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March 26, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-26

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom





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.. . executive vice-president

... treasurer

SGC Picks Gregg President;
Also Elects Hardee, Zook
Student Government Council elected Ron Gregg, '60, as president
last night.
The Council also chose Jo Hardee, '60, and Phil Zook, '60, for the
posts of executive and administrative vice-presidents respectively.
John Feldkamp, '61, was elected treasurer of the Council.
The terms of office will run until after the next SGC election.
Old Members Retire
The new officers replaced retired Council President Maynard
Goldman, '59, and Mort Wise, '59, executive vice-president, whose SGC
careers were closed at last night's meeting. John Gerber, Interfraternity
GCouncil president, also ended his

Iraq Aid
LONDON (R) - Britain is still
willing to sell arms to Iraq despite
Premier Abdel Karim Kassem's
decision to pull his country out of
the anti - Communist Baghdad
A foreign office spokesman an-
nounced this yesterday as diplo-
mats studied signs that Kassem
still wants good relations with the
Western powers.
The British view seemed to be
that Kassem finally went through
the formality of withdrawing from
the role of inactive partner in the
alliance because of twin presures
from Iraqi Communists and Pres-
ident Gamal Abdel Nasser's Arab
Assails Pact
Moscow has bitterly assailed the
alliance since its formation in
1955 as an aggressive grouping
that threatened Middle East peace.
Nasser has attacked it as an im-
perialistdevice to split off Middle
East states from his movement of
Arab nationalism.
Now the Arab Communists and
Arab nationalists are waging a
word war, each accusing the other
of trying to dominate Iraq where
British and Western c'pital has
a big stake in the oil fields.
Iraq's withdrawal from the pact
means it no longer is entitled to
military help from the other mem-
bers - Britain, Iran, Turkey and
Pakistan - in case it is attacked.
Resume Sales
It was disclosed last week, how-
ever, that Britain was ready to re-
sume arms sales to Iraq that were
interrupted after Kassem's revolu-
tion last July overthrew the pro-
Western monarchy and govern-
The foreign office spokesman
said the government policy has not
been changed by Iraq's with-
drawal. The policy, he said, is to
fulfill commitments made before
the revolution and to consider
sympathetically any further re-
British informants said there
were indications of good will from
Kassem toward the West. Iraqi
authorities have given assurance
that Britain will not be ejected
immediately from its Habbaniyah
air base west of Baghdad.
Creal Replies
To Charges
From Lichty
Cecil O. Creal, Aepublican can-
didate for mayor,'last night an-
swered criticism by Dr. Dorman E.
Lichty, chairman of a Citizens'
Committee supporting Democratic
mayoral candidate Lloyd M. Ives.
"I am strongly attached to the
University," Creal said. "My wife
and myself are graduates of the
class of 1924, and both my sons
are graduates too."
He quoted a letter to him from
the late Shirley W. Smith, vice-
president and secretary of the
University from 1930 to 1945.
"I became your admiring friend,"
the letter says, "when I was for
four years a member of the City
Council while you were its presi-
dent. You were invariably clear-
headed and fair."
Lichty, criticizing Creal's recent:
trip to Lansing, had said that1
"during his eight years as City
Council President this man was

in a position to give real aid to
the University, but he did nothing'
except complain. about professors
mingling in city affairs."

