Poet, QUartet
To Feature
oetry, JaZZ
At his public appearances, Lang-
ston Hughes often tells with irony
how he first became a poet: he
was elected one in grade school
when it was the only position left
open in the election of class offi-
Today Hughes. is a noted poet.
He will appear at the "Poetry
and Jazz" concert at 8:30 p.m.
Saturday in the Ann Arbor High
School Auditorium accompanied
by the Tony Scott Quartet.
The reading of Hughes' poetry
to the background music of Jazz
will be the first such program ever
held in the state.
Block tickets may be purchased
through tomorrow at noon.
Taeuber Discusses
Population Control
Student Affairs Office
Tells 'Panty Raid' Policy
4 1
The major difficulty in the as-
sessment of future, populations is
the projection of present condi-
tions into the future, Prof. Irene
Taeuber of Princeton University
She referred especially to ap-
plying the conditions and meth-
ods of Japan's population con-
trol program to Communist Chi-
na's situation.
Japan's population had more
than doubled in less than a cen-
tury. Finally, in 1948, a .previously
timid prime minister and Diet
passed legislation favoring the
use of contraceptives and legaliz-
ing abortion and sterilization. The
result was a phenomenal decline
in birth rate, Prof. Taeuber noted.
The government-sponsored pro-
gram succeeded because Japan is
an industrial, urban, and educat-
t '
NO 2-2513
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a state-
ment from the Office of Student Af-
fairs concerning panty raids and
similar demonstrations.)
Those of us who have spent ,a
lifetime close to students and
campus life are conscious of the
fine quality of the student body
on this campus today. Unin-
formed people or those not close
enough to student life, however,
frequently express concern about
college' students, their morals,
conduct, and seriousness these
These concerns are normally
the result of generalizations made
from single incidents not under-
stood fully by the individual re-
moved from the campus scene.
One of the type - of incidents
leading to such attitudes is in the
public mind called the "panty
raid." On the campus this can be
fully understood as a "blowing
oiff of steam" but read about in
newspaper accounts, it has other
concotations to the public. At any
rate, in these days when college
budgets are being decreased and
public support encouraged, no
good purpose is served by demon-
strations of this type.
Another factor of concern to.
the public at large is the compe-
tition for admission to college be-
cause of the increasing number
of college age young people. This
spring, for instance, requests for
admission to this University are
up 15 per cent over last year. It
is hard for citizens to reconcile
the competition for admission
among s e r i o u s college-bound
young people and the implication
of irrespdnsibility and lack of
seriousness implied in the "panty
raid" or demonstration.
With all this in mind we are
calling to the attention of the few
students who are responsible for
demonstrations leading to these
false impressions that such inci-
dents are considered to be very
serious in the minds of University
officials. We are doing everything
we can through well-organized'
student-sponsored activities to
make allowance for the need to
relax and let go occasionally. In-
tramural sports, dances, parties,
spring weekend, and dozens of
other student activities are spon-
sored for this purpose.
For these reasons, students in-
volved in incidents like "panty
raids" will be considered as. serious
offenders in the future and
prompt disciplinary action will be
taken by the proper University
judicial bodies.
To Openf
Art Exhibit
At 8 p.m. tomorrow, His Excel-
lency Ali Gholi Ardalan, Ambas-
sador of Iran, will open an exhi-
bition of Persian art at the Uni-
versity's Museum of Art.
The exhibition, titled "Persian
Art: Before and After the Mongol-
Conquest," is the first major col-
lection of Islamic Persian art to
be shown in this country in more
than a decade.
Prof. Oleg Grabar of the fine
arts and Near Eastern studies de-
partments, has selected and ar-
ranged the exhibit.
The exhibit concentrates on the
11th-14th centuries. As explained
by Prof. Grabar in the catalogue
introduction, the aim of the exhi-
bition is to illustrate the major
stylistic and iconographical trans-
formations brought about by the
historical, social and -economic
upheaval of the Mongol conquest.-
Theyr &To ether--and
Nothin CanC ar'Em Apart.
--Daily-Richard Bracken
GREED PERSONIFIED-Men's actions are directed by their
greed in Ben Jonson's "Volpone," which is set to open tomorrow.
Donald Ewing, Albert Phillips, Joseph Brown, Albert Kats and
Marvin Diskin will all assume major roles in the Playbill produc-
PlaybllOffers ,V one
As Season'sfastEShow
..'speaks at 'U'
ed cointry; the methods used are
not frowned on by Hinduism,
Buddhism or Confucian teachings.
In China, the Communists at
last realized their population
crisis in 1954, but the population
control. program they instituted
was, in comparison with the Jap-
anese program, very naive, Prof.
Taeuber said. China is agricultur-
al, rural, and for the most part,
illiterate. The country was not
psychologically, ready and since
the impact of talk was negligible,
it was discontinued.
