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March 21, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-21

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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L. LXIX, No. 123





Ref ses

To Seat




Exceeds Budget,
Falsifies Account
Chrysler Abstains in 17-0 Decision,
Threatens To Call Board in Review
Student Government Council yesterday refused to seat a newly-
elected member, Mike Fishman, '60.
By a 17-0 vote, Fishman was found to have violated the rule that
election expenditures cannot total more than $25 and that he had
falsified his expense account.
Scott Chrysler, '59BAd., who spoke vigorously in Fishman's de-
fense, abstained. After the vote, Chrysler said, "I plan to appeal this




















Study Plan
Student Government Counci
established a unilateral student ex-
change program with the Univer-
sity of Delhi, India at its meeting
yesterday. .
The motion for the exchange
estimated to cost approximately
$2,000, was designated for the
1959-60 school year contingent
upon financial assistance. Al-
though the Council has no guar-
antee of funds from outside or-
ganizations, monetary, aid i
expected from "interested groups.
~ Reveal Surplus
Ron Gregg, '60, treasurer, said
the Council will have a surplus of
$2,000 in its treasury at the end
of this year, which could be used
for the program if the memberq
so desire.
A motion to re-establish the bi-
lateral exchange program with th
Free University of Berlin was de-
f eated.
The Council also passed a mo-
tion to establish a tri-partite co-
ordinating committee to study and
possibly alter the- freshman orien-
tation program.
To be composed of three stu-
dents, three faculty members and
two administrators, the committe
- will "study the problem and get
thing under way," according tc
Al Haber, '60, who made the mo-
Calls 'Haphazard'
Calling the preseht freshman
orientation .program a "haphazard
affair 'carried on to some, degre
by various campus organizations,"
he said the new committee would
"look into the problem in toto'
and make recommendations tc
groups concerned with orientation
Defeated, by the Council' was ,
motion submitted by Roger Sea-
sonweln, '61, to recommend that
j Panhellenic and Assembly if they
so desired, investigate a possible
fall rush for upperclass, sopho-
more and second semester women.
Labels 'Silly'
Speaking against the motion.
Daily- 'editor Richard Taub, '59,
called the motion "dilatory. and
silly" because it recommended that
organizations "do what th'ey
The appointment of Patricia
Backman, '62, as University Na-
tional Studepts Association Co-
ordinator was announced by Carol
Holland, '60, National and Inter-
national Affairs Committee chair-
' man.

" to the Board in Review." The ac-
tion left ,the Council with a one-
semester seat vacant.
The Council's action came in
response to the election report of
the Credentials Committee, pre-
sented by Mort Wise, '59, SGC
executive vice-president.
Cite Violation
The committee's statement ex-
plained that Fishman had been in
"flagrant violation" of SGC elec-
tion rules.
Wise said Fishman had actually
spent $29.87 in his campaign.
John Gerber, '59, Interfraternity
Council president, moved, "just to
facilitate consideration of the
y problem," that Fishman's name
be added to the list submitted for
t seating.
It was this motion that was de-
- feated.
Explains Case
s Speaking to the Council, Fish-
" man said he interpreted the $25
rule as being a general expense
limit to insure that no candidate
Student Government Council
- will consider three alternative
e methods of filling the one-
- semester Council seat vacated
by the disqualification of Mike
- Fishman, '60, at a special meet-
- ing today.
1) A new election can be
- held.
2) The Council may appoint
- a new member.
3) The votes from the pre-
e vious election caik be recounted,
t and those held by Fishman re-
r distributed. The highest cndi-
date can then be elected.
n would, gain an unfair advantage,
over the others by expensive pub-
d licity, rather than a rigid figure.
"I don't think that I gained
such an advantage," he said.
Fishman further said that when
he discovered he had gone over
i the expense limit, he asked a pres-
ent member of the Council, whose
identity he declined to reveal,
t what to do.
This member, Fishman said,
told him informally to forget it
and just put $25 down on his
expense account.