Views Talks
LONDON () ) - Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan confidently
told Parliament yesterday every-
body seems to think there will be
summit talks with the Soviet
Union this summer.
Macmillan was reporting in the
House of Cmmons on his talks in
Washington with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower. But in
Washington President Eisenhower
told his news conference the sum-
mit parley still depends on prog-
ress made by an East-West for-
eign ministers meeting.
Macmillan returned Tuesday
from Washington. He has been
to Moscow, Paris, Bonn, Ottawa
and Washington inside a month.
The 65-year-old prime minister
was asked by opposition Labor
party leader Hugh Gaitskell if the
Allies have agreed definitely to
meet Soviet Premier N i k i t a
Khrushchev at the summit re-
gardless of the outcome of next
month's projected foreign min-
isters conference.-,
Macmillan replied cautiously
but appeared to satisfy Gaitskell,.
who has long pressed for a meet-
ing at the summit.
"I think I ought not to say
anything in detail before the pre-
sentation of the joint (Allied)
note to the Soviet government,"
said Macmillan.
SoVlet Radio
Doubts West
LONDON (AP) - Radio Moscow
contended yesterday that Western
circles - mainly American - are
preparing to back out on the sum-
mit conference idea.
The contention was in an Eng-
lish-language commentary on the
Eisenhower-Macmillan talks.
"Although no official communi-
que followed the talks in Washing-
ton," the broadcast said, "news-
men almost unanimously under-
scored that United States and
British leaders were ready to go
to a top level conference regard-
less of the outcome of a foreign
ministers meeting.
"Today United States officials
warned that convening of a top
level conference should not be con-
sidered as something already set-

a , ,

Nuclear Tests Cause
High Radiation Sheet'
WASHINGTON () - The sheet of radiation produced by last
fall's high altitude United States nuclear explosions was about 100
miles thick and soared to altitudes as high as 4,000 miles above
the earth.
This was reported at the White House yesterday by Defense De-
partment and International Geophysical Year scientists. They de-
clared the scientific aspects of the experiments are regarded by
many participants as "one of the major achievements" of the IGY.
The scientists said some of the electrons emitted at the time of
the test might still be circulating at extremely high altitudes, al-
though virtually all the radiation'

Cost of Living Declines
WASHINGTON (M)-Food prices resumed a gradual decline in
February and the nation's living costs came down one-tenth of one
per cent.
The government reported yesterday that practically every spending
category except food went up, but not enough to offset the food decline.
The result was that the Labor department living cost index edged
down in February to 123.7 per cent of the 1947-49 base.
This was still the highest February on record. Living costs were
one per cent higher than a year ago and only a notch below last

Ike Says Khrushche

Judges Select
.Six Finalists
For Skit Night.
Last night six pairs of housing
groups won the right to compete
in Skit Night during Spring Week-
end, according to Susan Brace,
'60. co-chairman of the Skit Night
Those qualifying are Kappa
Delta and Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa
Kappa Gamma and Delta Tau
Delta, Geddes cooperative house
and Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma
Delta Tau and Phi Epsilon Pi,
Gamma Phi Beta and Phi Psi, and
Kappa Alpha Theta and Zeta Beta
Skit Night will be held April 25,
Miss Brace said. The event is held
once every other spring as part
of Spring Weekend.
House Refuses
Senate Pay Bill
ate voted yesterday to be some-
what more liberal. than the House
in extending special federal aid
for payments to the jobless for
another three months.
But the House refused to ac-
cepc the Senate version, and the
possibility developed that neith-
er the House nor the Senate plan
could go into effect.
The Senate conferees promptly
agreed to accept the House-
passed bill that sent the whole
issue back to the Senate for an-
other vote. '
Both House and Senate mem-

-November's record. Ewan Clague,
Labor Department statistics com-
missioner, forecast that living
costs will stay pretty much- the
same during early spring but will
tend to move up during the sum-
"During the next month or two
I don't look for much change,"
Clague said. "After that, it will
depend on the strength of the
seasonal rise in food prices."
Tends To Rise
Clague said in reply to questions
that the living cost index has
historically tended to rise as pro-
duction and employment expand
after a recession, and more buyers
bid for consumer items. He said
this inflationary tendency is not
likely to happen, in his opinion,
until next year.
Foods as a group dropped seven-
tenths of one per cent in February,
resuming a decline that had ex-
tended five months before being
interrupted in January. Foods are
three per cent below their peak
last July.
Fuels Up
Prices for housing and most
fuels were up in February, as were
medical care, gasoline, and such
assorted items as toilet goods,
haircuts, household appliances, TV
sets, radios and movie admissions.
In the months ahead prices for
fruits and vegetables can be ex-
pected to rise. Clague said they
may not increase as much as in
the past few years and increases
may be tempered in the cost of
living totals by still lower prices
for meat and other items like
automobiles. Auto dealers are sea-
sonally granting larger discounts,
although not so large as last yepr.
Frteze Fire

