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March 11, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-11

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"Oh, Yes-Things Are Ticking Right Along"

01ly mtdiigatu Daily
Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Win Prevaul" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mnust be noted in all reprints.
Individual Comes First
In onsidering Rushing
SPRING RUSH is worth the aggrayation it batable whether it is really worth considering.
causes Panhellenic and other organizations. Limiting of friends is not best- for the indi-
Of vital importance in the endless arguments vidual and runs counter to the educational
concerning the time of year sorority rushing purposes that supposedly brought her here. The
should be held, is the individual freshman wo- learning experience of the individual shouldf
Inan..She can benefit from the additional time be the number one consideration.-
in the dormitory before being committed to an FOR A CHANGE organizations should forget
affiliated housing unit. Not only does she have their own welfare and consider the indi-
the opportunity to meet others in her dormi- vidual first. As long as organizations, can func-
tory on an "ungrouped" basis, but she has an tion without upsetting their entire set-up they
opportunity to review her decisions on rushing should adapt to what's best for the individual.
and to add to her knowledge of the various Of course things run more smoothly if they
houses. are not interrupted in the middle of the year,
These aspects give the woman a break - she but the solution lies very simply in recalendar-
isn't tied down to a decision made before school ing events to fit in with such a schedule. The
started or shortly after arrival. mechanics of spring rush have been worked out
as demonstrated by the last two years - in
N THEIR FIRST semester of University liv- fact this year improved on the last.
ing, women meet and get to know a larger, Sororities are able to "make a go of it"
more diverse group than they would have met financially in the spring, just as they are able
had they rushed in the fall. This opinion was to fill their houses - as shown by the over
strongly supported by the Assembly-Panhellen- 600 women who were pledged this last rushing
tc Rushing Study Report. period.
Other freshmen women said they would have There is no need to change the time of rush-
made closer friends, ones with more similar ing - Leave it as it is and give the individual
interests if they had affiliated in the fall. How- a chance to grow.
ever, even though this was expressed by a -ELIZABETH ERSKINE
significant minority of women polled, it is de- Associate Personnel Director
Calm Down, Move On
THE TRUMPETS are sounding all in- Grades of freshmen women do drop during
terested and opinionated students are ur- spring rush, but they probably would do like-
gently being called . . . and the great show- wise with fall rush. Friends tend to influence
down on women's deferred rush is about to a rushee's decision more with deferred rush,
begin. but then the freshmen supposedly knows more
After two years of a. trial run and one year about dorm living after a semester there. These
of rushing study report, the 'great' powers are factors all enter the problem, but in the long-
ready to decide upon the merits of fall vs, run they probably balance each other out.
spring rush. What is likely to evolve into a
circus will be held in the Union ballroom . . . THE ULTIMATE decision will depend on how
and constituents will be given a full hour to air many persons somewhat rationally, but
their emotions. mostly emotionally, believe in fall rush. Organ-
Somehow, the hullabaloo surrounding the ization leaders emphasize the benefits of the
whole event seems to have grown out of pro- group, more than the benefits of the individual.
portion. Basically the same issue debated two Sorority women are interested in maintaining
years ago still exists. The problem boils down the present number and size of sororities. Fra-
to balancing the interests of sorority women ternities are likely to support the affiliates'
against those of the rushees, some of whom motion. The balancing factor will come from
will be independent women ultimately. those unattached, undecided individuals . .
THE RUSHING STUDY report is certainly a and these are few.
valiant effort at clearing the issues. But At the present there is little more conclusive
when it comes to using the data to make a evidence that supports spring rush over fall
policy decision, the figures confirm the beliefs than there was two years ago. Likewise, de-
of those favoring the adjustment period for laying the problem for at least another year
freshmen women. The report also supports will not, in all probability, alter it.
those who said that sorority women in the
main would oppose deferred rush with or with- Let's fold the tent on the circus, stop the
out a two-year wait because of the inherent trumpet-playing, and send home all those emo-
difficulties in a spring rush system. tionally involved people . . . and then settle
The individual rushee does benefit from the what has become a small issue in a quiet man-
adjustment allowed by a deferred system. The ner. Once the fanfare over the small point
sorority houses suffer, being unable to make ends . . . then SGC could move on to more
their quotas or meet finances. Organizations important items. ,
run more smoothly with fall rush. -JOAN KAATZ
Berlin Fits' Pattern

