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March 27, 1959 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-27

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r uWilliam K. (Sam) Melnally
"4', vm~w sw

surrounding areas in which they
might be located. Flint College, ac-
cording to its Dean and the stu-
dents who attend, has certainly
proved a very successful venture.
The advantages of being a part of
the larger University is considered
extremely beneficial both to the
students and the community.
6) A sharp increase in tuition
could discourage some of the more
brilliant students from attending
the University. It is not entirely
philanthropy that causes society
to pay for universal education. So-
ciety benefits directly from the
quality of education and training
given to its scientists, doctors,
lawyers, dentists, businessmen etc.
7) I was not aware that our Uni-
versity faculty was dimirlishing in
quality. The danger of such a sit-
uation, of course, lies in being un-
able to pay salaries commensurate
with the abilities and services of
great teachers. I certainly feel
that we must be able to attract
r and maintain professors of the
highest caliber at the University of
Michigan for on such men and
women depends the international
reputation for excellence of the
8) I firmly believe in a student
government which is run on
democratic principles and is truly
representative of the student body
and able to make decisions which
ire to the best interest of that
)ody and the University as a
whole. It should play a construct-
ive part in promoting the wel-
fare of the student body. It should
- help the administration maintain
discipline and morality in social
activities. It should serve to
strengthen the relationship ,be-
1 tween the student body and the
faculty and administrators of the
- University.
- 9) The student press should play
- an important role in university
life, not only to keep the student
body informed but also as a train-
ing medium for those interested
f in a career in journalism. The
- Michigan Daily has long been one
of the top university papers pub-
* lished in the 'United States. Many
- fine newspapermen have received
- their early training here during
i college years.

1) One of the reasons the Uni-
versity of Michigan has attained
its position of eminence has been
its policy of attracting qualified
students from all over the United
States, and, indeed, from all over,
the world. Most people agree this
is a policy which should be con-
tinued. Our foreign student popu-
lation is something of which the
entire state is proud, and is a
worthwhile contribution to under-
standing among the different na-
tions of the world. There is no
magic, however, in any particular
ratio, as this will fluctuate from
time to time by the needs of the
students,t themselves, and the re-
quirements of Michigan residents
who have priority in admissions.
2) There may be a limit to the
size to which an institution should
grow, but I question whether any-
one can say for sure at this point.
what this limit should be. This is
a big country. It requires big busi-
ness, big labor, big government,
and big institutions of higher
learning. How large any one of
these factors may grow is a ques-
tion which has not yet been re-
solved. So far as universities are
concerned, it would seem that the
control factor is the total balance
which the university is able to

maintain - balance between the
number of students and the re-
sources available to the institution,
and balance between programs
within whatever pattern the uni-
versity adopts as its objective.
Thus, some institutions may be
too large with 1,000 students,
while other institutions might be
too small with 20,000 students. It
is unlikely that we should antici-
pate unlimited expansion for any
of our state institutions of higher
learning, but our main concern at
this time should be in maintaining
balanced institutions, with empha-
sis on maintenance of high aca-
demic standards.
3) Quality is not a matter of
size. It is a matter of resources.
It need not be disturbed about
quality, if the institution is given
tools with which to do the job. For
example, a small college without
resources may be too large. The
deciding factor is the balance be-
tween numbers of students and its
resources and programs.,Of course,
the larger an institution gets, the
more difficult it is to maintain a
balance between resources and
programs. Also, there are problems
peculiar to size such as communi-
cation, coordination, etcetera. But
all of these problems are soluble

and, in the final analysis, instruc-
tion in the university is given in
relatively small groups. On the
other hand, there are certain ad-
vantages in size, such as ability
to command a faculty of greater
distinction, a greater variety of
institutional offerings, and more
and larger programs from which
the student may choose. Size also
gives students experience in a
cosmopolitan atmosphere, particu-
larly one such as the University
of Michigan affords where we have
a substantial body of students
from other countries. Any argu-
ment about quantity vs quality. is
meaningless, because what we
really need is a quantity of quality.
4) The different institutions of
a state school system are in a
common endeavor, a mutually de-
pendent partnership - the educa-
tion of youth of the state for the
welfare of the whole society. Each
institution has different assign-
ments in a common task. All state
supported institutions should strive
to help one another in the im-
provement of service, in the growth
of support, and in the enlarge-
ment of public understanding of
the total educational problem.
The individual citizen is amazed
at the projected cost in dollars and
energy to gear-up our educational
system to the requirements of the
space age. He also realizes that
education has now become an in-
strument of national preservation}
and ;nternational relationships, as
well as of economic strength, and
that he must support it adequately.
As a condition for this support,
our citizens will expect wise plan-
ning, prudent management, and
efficient utilization of educational
resources. He has a right to expect
improved coordination among
state supported institutions, so
that each institution will contri-
bute its full measure toward the

