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March 17, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-17

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Sixty-Ninth Year

"I .,

torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, MARCH 17, 1959


Peace a Prerequisite
For World Federation

E SATURDAY -REVIEW editor, Norman
ousins, gave a performance "full of sound
fury," at Hill Auditorium Friday night, but
:h offered little in the way of practical
ions to world problems.
>usins, who touched on every topic from
in and the Asian-African Pact to the
tcomings of his education and radioactive
ntium, used a maximum of invective and
inimtm of logic to make his major point:
world federalism will bring about peace.
sisting that a world federation is inevi-
e; he demanded that the United States
the lead, and offer to the United Nations
solution to the effect that the people of
United States would rather die themselves
i drop nuclear bombs on other human
gs. Then, he added, we must hold out our
d asking, "Who will join us?"
THE COMMUNISTS agreed with Cousins
.at such, a world federation is inevitable, his
>osal would be worth considering. However,
r have their own "inevitability' in mind.,
Illing their ideological destiny to conquer
world is perpetually their concern, and is
ification enough for any necessary means.
lough the Golden Rule and "the greatest
i for the greatest number" are interesting

concepts, for one side to practice them and
the other side to ignore them only invites dis-
The editor calls the unfettered sovereign na-
tion the biggest obstacle to world federation,
yet in a world without sovereign states war
might very well be as predominant. Govern-
mental machinery on a world scale may be no
more effective as a war-preventative than it
has proven on a national basis.
BUT, MORE IMPORTANT, if such a world
federation should evolve, it will not result
in peace, but from peace, and it will very like-
ly be a more limited federation than Cousins
envisages. Nations will agree to peaceful co-
existence, long before they will agree to giving,
up their rights as sovereign states,, just as an
individual will agree to obey the law as long as'
he retains his unalienable rights as an indi-e
Although negotiation may seem "old hat" to
someone as deeply concerned with internation-
al relations as Cousins, it seems a much more
reasonable than his sensational proposal Al-
though it may stir Hill Auditorium audiences,
it's effect on the United Nations General As-
sembly is certain to be negligible.
hold one. He knew from past experience of the
trouble of getting an audience for the candi-
dates. The council rejected the plan for the
open house, unanimously.
THE LACK of interest in listening to the
candidates is mirrored by the low percent-
age of students voting. Something is obviously
lacking. When house officers are not interested
in hearing SGC speakers, many more non-
officers are also disinterested. It is 'thus neces-
sary that local house officers talpe more of an
interest in campus-wide affairs, and they must
attempt to pass on this interest to their con-
Then there is the individual student. So
many of they view student 'government as
"Mickey-Mouse." In part this is the fault of
student government, but some must rest with
the students. Student government does have
a function, and its ability to carry this out
depends upon the interest of its constituents.
"Governments of, for and by the people" de-
pend upop the peof15e.

"There Must Be Some Way That's More Scientific"
n n
y<79* wrl P oo rc.
Student Defends A cademirc'Grind"