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Tough Listening
For the Legislators
Associated Press Lansing Correspondent
LANSING-If Michigan lawmakers were a sensitive lot they would be
measured up for dunce caps last weekend at their favorite haber-
dasheries-or holing up out of sight of the local citizenry.
In the last few days, they have been roundly abused from diverse
directions for blowing a chance to hit on a borrowing formula foi easing
the state's steadily worsening cash emergency.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, along with the State of Michigan, took
some wallops, too-and winced. But aside from the routine partisan
blasts in Lansing, mostly they came from out of staters who knew little


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Overseas Chinese Withhold Funds

of the legislature and probably
care less.
The lawmakers took their most
stinging lumps from a newspaper,
a small college official and Detroit's
mayor, all bystanders to the futile
struggle of recent weeks.
A Detroit metropolitan news-
paper last week was moved to sug-
gest, facetiously of- course, that
they resign en masse, along with
the governor and his fellow ad-
* * *
"THEY ALL WANT to pass the
buck to the people," it was said.
"If a people's mandate is what
official Lansing wants, our plan
provides the ideal way to obtain
it (by running for their seats again
April 6)."
There were some long faces as
the suggestion was read at Senate
E. H. Munn, director of the
Hillsdale College Education De-
partment, observed the Legisla-
ture's feuding and inaction was
"just about as shameful and poli-
tically base as one could possibly
Munn's letter was read to House
colleagues by Rep. Frederic J.
Marshall (R-Allen). It was re-
ceived in glum silence.
Other legislators, usually glib
about the contents of their mail
when a tax issue is warming up,
On Wednesday, Mayor Louis C.
Miriani of Detroit, testifying on
the welfare problem, volunteered
that legislative fumbling was "irri-
tating" him and everyone else -in
the state.
His digression was cut short by
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield)
with a reminder that Miriani was
called in to discuss a different sub-
EVEN ONE of the members of
the legislative fraternity got into
the act, weary after nearly three
hours and 20,000 words of speech-
making one night on an issue that
he and others who took part knew
was dead as a mummy.
After many of the orators dwelt
on their tender concern for the
"little people," Sen. Patrick J.
Doyle (D-Dearborn) blurted out:
"After listening to this debate,
I am inclined to. think that the
'little people' of Michigan are the
ones in the legislature."
Who was really to blame for the
borrowing fiasco? Gov. Williams?
Republican house leaders? Demo-
cratic legislative leaders? The "let
Williams stew in his own juice"
school, strong on the GOP side of
the Senate?
Even historians with plenty of
hind-sight would have a hard time
making up their minds from the
confusing, contradictory record.
But as they scattered for a week-
end respite, at least some of the
thinner-skinned lawmakers prob-
ably wondered whether the lam-
basting they took might echo
sentiments of a sizeable number
of constituents back home.

to the
To the Editor:
I WAS RATHER surprised to read
M. Carduner's letter in yester-
day's Daily complaining about the
Campus United Nations debate. It
seems to me that M. Carduner, not
the Arabs, is "naive." Though I
am not the Arab student M. Car-
duner quoted, he did tell me that,
if he were the French foreign min-
ister, the Arabs would have no
problems with the French. M. Car-
duner supported the amended
resolution, voted by 35 nations,
only six of which are Arab. I won-
der who is "naive" after all?
As to the Arabs who do not
understand the Algerian problem,
M. Carduner is very mistaken.
Neither Bourguiba 'nor Moham-
med V is the representative of the
Algerian people, as he seems to
feel. The only, people with whom
the French should deal are the
Algerian people, who are a part
of the Arab nation which extends
from the Atlantic to the Persian
Gulf. This is the fact that all
Western nations, including France
should recognize.
Though not wanting to discuss
the entire debate, records of which
are available, I would like, for
those who were not present, to
mention two points. First, M.
Carduner in his letter did not
hesitate to include his own "two
cents worth" for "La Grande Na-
tion" and President de Gaulle.
Second, I would like to com-
ment on another point, which I
also covered in the debate itself.
How can the great country of
France give economic aid to the
Algerian people when France it-
self is in such miserable econom-
ic and political condition? Where
is France going to get the money
for financial aid? Is it not the
generosity of the American tax-
payer that supplies France with
the billions of dollars needed to
maintain itself as "La Grande Na-
tion"? Since a fraction of this
American aid, I assume, will go
to Algeria, why does not the
United States deal directly with
the Algerian people, eliminating
the useless middleman, France. I
am sure that in this way, the Al-
gerian people themselves will get
the aid instead of the colonies and
the gallant 400,000 French sol-
diers. This aid will help to elimin-
ate the misery of 129 years of oc-
cupation, under the guidance of a
minority comprising 10 per cent of
the population. Is 10 per cent a
large enough minority, M. Car-
duner, to cause the 90 per cent
to suffer?
-Hassan A. Ibrahim, Grad.



