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March 27, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-27

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U1jr 3i0p9an 1 aggaI
Sixty-Ninth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
New 'Freedom' Provision
Might Improve 1949 Regulation

"What Makes You Think We're Trying To
Conceal Anything?"

'Sword and Shield'
Outdated Strategy
Daily Staff Writer
ITS SWORD may possibly be too heavy and sharp and its shield is
certainly too thin.
This description is applied to the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion which now faces a decision that must be made and that will
profoundly affect its continued usefulness. The problem to be solved,



IN THE AFTERMATH of the whole Sigma
Kappa issue a Student Government Council
committee is looking into the 1949 regulation
which denies recognition to any organization
which prohibits membership on the basis of
race, color or creed.
It is a good idea, because the Sigma Kappa
issue suggests a valid principal for revision of
the 1949 ruling. Sigma Kappa based its whole
case on a letter from the national, which said
that Sigma Kappa local was free to determine
its own membership.
This statement was not free from ambigui-
ties, and so at least for this, among other
reasons, the Council rejected it.
But if the letter had been unambiguous in
its affirmation of the local's right to choose
its members, the Council would have had no
choice but to take Sigma Kappa off suspension.
For it would have meant that the 'evidence
underlying the Council's earlier action was not
UNDER THE 1949 ruling, there is no way
to distinguish the national's actions here
from those taken elsewhere. That there could
be a difference does not seem to have been
evident to the Council, and most certain of
those concerned. But now that it has been
suggested as a principle under which at least
one sorority is willing to operate, the prin-
ciple ought to be embodied in the regulation
as a basis for future action toward fraterni-
ties and sororities.
If this principle is accepted in good faith
by sororities and fraternities seeking a chap-
ter here in the future, then the Council has
gotten all it can ask for - that of freedom of
local choice.

WHY WOULD a national take action else-
where that it would not take here? The
national might not for three reasons. First,
the suspended chapter might be weaker than
the Michigan chapter. Thus, to put it baldly,
the Michigan chapter could pledge Negroes
and get away with it, while the other could
Second, alumni elsewhere may react much
more violently to pledging_ a Negro, for ex-
ample, than University alumni. Third, the
understanding about admission criteria be-
tween the national and the local in the two
cases might have been different. Some other
chapters might have to abide by the national's
membership policies. At the University, the
local chapter might not.
If any or all of these circumstances are pos-
sible, then SGC should change the 1949 rul-
ing. Not to do so- would mean expulsion of
the local chapter, when the chapter could in
fact pledge whoever it wanted, surely no intent
of SGC.
THE RULE should insist that the local be
free to choose whatever members it wants,
regardless of the national's policies and set
up an unambiguous form of adherence, which
(preferably) the national convention should
There are strong and valid reservations
about the University's right to legislate at all
against sorority and fraternity discrimination.
But if SGC feels it must have a regulation,
then the suggested modification would improve
the 1949 regulation.

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Committee Wrestles with Calendar

Urban Renewal Deserves Support

InIERE IS little doubt about the fundamental
value of Ann Arbor's Urban Renewal pro-
gram. It would make the neighborhood a much
better place to live in. It would considerably im-
prove the living conditions of many families-
rehabilitating 193 homes and replacing 43,
removing a junkyard and a slaughterhouse,
moving M-14 onto a more suitable street and
replacing dilapidated commercial properties
with homes.
SEVERAL partial objections have been raised,
but they are not weighty. Some people fear
that the compensation for properties taken
over by the city might be inadequate. But the
federal government stipulates that each pro-
perty shall be assessed by two different asses-
sors, and a good assessment is not far from the
market price. .
Others are concerned about the rezoning as
residential of a strip on one side of Main Street

because they fear it might reduce property
values there. They are correct; it might. On the
other hand, it might increase property values
across the street, and the government would
not guarantee mortgages for rehabilitation of
houses across from the strip if it were zoned
Some people are also worried about the plans
for the housing of residents whose houses are
removed. Others fear that aged residents un-
able to pay for rehabilitation of their homes
may be evicted. These are important things to
be concerned about, but there is no reason why
a solution cannot be reached.
Some people may suffer by Urban Renewal;
that cannot be denied. But the harm can be
kept quite low. Urban Renewal is still a fine
chance to benefit the whole city and to greatly
benefit the area's residents.

