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March 20, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-20

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"Surely You've Heard of Supply-and-Demand"

Sixty-Ninth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Emphasis on Methods
Weakens Nation's Teaching
W Y JOHNNY can't read might well be the the same number of credit hours one could take
fault of the teachers of American who are a course in philosophy or English-a bit harder,
qualified only to instruct, "See Skip run, Jane." perhaps, but somewhat more fundamental.
"To prepare University students for the higher Extracurricular Activities, Professional
positions in public school service; to promote Growth of the Teacher-the Secondary Curric-
the study of education as a science; to secure to ulum, School Plant Planning-all are listed as
teaching the rights, prerogatives, and advan- courses of study. Probably they do have some
tages of a profession; and to give a more nearly value to the teacher, but certainly not as under-
perfect unity to our state educational system by graduate courses.
bringing all public schools into close relation- Apparently schools of education are more
ship with the University." These are the aims concerned with methods, curriculum, and tech-
and objectives of the University School of niques than they are with the actual subject
Education as stated in the catalog. content. But of what use to the teacher are the
"techniques of communication" if one has
Yet In all this there is no mention of being nothing to teach?
proficient in a given subject. And all studentsn
wishing to secure a teacher's certificate are MEANWHILE America is losing many of its
required by law to take twenty hours of educa- M best potential teachers as serious students
tion, thus limiting the number of courses in refuse to waste time taking what are labeled
liberal arts prospective teachers can take in "Mickey Mouse" courses. Much material cov-
their" field of major interest. ered in these teacher training agencies is second
It has been suggested that teacher's certifi- nature to most people and can be picked up in
cates be awarded only after the prospective the practice teaching experience required by
teacher has graduated from a liberal arts state law. Teaching is a real challenge, but the
curriculum. This would insure school systems of "methods" courses demanded as prerequisites
getting teachers who are well versed in litera- for teaching certificates are discouraging.
ture, science, and the arts. Perhaps these agencies should be eliminated.
Or the student could be required to take only
SCHOOLS of education have been called mere the directed teaching. Or certification could be
training fields. When one reads the Univer- made a post graduate study. For if the teachers
sity catalog this appears to be only too true: of tomorrow are drawn only from those who
"Workshop: Human Relations in School and want to get out of taking language require-
Community. Planning instructional develop- ments, and other aspects of the arts and
ment in the human relations field. Learning sciences, the Johnnys of tomorrow will not be
how to meet problems of inter-group tensions smart enough to even write a book on why
and conflicts. Means of evaluating workship Johnny can't read.
procedures will be considered in appraising the -BEATA JORGENSON
actual techniques used in the workshop." For Associate City Editor
Study Now, Py Later-No Solution

'Petticoat Platoon'
Pretty Preposterous


Why Johnny Can't Vegetate

THE STATE Legislature, having given up in
its attempt to put any proposal on the April
6 ballot which might bail the state out of its
cash shortage, has turned to a loan proposal
to help students attend college. The plan, pro-
posed by Rep. Willard I. Bowerman, Jr., (R-
Lansing) would set up an independent authority
to guarantee bank loans to college students.
This authority would not use state funds, but
would be dependent on private contributions.
Students would get loans from banks and the
authority would guarantee that 80 per cent of
the loan would be repaid.
Rep. Bowerman said his plan is aimed at the
"late blossoming" high school student, the B or
C student from a low income family who cannot
now get a scholarship and for whom bank loans
are too expensive now because of bank stipula-
tions that both the student and his parent must
have life insurance.
TH E PLAN seems fine on the surface but the
question arises, as since state-supported
universities began: is every student entitled to
higher education? Rep. Bowerman's bill would
seem to favor intellectual mediocrity, for most
of the "late blossomers" will probably not
blossom at all.
His plan also compounds a pressing problem
of higher education today: the need for more
buildings and teachers to accommodate ever-
rising enrollments. If thousands of only fair
students who might not otherwise attend col-
lege are thrown 'upon the higher education
market, schools will be impossibly hard-pressed
to accommodate them.
Earlier in the year, Rep. Bowerman proposed
a plan whereby every student would pay $45

