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February 11, 1959 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-11

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Ann Arbor High School Offers Accelerated Courses


Some fifty Ann Arbor High,
School seniors are this year study-
ng analytic geometry and courses
quivalent to college-freshman
,nglish and third-year college
During the last two-and-a-half!
ears the high school has beef in-
tituting a program of accelerated
ourses in French, English, and
nathematics, one of the first such
rograms in the state.
The program is intended for the.
nore able students who get A's
with relatively little effort," ac-'
ording to Nicholas Schreiber, Ann1
arbor High principal.
Has Two GoalsI
The program has two goals,
Schreiber explained in an October
958 report. Its primary goal
s "acceleration and enrichment
f -subject matter" for the students
rho can benefit by the program.
ts secondary goal is "acquisition
f advance credit in college."
Yet for the sake of these stu-
ents' non-academic needs, they
,re prohibited from taking more
han two accelerated courses at
nee, the report notes.
So far the program has concen-
rated on skill subjects. In these
subjects, Schreiber said, much lesst
eeds to be relearned in a differentI
ray in college.
Offers Mathematicst
When the program is fully insti-'
uted according to the presentr
lan, the accelerated students will
*o three semesters of algebra in
inth grade, explains a Septembers
958 report by Dorothy Noyes,
hairman of the High School's
iathematics department. 5
In tenth, they will do both planer
nd solid geometry. In eleventh,e
hey will complete second-year al-I
ebra, trigonometry, and some an-s
lytic geometry.
In twelfth, they will do more
nalytic geometry and some cal-

SUMMATION SIGMAS-Ann Arbor High School junior Ted Burrows proves a theorem for his
advanced-placement mathematics class. Taught by Dorothy Noyes, chairman of the high school's
mathematics department, the class is tllis year studying trigonometry and some analytic geometry
and is completing second-year algebra. The class is part of the high school's program of accelerated
courses in French, English and mathematics.

A good deal of enrichment ma-
terial is included all along, her re-
port adds.
Further, she told The Daily,
teachers constantly try to use the
ideas of so-called "modern mathe-
Gives Special Classes
"I think it's swell," one junior
said of his course, largely because
"you're not held back."
Each junior high school now
has two sections of special mathe-
matics in both grades seven and
eight, according to Russell West,"
Assistant Superintendent for In-
struction in the city schools.
"In addition to the content used
in regular classes, these special
classes extend into topics and in-
vestigations which range rather


widely in the field of mathemat-
ics," he added.
The high school also offers a
weekly no-credit seminar in math-
ematics with a University profes-
sor, Miss Noyes said.
This year six to a dozen students
attend it.
Accelerates French Course
The program in French includes
an accelerate second-year course
and an accelerated third- and
fourth-year course, explained
Bruce Henry, who teaches these
They use many readings from
the literary college's French 91
("Modern and Contemporary
Readings"), he said, and a gram-
mar book equivalent to that used
in French 61 ("Composition").
The English program was de-
scribed by Robert Granville, chair-
man of the High School's English
department and Advanced Place-
ment Committee.
Accelerated students will do five
semesters' work in the second half
of tenth grade and in eleventh
graderhe said. In twelfth, they will
do the equivalent of college-fresh-
man composition.
They do "lots of writing," he
added, "and that means lots of
consultation." They also study dif-
ficult literature-for example "The
Bridge of San Luis Rey" and
"Death of a Salesman."
Limits Classes
In all subjects, accelerated classes,
are limited to about twenty stu-
dents, Granville remarked.
Teachers of accelerated courses