Frederick CarlMatthaei

Ellis Wunsch
1) If the University is to main-
tain its national and world stature,
we must, continue to admit tal-
ented out-of-state students.
2) 3) Yes. If the university com-
munity grows to the point where
it admits incompetent Michigan
youth or if it grows to the point
where it solicits second-rate fac-
ulty, it is too large. In the long
view, money is not the limiting
factor. Every well-educated grad-
uate, every scholar, artist, scien-
tist or creative teacher is a price-
less resource well worth the in-
vestment of Michigan tax dollars.
4) Voluntary association of state
boards is a good thing. Present
boards should continue without a
legal overall authority. Existing
autonomy of Michigan universities
allows a form of competition that
is always constructive-competi-
tion is quality, brains, and serv-
ice. Each institution should pre-
serve its character, its integrity,
its unique existence.
5) This is in the experimental
phase. Let's all study it.
6) Present away-from-home ex-
teachers, re- penses are carrying universities
dministrators. back toward opportunity- only for
is strongest in the children of the well-to-do.
s and facilities. The talent of the oncoming gen-
o remain one of eration lies in all economic strata,
c centers of the We cannot afford to disregard this
ch or exceed the most critical resource-brains. In
ed elsewhere. our culture higher tuitions and
feel sad indeed fees are wrong in philosophy and
higan's acadegm- suicidal in practice.
be lost. 7) On the short hand, adequate
lust be competi- appropriations. In the long view,
ust be adequate. dedicated effort by students, fac-
arch facilities, ulty, administration and regents
t be superior. I to show Michigan citizens the
avor such pro- values at stake.
8) I am the Dean of Academic
, and the next Affairs at a small college where
y, fall within the student government is sovereign in
ns of a Regent's all phases of the college com-
entirely matters munity which are non-curricular
Administration and which do not relate to con-
11, however, be duct and to student housing poli-
personal opin- cy. It works.
people'9) The university community is
pel an idealized microcosm. Certainly
people should its press should be as free, as vi-
shoulder such tal, as the best press in our envir-
they are Ca- on culture.


ltimate limit to University university proviaes. They are not A strong central campus is es-
ion provided that it con- hampered by, but relish, independ- sential to the University. It can,
to adequately reflect the ence. and should, serve as the leader
tonal needs of Michigan and Then,. too, large size alone need and inspiration of the University
,tion. But I do believe that not strangle the over-all quality as a whole. From it, open lines of
of the future expansion will of offered education. To a far communication will extend to
with -traditional methods, greater extent quality depends on branches' throughout the state.
Lll take place in such areas available funds and the brains and If - and I am sure that they
nch schools and junior col facilities they can purchase, on will - the costs of university
the taxpayers' desire for quality, training continue to mount, I be-
'e is, however, a practical and on tradition and stability. lieve that it will be economically
o the rate of expansion. In 4) There certainly should be essential to e s t a b 1 i s h branch
to avoid dilution of Michi- close cooperati n among the many schools. Otherwise, many qualified
traditional high standards institutions of igher learning. Co- students will be unable to afford
ccomplishments, growth operation among sister organiza- the training they seek.
e controlled to match avail- tions or institutions working to- 6) It is my understanding that
nds, facilities, and faculty. wards the same general goal is al- Michigan statutes, in common with
xpansion is too rapid, the ways desirable. many other states, provide for no
nqualifiedfacultym eI also believe that a State Board tuition from Michigan - resident
s too heavy. Essential stu- of Higher Education might be ex- students. Yet Michigan, along with
elationships mustb tremely beneficial to the State of other states, has had to institute
d, and research sufters. Michigan and to the various insti- some tuition charges.
)u believe, as I do, that high tutions concerned. I do not, how- I ol oet ananti
tic and research standardsItwudhp.omaninu-
ever, visualize this board as sup tion chargeshforpMichigan-resident
planting the Regents and the State students as low as possible, and
publican Regent candidate Board of Agriculture, would never support substantial
rick Carl Matthaei gradu- Rather, I consider the situation tuition raises until every other
from the UniversityIn as fairly analogous to a large busi- source of essential revenue had
a'nd holds a University ness corporation with several di- been exhausted.
racy degree as Doctor of vsosThproedSaeBrd
ess Administration. He visions. The proposed State Boar I do believe, however, that tui-
received an Honorary Doc- of Higher Ediication would occu- tion charges for out-of-state stu-
-eLaws degree from Wayne py the position of a central staff dents, should keep pace with rising
University and a Doctor organization; empowered to study costs: Michigan, after all, is'un-
siness Science degree from and investigate freely, to recom- der no obligation to educate the
College, Ypsilanti mend, to advise, and to search out children of non-taxpayers.
e Detroit industrialist, who and expose inefficiencies and du- Please do not believe that this
es in Ann Arbor, has served plications of facilities and activi- answer is in contradiction to my
ast President of the Uni- ties. reply' to Question No. 1. I do be-
y of Michigan Club of De- The Regents, and their counter- lieve that out-of-state students
and holds honorary mem- parts, would be the line operating are a great asset to the University,
ips in the "M" Club and heads. Authority to act, and res- but I also believe that a Regent's
Sachem Tribe of Michi- ponsibility for those actions, would first'responsibility is towards the
a.rest entirely with them. They students and taxpayers of Michi-
tthaei's civic projects in- would, of course, be able to reject gan itself. I would devoutly hope
his chairmanship of the the "staff's" recommendations, but that increased tuition charges
al Gifts Committee, the would do so in the knowledge that would not bar out-of-state stu-
Center Committee of De- their rejections would have to be dents from attending the Univer-
Tomorrow Committee and justified. sity, and would also hope that de-
etroit Olympic Committee. In this manner, I believe, the serving out-of-state students would
so established the Animal State of Michigan would develop find scholarship funds available.d
er for the ' Washtenaw an efficient system of higheredu- n scbelievethat Vice-President

