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April 08, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-08

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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VL. LXIX Ngo. 130




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'Atoms-to -Watts'
Process Revealed
'id~d Reports Scientific Technique
rt Changes Nuclear to electric Power
A process for the direct conversion of nuclear reactor energy into
electric; power was revealed yesterday by a University physicist.
The major scientific achievement would pave the way for inter-
planetary space travel, cut by perhaps one-half the present cost of
building power reactors and advance present submarine propulsion.
Current Methods- Obsolete,
Prof, Robert W. Pidd of the Dfhvsics department said the tech-
nique, called a plasma thermocouple,'virtually eliminates all but the
nuclear reactor in the production of electric power from.fission. He
'Tsaid, this means boilers, turbines,

Adenauer Relinquishes Position
To Run for German Presidency

. . . closer to space travel
Debt Forces
U Hos p ia
To Cut Down
University Hospital Director Dr.
A. C. Kerlikowski has announced
that the hospital will no longer
accept patients from other state
institutions except in emergen-
The reason for his action, he
reported, was the failure of the
state to pay for the care of its
medically indigent. The state owes
the hospital more than $500,000 in
back payments.
State Auditor General Frank S.
Szymanski reported that the rea-
son for this deficit was Welfare
Department budgetary problems.
Budgets Now Pending
Two supplementary budgets are
now pending before the Legisla-
ture. One is for a deficit appro-
priation of $512,650 for fiscal.
1957-58 - this has been pending
for more than a year. The other is
a supplementary budget request
of $1 million for the current fis-
cal year.
Szymanski explained that if the
Legislature would make the ap-
propriations, the money owed to
the University could be paid out,
of the $22 million remaining in
the state's general fund. This
could be done before the cash
crisis itself was' resolved, Szyman-
ski explained, but this would drain
the already depleted general fund.
Both Szymanski and Dr. Ker-
likowski emphasized that no
emergency patients were being
turned away from University Hos-
pital. Szymanski reported that
some of the patients who would.
ordinarily be sent to University
Hospital are now being sent to
state hospitals in the Detroit' area.
Some Not Getting Care
"There are still other patients,
I am told, who still need hospital-
ization - although they are not
emergency cases - but are not
getting it," Szymanski reported.
Dr. Kerlikowski pointed out
k that the losses of the hospital;"re-
flect actual medical costs: drugs,
nursing 'care, surgical expenses,
special apparatus and the like.
Doctors fees are not involved.
The University Medical Center
(composed of the University Hos-
pital, and the medical and nurs-
ing schools) furnishes physicians'
services free to patients who are
taking state aid."

gas condensers and dynamos will
be obsolete in the future.
The -announcement came simul-
taneously from the University and
the Los Alamos Scientific Labora-
tory in New Mexico. Prof. Pidd
acted as a consultant to the pro-
ject during a leave of absence last
semester and was one of the key
initiators of the three-year pro-
He called the device "enormously
simple" and said it was research
tested for the first time on April
4 in the Omega West reactor at.
the Los Alamos site.
The new plasma therocouple,
process came as the second ad-
vance in the conversion of atomic
energy into electricity.
Different Device
The new development differs to
some extent from one announced-
last January from the White
House. The new Los Alamos device
presumably would be capable of
development for he avy service
while the earlier device was an
atomic generator designed to pro-
duce power for instruments in
Inthe new development,. an
atomic reactor is used as the ulti-
mate source of heat. Neutrons or
atomic rays from a reactor pro-
duce fission in uranium which
constitutes one part of the plasma
thermocouple in the new device.
The cooling of cesium gas in the
other part of the plasma thermo-
couple results in a flow of electrons
from one side to the other, there-
by producing an electric current.
In the new device, the cesium
gas is substituted for, one of the
metallic parts used in the genera-
tor announced last January.
Use Must Wait
Prof. Pidd said it would be some
time before a commercial reactor
utilizing the new process could be
constructed because there is usu-
ally a three- to five-year lag be-
tween science and engineering. He
added, however, that a research
reactor could be in operation in
two years.
The three-year project was
sponsored by the Atomic Energy
Commission at Los Alamos. Work-
ing with Prof. Pidd on the project
were George M. Grover and Ernest
W. Salmi, both of whom received
degrees from the University.
GOP Leader
To Quit Post
Norman J. Randall Ann Arbor
Republican chairman, last night
publicly announced his retire-
ment, effective in May.
His decision to retire; he said,
had been announced to party
members before the city mayor-
alty primary held in February.
He has served one year. The
usual term of office is two Viears,
but, he said, he needs more time
for his business. He owns two lo-
cal clothipg stores.
His successor will be chosen at
a city Republican banquet early
in May.