year of membership on the Coun-
Gregg was nominated by Bobbie
Maier, '59, League president. He
was opposed by Miss Hardee, who
was nominated by Bob Ashton, '59,
Inter-House Council president.
In his speech, Gregg said that
the Council must attempt to co-
operate with the faculty aid ad-
ministration, but also must have a
mind of its own so that the "stu-
dents can be conscience of the
University, making it practice
what it preaches."
Nominated Again
Miss Hardee, who was nomi-
nated again by Ashton for execu-
tive vice-president, said that clari-
fication of the SGC plan "really
opens up a chance to accomplish
some creative things."
The new officers joined in their
desire to make the Council a place
where members would listen to
differing arguments and come to
independent careful decisions on
the bisis of the merits of the case
Send Representatives
In other action the Council also
voted to send five representatives
to the Michigan Regional Con-
ference of the National Students
Association to be held at Wayne
State University April 10 to 12.
Representatives to the regional
conference will be Patricia Back-
man, '62, NSA coordinator; Jo
Hardee, '60, SGC executive vice-
president; Konrad King, '62, and
Ahmed Belkhodja, Grad. The
chairman of the International
Committee of the Union will also
be included in the group.



belt has long since disappeared.
Compares Intensity
Dr. Herbert York, research and
engineeringrdirectorof the De-
fense Department, said the ra-
diation produced by the explo-
sion of the high altitude bombs
was comparable in intensity with
that of the natural Van Allen ra-
diation belts in space.
The Van Allen radiation -
named for their discoverer, Dr.
James A. Van Allen at the Uni-
versity of Iowa'- exists in two
doughnut shape belts at extreme
altitudes above the earth. It is
considered a potential hazard to
future space flight unless practi-
cal means are found to circum-
vent it.
The scientists held a'news con-
ference and released a prepared
formal report on scientific aspects
of the tests. The statement was
prepared under the direction' of
President Dwight D. Itisenhower's
Science Advisory Committee and
the IGY Committee of the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences.
Cites Benefits
The report said that among the
scientific benefits of the test was
that they provided a sound basis
for interpreting the natural or
Van Allen radiation track around
the earth.
Neither the formal report nor
the statements by York and Dr.
Hugh O'Dishaw of the IGY com-
mittee went into military aspects
of the high altitude nuclear shots.
And York flatly refused to discuss
The report said the experiment
had confirmed previous computa-
tions of the earth's magnetic field
into space which were based on
measurements made from the
"The experiment," the report
said, "has made it possible to pre-
dict the shape and intensity of
the earth's (magnetic) field with
considerable accuracy out to dis-
tances of the order of several
earth's radii."



World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union declgred last night it will take
steps to protect its southern frontiers in the face of new United States
bilateral military pacts in the area.
The pacts with Turkey, Iran and Pakistan were assailed in a
official government statement. The Kremlin called them a hostile
act toward the Soviet Union.
"Ruling circles of the U.S. are acting in this particular case in
the dubious role of an international gendarme against the peoples
" of eastern countries," said a Ra-
-dio Moscow summary of the
H ous e statement. ,
.. WASHINGTON (-) - The Sen-
ate Labor Committee yesterday
approved 13-2 a Democratic-
sponsored bill aimed at curbing
hoodlums and gangsters who have
infiltrated some labor unions.
The action left the bill substan-
tially unchanged from the way it
-:was introduced.
4 . *
PORT SAID, Egypt - Egyptian