services of gifted
searchers, and ac
The competition
two areas: salarieg
If Michigan is t(
the great academic
world, it must mat(
opportunities offer
I, for one, would
if one whit of Mic
ic stature were to
Salaries, then, m
tive. Classrooms m
Laboratories, rese
and libraries must
whole-heartedly ff
8) This question
one, do not properly
statutory limitatiox
duties. They aree
for the University
to answer. I sha
pleased to give my
ion on the subject
Certainly young
be' encouraged to
responsibilities as
pable of handling,
the responsibiliti
bearing. on the dut
after graduation.
The question is:
ponsibility can th
A satisfactory
question would vei
wisdom of Solomo
dergraduate days
tant that I canno
impatience with m:
I guess I must s
government shoul
a role in Universit:
of student leadersh
9) I think, tha,
.tudent press is hi
Coupled witn soun
a feeling of real r
can help to interp
the faculty, and vi
and should serve
which attitudes an
aired, and compron
At Michigan, th
has not always be
it has always been

__________,______--__________ dent Government may also b
Democratic Regent candidate leges where students may reduce viewed as a laboratory in publi
William K. (Sam) Mclnally is the cost of their total education affairs. Many of the same prob
a former teacher turned bank- by living at home. The establish- lems In human relations every
er-attorney. Having served as ment of branches of existing in- where are reflected on the campus
teacher, principal and acting stitutions, however, depends upon and the methods for problem solv
superintendent of schools in what state-wide program is work- ing are largely the same. Cow
Millington, Mich., from 1926-28, ed out. After the proper coordinat- munication in a large university i
he has practiced law in Jackson ing procedures have been estab- one of its key problems, and Stu
since 1933. lished, branches ought not to be dent Government can help sig.
A graduate of Eastern Michi- promoted by the individual insti- nificantly in this process.
gan College, Ypsilanti, Mcin- tutions, themselves, but should be 9) The student, press,.first o
ally holds a life certificate in worked out as a part of an over- all, is a reflection of student life
teaching from that institution, all plan to best serve the total and should reflect this at all time
He also attended the Detroit needs of our state. accurately, constructively and ob
College of Law, winning his law 6) During the past .few years, jectively. In serving a studen
degree cum laude. the argument has been advanced population as a news organ, it ha
He has been active in civic that college students should pay all of the responsibilities of an
affairs at the state and local the full cost of their education. newspaper. In performing thes
levels as chairman of the Jack- The result of such a policy, even functions, it is obviously an agenc
son Metropolitan Area Study with an elaborate student aid pro- of major influence in all the-de
Commission, former, president gram, would be to relate educa- velopments at the, university.
of the Jackson Community tional opportunity to financial
Fund, trustee of the Detroit ability, a notion foreign, to the
College of Law and as a mem- whole history of public education The candidates on this page
ber of the Governor's Small in this country. This philosophy is are running for the two open
Business Advisory Study Coin- inimicable to the welfare of all positions on the University's
mittee, the Governor's Study higher education and the welfare Board of Regents. Two present
Commission for Metropolitan of the nation, and should be re- Regents, Roscoe 0. Bonisteel of
Problems, and the State De- jected. Some of the earlier spokes- Ann Arbor 'and Leland I. Doan
partment of Public Instruction, men for having the student pay the of Midland, are retiring. Their
Mcinally is married and has full cost have changed their posi- terms will expire December 31,
two daughters. tion to charging what the traffic 1959.
will bear. There is no more logic in