Victory Won
By McInally
For Regent
Parties Split Posts;
Matthaei Gains Seat
Democrat William K. (Sam)
McInally and Republican Freder-
ick C. Matthaei were elected to
the Board of Regents Monday.
McInally had 632,827 votes and
Matthaei 593,366 with 5,107 of the
state's 5,182 precincts reported.
Democratic Ellis Wunsch polled
576,020 and Republican Ann Tim-
mons Burgess 565,299 votes in the
race for two eight-year terms be-
ginning Jan. 1.
The Board's composition when
the newly-elected Regents take
office will be five Democrats and
three Republicans, the first time
the Democrats have controlled the
Board. This elections marks the
first in four years in which a
Republican won a seat on the
Matthaei Concerned
Matthaei expressed concern at
the Democrats gaining control of.
the Board yesterday. "Partisan-
ship should cease when you take
membership on the Board. Only
the University should then be con-
sidered," he declared.
"Mly great worry is that the
Democrats, who now control the
Board, are controlled by organized
labor," he said. "It would be terri-
ble if higher education were
slanted that way."~
He cited the 142-year history of
the University during which the
Board "has been dominated by
the Republicans. Look at the. rec-
ord; we have a great University.
You have to take your hats off
to the Republicans," he said.
Cites Problem
McInally said the greatest prob-
lem facing the University in com-
ing years "is obtaining the re-
sources needed to maintain a
growing University."
"To be elected a Regent of the
University is a, great responsibility
and I'm grateful to the people of
the state for placing their trust in
me. I will endeavor to discharge
my responsibility in a manner
that will reflect credit on the Uni-
versity, the state of Michigan and
the Democratic party," he said.
McInally, a Jackson lawyer and
banker, said he will study the en-
tire University situation before
taking office in January.
Happy at Victory
Matthaei said he was "very
happy and very humble to have
been chosen the Republican can-
didate. I am happy to have won
the election' and I had to have
some of the Democratic labor vote
to do it."
He praised the University's
"very well educated and well
trained" administrators. Matthaei,
who is a Detroit industrialist, lives
in Ann Arbor.
The Board of Regents is respon-
sible for governing the internal
affairs of the University. Although
the University depends on the
State Legislature for funds, the
Legislature is forbidden in the
State Constitutions from interfer-
ing in the internal operation of
the University.


The religious power of thedTibe-
tan Dalai Lama to the Buddhist
world is even greater than that
of the Pope to the Catholic world,
scaid Helina Rautavaara, Grad.,
who traveled two weeks with him.
The Dalai Lama is a reincarna-
tion of Buddha and as such is
worshipped as a living god, the in-
ternational student from Finland
said. She met the Tibetan leader
during his six weeks'.visit to India
in 1957. He is now remaining there
during the rebellion within his
She described the Dalai Lama as
"a spirit walking," while the Pope
impresses one more as an intelli-
gent person who has actively tried
to. improve himself as a human
being. Upon meeting the Dalai
Lama, Miss Rautavaara said it was
difficult to believe that his un-
worldly appearance came only
from a difference in education and
not from some type of reincarna-

Student Tells of Meeting IDalai Lamna

Religious Leader
In contrast, she said, the Pan-
chen Lama is a provincial religious
leader and respected as such.
The Chinese Communists have
tried to delegate more power to
him, she said, but it will be diffi-
cult for them to place him in a
position similar to that of the
Dalai Lama. "After all, you can't
replace a god."
The Communist pressures have
forced the Dalai Lama to become
more politically active, Miss Rau-
tavaara said, but he leads the
country by virtue of his religious
The Tibetans are a village people
who respect only religious power,
she continued, and their recent
uprisings against the Communists
are not due to political reasons
but because religious ideas are be-
ing disrupted. "Their god has been
insulted," she said.
Government in Tibet is not
violent or turbulent, Miss Rau-
tavaara said. The Dalai Lama's
small army is to protect the whole
country and not his personal self.
The exile of the Tibetan leader
is accepted by the people, because
they know he is safe in India, she
The Dalai Lama, who is now
only 23 years old, is selected from
among the country people at a
very young age. Monks go through
the country in disguise to find the
child who shows certain signs that
he is the reincarnation of Buddha,
Miss Rautavaara explained.
The monks are disguised to
avoid the parents from helping
their child to exhibit those signs
of the Buddha, she said, to protect
him until he is taken from his
parents to the palace to be trained
for his forthcoming position. Sur-
rounding the Dalai Lama is a heir-
archy of lamas-religious leaders
trained in monastery schools and
some political ministers.
During his visit to India, the
Tibetan leader traveled very free-
ly, Miss Rautavaara said. She
described his expeditions through
shoe stores and camera shops.
The Dalai Lama is only seen by
the people in large processions,
Miss Rautavaara said. No women,
not even his mother, are allowed
to meet him at his palaces, she

