)AY, APRM 12,1959_
K-tful'i 9
Feature Persian Art at 'U' Museum)
Peace Seen Necessary
To World's Prosperity
Featured at the Museum of Art
is an exhibit of Persian art from
the period before and after the
Mongol conquest.
Selection and arranging of the
exhibit was done by Prof. Oleg
Grabar, of the fine arts and Near
Eastern studies department. The
show is here partly in connection
with the meeting of The American
Oriental Society which concluded
its meetings in Ann Arbor yester-
The exhibit shows the changes
in style that took place in Per-
sian art as a result of the Mongol
invasion during the thirteenth
century. These changes will also
be placed in their economic and
social contexts.
This, is the first major gather-
ing of the art of Islamic Persia in
this country in more than a dec-
ade. Most of the objects on dis-
play are from museums and pri-
vate collections in the United
Mainly the exhibit consists of
metalwork, ceramics and textiles.
Also included, for the first time
since they were dispersed over 30
years ago, will be a collection of
miniature paintings and color
transparencies. These are ,from
"If we can keep the world from
self-explosion, it is likely that the
new nations will settle down and
become prosperous, free countries,"
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department said yesterday.
Addressing the' conference of
the Michigan Association of School
Librarians, Prof. Slosson declared
that the newly emancipated col-
onies must be given their chance
to govern themselves, since "there
is no way to learn to swim with-
out swimming."
"We should not be too dissap-
pointed when the colonized be-
come the colonizers, or even when
the formerly oppressed become the
oppressors," Prof. Slosson con-
tinued. This reaction is so na-
tural that it is more to be ex-
pected than condemned, he added.
Must Check Aggressors
We cannot afford, however, to
adopt to laissez - faire attitude
towards these new countries, Prof.
Slosson said. We should give them
equal, but not superior rights, he
said. "We must check the aggres-
sors, both old and new."
"Any chemical is most active in
the nascent stage," he continued.
"As nations grow up, they tend to
grow less aggressive. People who
have had their nationality longest
are least defensive about it," he
Fall Under Power
Other countries, though, have
been freed, only to fall under the
power of local despots, who allow
the individual even less freedom
than empire rule. "If I were an
Egyptian, I would rather be ruled
by a British governor general than
Nasser," Prof. Slosson said.
China is having -a major ad-
justment problem, Prof. Slosson
continued. Although it was al-
ways nominally independent, ex-
tra-territorial rights, treaty ports
and other infringments of Euro-
pean governments kept it from be-
ing entirely free, he added.
In a question and answer period
which followed the lecture, Prof.
Slosson said he feels "the chances
are about three out of five that
there will not be a third World
War within the next generation."
He predicted World War II, six
years before it started, he added,
because he realized that Hitler was
a madman. "The rulers of Russia
are just as wicked, but not so
crazy," he said.
PERSIAN ART-In connection with the Creative Arts Festival, a collection of Persian art is being
shown at the Museum of Art. On the left is what is thought to be a part of a lamp. It is over seven
inches high. The inscriptions on the body signifies good wishes. On the right is a peacock which
was probably used to set on a stand. It is also over seven inches in height.
the fourteenth century "Demotte" monument in the development of It is sponsored by the Union. The
Shah-nameh. Persian illuminated manuscripts. Persian art exhibit is the largest
Some experts have called this This is part of the Creative Arts that will be put on by the Univer-
collection the most important Festival which is starting today. sity this year.
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torialgresponsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1959
VOL. XIX, NO. 134
University Lecture in Journalism:
Charles Ferguson, senior editor of the
Reader's Digest, April 14, 3 p.m. in
the Multipurpose Rm., Undergrad. Lib.
"The Uses of History in Journalism.,.
Dept. of English: British poet and
critic, Kathleen Raine, "Blake's 'Men-
tal Traveller' and Yeats' 'Gyres," on
Tues., April 14, at 4:10 in Aud. A., An-
gell Hall.