Arab Col
By The Associated Press
DAMASCUS, Syria - Six potent
words repeated over and over
by President Gamal Abdel Nasser
spell out the main lines of his
attack against Arab Communists.
Nasser has talked himself hoarse
in marathon speeches since Pre-
mier Abdel Karim Kassem's Iraqi
government announced the crush-
ing of a pro-nationalist rebellion
in Mosul last week.
These speeches represent by far
the most damaging attack yet
made against Communism in the
Arab world. Here are words which
deal telling blows at weak points
in the armor of Arab Communists.
1) Subordination - Nasser says
Kassem and the Communiststac-
cepted subordination, that they
agreed to play the role of junior
partner to a foreign power. This is
a cardinal sin in the Arab world.
It means alignment with a major
world bloc and violation of the
Arab doctrine of positive neutral-
2) Agents-This word is used as
a synonym for Communists in
Nasser's speeches. It is an accusa-
tion that Kassem and the Com-
munists are undermining their
own country in the interest of a
foreign power. This puts Kassem
and Co. in a class with "lackeys of
imperialism" whom Nasser has so
scathingly attacked in the past.
3) Separationists-Another syn-
onym for Communists. The impli-
cation is that Kassem and the
Communists oppose Arab unity
and Arab nationalism. If this label
sticks, it would put them in the
same category as imperialists and
Zionists in Arab eyes.
* * *
4) HERESY-This is an accusa-
tion that Kassem and the Com-
munists are anti-Islam. Nasser
said yesterday most Iraqis are
devout Moslems, yet atheistic
Communists are trying to dominate
5) Terror - Repeatedly Nasser
has attacked what he calls the
Communist reign of terror in Iraq.
He denounced "the democracy of
the gallows, of Communist courts
in the streets, of murdering every-
one who rejects Communism."
6) Dictatorship-Masser usually
adds modifiers such as "Red,"
"Terror," or "Communist," when
he calls the Kassem regime a dic-
tatorship. He contends Kassem is
. stifling nationalist elements while
a small Communist minority is
seizing power in Iraq.
However, one day before Presi-
dent Nasser castigated Commun-
ism in his Damascus speech this
week Soviet experts arrived in
Egypt to help build the Aswan
high dam.

A ttacks
This paradoxical development
shows that Nasser is maintaining
surface cordiality with the Soviet
Union while waging bitter warfare
against Arab Communism.
Friends of Nasser say this sur-
face cordiality can continue indefi-
nitely-so long as the Soviets be-
"THE MATING GAME" is a de-
lightful divertissement design-
ed to herald the arrival of spring.
Unveiled at the State Theater
Sunday, the Philip Barry, Jr. film
bubbles forth as a disarming and
thoroughly captivating comedy
that is impregnated with all of
the sweet wholesomeness of the
fresh country air.
So irresistable is this entry that
just about everything from the
spritely melody that introduces
the piece to the final'colorful scene
that concludes it, seems just about
1perfect. And although the course
the offering charts possesses an
infinite number of cliches, they
are the types of cliche that are so
homespun and so well integrated
into the piece that only the most
sophisticated city slicker will really
voice an active complaint.
"The Mating Game" which takes
place in the season when "every-
thing is pregnant" (or at least
ought to be) revolves about the
hilarious courtship between a de-
lightfully fiendish tax ;collector
and a fetching and very ripe farm-
er's daughter. Complications ensue
when the revenue agent tries to
collect twenty year's back taxes
from the daughter's roguish father
but needless to say all of these
complications are happily resolved
in the always inviting haystack.
In their respective roles Debbie
Reynolds and Tony Randall mer-
rily cavort through the comic romp
often bringing much refreshing
candor to the piece.
In short everything about this
comedy is wonderful from the
handsome expanses -of the Cine-
mascope exteriors to the intimate
quality of some of the film's dia-
logue. As a result "The Mating
Game" is as refreshing as the first
breath of spring, and in many-
ways it is this exactly.
-Marc Alan Zagoren





OITED communication between the SGC
lections committee and the residences has
e the SGC Open House program something
than adequate.
though open houses are one of the most
)rtant means for candidates meeting the
ent body, snags and foul-ups have hin-
d the program.
me were cancelled because a post card was
mailed, another was not re-scheduled be-
e a call never reached the election com-
ee and in others candidates arrived to find
ne or almost no one to listen to them.f
.chard Erbe, SGC Elections Director, high-
ed much of the trouble when he said
only three members of the elections com-
ee worked on the open house program.
owever, a bigger election committee will
completely solve the problems. Erbe re-
s that there are fewer open houses now
i in previous years.. In a number of in-
ces candidates outnumbered the audience.'
one house council meeting the president
[ght up the plan for an open house to the
icil and recommended that the house not