have only four classes a day in-
stead of five. This is to enable
them to devote more time to their
accelerated classes, he added.
Teachers of accelerated courses
"really have to keep on their toes,"
Henry said. He said he enjoyed
teaching them, especially because
they are at "a much more adult
Students receive 'a dual grade,
for example A-/B+, Granville'
said. The second part is the stu-
dent's actual grade in his ac-
celerated course.The first is his
teacher's estimate of what he
would have gotten in a regular
course. It is used in computing,
his average.f
The purposes of this system are
to keep accelerated classes com-
petitive, he continued, and to
avoid penalizing students for tak-
ing them.
Prepares for College
Some 65 per cent of the school's
1,950-2,000 students are preparing
for college, Schreiber's report
This year, it continues, about
seven per cent of the school, or
some 140 students, is in accelerated
Accelerated students are chosen
with great care, Granville said.
The Advanced Placement Commit-
tee, which chooses them, considers
several factors: academic record,
health record, recommendations
from classroom and homeroom
teachers, and scores on reading
and intelligence tests.
The College Entrance Examina-

tion Board advises and encourages
schools in introducing accelerated
courses, the Board says in its
present guide to its advanced-
placement program.
It also puts out a syllabus of
suggestions for accelerated courses.
Each spring it offers advanced-
placement exams based on this
syllabus to students who have
taken accelerated courses,
College Decides Placement
Each college decides about ad-
vanced credit and placement for
its own incoming freshmen, the
guide continues.
"Almost all" colleges, it goes on,
have given advanced placement to
those students who have done
satisfactorily in accelerated high
school courses and advanced-
placement exams.
"The majority" have also given
advanced credit, the guide adds.
Last year 3,715 students from some
330 schools took 6,800 advanced-
placement exams.
Last year, Henry said, eight Ann
Arbor High students took the
French advanced-placement exam.
They were the only studentsin
Michigan to do so, he pointed out.
Two of them got six hours' ad-
vanced credit, and three got three
hours' advanced credit, in their
respective colleges, he added.
Board Pays Fee
The Ann Arbor Board of Edu-
cation now pays the $13 exam
fee for its advanced - placement
students, Granville noted. In re-
turn for its extra investment in
their education, he added, it re-
quires them all to take the exams.
The College Entrance Examina-
tion Board (CEEB) sponsors con-
ferences in the summer for teach-
ers of accelerated high school
courses. Last June it put on nine
such conferences in various sub-
jects, the guide adds.
A hundred or more high school
and college teachers and adminis-
trators came to each, Schreiber
estimated, and stayed for several
Next summer the University will
host a language conference,
Schreiber remarked.
Fund Supports
The CEEB's program grew out
of two experiments supported by
the Fund for the Advancement
of Education in the early fifties,
the guide says.
"In the fall of 1955," notes a
report by West, study began in
Ann Arbor of the possibility of an
accelerated mathematics program.
The next year, the report says,
the plan was implemented in
eighth and ninth grades and the
second half of tenth.
Those ninth-graders are now
juniors. They will graduate next
year after the full mathematics(

program except for the seventh-
and eighth-grade courses, West
went on.
Similarly, next year's seniors
will be the first to have had the
full accelerated English program,
Granville said.
As for the future, West said,
there are "no concrete plans" for
expansion into other subjects.
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(Continued from Page 5)
Summer Placement, contact Ward D.
Peterson, D-528 SAB, on Tues. and
Thurs., 1-5 p.m., and Fri., 8:34-12.
Personnel Interviews:
The following companies will be in-
terviewing at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 4001 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371.
For an interview appointment contact
the Bureau.
Wed., Feb. 11, 1959:
Purdue University, School of Indus-
trial Management, Lafayette. Ind. In-
terested in students who wish to be
in Purdue's Graduate Management Pro-
gram. Objective is to help wel-quali-
fied young men with engineering and
backgrounds in chemistry, physics, zo-
ology, botany, geology, and math, pre-
pare for positions of major responsi-
bility in American industry. Enter the
program in September only and com-
plete degree requirements for MS de-
gree in early August of the following
year. The school offers substantial fi-
nancial aid. Loan funds and tuition
scholarships also available.
Household Finance Corporation, Chi-
cago, Ill. Location of work: Home Of-
fice, Chicago, Ill. Division offices: New
York City; Philadelphia, Pa.; Detroit,
Mich.; Chicago, Ill.; Los Angeles, Calif.;
Toronto, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec;
725 branch offices located in the U.S.
and Canada. Graduates: Feb., June.
Men with any degree in Liberal Arts
or Bus. Admin. for Management Train-
ing. Men enrolled in the program quick-
ly learn the fundamentals of consum-
er finance business, making credit in-
vestigations, and helping people solve
their financial problems.
Engineering Interviews:
Wed., Feb. 11:
Aied Chemical Corp., all divisions,
interested in B.S.: Ch.E., Elec., & Mech.,
M.S.: Ch.E. and Mech. and Ph.D.: Ch.E.
Must be male U.S. citizen.