, particularly if
es have some
ties to be borne
how much res-
e young people
answer to this
x the proverbial
n. My own un-
are not so dis-
t remember my
y elders.
ay that student
d play as great
y as the quality
ip will carniY it.
t an informed
ghly important.
d judgment and
responsibility, it
iret -students to
ce versa. It can
as a forum in
ad ideas can be
mises hammered
e student press
en responsible:
lively and vig-

Democratic Regent candidate
Ellis Wunsch is a teacher and
administrator at Northwestern
Michigan College, Traverse
City. Having obtained his IR.A.
and M.A. from the University,
he is a former member of the
University faculty and has also
lectured at Michigan State Uni-
Wunsch, who is married, is a
former Fulbright Scholar and
is presently serving as a mem-
ber of the Wayne State Univer-
sity Study Commission and of
the Community College com-
mittees, Northwestern Michigan
College.' He is also president of
the Old Mission Peninsula
School District Board of Edu-
cation and chairman of the
Grand Traverse committee for
establishment of a school of
registered nursing.
A veteran of World War II,
he experienced4r/ 2 yearsuof
combat duty, serving as gun-
nery officer on a United States
Navy destroyer.

William and Thompson Streets Friends Center, 1416 Hill St.
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain 10:00 and 11:30 Meeting for worship.
Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant 10:00 Sunday school and college discussion.
Sunday Masses 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and 11:30 Adult discussion.
12:00 noon. 7:15 P.M. Young friends.
Holyday Masses 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 A.M.,
12:00 noon and 5:10 P.M.
Weekday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 A.M. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST,
Novena Devotions: Wednesday evening, 7:30 P.M. SCIENTIST
Rosary and Litany: Daily, at 5:10 P.M.
1833 Washtenow Ave.
91:0 A.M. Sunday School.
State and William Streets A free reading room is maintained at 339 So.
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister. Main Street. Reading room hours are Monday
11:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M., Tuesday through
"The Curtain Rose," Dr. Fred E. Luchs preaching. Friday 11:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M.; Saturday
Services: 9:30-10:20 and 11:00-12:00. 9:ida.11:00 A.M.
"The Empty Tomb," Bible Lecture by Mrs. Luchs, 9:00 AM. to5 P.M.
WESLEY FOUNDATION Lester F. Allen, Minister
120 S. State St. 10:00 A.M. Bible Study.
Hoover Rupert, L. Burlin Main, 11:00 A.M. Worship Service.
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers 6:30 P.M. Worship Service.
9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship: "Life Is Eternal
Corner State and Huron Streets
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH William C. Bennett, Pasto
502 East Huron
Dr. Chester H. Loucks and the Rev. Hugh (D. 8:45 and 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship.
Pickett, Ministers 10:00 A.M. Sunday School-University Class.
Mrs. Gabrielle Bublitz, Assistant Student 7:00 P.M. Evening Warship. ,
Counsellor Wednesday-7 :30 P.M. Prayer Meeting.
9:00 A.M. Worship, "For Ever and Ever," Mr.
Pickett preaching.
11:00 A.M. Worship, "Who Will Roll Away the BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL
Stone?" Mr. Loucks preaching. REFORMED
______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____i ...+,.ACh.. ...,4. ,4 ( is;t



To help acquaint voters with candidates for University
Regent, The Daily asked the four candidates the following ques-
tions. Their answers appear. above.'
1) Are you in favor of the present out-of-state, in-state
student ratio, including maintenance of the foreign student
population? Why?
2) Is there a limit to practical University expansion? Why?
3) Is the University's size related to the quality of education
if VIVP 9 W




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