Fn Germans a

Associated Press Correspondent
,ANKFURT, GERMANY-The oddest phe-
nomenon in postwar Europe today is the
arent love match between those two tradi-
al enemies-France and Germany.
he Adenauer-de Gaulle axis, it is being
ed. And thatis what it is-primarily a two-
i affair and of the governments they repre-
. Before President Charles de Gaulle came
power, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer made
ures toward other French governments, but
ping developed like his present friendship
i de Gaulle.
asically, however, the mass of Germans and
French are no fonder of each other than
r have been for hundreds of years.
'hat is happening is that the policies of
nauer and cue Gaulle are running together.
ither fell from power, the close axis probably
Id fall apart.
denauer and de Gaulle have met three
es. Each time, their talks were conducted in
)lute secrecy. What brings these two strong
national leaders together? What does their
nge and unexpected entente mean forEu-
e and the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
)TH ADENAUER and de Gaulle are Roman
Catholic. Both are worried that the Soviet
on wants to communize all Europe. Both
the only way to prevent this is by a strong
['o shield and no concessions to the Soviets.

Both have been lately disturbed by British
suggestions for limited military disengagement
in Europe, which would pull back American
troops partly or completely off the continent.
For Adenauer, this would leave West Ger-
many largely defenseless against direct attack
from the East or against Communist infiltra-
tion For de Gaulle, it would mean he would
have to withdraw French troops from North
Africa to fill the gaps in France's defense sys-
tem. His leadership would thus be endangered.
Boht Adenauer and de Gaulle also distrust
British intentions. They suspect Britain hopes
for political and economic gain.
Again, both Adenauer and de Gaulle are wor-
ried about American policy, although they have
not said so, it is generally believed they con-
sider United States policy confused and un-
certain. They fear America may swing to the
British view and make some sort of deal with
the Soviets. This, they feel, would lead ulti-
nately to the callapse of NATO.
WITH THESE multiple fears, Adenauer and
de Gaulle see their own immediate salva-
tion in a solid F'rench-German front.
United today, they can stand against any
British disengagement plans and demand that
the United Sttes stand firm with them. Should
the United States however, swing toward dis-'
engagement, Adenauer and de Gaulle can stand
united tomorrow against whatever might hap-
pen. There is talk they may -soon decide to
make their own nuclear weapons for defense
and political bargaining.
There exists peril that the Adenauer-de
Gaulle axis may collapse-just as did efforts to
bring France and Germany, together after
World War I.
Many Frenchmen are worried about any deals
with Germany, especially any that give her
arms. They would like to see Germany weakened
rather than strengthened. Similarly, there are
millions of Germans who believe Adenauer is
wrong and who think the only way to reunify
their divided country is to come to terms with
the Soviets.
New Books at the Library

To the Editor:
LAST SUNDAY a plea for help
appeared from' an unidentified
student majoring in English and
working for a teachers' certificate.
His 16 pages of writing, ,000 pages
of novel-reading, and two exams to
date seemed to place an undue
burden upon his precious time. He
is not able to make proper cultural,
social, and all other non-academic
ties due to the burdening academic
load. It is to this dire position that
his letter is addressed.
If one considers that coming
here to school means seeing con-
certs, conversing with one's friends,
meeting peoples with different
backgrounds, and having man to
man talks about the condition of
the world, naturally the secondary
nature of the academic work
makes it seem too cumbersome. Yet
if one comes here to seek knowl-
edge, there is a vast quantum of
knowledge that must be actively
sought, and does not come to he
who waits. Lasting friendships,
cultural development, and open-
mindedness are definitely oppor-
tunities made available in college,
but they are not what this state
has gone bankrupt supplying for
University students. Culture,
friendship, and perspective are not
unique to universities. Academic
training is, and when one attends
a university of any stature one
should expect academic pursuits
to take up the larger part of each
day. If it does not, then there i
something wrong with the univer-
THE ACADEMIC burden has
been the subject of many com-
ments in recent years, the con-
sensus of opinion being that it is
generally too light. Yet a man of
as enlightened a purpose as the
name-shy English major should
read several novels a month to
partake of his cultural inclina-
tions. And no sincere English
major could feel that a total of
sixteen pages of writing in five
weeks stifles the student. If people
have a distaste for papers every
week or so, or reading two novels
a month, this should have been
foreseen in selecting a major.
There are, no doubt, educational
institutions where a load of four
short papers a month, plus two
novels and two exams, would be
called heavy. But this is not, and
should not be, the University of
Michigan. If work is so abhorrent,
remember college is not required
for any person by state law. It
seems clear that any student wor-
thy of a baccalaureate degree
could carry the load mentioned
and still have time to reap most
of the non-academic gains offered
by university life. If he cannot,
the fault is not that of the Uni-
versity but is instead attributable
to the limited capacity of the indi-
vidual student. Recognizing one's
limitations is one of the hardest
things in life to do, and blaming
college for forcing this discovery
upon oneself merely shows that
the student is refusing to recog-
nize his own limitations.
As for the requested advice to
the snowed student, there is little
constructive to say, except to stay
out of professional schools. The
undergraduate program seems to
be more tolerant of people who do