The University of Michigan Wood-
wind Quintet, Rackham Lecture Hall,
at fischer's
weicome as spring, cheerful as sunshine
STRAW HAT comes but once o year . . now
decked in polka-dotted orange
this fun-loving fashion favorite
is so bright...so gay... so Faberg6
8:30 p.m Tues., April 14, Nelson Hauen-
stein, flute; Florian Mueller, oboe; Al-
bert Luconi, clarinet; Clyde Carpenter,
French horn; and Louis Cooper.
Composers Forum: 8:30 p.m., Mon.,
April 13, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Com-
positions included in the program are
the works of Wallingford Riegger, Hen-
ry Onderdonk, Gerald Humel, David
Bates, and Robert Ashley.
Student Recital: Caryl Ann Miller,
pianist. April 12, 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A,
Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
ThetExtension Service annourfes
that there are still openings in the
following class to be held in Ann Ar-
bor, Mon., April 13:
"TheBible in the Growing Light of Ar-
cheology (continuation). 7:30 p.m. Rm.
171 School of Business Administration,
8 weeks. $13.50 (Registration may be
made at the class heeeting). Professor
Emeritus Leroy Waterman, instructor,
Efficient Reading, Section II: 7:00
p.m. Rm. 524 Univ. Elem. School. En-
rollment limited to 18. Eight weeks.
$13.50. Rosemarie E. Nagel, insructor.
Early registration for this class may be
made during University office hours at
1610 Washtenaw Ave.
Mathematics Club: Prof. Reinhold
Remmert, "Complex automorphisms of
polyhedra". Tues., April 14, 8:00 p.m.
in the Rackham Bldg.
Engrg. Mech. Seminar, Mon., April
13, 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 353, W. Engrg.
Bldg. David Jenkins, Dept. of Engrg.
Mech., "Some Present-Day Concepts of
Failure of Metals."
Application for admission to the
Joint Program in Liberal Arts and
Medicine must be made before April
20 of the final preprofessional year.
Application may be made now at 1220
Angell Hall.
Placement Notices
Beginning with Mon., April 13, the
folowing schools will be at the Bureau
of Appointments to int'erview prospec-
tive teachers for the 1995-60 school
Mon., April 13;
Blissfield, Mich. - Head Basketball/
Football Coach; High School Commer-
Tues., April 14:
Glencoe, Ill. - Elementary.
Otsego, Mich. - Elementary: Elem.
Art; High School Mathematics.
Wayne, Mich.-Home Ec.; Home Ec./
Cafeteria Manager; HS or JHS: Eng-
lish; Social Studies; Mathematics;
Science; Elementary; Elem. Vocal Mu-
Rochester, N. Y. - Elementary and
all Secondary except Music; Men's Phy.
Ed.; all Special Education.
Marshall, Mich. _-- First Grade; Sixth
Grade; English/Debate; Agriculture;
Biology; General Science.
Wed., April 15:
Fraser, Mich. - Elem.; Jr. HS: Sci-
ence/Math; SHS: Women's Counselor;
Machine Shop; Dr. Training; Elem.
and HS: Vocal Music and Speech Cor-
rection; Eng.; SS; Comm.; Phys. or
Albion, Mich - Elementary; JHS:
Industrial Arts; Social Studies; HS:
Vocal Music; Instrumental Music;
Elem. and JHS Vocal Music; Ninth Gr.
Battle Creek, Mich. - Elem.: Instru-
mental Music; two school camp tchrs.
Jr. College: Soc. Psych.; Physics;
Math.; Unified Studies.
Grandville, Mich. - Seventh Grade;
HS: English; English/Journalism; Ger-
man, French; Gen. Science; JHS: Art;
Elementary and Debate Coach.
Thurs., April 16:
Muskegon, Mich. (Hackley School) -
HS English; JHS English; Elementary;
Speech Correction; Visiting Teacher;
Mentally Retarded.