per semester to finance college building pro-
grams, payable after graduation. Bowerman's
new plan, which has already been approved by
the State House of Representatives, also makes
the college loan repayable after graduation.
Both proposals are based on the same as-
sumption: that the ex-student "in his pro-
ductive years" would be willing or able to repay
mountainous sums of money over the period
following graduation. But this is the, period
when money is scarce and the family grows.
A lifetime mortgage scheme may mean a college
education where otherwise impossible, yet there
is questionable wisdom in deferring payment
and considering it the panacea of higher educa-
CERTAIN objections to Rep. Bowerman's bill
have been raised locally. One University ad-
ministrator, familiar with a similar loan au-
thority plan in operation in Massachusetts, said
loans would probably have a much higher inter-
est rate than the University's loans, which
currently have a three per cent rate. There is
also an alternate possibility of private firms
donating the money, not to a state authority,
but directly to universities to be placed in their
loan funds. Thus any student able to satisfac-
torily complete one semester would be able to
continue his education, and the "never blos-
soming" student would not be thrust into the
crowded higher education scene.
If Rep. Bowerman's proposal is the only
alternative to no more additional loan funds, it
is better than nothing. The problems it could
create, however, would encourage research for
another solution.

To The Editor:
T AM WRITING in regard to that
most unfortunate young man
whose letter you published in last
Sunday's paper. I am sadly sure
that, despite its strong element
of pathos, the letter will receive,
not help and "answers," but a
deluge of unkind and unsympa-
thetic jibes. I know that many un-
feeling persons in the engineering
and medical schools will belittle
his 17 hour course load, and that
doctoral candidates will sneer at
his 4,000 words of reports.
I anticipate that men cramming
for their pre-lims will scoff at his
complaint of few leisure hours,
that they will say they have hardly
the time to scribble The Daily a
note, much less an autobiography.
I foresee that a few may even cast
doubt on his veracity, or his dili-
gence, or both, saying that he is
a lazy oaf who weeps because he
is forced to work every once in a
These things are not only cruel,
they are untrue. While I am not
personally acquainted with Junior
(for such must we call him by de-
fault), I am wholly convinced of
his honesty; indeed, he has prob-
ably grossly understated his case,
as befits the true Martyr. Thus
we must not abuse him; we must
rather seek to give him the help
he so desperately requires.
Therefore, I would like to make
a constructive suggestion, in the
implementation of which I will
need the assistance of what I am
confident is essentially a humane
society of students, vitally con-
cerned with succoring the unfor-
Since, as has been pointed out,
Junior is not lazy, and since, as
he himself has said, he is taking
but a normal course load, the
cause of his distress can only be
one fact: Junior is stupid. In the
vast mental community of Ann
Arbor he stands as one of the
underprivileged. This, I believe,
becomes patently clear as one
reads his letter.
The solution is obvious: we
must find a place for Junior, a
place where he can find rest,
sympathy, and - above all - talk.
I therefore propose that we estab-
lish a fund t'o send Junior to some
nice, quiet sanitarium where he
will be able to listen to beautiful
music, enjoy leisurely discussions
with all sorts of people, and set his
own pace of living. I urge all stu-
dents, as well as those faculty
members who may be able, to join
me in this eleemosynary gesture,
foregoing, for a few days, the
movies upon which they lavish so
much of their money. Let them
take up bridge instead, basking
in the warm knowledge that they
have been of help to a fellow-
-Maxwell Caskie, Grad.
Brauo! . .
To the Editor:
WHEN I first read Name-With-
held-by-Request's letter, I be-
gan roaring and stamping around
and wrote a searing, though in-
coherent, letter denouncing the
lazy, materialistic student cited by
Philin Power i Rnndav's edition.