SPIRITUAL LEADER-The Dalai Lama is described as having '
"more power in the Buddhist world than the Pope has among
Christians." The "living god" fled to India during the Tibetan
revolution against the Chinese Communists.
Hinsdale House Voices
Complaints Against IHC
Robert Ashton, '59, president of the Inter-House Council and
Robert Garb, '62, the Council's treasurer, faced the' Hinsdale House
Council last night to answer criticisms leveled at IHC.
Predominant in the three-hour discussion was the IHC budget.
Two of the Hinsdale Council's members laimed that only $30. of the
Council's $750 budget was spent on-


doubt of Adenauer's election.
Chancellor Chief Executive
The Chancellor is the main ex-
ecutive official in Germany. Un
der the Bonn constitution he "de-
ternines the policy and bears the
responsibility for it." The Presi-
dency is largely ceremonial, hav-
ing powers about equivalent to
those of Queen Elizabeth in
Britain. %
The decision of Adenauer,
crusty and uncompromising leader
of West Germany through its en-
tire 10-year history, means 'he
will be giving up active politics.
But Adenauer will still be at
the helm when crucial East-West
meetings take place this spring
and summer.
ElectionSeems Assured
It seems a foregone conclusion
that Adenauer will be chosen
President in the July 1 election
by Parliament.
His socialist opponent is a pop-
ular writer-scholar, Carlo Schmid.
The incumbent President, Theo-
dore Heuss, is retiring under a
two-term rule.
In Washington, it was believed
that Adenauer's less active role
might have profound effects on
policies of the Western powers,
facing critical decisions in their,
relations with the Soviet Union.
Adenauer stood like a rock on
the policies of alliance with the
West, nonrecognition of East
Germany, and no compromise
with Russia unless Russia com-
Pantny Raids
Draw Notice
Of Officials

Erhard Anticipated
To Be Chancellor
83-Year-Old Leader Still To Presid
During East-West Talks in Spring
BONN, Germany Ill - Konrad Adenauer's decision ye
terday to surrender his West German Chancellorship for tl
less important Presidency stunned German politicians ar
world diplomats alike.
Ludwig Erhard, 62-year-old econpmics leader and arc1
tect of postwar business recovery, was expected to take ov
next September the leadership laid down by the 83-year-a
The choice of a Chancellor will be up to Adenauer's ri
ing Christian Democratic Party if Adehauer is elected Pres
dent, and there was little-


the students, this going primarily
into a scholarship.
Ashton replied that IHC had
helped procure unlimited milk for
quadrangle residents, choices in
meat and vegetables, and expan-
sion of the houses' social program
by getting permission for more
Secures Benefits
He continued to say thath ps
is a lobbying group which helps
secure benefits of this nature. He
explained that the group spent a
large percentage of its funds in
this manner. "You have to decide.
whether it is worth the money"
The matter of $75 for pins for
the members of the THC praesi-
dium was then brought forth. Ash-
ton said he did not favor this ex-
penditure, but the house presidents
had voted for it, and they are the
legislating body.
Libraries Criticized
The distribution of funds for
quadrangle libraries was ques-
tioned on the grounds that East
Quadrangle's library was getting
less than the other quadrangles.
It was pointed out, however, that
these facts were not definitely,
known and that such matters were
not in IHC's jurisdiction.
A member of the group then
asked why Hinsdale House should
remain in IHC. Ashton replied
that, "Residence Halls have a
great potential on campus," and
was trying- to secure benefits for
the houses in the residence hall