Daily Staff Writer
Committee has shown a real
interest in and concern for stu-
dent opinion in areas particular-
ly affecting the student body,
substantially more, in fact, than
the students themselves.
Several issues considered to be
most important to the students
were discussed at Wednesday's
"open" meeting, a meeting at
which the Committee had hoped
to get representative feeling about
some of the proposed changes.
Exactly four students were pres-
ent - the student member of the
Committee, the Editor of The
Daily, two Daily reporters, and--
lo and behold - one student who
was actually interested enough
to attend.
One of these issues is actually
a whole flock of issues, all revolv-
ing around the troublesome, but
difficult-to-alter final examina-
tion period. For the current sys-
tem, even now getting bogged
down, will eventually have to be
changed. More and more, classes
during the semester are being
held during odd hours - late in
the afternoon, or evening. And
there will simply not be enough
room on the exam schedule to fit
in these extra times.
* * *
ONE OF the ideas being kicked
around suggests two-hour exams;
Another, elimination of the re-
quirement that exams be held
during the specified period 'in-
stead of during the last regular
class of the semester. Still anoth-
er would provide a week-long
study period, followed by one

week of three-hour finals utiliz-
ing three periods - morning, aft-
ernon and evening - each day.
This would give students a chance
to study for all their exams be-
forehand, but would also leave
him the prospect of five or six
exams the first two days.
The study period before finals
is perhaps one of the most per-
sistent problems the Committee
faces, yet at the same time it pro-
vides perhaps the best opportu-
nity for evaluating the whole
principle of such exams. Commit-
tee members said the literary col-
lege, at least, considers the cumu-
lative final examination an indis-
pensable part of most courses, be-
cause it allows the student to pull
the course together, to see it as an
integrated whole rather than in
sections separated by bluebooks.
If this is indeed the case, then a
longer study period would seem to
facilitate the integration process,
and would be an invaluable
change in the calendar.
* * *
BUT THE problem remains,
where would the extra week come
from? A concurrent change might
begin the calendar late in August,
making Christmas vacation the
study period. But then what hap-
pens to intersession? And what
happens to those students who
support themselves in college
through their earnings in summer
One possible solution suggested
would encourage individual in-
structors to cancel their classes
for the last week of the regular
semester, something they are even
now permitted to do. This way,
students would have time to di-

gest those courses which require
pulling together. Others, such as
languages and the natural sci--
ences, being non-cumulative in
their basic curriculum, would not
use such a period. This system
would also provide time for the
last-minute rush of papers and
outside readings due in many
* * *
ANOTHER problem of mainly
student concern is what the liter-
ary college calls a "meaningful
graduation" - i.e., graduation
with diploma. Insistence on this
cuts down the possibility of mov-
ing the exam period forward, for
graduation must be long enough
after the end of exams to make
sure each student has indeed
Members of the Committee es-
timate, however, that only a
small percentage of the graduat-
ing class would not be entitled to
the conditional diploma which
would have to be granted at an
earlier commencement. And
against this situation must be
weighed the fact that half the
senior class does not attend com-
mencement because they must be
out of town ,or must start a job,
long before the ceremony. It is
questionable whether commence-
ment exercises attended by so few
are any more meaningful than
ones where conditional diplomas
are allowed.
These- are some of the. main
problems, directly affecting the
student body, which the Commit-
tee is now wrestling with. (Appar-
ently only the Committee, not the
students themselves, are at all
concerned with them.)

a strategic one, is not being solved
alliance may become a dead letter in
K. Jacobson of the political science
problem as deciding what to do
with the "shield" part of the
NATO strategic organization.
The well known strategic concept
of the Atlantic alliance is that of
the sword and the shield. The
sword of the alliance is, basically,
the United States Strategic Air
Command and the subsidiary nu-
clear retaliatory forces possessed
by the American Navy and the
British Royal Air Force. This
sword, which is probably strong
enough to destroy the entire popu-
lated world is regarded as a deter-
rent, keeping Soviet forces from
any major European aggressions.
When the concept was agreed up-
on, the Soviet had no atomic re-
taliatory capability and therefore
could not give as it received, mak-
ing the venture of nuclear war a
rather safe adventure for the
Western Alliance.
*R * *
ACCOMPANYING the sword was
to be the shield, the "conven-
tional" forces of the alliance. This
force was never intended to match
Soviet manpower, man for man,
but was envisioned as big and
strong enough to fight small wars
and to delay any major invasion
long enough for Western mobili-
zation. All nations were to con-
tribute according to their means.
Today, after 10 years, this shield
is still weak.
WITH THE THREAT of another
possible small war dramatized by
the Berlin crisis, Western leaders
are finding, in fact, that there is
no shield protecting Western Eu-
rope: the promised French soldiers
are fighting in Algeria; the prom-
ised British soldiers have oeen
mustered out of service; Germany
is dragging her feet in raising the
projected quota of 500,000 men.
The principal cause for this
weakness, Prof. Jacobson suggests,
is the fact that no clear thinking
has been done about the role of
the shield in NATO strategy.
The old role, assigned with the
sword, is obsolete. If there were a
role assigned, commensurate with
modern strategic realities, where
nuclear power may never be used,
Prof. Jacobson says, the Western
nations might supply the forces to
fill it. A need must be vividly
shown before they will spend the
money, and, because there is no
real role, there has been nothing
to sufficiently move the Europeans.
The campaign to raise shield
forces, he said, should be educa-
tional, but more important it must
force the strategic decision on the
Western Alliance.
In addition, this crisis in NATO,
perhaps like the Berlin crisis, is
being passed off by the American
public with the traditional Ameri-
can confidence at a time when it
is up to the United States as lead-
er of the Alliance to initiate re-
appraisal of strategic aims. It is
clear that present strategy is out-
dated, for it cannot deal with the
small brush-fire warfare that the
Soviets have already used.
Adhering to outdated strategic
plans is extremely dangerous, and
it is possible that what happened
in 1940 to the French, who thought
the Maginot Line the ultimate in
defense, could happen again to all
of Western Europe.

