups of people
in this country. One group has
the philosophy that it is useless to
prepare since everyone will be
killed in event of atomic war.
Gives Opposite Viewpoint
The other group, and this in-
cludes public health officials,
realizes everyone will not be killed
and that there will be several
thousand wounded to take care of.
There are two types of isotopes,
the long-lived and the short-lived
ones, he noted. The long-lived
ones Would harm both the enemy
and us since they would float in
the atmosphere for several years.
"Therefore, the short-lived ones
will probably be used and bombs
will not be dropped over large
cities but over the areas where
there are military installations:"
Need Medical Services
Shelters are one way of prapar-
ing for disaster. But they are ver
expensive and many people would
not have the funds to stock 'the
shelteis even if they had them,
since supplies for a full .week
would have to be kept.
Consequently, the answer lies in'
medical services to help people if
an attack should occur, he said.
The first thing is a comprehen-
sive plan which would tell every-
one what to do. Connected with
the plan is a training program.

Marlene Phelps, '61; Golf: Linda -
Nordyke, '59A&D; Bowling: Pat
Cornell, '61Ed.: Basketball: Fran
Haynes, '62; Sorority Manager:
Barb Weber, '60Ed.; Dorm Man-
ager: Marge Platner. '60Ed.; Sec-
retary: Nancy Sitterly, '60: Treas-
urer: Barb McCallum, '60Ed.; Sec-
ond Vice-President: Irene Shapiro,
'60Ed.; First Vice-President: Joan
Machalski, '60A&D; President:
Marie Joynt, '60A&D.
Assembly Association: Public
Relation: Ronnie Moe, '60; Orien-
tation Chairman: Tina Tarler, '61;
Social Chairman: Myra Goines,
61; Project Chairman: Delene
Domes, '60; Activities and Schol-
arship Chairman: Mary Lou Lei-
bart; Secretary: Kathy Jolls, '61:
Treasurer: Elsie Sherer; First
Vice-President: Connie Kreger,
'60; President: Joan Comiano.
1959 Central Committee of Soph
Show: Props: Ellen Greene, '62:
Production, Faith Lubin, '62, Neil
Bierbower, '62; Makeup: Sue Still-
erman, '62; Costumes, Myrna
Freed, '62, Ruth Mellen, '62;
Dance: Diane-Gordon, '62; Music,
Rhona Wolk, '62SM; Treasurers:
Barb Denny, '62, Harvey Lichte-
man, '62; Contact Secretary,,Betty
Schmitt, '62; Secretaries, Sarah
Pilgrim, '62, Steve Kleiner, '62;
Programs: Louise Lochner, '62,
Todd Fay, '62; Posters: Joan
Glueckman, '62; Stunts: Becky
Mosen, '62; Publicity: Susan Patty
Smith, Steve Vile, '62E; Directors:
Josephine Kasle, '62, Steve Vande-
voort, '62; General Chairmen:
Beatrice Nemlaha, '62, Roger
Pascal, '62; Properties: Bonnie
Borg, '62.
I-Hop: Mary Ann Tinker, '60;
Fortnite: Gail Doherty, '61.
Ethel McCormick Activities Rec-
ognition Awards: Katherine John-
son, '60, Anne O'Neal, '60, Dawn
Chymoweth, '60Ed.
Panhellenic Scholarships: Diane
Gilbert, '60Ed., Sandra Frieswyck,
Jr. Panhellenic. Scholarship:
Mary Jane DiGiovanni, '62.
House with Most Scholastic Im-
provement: Alpha Epsilon Phi.
House with Highest Average:
Sigma Delta Tad.
Alpha Omicron Pi Community
Service Trophy awarded to Alpha
Delta' i.
Alpha Lmbda pelta Senior
Book Award: Lynette Beall, '59,
Girls with 3.9 average or, above:
Nancy Thomas Farrand, '608M,
Joan Hahn, '59SM, Ellen Schriber,
Delta Delta Delta Scholarship;
Judith Dahlem, '60DH.
Martha Babbidge Aw~ard: Rober-
ta Dorph, '60Ed.

Promotions Chairmen

U' Students Represent SOC,
At NSA's Regional Assembly



Music Chairmen
Student Director

Office Manager

Five University students repre-
sented Student Government Coun-
.cil this past weekend at the U. S.
National Student Association's
Spring Regional Assembly in De-
Dietrich Bergmann, 'TOE, Ah-
med Belkhodja, Grad., Pat Back-
man, '62, Konrad King, '62E, Ron-
ald Keyes, '62E, and 96 delegates
from eight other member' schools
were guests of Wayne State Uni-
versity and Marygrove College.
Belkhodja, Foreign S t u d e it
Leadership Project Student from
Tunisia, delivered the keynote ad-
dress Saturday, April 11 at the
banquet. He stressed that USNSA
was created to unite the students
of the country into a body strong
enough to be heard with respect
throughout the world.
Elect Officers
However, as long as individuals
use the organization in order to
become "Big, Menon Campus,"
he added, it will never serve the
purposes for which it was created.
Officers of the Michigan Region
of USNSA were elected at the as-
sembly. Among those elected were
Leon Cohen, Wayne State Uni-
versity, president; Ann Petrie,
Marygrove, vice-president; Rich-
ard Acki4, Ferris Institute, treas-
urer, and',Pat Bachman, the Uni-
versity, student affairs chairman.
Speeches, workshops and a so-
cial also highlighted the first two
days of the convention.
Pass Resolutions
Sunday, regional business meet-
ing reports of the workshops were

given and several resolutions were
Of these, Bergmann described
the passage of resolutions which
seek the end of apartheid in the
Union of South Africa and the
continuance of USNSA aid to Al-
gerian students. He also described
the passa ag of a resolutions con-
demning' the controversial "loy-
alty oath" section of the National
Defense Education Act.
USNSA is a confederation of
student bodies at 400 American
colleges and universities repre-
sented through their student gov-
ernments. Its purpose is to dis-
cover and represent accurately the
interests, problems and aspira-
tions of the American student.


Petitions may be picked up at the Student Offices, Michigan Union
(2nd floor), Mon.- Fri., 2-5 P.M. Due Friday, April 17

J AL NO 2-25 13
"Ilgo for Gidget,
too --Dick Clark


. ...



presented by the
Michigan Union

Ap ril 12-19





TONIGHT at 8:00
4th Session of Faculty "Lecture-Discussions"



3:30 P.M.

Michigan Final Preliminaries

Oratorical Contest

2528 Frieze Bldg.


7:30 P.M.

Oral Interpretation









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