stic criticism of inferior. Hollywood
productions, but when student pro-
ductions (charging twice as much
as a movie) are involved a person
who dares interrupt the round of
self-satisfaction is "super-critical,"
and shows a perspective clouded
by an eye for small flaws.
Perhaps Miss Willoughby was
wrong; the spirit exhibited by a
member of the cast, Elsa Reudy, in
defending the show is admirable.
I'm glad she enjoyed the show-
it would have been a most fruit-
less enterprise if she hadn't.
If a critic were to judge a per-
formance solely on audience reac-
tion Mantovani would inevitably
deserve top critical acclaim.
By maintaining , a perspective
embracing past G&S performances
the critic implicitly recognizes the
excellent reputation the Society
has established during the last five
or six years. Therefore any criti-
cism from an impartial observer
should be welcome as it enables
the Society to maintain its tradi-
tional excellence.
As the audience enjoyed the
show despite the flaws described,
no-one should feel hurt and the
group should work harder in the
future to eliminate the possibility
of such criticism when shows with
less box-office appeal are per-
Incidentally, the review had one
good effect; I saw the show Satur-
day evening and it had regained
all the spirit and enthusiasm of
past productions.
-Dan Wolter,59
Review .
To the Editor:
T AM very sorry that Miss Wil-
loughby chose to regard the cur-
rent Gilbert and Sullivan produc-
tion in such an ill-favoured light.
A purely negative review was not
warranted, nor is it helpful, as may
be claimed. Not only did I find the
show spirited, but it also contained
some fine performers among both
principals and chorus. These
people deserved acknowledgement
for their work and for their in
many cases notable results.
-Althea S. Romaine, '60
Practicality .* *
To the Editor:
STUDENT government on this
campus is hardly representa-
tive and<most of its members know
it. The surprising observation is
that they don't care, because they
contend SGC members are elected
to decide issues solely through
their own thinking. In other words,
they believe they are elected be-
cause the student body has faith
in them to make the "right" deci-
I have never believed this and as
an SGC member have never prac-
ticed such a philosophy. I feel
members should voice the opinion
of the students, not their own
individual, often selfish, opinions.
In cases where general student
opinion is non-existent SGC should
voice the opinion of those directly
concerned in the issue. The recent
outcome of the spring rushing is-
sue is an outstanding example of
the former philosophy. For had all
SC mmhe snesssd the senti-

