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March 17, 1959 - Image 1

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

M, CL(

VOL LXIX, No. 119



Nineteen Seek Seven Seats as SGC Votingi











Patterson Chosen New Union President
By BRU4CE COLE "~" "
At 9:30 p.m. last night, Thomas
Patterson, '60, was chosen presi- .,
dent of the Union.
John Goodrich, '60BAd., was
named executive vice - president=
and Martin Newman, '60, adminis-
trative vice-president by the selec-
tions committee composed of'
members of the Union's Board of
Discussing his plans for the Un-
ion, Patterson said he would like
to see the Union be more active in
cultural and academic areas on_

-Daily-Allan Winder
VOTING BEGINS-Polls workers and supervisors will punch
student identification cards and stamp valid ballots today and
tomorrow as an estimated 6,000 students vote for Student Govern-
ment Cbuncll fiembers, class officers and various boards.
Class, Board Posts.
Also To BDeFi led


With a weather forecast of light snow and cloudy skies, Elections
Director Richard Erbe, '61, predicted a 6,000-vote turnout for the
Student Government Council elections which begin today.
The election, scheduled to run today and tomorrow, will fill seven
vacant places on the Council from a record field of 19 candidates.,
Open positions for senior class officers, the Boards of the engi-
neering college and Student Publications an| the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics will also be filled in the voting.
Erbe remarked that students will be able to vote at one of six
polling places from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Extra Night
For Playbill
The speech department is con-.
4 sidering running all productions in
next sesaon's "Playbill" series for
four nights, , Thomas Skinner,
'Grad., announced recently.
"It is presumed that if we sell
out three nights of season tickets,
we will run every show Wednes-
day through Saturday," the pub-
licity director of the speech de-
partment productions said.
Under the present policy, only
tlie two operas have been allotted
four performance dates.
Sixteen hundred season tickets,
constituting 72 per cent of the
available tickets, were sold for the
1958-59 Playbill series, Skinner re-
ported. .This figure is compared to
127 season tickets sold for last
Students Sell More
Skinner attributed this rise to
the sales made during orientation,
and registration week. "It is al-
ways more effective to have stu-
dents selling to students," he in-
"Kids were talking about the
theatre season-they never had be-
fore." Two bonus shows, free of
charge, were offered to season
ticket purchasers.
"You have to have a good fi-
nancial base in order that you can
try something out of the ordinary,"
Skinner gave as his reason for the
high percentage of tickets sold on
a seasonal basis.
"The campus sale went on for
two and a half weeks before we be-
gan our city-wide sale," he 'con-
tinued. -Folders, which included
order blanks, were then distributed
to 2,500 to 3,500 people.
Want Students
"If we could fill our theatre
with a maximum of students every
night, we'd be very happy," he
said. "It's primarily an educational
theatre both for the students per-

4when the polls close tomorrow.
Voting booths located' on the Di-
agonal and in the Engineering
Arch will be open both days from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Polling Placesj
At the Slab, a concrete area
south of Angell Hall, and the
Natural Seience Museum, polling
places will be running from 8 a.m.
to 12 noon,. and from 1 to 4 p.m.
today and tomorrow.
Votes may be cast in front of
the business administration school
from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from
1 to 4 p.m. during both days of
the election.
Today, the voting booth in front
of the Undergraduate Library will
run from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and
from 1 to 10 p.m. tomorrow. f
Count Night Set
The votes are to be counted at
7 p.m. tomorrow in the Union
Ballroom, Erbe said.
Running for the Council are
Conrad Batchelder, '60E; Bruce
Bowers, '60; Harry Cummins, '61;
James Damm, '61; John Feldkamp,
'61; Mike Fishman, '60; Bob Garb,
'62; Jo Hardee, '60; Kenneth Hud-
son, Spec. and David Kessel, Grad.
Also vying for the posts are
Casey King, '62E; Morton Meltzer,
'61; Babs Miller, '60; David Par-
tridge, '6BAd.; John Quinn, '62,
Roger S'easonwein, '61; Howard
Stein, '61; David Wentworth, '62
and Phil Zook, '60.
The regular Student Council
meeting scheduled for tomorrow
has been canceled because of the
election proceedings.
The first meeting of the new
Council will be at 4 p.m. Friday
in the Council Room in the Stu-
dent Activities Building.
City Council
Old Age Study
A proposal to establish a com-
mittee to study possibilities of or-
ganizing an Ann Arbor Old Age
Commission was approved by City
Council last night.
The committee will be composed

