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February 12, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-12

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

:43ait t

See Page 4


EIGHT I rrww. w

fLXIX, No. 91





State Pays 'U' $2.7 Million

The University received a $2.7
ilion check from the state Tues-
Vice-President in Charge of
isiness and Finance Wilbur K.
erpont said the payment will be
ed to meet the February and
arch 5 payrolls. "We will need
other payment early in March,
meet the big payroll at the end
the month," he added.
T'his is the first check the Uni-
rsity has received from the state
ce October. The recently-re-
.ved check completes the State's



WSU Stud
The aspirations of Wayne State
University received a simultaneous
boost and boot yesterday.;
The boost came in the an-
nouncement by Wayne State Pres-
ident Clarence Hilberry that the1
Council of State College Presidents]
had passed a resolution encourag-
ing studies of a proposed single1
governing board for Wayne State3
and the University.
The action took place at a meet-
ing Monday and Tuesday of the
group, which is made up of the
nine state supported schools-.
Defeat Hutchinson
The boot came in action on the
floor of state House of Represen-
tatives. The Hutclhinson bill,'
which would make Wayne State's
Board of Governors appointive in-
stead of elective, was shelved.,
Although Rep. Edward Waldon
(R-Grosse Pointe) offered a com-
promise measure which is expect-
ed to reach the House floor on
Monday, the bill's sponsor State
Senator Edward Hutchinson con-
cluded that the bill was dead. His
reasoning was that after the Re-
publican state nominating con-
vention this weekend, it would beI
politically impossible for the legis-
lature to disavow its nominated
candidates for the Wayne State
The Hutchinson bill, althought
not sponsored by Wayne State,
follows a plan recommended in?
two studies of Wayne State. One
of 'these was made in 1946, the.{
other in 1956.,
Opposed Autonomy 1
The boot was given additional
impetus by Sen. Hutchinson's
statement that he opposed givingt
Wayne State constitutional status
which both the University and
Michigan State University now1
have. A bill to this effect has been<
drawn up by the Wayne CountyI
Democratic delegation in the
House and was reportedly intro--I
duced today. . .
Sen. Hutchinson said that status
independent of the Legislature
gave, the two universities poweri
to use their funds as they wished,
regardless of the Legislature's1
e c
civic Theatre
Wlliamis' Play
The Ann Arbor Civic TheatreI
will present "Cat On A Hot Tin
Roof" at. 8 p.m. tonight in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. T
The controversial Tennessee
Williams drama is scheduled tot
continue through Saturday.
Directed by Ted Heusel, theI
performance will be highlighted
by the presentation of Williams'r
original, unrevised third act,
which has never been staged be-
"It is a pretty shocking spec-.
tacle if people don't know the
play," Heusel advised. He said
that advertising for the play in-
cluded the words 'Adults only -
Recommended' because, "We don't
want people to come who don't.
know what they're in for."
Heusel reported that the ori-
ginal third act cuts out "Big
Daddy" except for an off-stage
cry, the meajor alteration which-
Williams made.
"The entire play will revolve
about a big brass bed placed in
the center of the stage," Heusel
continued. There will be no back-

November payment to the Univer-
sity, Pierpont explained.
"Since early January the Uni-
versity has been reducing supply
buying because of the cash short-
age," he said. University President
Harlan Hatcher told the deans of
the University's schools and col-
leges yesterday purchasing of in-
ventory items such as coal and
chemical supplies has been
Saving on Supplies
"We've been living off what
we've got," Pierpont said. He added
that present coal supplies would
last through the cold weather.
The University, to meet its pay-
rolls in December and January,
borrowed about $4 million from
Detroit banks. This money will
be repaid with student fees col-
lected last week and in"June, Pier-
pont said. Much of the recently
collected student fees thus could
not be used to meet University
President Hatcher said the Uni-
versity is carefully reviewing all
supply purchases and the filling
of staff vacancies because of the
shortage of funds.
Vacancies Not Filled
He said 209 staff positions have
been eliminated, extension courses
have been cut 20 per cent, the Uni-
versity's radio station at Flint has
been closed, student enrollment
has been kept near 1957-58 levels
Dorr, Smith
Cite Gains
Of Program
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles concerning
the departmental honors programs
of the literary college.)
The purpose of the zoology hon-
ors programis to giv students
research experience while an ad-
vantage of the geology honors
program is to improve the stu-
dent's science background.
Both programs require a B over-
all average and a B plus in the
student's respective field of con-
. "The first semester of the junior
year in the geology department is
devoted to directed readings and
discussions on general problems
integrating the semester's concen-
tration course work," Prof. John
A. Dorr of the geology department
said. The course gives one hour
Advanced Reading
The second semester also gives
the student one hour credit and
consists of advanced readings,
p r e f e r a bl y including original
sources, and discussions on broad
problems. Integration of the
course work is one objective.
"In the zoology department, the
first semester of the junior year
is devoted to a series of talks by
different members of the faculty,"
Prof. Frederick E. Smith of the
zoology department said. This
course is designed to orient stu-
dents with the staff and .vice-
versa. It is a two hour seminar.
"Most of the students have had
little zoology so another purpose
is to give them contact with what
is going on," Prof. Smith added.
The extra credit given by the sem-
inar accounts for the heavy read-
ing done in the course.
Study Journals
"The students mostly read jour-
nals and segments of text books.
"If students are not forced to look
at all the phases of zoology then
they will not be able to choose a
project," Prof. Smith continued.
This is the reason for the extra
See 'U', Page 2