View NeedsY
Professors in the school of edu-
cation viewed educational require-i
ments for teachers 10 years from1
now with varying degrees of op-
Prof. H. Glenn Ludlow, director
of the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information,
felt the trend will be for require-
ments to go up on all levels: ele-
mentary, high school and college.
On the elementary school level
40 states will demand a bachelors
degree by July 1 and one-half the
rest have set a deadline for it. All9
states require a bachelors degree
to teach in high school, and some
now require a masters degree.
To Require Master's'
"The more progressive states,
where. teachers are better paid,
will begin to require a master's
degree for both elementary and
high school," Prof. Ludlow pre-;
dicted, "though this will appear
first on the high school level." ;
"There is no doubt that require-
ments will go up," Prof. Lowell
W. Beach," coordinator of student
teaching in elementary education,
said. A committee has been work-
ing on certification for seven years
in Michigan, and one of the pro-
posals they will present will be
the requirement of a master's de-
gree for permanent certification."
A master's degree for teachers
may not be a nationwide require-
ment within ten years, -but the
trend is certainly toward that goal,
he said.
Need Teachers
There is a tremendous need for
large numbers of teachers, especi-
ally in elementary schools at the
present, Prof. Charles F. Lehmann
of the education school pointed
out, "so that many states depend
on special certification of people
who have not yet fulfilled the re-
quirements but are working to-
wards their degrees."
Prof. Willard C. Olson, dean of

A report concerning "panty
raids" and similar incidents was
issued yesterday by the Office of
Student Affairs.
Signed by Vice-President of Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis, Dean
of Women Deborah Bacon and
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea, the
See Text, Page 2
statement said. such actions by
students imply irresponsibilty and
lack of seriousness to the public
at large.
Student-sponsored activities
were cited as providing an oppor-
tunity to relax and "let go" occa-
sionally. Such organized activities
as sports, dances, parties and
spring weekend were listed in the
Because incidents such as panty
raids lead to unfavorable attitudes
on the part of people away from
the University, the report notes,
no good purpose is. served by dem-
onstrations 9f such kind and stu-'
dents involved in similar incidents
will be considered as serious of-
fenders subject to prompt disci-
plinary action.
Howe To Talk
on Socialism
Prof. Irving Howe of Brandeis
University's English department,
noted literary critic,. author and
editor, will speak at 8 p.m. today

....gets Lederle award
Malvin Gets
Study Grant
Dr. Richard L. Malvin of the
medical school's physiology de-
partment has been given the 1959
Lederle Medical Faculty Award.
The gift carries a grant of $10,-
500' to provide for Malvin's salary
over a three-year period beginning
July 1, 1959.
The purpose of the award is to
strengthen medical education by
"providing recognition and incen-
tive for outstanding young teach-
ers and scholars,"k Dr. BenJamin
W. Carey, medical director of
Lederle laboratories, said.
"Dr. Malvin was, chosen for the
award because of his outstanding
teaching and research activities,"
Prof. Horace W. Davenport, chair-
man of the physiology department,
"His work with Dr. Walter Wilde
is the most exciting study going
on anywhere in the nation re-
garding the analysis of the kidney.
The two have solved a long-stand-
ing problem: how to find out what
spot in the kidney a specific action
was occurring without using the
classical method of micropunc-
World Nlews
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO -Democratic Mayor
Richard J. Daley won reelectior
last night over Republican Tim-
othy P. Sheehan by a nearly 71~
per cent ratio.
One Democrat and two Repub-
licans won runoff aldermanic elec.
tions. The Democrats, as a result
will have 46 seats in the City
Council-anunprecedented num-
ber-while the Republicans wil
have only three. An independent
has seat in the 50-man council.
* * *
BEIRUT, Lebanon-Foreign
ministers of a half-dozen Aral
League nations indirectly con-
demned Communism in Iraq yes-
They called on Iraq to observe

Prof. Henle Questions Religious Beliefs

By CHARLAINE ACKERMAN Asserting that none of the proofs
"Any form of religious belief hold water, he nevertheless pro-
has no basis," Prof. Paul Henle of ceeded to offer the ideas that the'
the philosophy department said c - nt world proves the pres-
last night, challenging his audi- ence of God, that his purposeful
ence at the B'nai B'rith - Hillel -Ad argues for some design of
Foundation. supreme intelligence and that the
Although he emphasized he was conception of God necessitates the
not attacking religion from a sen- essence of God.
timental, esthetic or institutional his rebuttal, Prof. Henle said,
viewpoint, he nevertheless con- "A cosmological argument raises
tended that the various justifica- tL.- queston, as Mill contended, of
,-where God Himself rcame from.

He criticized this viewpoint first
c- the basis of the vast differences
ir t , epted morality in the world
and on the vulnerability of as-
sessing sub-conscious motives that,
g '- many of our actions.
"Mysticism, contact with the
sup- iatural, claims the justifica-
tion of some people, and I find
this plausible." Prof. Henle re-
stricted his statement, however, by
adding that because these experi-

SGC To Hold
Meeting Today

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