Cites Art Festival
On the cultural level, he cited
this year's Creative Arts Festival
to be held in April as an example.
Several departments of the Uni-
versity will have special exhibits
and programs in the field of crea-
tive arts under Union auspices.
A project on the academic side
is the student counselling service
which the Union will put into ef-
fect also in April.
University authorized upper-
class and graduate students will
act as counsellors to underclass-
men. It is felt that the underclass-
men will be more at ease talking
to their fellow students than they
do in talking to a faculty member
who always seems to be too busy
to give full attention to course
elections and any individual prob-
lems students may have,
Headed Orientation
This past year Patterson was
the Union executive councilman in
charge of University affairs and
in this capacity he was head of
the Union's section. of freshman
Goodrich and Newman were in
charge of the Special Events com-
mittee which is working on the
Creative Arts Festival and the Stu-
dent Services committee which is
in charge of the Airf light to Europe
trip, respectively.
Ieke Offers
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower last night
offered Russian premier Nikita
Khrushchev a summit meeting this
summer, provided foreign ministers
can pave the way for settling the
Berlin crisis.
At the same time, in a televi-
sion-radio report to the nation,
President Eisenhower accused Rus-
sia before the world of raising the
possibility of war in demanding
that the United States, Britain,
and France get out of West Berlin.
As he has done many times be-
fore, President Eisenhower stressed
that the United States intends to
stand firm against the Soviet de-
mand. This, he said, will minimize1
the risk of global conflict.

-Daily-Juan Rodriguez
NEW OFFICERS - John Goodrich, executive vice-president,
Thomas Patterson, president, and Martin Newman, administrative
vice-president (left to right), were chosen last night as the new
senior officers of the Union by a selections committee composed
of members of the Union's Board of Directors.
Clarification Committee
Gets Faculty Proposal
Faculty members of the Student Government Council Plan Clari-
fication, Committee presented a "rather more liberal departure from
the SGC plan" at last night's meeting, Committee Chairman Prof.
Charles Lehmann of the education school said yesterday.
The faculty plan, the first to be presented by the Committee, was
not intended to "patch up the present plan," but to consider SGC in
an "entirely new setting," he noted. Although the committee will not

Assembly iNiehuss
To Present
Suggestions Ohr
Associate City Editor B y PublicitGi
A five-part recommendation on:.B
women's housing will be presented
to the Board of Governors of the By ROBEF
Residence Halls by the Assembly There are more 'competiti'
Association Housing Committee to-
day, Chris Wells, '59Ed., Assembly ulty members from other ins'
first vice-president, said. remember," Vide-President at
Included in the recommendation Niehus said yesterday.
are the status of Barbara Ann This pressure of faculty
Little House, Markley Hall, as an this year by the national publ
upperclass house; the re-location
of Jordan and Mosher Halls, and crisis, he declared.
the stating of dormitory prefer- Institutions elsewhere knov
ences for women returning to the payments to the University a
residence halls. of it, Niehuss said. He added
The committee is suggesting that
Little House be continued as an that offers from other insti-
upperclass dorm for the year 1959- tutions do not constitute lost
60. Before any further recommen- faculty members and that he
dation on junior-senior housing is observed no "mass exodus" of
made, it is felt that another year
of evaluation is necessary by a University faculty to other in-
committee of Assembly. stitutions.
To Give Priority Salaries Run Higher
With regard to the re-opening Many salary offers from other
of Jordan Hall in the fall of 1959, institutions run 25 per cent higher
it is suggested that the women than the faculty men are getting
now living in Jordan Hall-Markley paid at the University, while some
be given first priority in returning offers from industry are twice
to Jordan of Mosher-Jordan Hall. what the University is paying,
This class will retain its fouiclass Niehuss said.
status. The numbers who have accept-
Jordan was closed in September ed offers elsewhere are not sub-
to make plumbing repairs. stantially higher so far this year
Mosher Hall, which is being va- than in former years, he added.
cated in September to make simi- The current University finan-
lar improvements, will then move cial situation is only temporary,
to the second, third, and fourth Niehuss emphasized, and most
floors in the wing' now being va- faculty members realize this., The
cated by Jordan women in Markley state currently owes the Univer-
for the year 1959-60. sity $6.8 million in back pay-
Too Spread Out ments.
The fifth and sixth floors of tTo Maintain Payments
Markley now occupied by Jordan
will resume its original designa- We're doing our utmost t ee
tion as Bush House, a four-class that payrolls are met," he added.
residence. The reason that Bush "The University's first interest.is
is not being allotted to Mosher is in its staff and we intend to keep
that the six floors in Markley are paying the faculty."
too spread out to govern efficiently.. He added that salary increases
Also included in the Assembly for next year are "essential." The
recommendation is the suggestion University, in its budget request,
that in stating the preference in has asked for an additional ap-
dormitory choice'for the next year, propriation of $3,155,278 to pro-
each woman will be given three vide a nine per cent faculty pay
choices, one of which must be increase.
either their present residence or He declared that until the fi-
Markley. nancial stringency of the last year
Early in the year, the housing or two, the University has held its
committee ruled on changing dor- own with other institutions con-
mitories in midsemester. Due to cerning salary increases, but that
the vacancies in the system this additional pay raises are needed
See ASSEMBLY, Page 8 to keep competitive.
Record .Field .Finishes
Rounds of Campaigfning
With the polls opening today, the Student Government Council
candidates have given the main planks of their platforms at the
latest open houses and a speial program Sunday on WCBN.
Morton Meltzer, '61, advocated more legislative power for SGC
on WCBN's "SGC in Action" show. He also said representatives on