'U' Urge
For Crisis
The University favors using the
Veterans . Trust Fund to relieve
the current state cash crisis and
insure pay to the faculty rather
than for financing additional
building, a University vice-
president said yesterday.
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said
salaries are the University's first
concern. The state, which finances
University paychecks, will be
broke May 1 unless it finds an im-
mediate source of revenue.
Explains Appropriations
Niehuss added that to use the
$50 million fund for a statewide
capital outlay program would,
"spread the funds mighty thin."
University President Harlan
Hatcher said the University favors
any revenue proposal which will
provide cash for the University.
The state, which currently owes
the University $6.8 million in back
funds, has promised the Univer-
sity a monthly payment about
April 1, Vice-President in Charge
of Business and Finance Wilbur
K. Pierpont told the Regents yes-
Any payment after that rests,
on finding a solution to the state's
cash shortage, he said.
"The State has been as helpful
as they can be without any cash,"
he added. He said the University
has enough cash on hand to meet
its March payroll; but still owes
funds to its creditors.
Adopt Resolution
The Regents adopted a resolu-
tion at their meeting favoring any
solution to the state financial.
crisis that will provide cash to,
avoid payless paydays at the Uni-
Their action supported the reso-
lution previously adopted by the
State Association of Governing-
Boards Feb. 16 which also called
for new state taxes to insure
smooth functioning of state fi-
nances in the future and a bond-
ing program to finance state
building needs.

Macmillan, Ike Affirm
Position in Berlin Issue
GETTYSBURG (P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Britain's
Prime Minister Iarold Macmillan yesterday reaffirmed their joint
determination to stand firm against Soviet threats to West Berlin.
Informants said the discussion was carried on in a most cordial
Views Differ
The differing views on a summit conference appeared to dominate
their first meeting. Diplomats seemed confident, however, the two men
would et hammer out a compromise formula on the summit issue.
TMacmillan was reported urging a

,, rr
.:: '!Y i o .

stands firm in crisis
Tass C ites
Red Shakeup
LONDON (P) - Tass yesterday
announced the demotion of Depu-
ty Premier Joseph Kuzmin in a
shakeup of Russia's topt planning
body, the State Planning Commis-
Kuzmin's job as chairman of
the commission, called Gosplan, is
taken over by another deputy
premier, 55-year-old Alexei Kosy-
gin, Tass said.
Kuzmin had been Gosplan
chairman and deputy premier
since May 4, 1957.
He loses his post as deputy pre-
mier and drops back to ministerial
rank as chairman of the state sci-
entific and economic council.
Kosygin became a deputy pre-
mier Dec. 21, 1953. Before that he
had been finance minister, head
of the ministry of textiles and
light industry and a member of
the Politburo under Stalin.
On' Christmas Day in 1956 he
was appointed Deputy Chairman
of the State Economic Commission
and in July the following year
became an alternate member of
the Communist Party's Presidium,
formerly the Politburo.

Big Four summit session as quickly
as possible to avert the threat of
war over Russia's demand for an
end to four-power control of Ber-
His talks in Moscow with Rus-
sian Premier Nikita Khrushchev
three weeks ago are understood to
have convinced Macmillan that
only at such a high level would,
the Soviets make the kind of con-
cessions necessary to ease war
Attitude Cautions
In keeping with his cautious at-
titude toward summit conferences,
President Eisenhower was reported
to believe an unconditional offer to
meet with Khrushchev might en-
courage the Soviets to downgrade
the importance of a prior foreign;
ministers' meeting.
Any Camp David compromise
formula will be discussed with
France, West Germany and other
Allied nations.
To back up their decision to
stand firm in Berlin, Deputy Sec-
retary of Defense Donald Quarles
was asked to discuss with them
this morning military plans al-
ready drafted to protect the West-
ern sectors.
The two western leaders agreed
on this at a two-hour session that
opened their Maryland mountain-
top review of cold war issues they
hope to discuss with Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev.
Spokesmen Describe
Conference spokesmen de-
scribed their initial meeting as "a
free-for-all" discussion of Russian
pressure against Berlin and West
Germany, They refused to pro-
vide any details.
The talk, the first of a four-day
review, was carried on as the two
men sat relaxing in easy chairs in
a Gun-bathed room of the Presi-
dent's private mountain lodge at
Camp David, 65 miles from Wash-
ington, D. C.
Macmillan led off by giving
President Eisenhower a confiden-
tial report on his Kremlin talks
with Khrushchev three weeks ago,
as well as his talks last week with
France's President Charles de
Gaulle and West German Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer.
White House Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty wrapped even
this phase of the conference in of-
ficial secrecy despite a flurry of
questions by some 100 newsmen.

