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April 12, 1959 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-12

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Need Perspective To View Events

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Attaching historical perspective
to present-day events is a neces-
sary rule for all educators and
statesmen, Prof. Mehmet Fuat
Koprulu pointed out yesterday.
Visiting Ann Arbor for the 169th
meeting of the American Oriental
Society, the former Turkish for-
eign minister explained that he
had found the process valuable in
his two-sided career. From 1950 to
1956 he served in the diplomatic
post and he is, according to Prof.
James Stewart-Robinson of the
Near Eastern studies department,
recognized as one of the world's
foremost Oriental scholars.
Combining his knowledge in
both fields, Prof. Korulu main-
tained that many of the events
occurring today have historical

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roots. He cited the proverb that
"in order to understand today, you
must know yesterday," to prove
his point.
Information Lack 'Dangerous'
During the course of the inter-
view, Prof. Koprulu, who com-
municated through two interpre-
tors, explained that a further dan-
ger was from people who had only
limited knowledge. "They often
form falacious opinions based on
their own lack of complete infor-
mation," he said.,
In this respect the Turkish
scholar pointed to people who
equate the Nasser form of Arab
nationalism with the kind found
in his own country. "Turkey was
never subjected to the type of
colonial rule that many of the

Arab nations encountered," Prof.
Koprulu explained.
Turkey isn't interested in retali-
ating against certain of the former
Western colonial powers as many
of the Arab states are, he went on
to say.
Turkish Morale Strong
Whatever the internal economic
of political situation, Prof. Koprulu
believes, the morale of the people
will be sufficient to withstand out-
side pressure and retain their
freedom. Specifically referring to
the machinations of Soviet Rus-
sia, he asserted that Turkey's
"moral fiber" will stand up under
the "severest strain."
A second realm he felt fell into
a historical relationship was the
Greco-Turkish problem. "Friend-
ship between these two countries
is especially important because of
their geographic and political situ-
ation," Prof. Koprulu mentioned.
Looking back on almost 50 years
of experience in this area, the
professor observed that friendly
relations with Greece have always
been cultivated as a part of Turk-
ish foreign policy.
Maintain Peace Objectives
The idea of "peace at home and
peace in the world" which was
formulated by Mustafa Kemal At-
taturk, the great Turkish presi-
dent, is the basis for maintaining
amicable relations, Prof. Koprulu
pointed out.
As a third consideration in re-
gard to historical perspectives, he
addressed a statement to "youth in
general" on attitude toward war.
"If you are afraid of war, war
will catch up with you-if you are
not afraid of war, it will always be
far from you," Prof. Koprulu
maintained. This is a message
which youth in Europe and Asia
should especially listen to, particu-
larly in the present state of affairs,
he went on to say.
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'U' To Hold
The University's Personnel Of-
f ice will sponsor a "records man-
agement round-up 'and filing facts
workshop" May 12-14 in 4051 Ad-
ministration Building Auditorium.
A. B. Ueker, University person-
nel officer, explained that" 'the
conference was for "University
secretaries, clerks and administra-
tive assistants."
The conferees will discuss such
questions as t he length of time
records should be kept, various fil-
ing. methods and "is a central fil-
ing department justifiable?"
To Discuss Methods
The participants will discuss
these questions among themselves
and with several specialists who
are being brought to the Univer-
sity to-aid in this project.
J. C. Hecker, national manager
of the Records Management divi-
sion of business services depart-
ment of a national business cor-
poration, will be one of the three
guest speakers. Dan F. O'Donnell,
also of that corporation, where he
is regional manager for the busi-
ness services department -- will
also speak.
The third guest speaker is
Frances Selfo. She is a branch
records consultant for Remington
U' Staff Members To Speak
ITwo University people will also
aid the conference., They are Prof.
Irene Place, of the business ad-1
ministration school, and M. Ber-!
nice. Gittens, nursing school sec-
retary and president of the Huron
Valley chapter of the Nationall
Secretary Association.
Deadline for signing up for this!
conference, Ueker explained, is'
May 8.
There are also two public rela-
tions courses: communications in
University offices and public re-
lations for the office worker.
11(I 11





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-Daily-Richard Bracken
REALISM'S DECLINE-Looking over a collection of theatre art,
Prof. William Halstead has predicted a return to the classical,
conventional styles of playwriting.
Halstead Predicts Atrophy
Of Realistic Theatre Trend


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series on the persons in-
volved in the production of speech
department plays.)
Prof. William Halstead is of the
opinion that realism as a theatre
technique has just about run its
The silver-haired, articulate
speech department director ac-
knowledged that "people are still
writing in the realistic vein and
will continue to do so for many
decades, but there is a definite
movement back to classical, con-
ventional, stylized playwriting."
When any art style has reached
its peak and its possibilities have
been exhausted, people move on
to other things and there is often
a violent reaction against it, he
Past Inspires
"In most arts, this change
comes out of a renewed inspira-
tion of the past. The first at-
tempts may result in imitation,
but eventually the new spirit of
the time alters it until you have
something new," Prof. Halstead,
He held that one can only
guess what will be picked out of
the past to form the future pat-

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tern of modern plays. "So far as
theatre is concerned, until new
playwrights come along, we have
to go back to the classics."
There is ample justification for
this reactionary movement so far
as Prof. Halstead is concerned.
"Presenting the classics informs
people of history by lettings them
see the old masterpieces/' he in-
Provides Good Training
"Further, it is awfully good
training for the actor to play the
classics," he continued. In a mod-
ern play, we are all in the same
environment - playwright, actor
and audience - so it is relatively
easy for us to understand the mo-
tivations which the characters are
said to possess.
"When one relates himself so
completely with the character, he
doesn't see the difference between
himself and the role." He cited
the example of a young actor
praying a mature part, who ap-
proaches love from a young per-
son's standpoint.
But when an actor plays the
classics, he is likely to be struck
first by the strangeness, the dif-
ference of the part, Prof. Halstead
Thinks More Specifically
"He will think about the role
more specifically than he would in
a modern play. Although he may
come to the conclusion that the
character is somewhat like him-
self, he is still more aware that
there are differences," he added.
Prof. Halstead emphasized that
in normal conversation we use
only a fraction of our expressive
abilities. "With the familiar type
of dialogue used in the modern,
realistic plays, we tend to get
monotonous," he continued.
The classical actor knows the
audience may have difficulty - in
understanding the meaning of
the play, Prof. Halstead pointed
out. He, himself, may try new
techniques in order to get the
meaning across.
In planning the Playbill, we look
at the things available to the Ann
Arbor audiences, both on televi-
sion and live, Prof. Halstead re-
ported. Because so much of what
hey can see lies in the modern,
realistic vein, we think we con-
tribute to the variety by doing'a
disproportionately large number
of the classics and standards.



__ _


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