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April 07, 1959 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-07

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POETRY AND JAZZ-Harlem poet Iangston Hughes will combine
with Tony Scott (above) and his quartet Saturday night in an
attempt to "bring poetry back to a broader public appreciation."
Hughes, Scott Present
Poetr and Jazz Conert

'U' Joins
The University has joined 12
other educational institutions in
proposing the establishment of a
National Institute for Atmos-
pheric Research dedicated toward
a greater understanding of the
earth's weather.
In a report tothe National Sci-
ence Foundation, the 13 institu-
tions urged some $71,000,000 over
a five year period for basic at-
mospheric research.
See Central Group
Tbe 13 institutions, which have
formed the University Corporation
for Atmospheric Research, envi-
sion a centralized activity ulti-
mately using the talents of more
than 100 top scientists from a
number of fields. The Institute
would have its own laboratories,
airplanes, a computer facility, a
radiation probing facility and a
shop where research equipment
couldbe manufactured and as-
Prof. E. Wendell Hewson of the
engineering department said the
Institute "would be concerned ex-
clusively with basic research, the
search for new knowledge and
understanding." No site has been
designated as yet.
Study Heat Budget
With reference to the heat
budget problem in the tropical
latitudes, the report said that the
Institute's flight facility could
help fill a large gap in our knowl-
edge in this area. It said by con-
ducting "expedition" type experi-
ments over this portion of the
globe, more data could be gath-
ered to fill add to our sparse
knowledge of this area.
In addition to the University,
other participating universities
are: Johns- Hopkins, Wisconsin,
Chicago, New York, Florida State,
Arizona, Texas A. and M., Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles, Pennsyl-
vania, Cornell, St. Louis, and
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
J-Hop Board
Positions Open
To Petitoers
Petitioning for 11 positions on
the 1961 J-Hop Central Commit-
tee is open through Monday, Mur-
ray Feiwell, 1960 general chair-
man, announced yesterday.
Forms are available from 3-5
p.m. daily in Rm. 2534 of the Stu-
dent Activities Bldg. for general
c h ai r m a n, two publicity co-
chairmen, art director, secretary,
and committee heads for tickets,
decorations, finance, programs
and patrons, special events, bands
and building and grounds."
Change in the Central Com-
mittee include the additions of
art director and secretary and de-
letion of booths chairman.
Interviews will take place next
Tuesday and Wednesday, Feiwell
"Because the 1960 J-Hop was
the first in three years to show a
profit, next year's dance will also
be held on registration weekend,"
he said.


The first poem which attracted
widespread attention to Hughes'
works was "The Weary Blues,"
which received the Opportunity
Poetry Prize in the early 1920's
and served as the title of his first
book. Since that time, influenced
by the rhythms of blues and jazz
music, he has published a volume
of poems, "Montage of a Dream,"
in which he has attempted to cap-
ture something of the broken
rhythms and jive spirit, as well as
the troubled undertone, of be-
bop and 'cool' music.
Jazz Accompaniment
Accompanying Hughes will. be
Tony Scott and his Quartet. Scott,
a world famous Jazz clarinetist, is
the winner of the Downbeat Met-
ronome Award and the Interna-
tional Jazz Critics Award.
Shuns Specific Form.
As a performer dedicated to
his playing, he emphasizes the
feeling that "blowing is the thing,
not playing In accord with a par-
ticular school or manner."
Last year, Scott and his group
s p e n t e i g h t months touring
Europe, Scandinavia, and finally
South Africa, where they put on
that country's first interracial
concert, in a rented Indian
All seats for the concert are re-
served,, and tickets may be pur-
chased at many of the bookstores
and music' shops in Ann Arbor.
Bring Results
Daily Classifieds