F l
Faculty Views Future Requirements
(Continued from Page 1)
from WARNER BROS. aosnd kfrsin ,to
"o Bravo"
states with only two years of col-
Continue Temporary Certificate
Due to the shortage of teachers,
the temporary certification of
teachers without the full four
years of prepartion will probably
continue for some time, . he felt-
The population lag which is af-
fecting high schools now will do
even more to colleges, where more
graduate work is required. How-
ever, when the large number of
children from the increased birth
rate who are now in school get
through college the shortage will
In colleges preparation will de-
Now on Sale for
cline because the demand will be
so great, Prof. Henderson said.
But as the decline in qualifications
is simply a matter of expediency,
as soon as the shortage is caught
up there will be a return to stiffer
"It might be desirable," he sug-
gested, "for universities such as
this one to introduce a new two-
year graduate program. Although
a doctorate is commonly thought
of as the requirement for college
teaching, most teachers in junior
colleges have only a master's de-
gree, and many teachers in under-
graduate schools have little more.
The two-year degree would be
much better preparation for
teaching in college than a one-
year master's degree, would take
much less time than a doctorate
and might contribute to catching
up on the shortage.
Five-Year Program
A five-year program, consisting
of one year of teacher training
after a regular four-year liberal
arts program is likely to become
more popular, Prof. Ludlow said.
"There is some trend towards
greater participation of liberal
arts colleges in teacher training
programs. After receiving his
bachelors degree a student might
take a fifth year for certification."
"In college,".he continued, "I
think there will be some trend
toward having post-doctoral train-
ing. As doctorate degrees become
more common in the future, people
will push on to more."
Open Petitions
For Council
The Engineering Council an-
nounced yesterday petitioning for
members-at-large are currently
Any interested engineering
school student is urged to file for
the student governing body, Rich-
ard Martens, W5E commented.
Petitions can be obtained in the
Dean's office and must be re-
turned by April 14.
"The American public is going
to demand better education," Prof.
Ludlow said,- "and this is partly
due to concern over. competition
with Russia. People will want
quality and the only way for that
is to have good teachers."
Asn Signatures
For Petition
A petition for the integration of
schools will be circulated on cam-
pus today, tomorrow and, Friday.
To be available at the Engi-
neering Arch, the lobby of Mason
Hall and the Diagonal, the peti-
tion, together with those collected
at other schools and universities
across the country will be pre-
sented to Congress by a mass
"youth march," April 18.
Its most specific object is sup-
port of the Douglas-Celler-Javits-
Powell civil rights bill.
Meyers Wins
NVGA Award
Prof. George E. Myers, profes-
sor emeritus of education, was re-
cently awarded one of the two
achievement awards that are given
by the National Vocational Guid-
ance Association.
The award was presented by
Prof. Edward C. Roeber of the
education department at the
meeting in Cleveland.
Ben Jonson's "Volpone,". a com-
edy widely regarded as his great-
test play, will be the speech de-
partment's Playbill offering at 8
p.m. tomorrow throughrSaturday
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre..
Although the central figures of
the play are the collaborators Vol-
pone (the Fox) and Mosca (the
Fly), three other male characters
who completely deprave them-
selves in their courting of Vol-
pone considerably heighten the
moral seriousness of the satire.
Volpone pretends to be very ill,
on the verge of death, in order to
entice would-be heirs to present
him gifts. At the urging of Mosca,
an old dotard, Corbaccio (the
Raven) agrees to disinherit his
own son and leave his estate to
Cannot Rest
A newly married-merchant, Cor-
vino (the Crow), prostitutes his
wife as a "cure" to Volpone's ill-
ness, in order to win the latter's
favor. And Voltore (the Vulture),
a knavish lawyer, would have two
innocent people thrown into prison
to gain the fortunes of the Fox.
Volpone cannot rest although
he has bested "the Vulture, Kite,
Raven and Gorcrow." After out-
witting them before their eyes, he
disguises himself and with Mosca
roams the streets making each
man twinge a little more at his
failure to gain the Fox's wealth.
DIAL NO 8-6416
NO 8-6416
It is significant of Jonson that
"Volpone" should have been pro-
duced in college halls and should
have been dedicated to "the two
famous universities." Not a college
man himself, Jonson's plays
served to reconcile the universities
twith the popular drama after
their long alienation.
Applies Rules
Seeking to apply to popular
drama the academic rules for
which the learned had been con-
tending, he reveals in the pro.
logue that the play was done in
five weeks without collaborator
and that no eggs or custards are
broken for comedy.
The title role of Volpone will be
played by Donald Ewing, Grad.,
while Albert Phillips, Grad., will
be seen as Mosca.
Marvin Diskin, Grad., will as.
sume the role of Voltore; Joseph
Brown, Grad., will play Corbaccio.
and Albert Katz, Grad., will be
seen as Corviiio.
Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the
speech department' directs the
play. Associate director is Prof.
G. B. Harrison, of the English
Tickets are still available for
tomorrow's performance, while, a
few single seats for Friday and
Saturday remain, These may be
purchased from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
weekdays at ,the Mendelssohn
Theatre box office.
suspenseful French shocker!"
I --Dorothy Madst.i-.Daily Nswr
April 24th ... $1.50... Hill Auditorium
For ever
10% of your combined housing group
Iock Tickets you receive 5 POINTS
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Tomorrow through Saturday 8:00 P.M.
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