and non-salary budgets have been
cut 10 per cent.
"The measures which have been
imposed because of the financial
crisis have had a weakening effect
upon this University," President
Hatcher declared. "If continued a
few years, this could cause extreme
State payments to the state's
three big universities was made
possible this week because of early
tax payments by large corpora-
tions. Michigan State University
received a payment of $2.1 million
and Wayne State University got
West Plans
New Berlin
Western formula for a Big Four
foreign ministers c o n f e r e n c e
about Germany provides for in-
cluding German representatives
as advisers.
This opens the way for possible
compromise with Russia on Ger-
man participation.
In suggesting participation by
German representatives, the West-
ern powers would be thinking pri-
marily of West Germans. They
would be fully aware, however,
that to the Russians the reference
would mean communist East Ger-
man officials.
Both State Department and
White House informants say Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles
will provide the guidelines for
United States policy except for a
few days around the time of his
impending operation for hernia.
Completion of the new Western
note to Moscow awaited Dulles'
return here Monday from consul-
tations in Europe with British,
French and West German leaders.
Dulles obtained basic understand-
ings with the allies which provide
a basis for common planning on
how to deal with any new com-
munist blockade of West Berlin.
The western note to be sent to
Moscow within a week specifies
that the prospective foreign min-
isters conference should deal with
all aspects of the German prob-
Students Rent
Art Collection
At SAB Today
The Student Art Print Loan
Collection will be available from
2 to 5 p.m. today on the third floor
gallery of the Student Activities
The collection, directed by As-
sistant Dean of Men John Bingley,
includes 600 prints ranging from
the works of old masters to con-
temporary artists and from real-
ism to the abstract.
Prints to be loaned are displayed
in four galleries, each representing
a major art perioC including old
masters, impressionism and post-
impressionism, twentieth century
works and American art.
Both students and University
faculty members can rent pictures
at the exhibit. In contrast to
previous years when students
bringing several identification
cards could borrow several prints,
each student can get only one
print and must bring his own card
for the current display.
Purchased by fees paid in pre-
vious years and donated from vari-
ous sources, the works are priced
according to their quality and size.
They may be kept until the end
of May.

ZURICH, Switzerland W) - The
premiers of Greece and Turkey
agreed yesterday on a constitu-
tion for an independent republic
of Cyprus, confident they had
found a solution for ending near-
ly four years of bloodshed on the
C o ns t a n t i n e Karamanlis of
Greece and Adnan Menderes of
Turkey sealed their accord with
smiles, handshakes and cham-
pagne toasts. They immediately
set about to win the approval of
Greek and Turkish Cypriots and
of Britain, which governs the east-
ern Mediterranean island of a
half million people.
Britain's blessing seemed as-
sured. But the reaction of Greeks
and of Greek Cypriots was re-
served and still. uncertain. Much
the same attitude was noted in
A key figure, Archbishop Ma-
karios, exiled leader of the Greek
Cypriots, disappeared from his
residence in Athens, apparently to
avoid further -comment. He had
told reporters he was uncertain
that the proposed constitutio
was a full satisfaction of the de-
mands for independence.
The Greek Orthodox leader
might construe as a limit on Cyp-
riot independence these two pro-
visions :
1) A permanent ban on the is-
land's ever Joining Greece or Tur-
2) A small Turkish troop contin-
gent will join a much larger body
of Greek soldiers and the British
garrisons in occupying the island's
strategic military bases.
NU Delays
Bias Action
Student Governing Board at
N o r t h w e s t e r n University last
night postponed action on a Hu-
man Relations Commission rec-
ommendation on fraternity and
sorority discrimination.
The Human Relations Commis-
sion had urged two weeks ago that
SGB pass a resolution placing a
time limit for removal of both
affiliated bias clauses and the
practice of having required alum-
ni recommendations for prospec-
tive members of these groups.
Instead of considering this reso-
lution, SGB decided to ask the NU
administration to report on its
attitudes toward affiliated racial
and religious discrimination, plac-
ing a time limit on bias clauses,
and the proper methods of imple-
menting such action .
The Board's proposal made it
clear that it still feels no univer-
sity organization should have
clauses which discriminate on the
basis of race, religion or creed,
and that recognition +should be
withdrawn from any organization
having such a clause.
The Human Relations Commis-
sion motion had been endorsed
by the Student Government Board
president and the president of
NU's Panhellenic Association. The
commission had passed the mo-
tion unanimously.
SGB's action is now subject to
the approval of the Council on
Undergraduatae Life, a student-
faculty - administration council
which must approve all SGB ac-