Parikh Says
Answer Lies
In Socialism-

... Indian Socialist

Socialism is necessary for India
to industrialize, Dr. G. G. Parikh
said last night.
Private industry is unable to
meet the needs of a country which
is facing both rising population
and unemployment and still in-
crease its state of industrialization,
he said. Although the published
unemployment report only lists six
or seven million, he added, the
short term employment in the
rural areas increase this figure to
almost 60 million.
Dr. Parikh spoke on "Political'
Development in India: A Socialist
View" at a meeting of the Demo-
cratic Socialists Club.
The idea of socialism has be-
come "fashionable, respectable and
acceptable" to most Indians, he
continued. Unfortunately, he said,
many of the Indians are only sup-
porting the ideas of Socialism be-
cause of the great influence of
Nehru and not, because there is a
general understanding that social-
ism is needed for India.
Nehru finds himself in a very
strange position, Dr. Parikh noted.
He is supported in public by all
Congressmen but in principle by
very few. Most of the Congressmen
find that they can't criticize Nehru
because of his popularity with
most Indians, Dr. Parikh com-
Though many socialistic plans
are being put into effect in India,
he said, there is no organized plan'
behind them.
As an example he said that when
the life insurance companies were
nationalized, it was only to obtain
money for a five-year plan and not
as a start of a socialist economy.
Dr. Parikh commented that when
things are done in a haphazard
manner, such as this, they don't
work out properly.-,
Propose New 3
Security Plan
ators proposed yesterday creation
of an advisory council on nation-
al security to include former
presidents Harry S. Truman and

Claims Reds
Must Allow
Free Talks
Declares U.S. Won't
Allow Blackmail;
Asks Cooperation
WASHINGTON (A') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower told Nikita
Khrushchev in indirect but un-
mistakable terms yesterday that
the Soviet premier can't order,
bluff or blackmail him into ate.
tending a summit conference.
Khrushchev has been pushing
for one.
But in shaking a figurative fin-
ger under the Russian leader's
nose, President Eisenhower by no
means backtracked on a decision
of the Western Allies to try to
arrange such a ,chiefs of govern-
ment meeting this summer, after
a session of foreign ministers.
Acknowledges Authority
He acknowledged to a news
conference that only Khrushchev
"has the . . . authority really to
negotiate" for the Kremlin. Any-
one else, the President said, would
be "on the telephone all the time
with Moscow."
President Eisenhower went
along to a degree with the view
of British Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan that Khrushchev is
the man with whom to try to do
business on easing world tensions
and solving the Berlin crisis. He
said he thinks that:
"There is probably some valid-
ity to the argument that if you
are going-to talk really substan-
tive measures,' and hope to get
some agreement that can be valid
on both sides . . . he (Khrush-
chev) has\ got to get into the pc.
ture pretty well.
Can't Order Meeting
"But I want to make this very
clear. That this doesn't mean
that anyone can command any-
body else to come to a summit
meeting. And you can't bluff
them or blackmail them or any-
thing else."
It has to be a meeting, he said,
in which heads of government
act voluntarily and with some
grounds for believing "that real
measures can be discussed profit-
ably by all of us."
This was the first news con-
ference since President Eisen-.
hower's weekend discussions with
Macmillan about a summit con-
ference, Berlin, Germany and
European security.
De Gaulle Calls
Stop to Reds'
German Plans
PARIS (M-President Charles de
Gaulle yesterday voiced French
determination to resist Soviet
pressure on Berlin.
He warned that attempts to in-
terfere with Western passage to
the city might lead to war.
President de Gaulle lined up
behind President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and German Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer for a tough
Allied stand in negotiations on
Germany and a summit confer-
ence. He made no mention of
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan,
who takes a more flexible position
on East-West talks.
The president spoke to about 650
correspondents in the ornate re-
ception room of the Elysee Palace.
He ran through an opening state-

ment and answered a half-dozen
De Gaulle made this main point:
France conceivably could rejoice
over the crisis concerning Ger-
many but "this is not our policy
France and Germany have
decided to cooperate. On this
point, the choice of Chancellor
Adenauer coincides with ours."

Candidates' Open

authorities yesterday detained the
7,233-ton Greek freighter Nicolas
Kairis as it sought to enter the
Suez canal with cargo from Israel.
Israeli sources in Haifa said
Tuesday the ship would test the
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