at all, and if this continues, the
international politics, Prof. Harold
department said. He describes the
U nlikely
Associated Press News Analyst
THERE ARE still considerable
differences among the Western
powers, as well as between them
and the Soviet Union, over the
approaches to negotiations over
The three notes delivered to the
Kremlin yesterday are much the
same. But where they differ there
is more than a difference of lan-
guage The differences in spirit
are visible.
American officials profess the
belief however, that the differences
are more in procedure than in
substance, and the assumption still
remains that a foreign ministers
meeting will be held in the spring
with a .summit meeting to follow
in the summer.
That is what the sitution calls
for, and what it probably will
The British note obviously stems
from this presumption.
But firstly there remains the
wide difference between the Allies
and Russia overbtheeagenda. The
West insists on talking about all
German problems. The Kremlin
has insisted on limiting the for-
eign ministers to Berlin and a
peace treaty.
The Communist peace treaty
would be with a confederated Ger-
many in which autonomy would
be retained for Communist insti-
tutions in East Germany. The
West will not settle for less than
democratic reunification which, in
its practical application, would fit
the minority East into a homog-
enized Germany.
There's a good chance both sides
will slur over this conflict in order
to get negotiations going.
The United States note is more
insistent than the British that a
summit conference be contingent
on positive progress by the foreign
ministers. This difference seems
primarily to be a retention of flexi-
bility on the part of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose con-
stitutional position is affected by
absence from the country.
President de Gaulle of France is
the one, however, whose position,
if taken literally, would actually
preclude a summit meeting.
There are hardly any grounds
for believing that even Macmillan,
more agreeable than anyone else
t:; the summit meeting idea, has
concrete hope for any real Ger-
man settlement in the next few
years. The true objection of nego-
tiating now is to forestall what
might become a military crisis if
Russia gives East Germany sov-
ereignty over Allied access routes
to West Berlin.




See Page Six and.. 0


STUDENTS who would like a greater voice in
the affairs of the University will get it a
week from Monday, if they are 21 years old.
Four candidates are seeking two posts on the
Regents, the University's governing body,
which ultimately has all power over the Uni-
The Regents are neither a rubber-stamp for
-the administration nor a high-level policy
group unconcerned with what the student is
doing. They are instead eight citizens of the
-state of Michigan with a real care for quality
higher education, and in many cases with
strong interest in student life, academic and
extra-curricular. Their opinions on subjects
of interest to students often profoundly in-

fluence the student's campus life, unknown to
On Page 6 of this morning's paper, The
Daily is publishing statements by each of the
four Regental candidates, setting forth their
views on matters of University (and student)
concern. We urge each student eligible to vote
in this election to study their statements care-
fully and cast well-informed votes; no other
election is of such immediate concern to a
student here. Those who are not yet 21 should
acquaint themselves with the personsrespon-
sible for running the University and tell their
parents or friends to vote.
City Editor

Arab Club Calls Letter 'Personal Opinion'


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JUST INQUIRING . .. by Michael Kraft
The SoutPand SLEEP

