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April 09, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-09

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ivil Rights


'Playing House' New Speech Device

Municipal Garbage Pickup,
Landfill Plan Set for City




.Ask Signers
Petitions favoring immediate
public school integration will con-
tinue circulation on campus to-.
x day and tomorrow.
"The largest demonstration of
youth in the history of the United
States," the Youth March for In-
tegrated Schools, will descend on
the nation's capitol with petitions
April 18.
"We urge all Americans who be-
lieve in democracy to sign this
. petition which we have signed,"
chairmen of the organization an-
The first march was launched
on October 25, 1958. Twelve thou-
sand young people pledged to re-
turn to Washington in 1959 to
press the cause of equal rights.
On May 17, 1954, the U. S. Su-
preme Court declared segregated
schools unconstitutional and a ne-
gation of human rights in a dem-
ocratic society, the petition reads.
"Southern young people seeking
to obtain these rights have suf-,
fered indignities, humiliation and
violence," it continues. "The ef-
fort to maintain s e g r e g ate d
schools threatens the destruction
of our free public school s8stem
and embarrasses our professions
of democracy around the world."
Petitions urging the President
and Congressto create an execu-
tive and legislative program which
will insure the orderly and speedy;
integration of' schools will be
available at the Engineering Arch,
the lobby of Mason Hall and the

"Playing house" has become a
serious business to two groups in
the children's division of the Uni-
versity speech clinic.
To the children enrolled in in-
tensive four or six weeks pro-
grams, the created play situations
afford an opportunity to work on
individual articulation difficulties
in a relaxed atmosphere.
To the University students ma-
joring in speech correction, the
group session is an opportunity to
evaluate the. children that they
have been working with in their
methods course.
Serving the needs of both these
groups constitutes the purpose of
this division of the clinic. The
value is that each is aided by
working with the other in addition
to being helped by professional
members of the staff.
Tells Factor
In developing the program, Pru-
dence Brown, division head men-
tioned, one of the important fac-
tors is how much help a child can
be given in a specific length of
"The clinic only accepts those
children that it feels can be given
significant assistance during a
four or six week program," she
went on to say. For that reason,
she addedi a careful evaluation of
the applicant is made before entry
to the program is granted on a
definite fee basis.
Work Schedule
After a child is enrolled and be-
fore work is actually begun, the
staff formulates an estimate of
what progress they think the child,
can make during the program.
That estimate is the mark that is
aimed for during the session.


Municipal garbage collection,
and an accompanying sanitary
landfill program will be set up in
Ann Arbor, perhaps by July 1.
Total annual cost for the long-
sought program is estimated at
$207,600. Capital needed to begin
Nown Available
Applications for the Student
Leadership Exchange Fellowship
for study at the University Col-
lege of the University of London
are currently available in the
Scholarship Office, 2011 Student
Activities Bldg., Assistant Dean of
Men Ivan W. Parker announced
The completed application must
be returned to the office by April
17, the secretary of the Scholar-
ship Committee said. The fellow-
ship covers all expenses, except
travel, for one year's study in
The criteria for obtaining the
fellowship include scholarship
and leadership. The applicant
must also meet all requirements
for admittance to the graduate
school of the University of Lon-
don. Extracurricular participation
and leadership are recognized in
the selection procedure, Parker
Vernon Nahrgang, '58, former
Daily city editor, is currently
studying in England on the fel-
lowship. David Titman, Grad., is
the University of London student
studying in Ann Arbor this year
under the exchange program.

the program is'estimated at $147,-
The collection and landfill will
be paid from property tax reve-
nue, according to present plans.
Authorize Expenditure
The City Council recently auth-
orized expenditure of $12,500 from
the sanitary landfill account for
preparation of a landfill site for
the city-wide program at the
southwest corner of Platt and
Ellsworth Rds. in Pittsfield town-
At the same meeting City Ad-
ministrator Guy C. Larcom was
authorized' to -solicit bids for
equipment, a shelter and fencing
at this site.
Acquisition of the site, a 62-acre
plot obtained from the township
for $68,500, wil enable the city to
schedule a new rubbish pickup
program and combine it with the
existing collection of garbage.
To Collect Refuse
The possible July 1 opening
date is contingent on receiving
needed supplies in time, accord-
ing to the department of public
Provision for collection of heavy
items at extra expense will be