release the specific points of the
program until it is discussed more
thoroughly, Prof. Lehmann said
the powers of SGC 'were extended
by the plan, in his opinion.
Alternative Proposed
The proposal also includes a
"more formalized way of permit-
ting other segments of the Univer-
sity to be heard," he added.
An alternative Council plan pro-
posed by the administrative com-
mittee members was "largely a
clarification of specific items of
ambiguity of the present plan, but
didn't really change the structure
In a significant way," he noted.
Because of the lack of time, the
committee did not finish question-
ing Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis, who pre-
sented the plan.,
Students Give Plan
A plan from the students on the
Clarification Committee will be
presented at the next meeting,
Prof. Lehmann said. This delay
was caused both because of the
lack of time for discussion and the
request of the students for another
week to formulate a single pro-
Discussion of the plans centered
around the two major issues of
limitation of SGC power and pro-
tection of all segments of the


On Probation
The entire Yale undergraduate
body was put on general proba-
tion yesterday because of two out-
bursts last week in which 41 stu-
dents were arrested.
The probation - general and
indefinite - carried a threat of
immediate expulsion for any of
the 4,000 undergraduates who
publicly misbehave in the future.
This misbehavior specifically
snowball fights in the streets of
New Haven.
In Thursday's incident, stu-
dents pelted motorists and city
police with snowballs. Twenty-
five students were arrested. An
estimated 1,500 students jeered
police marchers in the St. Pat-
rick's Day parade, and again
hurled snowballs at them. Sixteen
students were arrested and
charged with breach of peace. Po-
lice used clubs- to break up the
Yale President A. Whitney
Griswold accused the students of

'Hyde Park' Sabot


'the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics should be
elected by the students.
"I would limit the areas of SGC
power as much as possible," Casey
at e o en s King, '62, said, explaining that
j"every time the Council has
passed a decision in the past se-
By SELMA SAWAYA and ANITA FELDMAN mester, a lot of students have
been disgruntled." He also said it
Student Government Council candidates who appeared on the is not the function of tGC to dis-
Diagonal yesterday to present their platforms were sabotaged by two gruntle large numbers of students.
energetic foes of student government. Cut Bias Clause
Taking a stand on the benches diagonally across from the can- Calling for a repeal of the 1949
didates, Brian Parker, Grad., a native of England, brought the biggest bias clause ruling, Conrad Batch-
round of applause when he claimed that students don't vote because elder, '60E, also includes a pro-
of apathy toward SGC, but because "they're just not interested!" gram for more student forums in
As Parker grew more voluble, students began slipping away from his platform. He would also elim-
the candidates to listen and cheer him on. inate all non-elective members of
Speaks on Function the Council.
Michael Bentwich, Grad., from Israel, took the "soapbox" when "«Baby Miller, '60, doesn't want to
Parker began to grow hoarse. Bentwich declared the essence of SGC's cge the basic structure of
function is to "merely determine at what time an organization can whiCh better renresentation of

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