Automatic Electric Co., and Gen'1.
Telephone Labs., Northlake, Ill. B.S. &
M.S.: Elec., Ind. and Mech. Ph.D: Elec.
Must be U.S. citizen.
Bell Telephone system. Contact
Engrg. Placement Office for location
of positions. B.S.: Aero., Ch.E., Civil,
E. Math., E.M., E. Physics, nd., Instr.,
Mech. and Met. MS.: Aero., Civil, Elec.,
E.M., Ind., Instr., Mech., Met. and Nu-
clear. Ph.D.: Aero., Elec., E.M., Instr.,
Mech., and Nuclear. Must be U.S. citi-
Canadair Limited, Montreal, P.Q.,
Canada. B.S.: Aero., Civil, Elec.,, E Phys.
and Mech. M.S.: Aero., Ph.D.: Aero.
Must be male Canadian or U.S. citizen.
Combustion Engrg., Inc., Windsor,
Conn., Ph.D.: Physics (Theoretical Re-
actor Phys., Exp. Reactor Phys. & Ad-
vanced Core Phys.) Must be U.S. citi-
Food Machinery & Chemical Corp.
(A.M. only) All FMC Chem. Div. B.S.
and M.S.: Ch.E. .
B. F. Goodrich Co., All Divisions, B.S.:
Ch.E., and Mech. M.S.: Ch.E., Mech.
and Chem. Must be U.S. citizen.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Missile Sys-
tems Div., Sunnyvale, Calif. B.S.: Aero.,
Elec., E. Math., Mech, and E. Phy§. M.S.:
Aero., Elec., Mech. and Nuclear. Ph.D.:
Aero., Elec., Mech. and Nuclear. Must
be U.S. citizen.
Union Bag-Camp Paper Corp., B.S.
and M.S.: Ch.E., Elec., and Id. Also
students receiving degrees in Forestry
and Bus. Ad. Must be male U.S. citizen.
U.S. Patent Office, Wash., D.C. B.S.
and M.S.: Aero., Ch.E., Civil, Elec., Ind.,
Mech., Met., Naval and Marine, and
Nuclear. Main interest is in Elec. and
Mech. Must be U.S. citizen.
U.S. Navy Underwater Sound Lab.,
New London. Conn. B.S.: Elec., E. Phys.
and Mech. M.S.: Elec. and Mech. Also
summer: Grad students. Must be U.S.
Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Falls
Church, Va. B.S.: Elec., E. Math., E.
Phys., and Mech. M.S.: Elec. and Mech.
Ph.D.: Elec. and Mech. Must be U.S.

For type of work description, specific
location, and an interview appointment
with the above companies, contact
Engrg. Placement, Ext. 2182.
Personnel Requests:
Friend of the Court, Ann Arbor,
Mich., has a position available for a
Caseworker. This position requires a
car. Prefer exp. in case work or social
Lockheed Missiles, Palo Alto, Calif.,
announces 15 openings for Research;
Scientists. Must have exp. Prefer M.S.
but not necessary. Elec., or Mech.
Engrg., Physics, or Math.
Consumers Power Co., Hastings,
Mich., has an opening in the Chamber
of Commerce Staff. Looking for a re-
cent grad. or one graduating in June.
Community Rehabilitation Indus-
tries, Long Beach, Calif., announces
an opening for a Research Specialist.
Title: Supervisor of Research. Ph.D. or
equivalent in psych., education, soc.
sci., or related fields with recent re-
For further placement notices, con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 4001
Admin., Ext. 2371.
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