minds to work out a very profi
"Volpone." The production will
continue through Saturday at t
Speech Depar
To ProduceJ
Theatre-goers who attend the
speech department's Playbill pro-
duction of "Volpone" will be read-
ily shown that miserliness and'
daring, greed and intelligence are
dangerous characteristics for men
to possess in combination.
Ben Jonson's widely-known com-
edy of humors, to be presented at
8 p.m. Thursday through Satur-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, amasses these traits in
the characters of Volpone the
Fox, and Mosca, the Fly.
Obsessed with the idea of wealth
although already a rich man, Vol-
pone makes a pretense of illness,
enticing men to deluge him with
gifts in the hopes, of profiting at
his death.
Parasite Aids Volpone
He is aided by Mosca, his para-
site, a knave even less scrupulous
than his emplpyer, who would
make a master politician in any
era. Mosca persuades each would-
be heir to display his utter de-
pravity: one to disinherithis own
son, another to prostitute his wife
to Volpone and a .last to plead
guilty against his known nno-
Often considered as Jonson's
greatest play, "Volpone" presents
not only the particular greed of
the characters, but also the picture
of what happens when great ra-
tional powers are left untouched
by moral and social obligations.
Although Jonson usually con-
tented himself with the exposure
of fools, he reveals and castigates
the universal knavery of mankind
in, "Volpone."
Union, Others
Sponsor Joint
Arts Festival
The Union, together with vari-
ous departments of the University,
will sponsor a campus-wide Crea-
tive Arts Festival beginning Sun-
day and continuing through Ap-
ril 19.
The purpose of the festival is
to introduce the various facets of
the fine arts to the students of
the University. The University
groups participating in the event
are the speech, English, women's
physical education and the fine
arts departments. The music and
architecture schools are also par-
Mapy of the departments will
present special programs through-
out the week including two one-
act plays by the speech depart-
ment, a woodwind quintet con-
cert, a Persian art exhibit and a
choir recital.
A highlight of the festival will
be an exhibit of working models
of Leonardo da Vinci. The dis-
play comes from the Internation-
al Business Machines Corporation
and many of the models are four
to five feet tall. This exhibit will
be housed in Clements Library.
Experimental automobiles in-
cluding General Motors Corpora-
tions' Le Sabre and Firebird, a
turbine car, and Ford's X-1000
will be on display on the - front
steps of the Union throughout the

--Daily-Robert Kaplan
Mosca combine their scheming
table operation in Ben Jonson's
open at 8 p.m. Thursday and
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
't~'ent Pan
lonson. Play
Directed by Prof. Hugh Norton,
of the speech department, the play
will present Donald Ewing, Grad.,
in the mercenary, villianous title
role, while Albert Phillips, Grad.,
will be seen as his able accamplice.
Associate director for the pro-
duction is Prof. G. B. Harrison of
the English department. Brooke
Sanders, Grad., is associate stu-
dent director.
"Volpone" tickets are available
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays
at the theatre box office.

Two University scientists re-
ceived $1,000 awards at the 135th
meeting of the American Chemi-
cal Society (ACS) in Boston yes-
One of the recipients, Prof.
Floyd E. Bartell of the chemical
engineering department also re-
ceived a certificate for his half-
century membership in the ACS.
He was also honored by having a
symposium on chemical wetting
processes given in his name.
Prof. Bartell was named win-
ner of the Kendall Compapy
Award in Colloid Chemistry for
his studies of particles, fibers and
films of minute dimension.
Prof. Minor J. Coon of the
medical school also received an
award from the Paul-Lewis Lab-
oratories for his work on enzymes,
which control the speed of chemi-
cal processes such as digestion
and respiration.
Prof. Bartell's Kendall Award
includes a certificate and Prof.
Coon's a Paul-Lewis Award gold
Prof. Coon, has identified, iso-
lated and purified several enzymes
of importance in nutrition. He
was largely responsible for the
discovery that animal tissues con-
tain two different enzymes neces-
sary for the biological utilization
of carbon dioxide.
Prof. Bartell, teacher of one of
the first colloid chemistry courses
in the United States, was largely
responsible for the first National
Colloid Symposium which con-
tinues annually under the ACS.
A special symposium will be
held in his honor all day tomor-
row and Friday morning. It will
be attended by 10 scientists who
took their doctor of philosophy
degrees under Prof. Bartell over
the years and his son, a professor
at Iowa State.