SGB had made the decision to
request administrative attitudes,'
because members thought that
such a resolution would not pass
without administrative approval.



Prof. Kelly
Defines Good
Good counseling is characterized
by a tendency for counselors to
work themselves out of a job, Prof.
Lowell Kelly, chairman of the psy-
chology department said yesterday
to Student Government Council.
Discussing the results of the
Counseling Study Committee
which he chaired, Prof. Kelly told
the Council that the booklet "A
guide to the.Resources for Student
Counseling and Advising at the
University of Michigan" was a
good start on the counseling prob-
lem but "is not going to do much
to help students" by itself.
The main problem in-counseling,
he explained, is telling students of
the opportunities for discussion
with counselors over a wide area.
Spend More Money
On the credit side, Prof. Kelly
said "it is my best guess that the
University is spending more
money, in various forms, for coun-
seling students than at any other
institution in the United States."
He said many students are dis-
appointed because their counselors
will not tell them what to do. "I
believe strongly that the student
must make his own decisions be-
cause he must live with them."
He said the counselor's function
should be to give the student the
facts he needs to make wise deci-
Get Good Men
One of the major problems of
supplying good counseling is get-
ting good men to do the job, he
continued. "How can we get good
men to counsel where scholarly
publishing is an important means
of promotion?"
Counselors have little or no
status in the University commun-
ity, he explained.
He said it was appropriate that
Student Government Council or
some other responsible campus
organization produce a guide to
the various courses offered at the
University such as is done at Har-
vard-providing it is well done.
This would give more detailed in'-
formation as to the content of the
course, the characteristics of the
instructor, etc.
Attempt Fails
An attempt by SGC to print
such a booklet last summer failed.
At first, he explained, the "com-
mittee was perturbed to find how
little some specialized counselors
knew about other fields in the
Later on, he continued, many of
the counselors participating in the
study were consulting among their
colleagues on counseling problems.
Report Says
Mayor Asked
For Troops
WASHINGTON ()--The mayor
of Little Rock, Arkansas, was of-
ficially disclosed yesterday to have
pleaded for federal troops that
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
sent there in 1957.
Until now, the Eisenhower ad-
ministration had said nothing def-
inite to indicate that the bitterly
controversial decision was not its
own. There has been wide specu-
lation, however, that President
Eisenhower acted at the urging of
Little Rock officials.
More than a year ago -the New
Herald Tribune published the text
of an appeal telegraphed to Pres-
ident Eisenhower by the Little
Rock mayor.
Today the Justice Department

released a document covering ad-1
vice which Herbert Brownell, then
the attorney general, gave Presi-
dent Eisenhower on what to do in
the crisis resulting from opposi-
tion in Little Rock to school in-
tegration orders.
The opposition, at its worst, in-
cluded mob violence.
rl't '2 " i - - - - nY rc n l~ic rl''

MR. MONKEY-Darwin's theory that apes and man have a com-
mon descent brought the cartoon printed in the late 19th century.
It shows the controversial scientist with the monkey who sup-
posedly wrote his books for him.
Centry-Od Darw2 inism
Shocked Merry England,
Dignified Britishers were shocked 100 years ago when told they
were descendants of apes.
A well-known scientist, Charles Robert Darwin , had just pub-
lished his controversial book "Origin of Species." England's scien-
tific elite immediately hurried to buy the revolutionary study and
all 1,250 first edition copies were



