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March 21, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-21

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Board Accepts $177,303 Total
In Gifts, Bequests to University
~ ~ ~

Regents Approve rFive Ap1
Five faculty appointments were a
approved by the Regents at their
meeting yesterday..

Foundation in Chicago, has made
a grant of $14,308.99 for use by
the Medical School.
Accept Subscriptions
Three yearly subscriptions to the
Industry Program of the engineer-
ing college were accepted. The
three subscribers, each of whom
paid $5,000 were: General Motors
Corporation, Detroit (to be the
first of three annual subscrip-
tions); Kelsey-Hayes Company,
and Whirlpool Corporation, St.
Joseph, Mich.
There were two grants totaling
$9,250 to support research on tire
dynamics and its relationship to
automotive suspension systems.
The donors were: B. F. Goodrich
Company, Akron, 0., $7,250 and
General Tire & Rubber Co., also
of Akron, $2,000.
A fund to be used to modernize
the ship model testing laboratory
of the naval architecture and mar-
ine engineering department has
been established with a grant of.
$5,000 from Great Lakes Engineer-
ing Works, River Rouge, Mich.
From Sterling-Winthrop Re-I
search Institute (Sterling Drug
Inc.) Rensselaer, N.Y., the Regents
accepted $5,000 to continue anal-
gesic pharmacology research under
the direction of Prof. Maurice
Seevers, chairman of the pharma-
cology department.
Council Gives
American Council of Learned
Societies, New York, N.Y. has given
$4,500 as a contribution towards
the University's costs in maintain-
ing a Linguistic Institute during
the summer session of 1959.
An unrestricted grant-in-aid of
$4,000 to the University's chemical
and metallurgical engineering de-
partment was accepted from Her-
cules Powder Company, Inc., Wil-
mington, Del.
From Tufts University the Re-
gents accepted $3,053.38 to estab-
lish the Sqiubb Organ Transplan-
tation Fund. This represents the
unexpended balance in a research
fund under the direction of Dr.
Charles G. Child while he was at
Tufts. The transfer was made at
the request of C. R. Squibb &
Sons so that the money may be
used by Prof. Child, chairman of
the University's surgery depart-
Receives Fellowship Money
Continental Oil Compan, Hou-
ston, Texas, has given a total of
$3,000 with $2,200 for a fellowship
in marketing research and $800
for the Business Administration
Special Fund.
The Regents accepted $2,500
from Sinclair Research Laborator-
ies,, Inc., Harvey, Ill., for a fellow-
ship in chemical engineering.
Minnesota Mining and Manufac-
turing Company, St. Paul, Minn.,

has made a grant of $2,000 for a
graduate research fellowship in
Mrs. Wesley 0. Jennings, Kala-
mazoo, Mich. has given $2,000 for
the Dr. Wesley Jennings Memorial
Loan Fund which is to be used
to help medical students.
Gives $1,800
Michigan Bell Telephone Com-
pany, Detroit, has given $1,800 for
the inservice training program for
high school physics teachers.
United Cerebral Palsy Associa-
tion of Washtenaw County, Inc.,
Ann Arbor, has given $1,250 repre-
senting the second half of a $2,500
grant to help establish a Cerebral
Palsy Diagnostic Clinic at the
Medical Center.
Three insurance companies have
given a total of $1,275 for the
Actuarial Science Program which
is designed to expand the number
of graduate students training in
actuarial science. The donors
were: John Hancock Mutual Life
Insurance Company, Boston, Mass.,
$1,000; Central Life Assurance
Company, Des Moines, Iowa, $200;
and Washington National Insur-
ance Company, Evanston, Ill., $75.
Fellowship Given
From the Cranbrook Foundation,
Bloomfield Hills, Mich. the Regents
accepted $1,200 for the George G.
Booth Traveling Fellowship in
The Regents accepted $1,000
from Vincent P. Adley, administra-
tor of the estate of Sara Adelaide
A. Gutchess, Bridgeport, Conn.,
which she gave in "memory of R.
D. Gutchess, 1908-'10, to be used
as seems best for the comfort and
well being of Michigan's pupils."
An anonymous donor has given
$1,000 for the general research
fund of the Institute for Social Re-
From the St. Clair County Can-
cer Society, Port Huron, Mich., the
Regents accepted $1,000 for the
University's Cancer Research In-
TO Discuss
A University program will dis-
cuss the problems of remarriage
on television today.
The program, one of the popu-
lar "Marriage" series, can be seen
at 8:30 a.m. on WXYZ-TV (Ch. 7,
i Detroit). The problems will be
dramatized by vignettes and will
be analyzed by Professor Jessie
Bernard, author of Remarriage
and chairman of the Sociology De-
partment at Pennsylvania State