practical solutions. Generally, this
has not been done.
The campus can rectify the ex-
isting situation by electing candi-
dates who will be practical and
willing representatives. It is inter-
esting to note that The Daily is
supporting two incumbents and
another candidate who has been
very closely connectedhwith SGC
for quite some time. These candi-
'dates, by their actions, all seem
to support the "non-representa-
tive" philosophy. If you, as a voter,
want a more representative stu-
dent government that will fully
consider, respect, and implement
student opinion, elect those candi-
dates who promise to be willing
-Scott G. Chrysler, '59BAd.
Communication --* -
To the Editor:
OF THE 19 candidates for SGC
positions interviewed in Sun-
day's Daily, all have expressed the
need for increased student-faculty
communication. How does one im-
prove, communication? By com-'
municating. How do you jump into
cold water? You just jump. Com-
munication between groups can be
enjoyable as well as instructive.
At a time when panty raids and
Spring Flings seem to be foremost
in students' minds, it is a real
pleasure to read the mature and
sensible statements of such candi-{
dates as Hardee, Zook, Seasonwein
and Garb. All candidates, however,
have : shown that they are inter-
ested in student government and
are eager to improve it. I, for one,
am tired of hearing about "apa-
thetic students." It remains for
the entire student body to remove
this stigma by voting for the can-
didates of their choice. Obviously,
not all candidates are equally
qualified. Sensible voting on the
part of students will result in bet-
ter student government, better
student-faculty understanding and
ultimately, a better university.
--Donald E. Wright
Manners . .
To the Editor:
RE: THE well-disciplined, well-
mannered, and mature audi-
ence attending Hill Auditorium
Saturday night ..
Was the Will Davis Trio back-
ground music or an audience par-
ticipation act?
-Richard Rosenthal, '62A&D

our Faces of Shaw

and Orchestra is a musical
organization of the highest qual-
ity; and what's more, it seems to
be a group that regards the Ann
Arbor stopover as something more
than a brief interlude between
East Lansing and Detroit.
Sunday's program ranged from
a suite from one of Handel's pas-
toral oratorios to an encore collec-
tion of folk-type songs, sung with-
out the orchestra. Somewhere in
the middle were a more or less
interesting set of songs about love
and death and robbery and bitter
* * *
THE FIRST bit of music to greet
latecomers drifting into the audi-
torium fresh from a new acquain-
tance with our parking problem
was a Suite from Handel's "Acis
and Galatea."
The text of this oratorio is sup-
posed to have been written by, of
all people, John Gay. Suffice it to
say that all of the Handelians
within the sight of my inquiring
gaze received this performance
with a placidity and tenderness of
feature so intense it could only be
described as slumber.-
For the more impartial observer,
it may be said that Shaw's Handel
is idiomatic in style, flawless in
performance, and fine to hear.
The Faure "Requiem Mass is
small-scale in volume of sound,
with no Dies Irae full of trumpet
blasts, but it is large-scale in dra-
matic effect and the music be-

comes more noteworthy with re-
peated hearings. In both this
Requiem and the Brahms "Alto
Rhapsodie" which followed, Shaw's
group showed its ability to handle
music of a quietly intense dramatic
nature with no difficulties.
Somewhere in the 'middle came
a collection of love songs from the
pens of modern composers; the
group was called "Four Faces of
Love," at least one of which is
reasonably lovable, and one so-so,
while the other two are visages
that only mothers could love.
Bartok's "Love Song" from
"Four Hungarian Folksongs" 'is
rhythmically and melodically fas-
cinating; a test of the abilities of
any choral group. One of Hinde-
mith's "Five Songs on Old Texts"
was typical of this composer: a
4single melody surrounded with
An excerpt from Stravinsky's
"The Rake's Progress" bounced
around without getting much of
anywhere; and something by
Schonberg steamed straight out
from the stage and over my head
into the ventilating system with-
out creating more than a tempo-
rary discontinuity in the con-
A Suite from Offenbach's "Les
Brigands" ended the -formal ppr-
tion of the program in a shower
of 'amusing dialogs and musical
flourishes. Shaw followed this with
a fast and furious set of encores
with soloists dashing hereand
there about the stage. Altogether,
this concert represented a high
point in Hill Auditorium enter-
tainment-even without banjos.
-David Kessel
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial regponsibility.,Notices should
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Room 3519 Administration Build-
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Pickin 0''the Green


la D

Editorial Staff
)irector City Editor
Associate Editor
TOR .................... Personnel Director
LOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director
NES ..... ... Sports Editor
)RGENSON....... Associate City Editor
H ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director
DAND......... . Associate Sports Editor
MNOLD............... Chief Photographer



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