Study Plan 4

To Consider
Own Areas
Of Decision.
Council To Investigate
Joint Judic Methods,
Faculty Committee
Student Government Council last
night set up committees to investi-
gate the Council's own structure
and the Faculty Committee on
Student Conduct and Joint Judi-
clary Council.
Following the directive of the
University Regents, the Council
appointed three members to a
committee being set up by Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis to study the SOC
Plan-the Council's constitution.
Named to the nine-man "SGC
Plan Clarification Committee"
from the Council were Mort Wise,
'59, executive vice-president, Ron
Gregg, '60, treasurer, and Barbara
Maier, '59, president of the League.
Name Faculty Members
SGC President Maynard Gold-
man, '59, said the faculty members
of the tri-partie committee will be
Prof. Lionel Laing, of the political
science department, Prof. Charles
F. Lehmann of the education
school and Prof. Oliver Edel of the
music school.
He also said the administration's
representatives would probably be
Vice-President Lewis, Dean of Men
Walter Rea and Dean of Wo nen
Deborah Bacon or one of their
assistant deans.
In his motion concerning the
committees on student conduct,
David Kessel, Grad., asked that
the Council's four-man committee
"gather information and ...make
specific recommendations to Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
concerning revision of the struc-
ture of the Faculty Committee on
Student Conduct ... and examine
the role of SGC and Joint Judici-
ary Council in the area of 'student
Group Hasn't Met
The Faculty Committee a com-
mittee of the University Senate,
hasn't net for 11 years, he claimed
"If we don't need it," he said,
"let's get rid of it."
Among other things, he contin-
ued, there should be some con-
sideration of the methods of Joint
Judiciary appointments. "They
seem almost hereditary," he com-
The group "just makes up Bules
as it goes along," he said, "with
the result that they can be
changed any time."
Retain Cost Limit
In other Council action, the $25
limit on election expenses was re-
tained after a motion by Daily
Editor Richard Taub that the
limit be removed.
The Council also voted to re-
quire candidates to submit an
itemized account of their expenses
during the campaign.
Taub argued that setting a limit
on the amount a candidate is al-
lowed to spend invites violations.
Fire Station
Dispute Raised-
By Candidates
How to pay for a new Ann Arbor-
fire station was a subject of dis-
agreement between Cecil . Crea''
1and Dr. Frederick B. House at a;
meeting last night in the Union.
The two men are the candidates:
for the Republican nomination for'
Ann Arbor mayor. The primary

election is Monday.
Creal maintained that the city
can and should use money from a
capital reserve fund for the sta-
tion. House argued that the station
should be built with money voted
in a referendum.
The fund in question, the Capital
Improvements Account, last June
30 contained $346,782, according
ft Citf-y Amijni+ttnr (G1v L _Y .-

sold on the first day.
Drawn by a horrified fascina-
tion, theologians and fellow scien-
tists first read the book with
curiosity and then reacted violent-
ly. Sir John Herschel, the prom-
inent scientific philosopher of the
day, called it "the law of higgledy-
Cartoons Depict ,Theory
Darwin's old. friend, Adam Sedg-
wick found portions "utterly false
and grievously mischievous." Lon-
don't newspapers quickly grabbed
the ape aspect of his work and
carried daily cartoons depicting
the scientist conversing with his
friends, the monkeys.
But. despite the adverse publi-
city and criticism of his day, the
controversial "Origin of Species"
remains one of the major achieve-
ments in the biological sciences.
Today commemorates the 150th
anniversary of this founder of
modern biology. No reputable bi-
ologist today refutes Darwin's
theory of evolution and natural
selection. Evolution, the theory
that living things share a com-
mon descent, forms the backbone
of modern, day scientific thinking.
Changes Thought
Darwin provided a complete
change in human thought, Prof.
Marston Bates of the zoology de-
See ORIGIN, page 2

SGC Invites'r
To Campus.
Republican leaders in the State
Legislature have been invited to
take part in a visit to the campus
of state legislators Bart Burkhal-
ter, '61, told the Student Govern-
ment Council last night.
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Trav-
erse City), chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee, Sen.-
Elmer Porter (R-Blissfield), chair-
man of the Senate Appropriations
Committee and Rep. Donald Pears
(R-Buchanan), Speaker of the
House, were invited to visit the
campus by Robert Cross, admin-
istrative assistant to the Univer-
sity's Vice-President William E.
Cross said the legislators will
write the Council telling them if
they can come and, if so, when
will be convenient for them.
Burkhalter, chairman of the
Council's Education and Student
Welfare committee said that work
on the trip is "coming along much
slower than I had expected."

'Daily' Schedules Staff Tryouts Today

"Eager, smiling faces," she ex-
"Would you BELIEVE it?"
This was the reaction 'of The
Daily's ever-blushing personnel
director as she looked upon thej
first semester tryouts last fall.
Now, since she enjoys the sensa-
tion, she has scheduled more try-
out meetings.
These meetings. are scheduled
for 5:15 and 7:15 p.m. today. As

National Roundup
By The Associated Press
LANSING-A Republican-backed move for a public vote on a
four-cent sales tax edged forward in the legislature yesterday.
By a 5-3 vote, the bare minimum required, the House committee
on revision and amendment of the constitution sent the proposition
to the House floor for debate. With it went a resolution to clear away
any doubs on the legality of the Legislature's right to levy a graduated
income tax.
Both proposals need a two-thirds majority in the House and
:L .,..1 -..4 .___+ +- -A~fil-n




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