Detroit, Mich. (Southfield P.S.) --
Elem.; JHS Latin; Business Educ.;
Homemaking; HS English; Math; So-
cial Science; Phy. Science; Chemistry;
Grosse Pointe; Mich. - Elementary
and Secondary.
Detroit, Mich. - All fields.
Fri., April 17:
Adrian, Mich. -- Speech Correction
in County.
Belleville, Mich. - SHS Commercial;
Girls Phy. Ed.; Home Ec.; English;
Physics; Math; JHS: English; Geog.;
Mathematics; Elementary.
Harper Woods, Mich. - Elementary;
Elem. Vocal Music; Instrumental Mu-
sic; HS: Art; English/Amer. Gov't.;
JHS Mathematics.
For additional information and ap-
pointments, contact Bureauof Apt-
pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
The following companies will inter-
view at the Bureau of Appointments,
4001 AdministrationBldg., Ext. 3371.
Tuesday, April 21, 1959
The U. S. Marine Corps.
State Farm Insurance Companies,
Marshall, Mich. Graduates, June. Men
with a degree In La fn Cl im Ad-
for Engineering, Maintenance, Power
Plant Operation, Statistics, Social Ser-
vice, Employee Training, Photography,
Clerical Service, Administration (Busi-
ness, Clerical. Personnel).
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Ad-
ministration Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Students for Camp Nahelu, Orton-
ville, Mich., Tues. afternoon. Is, inter-
ested in counselors and two nurses.
International Business Machines,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y., grad. students in
Elec. Engrg., Math and Physics.
The Music Trail Camp, Lake Placid,
N.Y., counselor position for a student
who can teach Astronomy and Meteor-
8 Nickels Arcade
NO 2-2914
wan aaegree in Law .or aims -
American Hospital Supply Corpora-
tion, Evanston, 11., Graduates, June,
Aug., Feb. Industrial Sales Training
Program. Men with a degree in Liberal UNCLE SWEN ann unce
Arts or Business Administration, 22-28,
draft exempt, for American Div. Men"" "
with a degree in one of the biological
sciences, chemistry, laboratory train-S-
ees, medical students, or medical tech-
nologists, 22-28, draft exempt, for Sci- S R NE K N
entific Products Division. Men with a
degree in pharmacy, biological sciences,
or medical students, 22-28, draft ex-
empt, for Scientific Products Division.
Men with a degree in liberal arts or Y OY~O 1ontest
business administration, 22-28, draft
exempt, for General Management Train-
ees. Men with a degree in liberal arts or fo osn
business administration, 22-28, draft Three contestants from each housing unit:
exempt, and a minimum of 12 hours
in accounting for office management.
Wednesday, April 22, 1959
The U S. Marines Corps. S M - I A Sj P I
M anuf acturers Life Insurance Co.,
Detroit, Mich., Graduates-June, Aug. SEM I-FINALS . . . . A PRIL 21-23
Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or
Business Administration for Sales
Thursday, April 23, 1959
The U. S. Marines Corps.
Friday, April 24, 1959
The U. S. Marines Corps. FINALS. . . . . APRIL 25-- 3:UV
The Proctor & Gamble Distributing
Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduates, June.n e
Men with any degree in Liberal Arts . . . on the islan
or Business Administration for Sales
Management Training.
The City of New York Accountants,
Architects, Civil and Mech. Engrg.,
Statisticians, Draftsmen, Clerks, Nurses,
Custodians, Dental Hygienists, Econo
mists, Elec. Engrg., Draftsmen, Jr.
Civil Engrg., O. Therapists, Phys. Thera-
pists, Recreation Leader, Social Investi- Monday thru Friday April 13 - The Diag
gators, X-Ray Tech.s, and Playground
Assistants. Closing dates range from
April 15 and ones until further notice.
New York State Civil Service exams
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