-Daily-Richard Bracken
"PLAYING HOUSE"-Two children participating in the speech
correction program of the University speech clinic work with a
member of the staff to improve their enunciation in a "make
believe" type of situation.


Meeting with the children for
t o hours five days a' week, the
professional staff and the speech
students work out a regular sched-
ule of games, plus individual and
group sessions designed to correct
individual problems.
Part of the work is done in the
two individual periods where the
speech correction students aid one
child. Techniques stressing use of
words or phrases that a partici-
pant finds difficult are employed.
This process serves the dual pur-
pose of encouraging the student
to develop their own methods
while helping an individual.

In addition to assisting indi-
viduals, the speech students eval-
uate their own charge's actions
in the group and his speech while
commenting on the demeanor of
any other child. The critique, in
this case, is made in a room which
permits the students to observe
the gioup while being concealed.
While the evaluation is going
on, the staff worker and assistant
work with groups of six or seven
individuals. "Playing house" or
"grocery store" are techniques
used to improve a child's speech


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Stiliwagen Clarifies Liquor Rulings

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- m

Joint Judiciary Council chair-
man Allan Stillwagon, '60, recent-
ly clarified the action taken at
the beginning of this academic
year by the University Committee
on Student Conduct, relative to
student drinking regulations.
At the Council's recommenda-
tion, the Committee has redefined
"student residences" from which
liquor is; excluded by University
rules, so as to exclude those pri-
vate rooms or apartments in
which all residents are over 21
years old.
Previous to this academic year,
the, persuant ruling was that
made by the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct in 1947 which stated
that "the use or presence of in-
toxicating beverages in student
quarters is not permitted."
Restrains Parents
Thus, students, considerably
over 21 years old, sometimes mar-
ried and parents were all prohib-
ited from drinking in their living,
quarters and subject to disciplin-
ary action under the terms of this
Joint Judic found this rule to
be practically unenforceable.
Stillwagon noted that even
though the Council always took
into consideration the special cir-
cumstances of the specific viola-
tion, it seemed unreasonable that
the older students should be open
to the inconvenience of even token
Rule Not Useful
"And, more important, the ori-
ginal rule, when applied to the
student community of the past
few years, was not one that use-
fully defined standards of conduct
in fact becoming to a University
student," continued Stillwagon.
Therefore, Joint Judic made a
request to the F a c u l t y S u b-

committee on Student Discipline,
acting for the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct, that the rule be
changed, with the.result that the
University Committee on Student
Conduct reinterpreted the rule to
"The use or presence of intoxi-
cating beverages in student quar-
ters is not permitted. Pok the pur-
poses of this regulation, student
quarters are defined as follows:
1) University Residence Halls.
2) Fraternity and sorority
3) Co-operative houses.
4) League houses.
5) Other residences in which
student groups, recognized by the
University, ,live.
6) A private room or apartment
or any other residence in which
one or more students, who are
under 21, reside."
Rule Not Changed
Stillwagon remarked that the
rule itself has not been changed,
but merely reinterpreted.
"Therefore, there has not been,
nor will there be, any toughening
of enforcement," he continued.
A result of the reinterpretation
is that where it had been difficult
in the past to define what consti-
tuted a lapse of responsibility as
regards the rules, titis now quite
For example, hosts who serve
liquor when minors are present
have committed a more serious
violation than before the change.

reasonable interpretation and its
attendant advantages, students
have inherited a clear and demon-
strably pragmatic definition of
their obligations," Stillwagon con-

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