GOP Cites
For Debt
LANSING W)-Michigan Repub-
lican campaign strategists, hoping
to stir a protest vote against Dem-
ocrats April 6, said yesterday the
blame for the State's cash emer-
gency rests with Gov. G. Mennen
Going his party's executive and
campaign committee one better,
State Chairman Lawrence B. Lin-
demer "indicted" the governor in
a speech prepared for a GOP wom-
en's group last night.
The developments answered
Gov. Williams' remark Thursday
that "the Republican (legislators)
are rapidly making their party the
party of payless pay days, scrip
for school teachers, state insol-
vency and legislative irresponsi-
The GOP executive and cam-
paign committee adopted a resolu-
tion criticizing the Governor for
absenteeism, refusal to compro-
mise on cash emergency issues
and for playing politics with the
emergency. t
Sen. Frank Beadle of St. Clair,
GOP Senate majority leader, had
told the meeting, "Every move
made by the Governor has been
calculated to force an income tax
on the people."
"He refused to permit a sales
tax increase to go on 'the ballot
even for six months to pay off any
money borrowed to prevent a pay-
less pay day."
Lindemer said Gov. Williams
"must be hoping for a payless
pay day in order to blame the
Chinese Police
Ask for Kin
As War Starts
NEW DELHI W) - The Indian
press reported today that heavy
fighting has broken out in Tibet
over a Red China order for the
worshipped Dalai Lama to report
to local Chinese authoritiesi
They said the captive god-king
was ordered to visit the Chinese
occupation command without any
bodyguards, in Lhasa, the Tibetan
The reports went on to say that
what has happened to the 25-
year-old Dalai Lama is unknown
but they speculated he may have
been spirited away from his great
Potala Palace by either friends or

Hatcher said.
Includes University Men
Included in the delegation will
be Lyle M. Nelson, director of Uni-
versity relations; Prof. Horace W.
Dewey of the Slavic languages de-
partment; President Norman P.
Auburn of Akron University; Vice-
Chancellor F. Cyril James of Mc-
Gill University, Montreal; and
William C. Pine, scholarship pro-
gram director of the Ford Motor
Company Fund. Mrs. Hatcher will
accompany the president.
The delegation's proposed itin-
erary includes universities and
other academic institutions in
Moscow, Leningrad,. Kiev, Tash-
kent, Sverdlovsk, Tbilisi, Irkutsk
and Riga within the Soviet Union.
The mission is also planning stops
at Warsaw, Vienna, Helsinki and
thas Two Purposes
President Hatcher explained the
delegation hopes to accomplish
two purposes:
1) To keep alive exchange visits
for United States-Soviet coopera-
2) To investigate the humani-
ties and social sciences which
have been neglected recently in
favor of science.
Explain Interests
Prof. Dewey said he will par-
ticularly study the methods used
by the Soviets in teaching foreign
language. He explained they are
teaching English, German, French
and Chinese on a "massive scale
which has thrown some of us into
He explained the old Soviet lan-
guage system, which .teaches Eng-
lish to 2,500 students for every
American student taking Russian,
has been under criticism for its
stress on grammar rules and pho-
A new system is now evolving,
Prof. Dewey said, where more at-
tention is given to the spoken lan-
guage. He hopes to observe this
technique on a wide scale.
First To Observe
Pine will concentrate on the So-
viet scholarship program and the
effects of Soviet education on stu-
dents. President H a tcher e x-
plained this delegation will be the
first to see Soviet higher educa-
tion in action, since other mis-
sions have travelled; there during
the summer, thus making student
observation impossible.
Auburn will study Soviet exten-
sion and correspondence courses
which have recently been insti-
tuted to bring higher education to
more ,areas of the country, Presi-
dent Hatcher said.
James, who has had experience
in American, Canadian and Brit-
ish education, will concentrate his
study on administration and cur-
riculum planning.
Stllon Sale