TRADITION must actually be a strong force
at the University since the official calendar
and even the students are ignoring current
climatic conditions to call the forthcoming
vacation "spring."
x The season itself has traditional character-
Isterics, among them, birds flying north and
at least a few students staggering south. This
provides a convenient, although admittedly far
fetched, excuse for a northerner to offer a few
long range observations about the lower part
of the nation.
They appear to have a rather incomprehen-
sible way of looking at things. For example,
there's a Miami, Florida woman, described by
the Associated Press as a "white-haired
matron" who was caught stealing. She stole
only public funds, explaining, "I helped Wilkie
when he ran for President. This country cer-
tainly owes me a bare living. I've seen billions
handed out to foreigners in the Halls of Con-
gress. There ought to be something for me."

concept that "the government which governs
least governs best."
FROM FRONT ROYAL, Va., comes a story on
Warren County High School. It once was
attended by 1,000 white students. The current
enrollment is 21, all Negro.
The white students are attending private,
make-shift and segregated classes in several
buildings scattered throughout the town.
Last year the student-teacher ratio was 27-1.
Now, with the white students boycotting the
school, it's 2.1 to 1.
Yet, white southerners still cling to the sep
arate but equal doctrine. A curious way to re-
tain a dominant position.
ANOTHER STRANGE attitude was expressed
in a recent letter to the Dean of Men's of-
fice. The Fort Lauderdale, Florida chief of
police writes that "in past years, many dis-
turbances and offenses against students grew
ouit of the nratie onf' students sleeping in auto-

To the Editor:
T HE ARAB Club of the Univer-
sity of Michigan would like to
point out that the analyses pre-
sented by I. Essaid in his letter of
last week are based on his own
personal views and do not neces-
sarily represent the views of other
Arab students on the campus.
Furthermore, the reaction of M.
Etman, A. Moshin, and S. Khairal-
lah to the above-mentioned letter,
in the letter of last Wednesday, is
based on their own impressions
and their own personal thinking
and do not, either, represent our
views and understandings.
-A. R. Ibrahim, Pres.
-K. Al-Komser
Iraq ..
To the Editor:
A BOUT the recent developments
in Iraq.
The last Shawaf's revolt was a
feudal one, instigated mainly by
sheiks and some wealthy people
who resented the agrarian re-
forms, supporters of the past Nuri
Assaid regime, some' extremists
and others who were misled and
directed by false propaganda.
Their plans were mean and de-
structive. Shawaf planned an at-

fought courageously with sticks
and stones. Shawaf, the butcher
was killed by his own men but his
radio station kept reiterating his
alleged victory until his agents lost
hope of misleading the people who
firmly believed in their govern-
A living example of such belief
was the honorable attitude of the
Iraqi students who unanimously
supported their government and
courageously denounced Shawaf
the moment they heard the news,
by sending the following telegram,
to Premier Kassem, which carried
their signatures: "The Iraqi stu-
dents at the University of Michi-
gan condemn the corrupted at-
tempt against our truly demo-
cratic government, demanding a
strong action against the corrupt
elements of the past and the
The long history of Iraq proves
that Iraqis are dedicated Arab
nationalists who never ceased to
be so even during the Nuri Assaid
regime. We may remember the
demonstrations, in which many
were killed by the government
forces, in Mosul, Najaf, and Kar-
bala, protesting Assaid's attitude
of indifference during the Suez in-

the Girl Scouts, an un-American
and presumably non-Hoff a organi-
zation which threatens to under-
mine the very existence of the
union movement by their sale of
non-union cookies. Mr. Phillips
should be heartily congratulated
on the courageous steps he had
taken to stem the tide of this
menacing movement.
Allow me to further suggest to
Mr. Phillips that if the present
tactics are not successful (as well
they might not be against such
a cunning foe) he might try to
organize the Girl Scouts into a
Hoffa Union. Admittedly, this
would not be easy, but it could be
accomplished by sending armed
union organizers to patrol the
streets on cookie sale night, and
to the various troop meetings. The
Campfire Girls could be organized
in the same manner. In this way,
not only could the sale of union
cookies and mints be assured, but
the proceeds from such sales
could be turned over to the Team-
sters' Welfare Fund so that every-
one may benefit from them.
-Douglas E. Miller, '62
G;argoyle . .

outside of that gained by its sinful
Such a magazine can have a
ruinous affect on any University's
reputation. We sincerely hope that
The Daily will publish this letter,
to inform people that all students
on the University do not gain en-
joyment from "publications" such
as "Gargoyle."
-Charles Lichtigman
-Larry Jones
-Charles P. Martens

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form tb
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices forSunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1959
VOL. XIX, NO. 128
General Notices
Applications for the Detroit Armen-
ian Women's Club Scholarship Award
are available at the Scholarship Office,
(Continued on Page 5)


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