Europeans.. ..
To the Editor:
T READ the March 11th article,
"Africanls Move Toward Full
Independence," with amused in-
The so-called former residents,
namely, Messrs. James Conway
and Donald Livingstone represent
the group of European Settlers
("European" means the white
population in Africa) who will
never do any good in Africa.
Conway maintains that the pur-
pose of the Central African Fed-
eration was not the oppression of
the Nyasaland "Negroes" as al-
leged by Dr. Banda. He will HON-
ESTLY recall that the Federation
was created without consulting
the Africans in Nyasaland and the
Rhodesias. This incident justifi-
ably aroused fears and suspicions
among the Africans as to the real
purpose of the Central African
Federation. Every enlightened per-
son, both in Africa and Britain,
knew in 1953 that the Federation
was a mere window-dressing to a
carefully calculated guarantee for
a continued European domination
and exploitation of the African
Dr. Conway knows very well that
in Africa the problem is not how
to increase the productivity of the
African Laborer or what type of
education the African should re-
ceive. The problem is rather how
to improve the status of the Afri-
can without endangering the self-
ish aims of some settlers of which
Dr. Conway may be one. This type
of settler is trying to create a
world of total illusion in Africa-
a world in which the vocationally
trained African, unfit for public
office, would not go beyond his
brawn in contributing to the pro-
gress of a so-called multi-racial
community in Central Africa. Un-
fortunately it is too late. Many
Africans have long ago realized
the obvious advantage of "book
learning." Dr. Banda is such an
example of "book" educated Afri-
can whom Dr. Conway fears.
Nothing will stop these Africans
and this revolution is not going
to take five generations. Those
who do not believe it should go
to West Africa and see things for
* * *
I AGREE with Messrs. Conway
and Donald Livingstone that pro-
gress should be based upon the
indigenous African cultures. The
type of education which will teach
the African his history, customs,
sociology and most important of
all African morals and values.
These are intangible and priceless
things which a people cannot af-
ford to lose if they want to survive
in this barbarous world. Every
African knows very well that these
ideals cannot be offered by an
European settler who has no re-i
spect for human rights and throws
Democracy in a waste basket.
Technological advancement has
no meaning if its fruits are not
justly distributed.
Mr. Livingstone will concede
that the appalling slum conditions
in the bigger cities of the Union
of South Africa is not due to West-
ernization, but due to the re-
morseless slave wages paid to the
African, and also to the notorious
"apartheid" policy. Even the
.T Jl _ .. . . .

The present tension in Africa
has not been brought about by an
"adolescent African" trying to act
in strange ways. It has been
caused by the group of disillu-
sioned European settlers who are
afraid to grow up and face the
plain facts. Africa is the native-
land of Africans and they are not
going to be guests to the continent.
-L. A. K. Quashie

IIS YEAR, the junior girls
have come up with another
curious affaire. JGP is tradition-
ally limited to an all-girl cast, so
certain locales are, ipso facto, out
of the question. This one takes
place in a WAC barracks and it's
full of fun and singing and danc-
ing and Kappas.
Somehow, JGP's always seem to
remind me of the ante-room to the
dean of women's office, and when
the setting !is a WAC barracks -
'Petticoat-Platoon" is mostly
about an amazing collection of
girls who enlist in the WAC,
eventually shape up and burn pro-
fessional. This process is carefully
regulated by a WAC Colonel
(Sherrie Kotzer), a Sergeant
(Marilyn Zdordowski), and a
nurse (JoAnne Krantz).
As for the trainees, they are a
gay bunch. Nina Slawson, best
voice in the cast, plays a disillu-
sioned Vassar girl who has joined
up to forget. Linda Crawford is
terrific as a sort of female Elvis
Presley type of WAC. She spends
a great deal of time chewing
something or other which may be
part of the Union's student spe-
* . *
NELL HURT turns out to be a
Mississippi WAC, wearing a flour
sack to bed and a southern accent
everywhere else. Mary Wilcox and
Jill Bement are a pair of stage-
struck WAC's and they dance
their way around the stage, trip-
ping over footlights with gay
A fresh new paragraph goes to
Judy Wilson, who is quite a dolly,
especially in a nightgown which
she apparently outgrew many
years ago. She's a onetime bur-
lesque dancer, it says in the script.
Most preposterous of them all
is Miss Kotzer, a stuffed shirt of-
ficer in the old-time tradition. She
and Linda Crawford are the sure-
fire laugh getters and, except for
occasional moments of slap-stick
Sometimes the stage grows over-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday,
FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1959
General Notices
Automobile Regulations: Spring Re-
cess. Automobile regulations will be
lifted at 5 p.m. Fri., March 27, and
will become effective again at 8 a.m.
on Mon.,' April 6.
"The Resurrection Today," Rev. Rich-
ard Crusius. Office of Religious Affairs
Coffee-discussion for all students. 4:15
p.m., Fri., March 20, Lane Hall Library.
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
cil, March 20, 1959, 4 p.m. Council Rm.
Minutes previous meeting.
Officersreports: President - letters;
Vice-President, Exec.; vice-Pres., Ad-
min.; Treasurer.
Committee reports:
National and International: Exchange
Programs; Inetrnational Student Rela-
tions Information Service; National
Student Association, Chairman.
Education and Student Welfare.
Public Relations.
Student Activities Committee: Activi-
Elections: report.
Old Business.
New Business: Seating of candidates;
Orientation motion (Haber);nWomen's
rushing motion (Seasonwein).
Members and constituents time.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the

coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval
for social events are due in the Office
of Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on Tues. prior to the
March 20: Graduate Student Council,
Inter-Cooperative Council, Phi Alpha
Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Kappa,
Stockwell Hall.
March 21: Acacia, Allen Rumsey Hse.,
Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Anderson Hse., Betsy Barbour, Delta
Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi,
Hayden Hse. (4th floor) Kelsey se.,
(Continued on Page 5)

crowded with bustling Junior
Girls, and sometimes the audience
banality, they are fairly success-
winces as groups of dancers race
up the aisles, 3ostling feebler
members of the faculty groping
for their seats. But this seems
secondary to the main purpose of
JGP: entertainment. AndI so it is,
* * *
MUSIC by Pat Vick and Janice
Rose was quasi-derivative but ap-
propriate. Best moment here is
a song called "Lady of Culture"
sung by Nina Slawson in Act I
with a Menotti-type melody and
an effective orchestral accompani-
The orchestra, incidentally,
seemed to be made up of, SC
candidates; especially some loud
fellow on drums who abstained
every other measure. After an
overlong overture, the orchestra
was certainly adequate, conductor
Al Werner keeping a steady hand
on the switch.
Script by Sue Brace had its mo-
ments; direction by Karol Buck-
ner was fast and furious; Elinor
Dodge seems to have kept every-
thing under control as general
chairman. And so on.
JGP is about the last of the tra-
ditional entertainments to survive
the reform movement. It seems
to be good fun, even without men.
-David Kessel
Two Hours
Too Short
SHAKESPEARE did not write
literature; he wrote entertain-
ments. When his plays are read as
if they were long poems, they show
a professional smoothness that
after a time is sometimes soporific.
When one sees them acted, the ac-
tion keeps him awake enough to
see how professional that smooth-
ness is. No production of Shakes-
peare can hurt Shakespeare.
Some people do not consider the
motion picture a legitimate art
form; perhaps they feel that at-
tempting to film Shakespeare is
trying to mix cultural oil with
water. J. Arthur Rank will not be-
lieve such a mixture impossible;
hence, the film "Romeo and Ju-
liet." The script' bears some re-
semblance to Shakespeare's; the
production resembles neither the
Globe's or the Old Vic's.
That is not to say it is not an
excellent version. It is necessary,
in order to give proper importance
to visual image, to eliminate some
of Shakespeare's material to re-
main with reasonable length. In
Rank's film, most of the favorite
lines and scenes are retained-but
several omissions are too obvious.
The removal of "Sleep dwell upon
thine eyes, peace in thy breast!
Would I were sleep and peace, so
sweet to rest!" is a matter of
choice, but the elimination of the
apothecary-Romeo stabs himself
instead of swallowing poison -is
outrageous. After all, what is
"Romeo and Juliet" without "O
true apothecary! Thy drugs are
quick. Thus with a kiss I die."
BUT WE must judge the picture
,not -as Shakespeare but as a
separate art work. As such, it is
superb, from the moment Sir John
Gielgud admits himself chorus,
The picture is chiefly Italian, from
the many Giovannis in the sup-
porting cast through the authentic
Renaissance Verona; the princi-
pals, however, are British. Law-
rence Harvey makes Romeo credit-
able, although he is rather unbe-
lievable in some of the melancholic
scenes - he quivers too much.
Looking like an auburn-haired
Carol Lynley, Susan Shentail
plays a wonderful Juliet, but she
hardly strikes one as being a

fourteen-year-old. The added
transitional scenes are not irritat-
ingly watery; of course, Renato
Castellani cannot write so well as
There is an interesting addition,
however: a five-second blank
screen as Romeo and Juliet con-
sumate their marriage, giving the
effect of asterisks in American
versions of D. H. Lawrence.
-Fred Schaen






. I


. . .