ACS Cites

Library Usage Subject
Of Mental Heatlth Survey


Come to
Conference room 2 at the League (opposite cafeteria)
Thursday & Friday 4:00-5:30 for coffee and talk with
L. F. Edmunds-about the
Student Summer Conference
Unifying Imnpulses
Art Science and Life
Originating with Goethe and R. Steiner (1861-1925)
*Spring Valley, N.Y. June 13-July 4, 1959

The Mental Health Research
Institute will conduct a survey
in the Undergraduate Library
Wednesday, though it is not ques-
tioning the sanity of its users.
Rather, the survey is' intended
to obtain data on the behavior of
message handling organizations
at high rates of usage. The Un-
dergraduate Library falls into
this type classification, since it
handles several hundred thousand
messages a, year in its ordinary
operations, Richard L. Meier, re-
search associate in the institute
A survey questionnaire will be
distributed to every tenth student.
entering the Library. Its purpose
is to determine the nature of the
user-load in the Library.:
Measure Efficiency
'Once the nature of usage is es-
tablished, Dr. Meier said, the. ef-
ficiency of the Library organiza-
tion may be measured. This will
be done by timing selected groups'
of students as they perform vari-
ous tasks, such as getting books
and doing reference work.,
Lower times in fulfilling the as-
signments, he commented, would
indicate higher efficiency. In ad-
dition to measuring times, the re-,
sults of the tasks of the students
woudl be considered. The more
books assigned k that were lob-
tained, for instance, the higher
would be the level of efficiency.
Dr. Meier asserted that efficien-.
cy would increase up to 'the point
where the full capacity of the Li-
brary organization was reached
and would then drop off.
Computers Fail
The survey, he 'revealed, was
originally envisioned as being .car-
ried out in an industrial firm with
a computer. It was discovered,
however, that the operations of
firms considered were still not or-
derly enough to permit a scienti-
fic survey
Dr. Meier said that little re-
Poet Reads,
Own Poems
Poet E. G. Burrows will read
from his own selections at 7 p.m.
tonight in the Benzinger library,
East Quadrangle.
Burrows has published a book
of his 'poems, "The Arctic Tern,"
and publishes _in Evergreen Re-

search had been done on the be-
havibr of organizations under the
stress of high speed message
handling and the survey was in-
tended to obtain measurements
on the matter.
One of the conclusions of the
survey and "guinea pig" experi-
ments may include discovery of
the capacity of the Library in
statistical units. Dr. Meier termed
this "an analysis of a social insti-
tution in terms of benefits and
costs, for members and users."
On a larger scale, it will deter-
mine what happens when a so-.
cial institution is pushed to or
beyond its full capacity, Dr. Meier
Results obtained are expected
to ameliorate the Undergraduate
Library's service to users. This
will be accomplished by showing
new "tactics" for use in handling
capacity loads, as those just be-
fore exam time, and also showing
specific points 'of slowdown which
may be eliminated.
The survey includes questions
as to the user's purpose in coming
to the Library, the facilities he
used, the books he employed and
other general information.
Congregational-Disciples Guild, Cof-
fee Break - 4:30-6 p.m., Graduate
Group - Speaker, Dr. Robt. Moore, U.
of M. Psychiatrist - 8 p.m., April 7,
Guili House.
Gilbert & Sullivan Soc.. Meeting of
Board of Officers,; April 8, 7:15 p.m.,.
SAB, Rm. 3516.
* * *
Graduate Student Coffee Hour, April
8, 4-5:30 p.m., Rackham Bldg., '2nd
Floor-W. Lounge. All graduate stu-
dents invited.
* * ,
Initernational Folk Dancers, Israeli
Dance Institute: Workshop 2-S p.m.,
Dance Party 8-12 p.m. Zafra Tatcher,
teacher, April 11, Barbour Gym.
SO Public Relations Comm., Meet-
ing, April 7, 4 p.m., SAB, Rm. 1548.
New members welcome or call Ron
Bassey, chairman, NO 3-3307.
AIEE-IRE, Election of next year's
officers, April 7, 7:30 p.m., Union.
Speaker: Prof. Ford, "Symmetry in Na-
DIAL NO 2-3136


I-! 'U

Graduate Students
Receiving Degrees



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