Three professors were appointed
to the faculty of the literary col-
lege. Albert Heins, currently a pro-
fessor at Carnegie Institute of
Technology will assume the posi-
tion of professor of mathematics.
Netherlands visiting professor
for the 1959-1960 year will be
Herman Zanstra, professor of as-
tronomy and director of the As-
tronomical Institute of the Uni-
versity of Amsterdam. Ladislav
Matejka, research assistant in the
Harvard University Computation
Laboratory, has been appointed
assistant professor of mathemat-
Attends M.I.T.
Prof. Heins received his three
degrees, (Bachelor of Science,
Master of Science and Doctor of
Philosophy) at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He was
appointed instructor and later as-
sistant professor in mathematics
at Purdue University. He returned
to M.I.T. as a research associate
and was appointed associate pro-
fessor of mathematics at Carnegie
Institute of Technology in 1946
and promoted to professor in,1951.
His special field of interest is
applied mathematics. He has
worked mostly in problems of
electromagnetic radiataion and
An honors graduate from the
Institute of Technology at Delft
as a chemical engineer, Prof.
Zanstra remained there as an as-
sistant in industrial chemistry.
Then he taught physics at the
Hogere school in Delft.
Receives Doctorate
He came to the United States
to receive a Doctor of Philosophy
degree in theoretical physics from
the University of Minnesota. As a
National Research Fellow he spent
time at the University of Chica-
go, the University of Hamburg
and the California Institute of
Prof. Zanstra has taught at the
I University of Washington, Oxford
University and the Imperial Col-
lege in London. He has been a re-
search associate with observatories
in British Columbia, South Africa
and at the University Observatory
at Oxford. He has an international
reputation in the field of solar as-
Prof. Mateka, receiving his
doctorate in Charles University in
Prague, held the position of editor
of the cultural section of the Li-
dove Noviny, a Czech daily news-
paper. Shortly after receiving his
degree, her escaped from Czecho-
slovakia and went to Sweden.
He was appointed lecturer in
LundUniversity, a position he
held until he came to the United
States. Dr. Matejka was appoint-
ed in 1956 to carry on research
work at Harvard University on
the description and analysis of
contemporary standard Russian.
He will teach courses in Slavic
Tchaikows ky
Ends Series
Andre Tchaikowsky, a. young
Polish pianist, will make his first
Ann Arbor appearance in the final
concert of the University's Choral
Union Series at 8:30 p.m. Monday
in Hill Auditorium.
The first half of the concert will
be devoted to Mozart's "Fantasis
and Sonata in M minor"; the
second half, to "Twenty-Four Pre-
ludes, Op. 28" by Chopin.
The later presentation is a rare
musical treat, as all 24 preludes are
seldom performed at one time.
Only twice in the 80 years of
Choral Union concerts have they
been played intheir entirety.
Tchaikowsky himself made his
United States debut last season

with the New York Philharmonic.
He was born in Warsaw, and
at~ the age of nine, won entrance
to the State School of Music in
Lodz. In 1948, the young performer,
now only 21 years of age, was sent
to the National Conservatory in
Paris; under government backing.
There he studied with Lazar Levy
and, in 1950, won the first medal
of the Conservatory. -
He then returned to Poland
where he continued his studies of
piano, making his public debut at
the Chopin competition in War-
saw in 1955, where he was one of
the prize winners. In June, 1956,
he entered the famous Queen.
Elizabeth competition in Brussels,
and again was a winner.
The pianist is currently working
on a concerto, and is appearing in
Chicago with the orchestra in con-
cert and recital.

l . : " ? t ;; };:;k .. z it

teaching and research in the field
of public health, Dr. Vlado A..
Getting of the public health school
Dr. Howell received his M.D.
from the University's Medical
School. He has been director of
preventive psychiatry at the La-
fayette Clinic in Detroit and as-
sociate professor of psychiatry at
Wayne State University.
Among his professional activi-
ties he is a fellow of the American
Psychiatric Association and serves
on the A.P.A.'s Committee on
Preventive Psychiatry.
On Committees
He is on committees of the
Michigan State Department of
Mental Health and National As-
sociation for Mental Health. Dr.
Howell is also a consultant for the
National Institute of Mental
Eugene Litwak will be associate
professor of social welfare re-
search in the School of Social
Work. Obtaining his Bachelor of
Arts degree from Wayne State
University, Prof. Litwak received
his Ph.D. from Columbia Univer-
He has been a research associate
at the Housing Research Center
of Cornell University and assist-
ant director of the Family Study
Center and instructor in the so-
ciology department at the Uni-
versity of Chicago.
In 1955 he was consultant on a
public housing project for the So-
cial Science Research Center of
the University of Puerto Rico. In
1956 he joined the faculty of
Columbia University's sociology
department as an instructor. He
was made assistant professor and
departmental representative in