April Trip Awaits
Russian Approval
Mission To Include Nelson, Dewey
From 'U'; Plans Three-Week Tour
University President Harlan Hatcher will head a six-man
educational delegation to the Soviet Union in mid-April to
study higher education in the humanities and social sciences,
it was announced yesterday.
The three-week tour of Soviet universities has the offi-
cial approval of the United States State Department, but
has not yet been approved by the Soviet government.
The trip, financed by a grant fromt the Ford Foundation,
will probably be the first United States mission to the Soviet
Union in ,1959, PresidentT

... to head


CrealPede Loyalty
To Present City Charter
Ce.cil O. Creal, Republican candidate for mayor of Ann Arbor, last
night pledged his loyalty to the city's present city-administrator
charter, while his opponent, Democrat Lloyd M. Ives, challenged this

iT 1
Nass er Tells
Khrush hev
Ttay Outait'
DAMASCUS, Syria AP) - Presi-
dent Gamal Nasser vowed yester-
day unityfaith and Arab nation-
alism will defeat communism in
the Middle East.
He called on the Kremlin to
stay out of the fight.
"We do not accept Premier
Nikita Khrushchev's protection of
Arab communists," the United
Arab Republic's chieftain told a
crowd of wildly cheering Syrians
in a balcony' speech.
"If 'Khrushchev says he defends
communism as a principle, we tell
him we do not regard this de-
fense as a principle but as inter-
fering in our affairs ..
"Khrushchev is free to do what-
ever he wants in his own country
and we, brethren, are also free in
our own.
"We reject subordination and
colpnialism because we fought
hard and gave many sacrf ices
and martyrs for our independence
we shall defend it to the last
drop of our blood."
Deficit Wanted
By Economist
To Add Jobs
WASHINGTON (A) - Harvard
economist Sumner Slichter said
yesterday the government should
plan a three billion dollar deficit
next fiscal year to create jobs,
while cutting all tariffs to check,
His unorthodoxtestimony jolt-
ed the Senate-House economic

Outlaws Force.
In Integra1io
WASHINGTON (-) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's adminis-
tration says it hopes that when
courts require the integration of
public schools "it will never be
necessary again to have to use
armed forces."
This statementof attitude was
given to a Senate judiciary sub-
committee yesterday by Atty. Gen.
William P. Rogers. He came under
some brisk southern fire, directed
by Sen. Sam J. Ervin (D-N. C.).
Sen. John Carroll (D-Colo.)
protested Rogers' refusal to em-
brace a plan for the Justice De-

loyalty. Creal came out against thee
sions oi.police, fire and other de-
Called Hampering
In a speech Thursday night, Ives
had said the commissions would
~be "wholly inconsistent with the
position of city administrators,"
hampering him in his work.
Ives had quoted public state-
ments made by Creal Jan. 19, 1955,
in support of them. In one of the
statements, Creal discussed the!
charter provision (section 5.17a)x
saying the City Council may set
these' up, commissions, which
would advise department heads,
Council and the city administra-
Will Keep Opinion
"I should like to have it publicly
known," Creal was quoted as say-
ing, "that while I was voted down
8 to 1 (in the charter writing
commission) on the proposal to

Senator Notes Effects of Higher Taxes

establishment of advisory commis-

Higher taxes do little to affect the industrial climate of Michigan,
State Sen. Lewis C. Christman (R-Ann Arbor) said last night.
Speaking at a debate on the state's financial problems, Sen.
Christman commented that other factors-labor supply, market dis-
tance-are much more important in decisions of industry to operate
He cited a report compiled for the Legislature from a poll of firms
operating both in Michigan and adjacent states which showed the
firms paid higher taxes here but still continued operation.
Brazer Questions Findings
Prof. Harvey E. Brazer of the economics department, a second
participant in the debate, questioned the findings' as only one-third
of the companies contacted responded and said probably only the
firms which paid lower taxes in other states would answer. Those
paying lower taxes here would not want to lead the Legislature into

- >--:.

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