Nuclear Testing Worthwhile

To the Editor:
A WEEK has passed since Miss
Willoughby's review of "Pirates
of Penzance" made its appearance.
The ineptness of her review was
and is still revolting. One wonders
just what critera she employed.
Can one surmise that the policy
of The Daily is to impart criticism,
in order that the society may (in
Ian Wolter's words) "work harder
in the future to eliminate the pos-
sibility of such criticism?" Are
the criticisms warranted so that
the G&S Society can rectify their
"flaws?" It is my understanding
that a review should include con-
structive criticisms; Miss Wil-
loughby's are destructive. She uses
terms which create a negative
tone, and which say nothing con-
structively. "Somehow a conscious
effort for clarity seemed to be
missing and without thehtradi-
tional enthusiasm . .." What is a
conscious effort and what consti-
tutes "traditional enthusiasm."
She further stated that "the flat-
ness of the production seemed
simply to lie in an absence of real
precision and care." It seems
necessary to remind her that even
with precision and care (what-
ever that is), a production may fall
short of its expectations and be
"flat." There are other aspects in-
volved in a production that are
just as important as the perform-
ers, which she failed to mention.
Certainly the performance was
not without its flaws, and I have
yet to be in a performance that is
perfect - I have yet to meet a
perfect individual.
Nostalgia for "outstanding per-
formers of former years"~ seemed
to overcome Miss Willoughby. Yet,
looking over the reviews for the
past six G&S shows, The Daily saw
fit to mention on the average only
two "outstanding performers" for
each show. According to her, "no-
body in the current cast is actually
bad enough in, their individual
characterizations to evoke per-
sonal condemnation or even to
affect very substantially the final
unity of the production." Am I to
assume then that no one was ac-
tually good? She mentions Lynn
Tannel and Tom Jennings as
buoyant and sparkling, something
which "one expects at these semi-
annual shows."
Mr.,Wolter,. in his "letter to the
editor" believed that the review
had a good effect on the perform-
ers -as Saturday night's perform-
ance "had regained all the spirit
and enthusiasm of past produc-
tions.' If Miss Willoughby's re-
view is accurate, the cast was more
revolutionary than Marx ever was!
-Alice Unemoto, Grad.
Please Pay ..
To the Editor:


Associated Press News Analyst
FRAGMENTARY reports on Operation Argus
indicate that the United States has found
a way to continue testing atomic devices with-
out creating fallout, and so has reduced a great
world political problem produced by public
For years the peoples of the world, and
especially the nieutrals whom the United States
would like to impress with her consideration
for their welfare, have been agitated over what
continued testing might do to the human race.
Soviet Russia, fishing in troubled waters
according to her custom, has sought to play
upon these fears by claiming she conducts tests
in self defense only because somebody else
started it, and by proposing that the practice
be stopped.
The line sounds good to such people as the
Japanese, who have a naturally inordinate fear.
04r Argigatt :43lo

THEN,when other nations are pressured into
signs of agreement,-Russia, needing to test
just as badly as anyone else, finds fault with
the methods of control proposed. She prepares
to accuse the others of being responsible for
For that reason the West is under political
pressure not to break off negotiations at Geneva
which never showed any real prospect of agree-
Under the new circumstances, however, when
atomic explosions can be set off in outer space,
with accompanying satellite missiles to report
on their effect, tests can be continued while
world opinion is reassured.
There is a presumption, though not a positive
one, that the American delegation at Geneva
has been operating with the benefit of this
knowledge which was a secret from the Rus-
sians. At any rate it has been the Allies who
have argued for tests affecting peaceful uses
of Atomic Energy under certain controlled
THE NEW ability, for instance, -provides a
means by which the scientists can proceed
with their efforts to produce a "clean" bomb
and at the same time avoid world criticism.
More important, perhaps, is the possibility of
using testing for all sorts of peaceful purposes.
Concrete knowledge of the means of extract-


Unwanted,' Unloved
:.:.::.: ........ ......... .........
.: : vi : i -i :i-.Y . ;

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director1


City Editor

T]AVTn ?'AR.7?.


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