. . ..associate professor
linguistics and in Russian lan-
guage and literature. If demand
develops, he may offer courses in
Czech language and literature.
Dr. Roger W. Howell has been
appointed associate professor of
public health administration
administration (mental health).
He will be the first full time psy-
chiatrist in the public health
school in that school's history.
Advances Research
The appointment is a step to-
ward advancing mental health
Wain" Talks
On Bridge_.s,
Other Poets
"In his isolation ,Hopkins re-
fought the whole idea of poetics,"
John Wain said today in his lec-
ture on "Gerard Manley Hopkins:
An Idiom of Desperation."
This lecture was the last of a
series of seminars and readings
which Wain has given during his
week-long stay at the University.
R "Hopkins was not an inno-
vator," Wain said, "although he
spent his life achieving tremen-
dous things," which were not dis-
covered and accredited to him un-
til twenty years after his death.
The poets for the past 100 years,
Wain continued, can be divided
into two classes. First there are
the "modern" writers, who with-
draw from society, concern them-
selves with "ultimate realities,",
and restrict their communication
to the individual reader. Eliot is
an example of this type of poet,
he said.
The other group involves itself
with industrial society, and writes
in a prose-like style directed to a
mass audience. Auden writes in
this manner, Wain added.
Bridges, who was a good friend
an dcorrespondent to Hopkins,
was also an example of the latter
type of poet. He is a good parallel
to Hopkins himself, who was a
solitary writer, with "no delings
with the, mid-19th century, ex-
cept that he drew breath in it,"
according to Wain.
Hopkins created, oultof this lack
of contact with the world, "an
idiom of solitude, of neglect, if not
of desperation, which shows none
of the Victorian pressures," Waih
Hopkins was one of the first
poets, Wain added, to create the
theory of a poem as an object,
complete in itself, created spon-
taneously, and "short' enough to
be apprehended instantaneously."
Lawyer Cites,
Anti-Trust Law
National defense and security
could be jeopardized by changes
in the anti-trust law's enforce-
ment, Gilbert H. Montague, New
York attorney and former mem-
ber of the Attorney Generas Na-
tional Committee to study.: the
anti-trust laws, said recently at
the lawyer's club.
"The attorney general may seek
to push the courts into accepting
a brand new interpretation of the
anti-trust law, under which the
United States and its allies may
sometime be precluded from ob-
taining from some great American
corporation the equipment needed
for defense and survival," he de-
However, he added, the ma-

jority of Justices of the Supreme
Court and lower federal courts
will consider the national defense
as a relevant defense in an anti-
trust suit.




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Cte Causes
Of 'Unrest'
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sixth
In a series that will explore the ex-
tent and character of retention,
transfer and withdrawal of students
from colleges and universities. It Is
based on a report released by he
Office of Education of the United
States Department of Health, Edca-
tion and welfare.)
The major cause for student
transfers from one institution to
another was summed up in the ex-
pression, ."I was generally dissat-
Questionnaires which each stu-
dent participating in the survey
filled out had check lists of rea-
sons for which students 1rans-
ferred, but "dissatisfaction' was
the one cause singled out by the
great majority of the students.
Dissatisfaction was highest
among students who transferred
from technological institutions
and second highest among trans-
fers from teachers colleges. The
second group was closely followed
by the third class of dissatasfied
students, those transferring from
Interest changes
Second most important reason
for transfer was change in cur-
ricular interest. This reason
seemed far more important in
technlological institutions than in
other types, the report -stated.
The reasoning behind this find-
ing is that "curricular offerings
are generally rather restricted in
technological institutions, and a
student whose interest changed
would be less likely to find the
curriculum fitting his new interest
within the same school."
Low grades as a reason for
transfer from one institution to
another was apparently of ittle
importance in liberal arts col-
leges or teachers colleges. It
ranked sixth in a list of 10 rea-
sons, and was of significantly
greater importance as a cause for
transfer from universities.
Students Undecided
Percentages of students who
transferred from each of the dif-
ferent types of institutions covered
by the survey indicated that stu-
dents who enrolled in teachers
colleges and technological institu-
tions understood more clearly
what they wanted than did those
who enrolled in universities or
liberal arts colleges.
The former two types of schools
lost 7.5 per cent and 8.6 per cent,
respectively, by transfer. Univer-
sities lost 9.3 per cent and liberal
arts colleges lost 13.4 per cent.
Transfers occur with the great-
est frequenby during' the first two
years, the report stated. Nearly 40
per cent of all transfers occur
during or at the, end of the firt;
year, and more than 83 per cent
of the total have occurred by the
end of the second year.
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' iUnbelievale Low Cost



Normon Cousins, E ifer,
Sotvrday Review
Produced andEdoced o y EROMSSE uE

Continuous Today from 1 o'clock

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