Associated Press Correspondent
HONG KONG' - The Chinese
Communists are strangling one
of the geese that lays their golden
Their establishment of people's
communes has led to a drastic
drop in the remittances Overseas
Chinese traditionally send home to
relatives in China.
Over-all figures are unavailable.
The Communist Bank of China
guards its books jealously.
But according to a survey
throughout Southeast Asia the
drop amounts to several million
dollars in hard currencies that the
Peiping regime badly needs.
* * *
ESTIMATES of the normal flow
of funds through Hong Kong, the
biggest funnel for remittances to
Red China, range all the way from
three to eight million dollars a
month. This has been cut from
40 to 80 per cent since the com-
munes were established, according
to unofficial estimates in Hong
Kong. Estimates from other areas
The Foreign Exchange Control
Bureau in Singapore reports re-
mittances dropped about 50 per
cent in November and December,
from a normal equivalent of $670,-
000 to $380,000 a month.
A spokesman for the 500,000
Overseas Chinese in the Philip-

pines says remittances from that
area have been reduced to a trickle.
Saigon reports Chinese in Viet
Nam' have practically given up
trying to send money home.
In nearly every case the reasons
given are identical: the Overseas
Chinese are afraid the money
won't reach their relatives. And if
it does they're afraid the relatives
will not beable to use it or, if they
do, that it will be held against
* * *
THESE FEARS are founded on
reports from Communist China it-
In the first few months of the
communes program there was
much talk of confiscating bank
accounts. Communist Party offi-
cials declared money had lost its
value, that the state would supply
everything. Chinese who received
money from abroad were de-
Since then the Peiping regime
has condemned these statements
as "excesses." It says now that
bank accounts will be preserved
and remittances from abroad re-
spected. But Overseas Chinese fear
it protests too much.
Several of them report sending
experimental remittances in the
last few months. In some cases,
they say, nothing was heard; in
other cases, guarded letters sug-
gested the remittances be discon-

The Chinese communes are
radical Communistic organizations
covering all of rural China. Each
has several tens of thousands of
members and runs on a semi-mili-
taristic basis all agriculture, in-
dustry as well as all cultural, poli-
tical and even military activity
within its area. The communes
usually control all land, housing
and other property and dictate
how their members shall work and
live - even down to how many
hours they shall sleep.
FEW CHINESE abroad are will-
ing to be quoted by name for fear
of reprisals against their relatives
in China. But their overwhelming
reaction to the communes system
appears to be one of revulsion.
Their main objection is that it
destroys China's traditional fam-
ily way of life.
An official of the Federated
Chinese Chambers of Commerce
in the Philippines describes the
communes as "a huge slave camp
- the shame of the civilized
A Hong.Kong leader says a Hun-
garian-type peasant revolution is
inevitable. But there are those
who say that in a matter of years
the Chinese will have forgotten
his traditional family system and
become a willing worker for the




Africans Move

-} Associated Press News Analyst
NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV'S footwork in the
past few weeks has inspired Everett Dirksen,
Senate Republican leader, to remark that "he
changes position as fast as the slots in a re-
volving door."
To many observers, this merely means that
the Soviet premier is full of chicanery.
Any objective analysis, considering Soviet
purposes, must nevertheless credit the Kremlin
leader with rather astonishing versatility.
For 10 years one of the most immediate
Communist objectives, directly connected with
the whole theme of world conquest, has been
to weaken NATO and eliminate it if possible.
Khrushchev, working for the neutralization
of West Berlin, would like to make it an ini-
tial step toward neutralization of West Ger-
Falling that, he would like to begin the Com-
munist infiltration of West Germany by ex-
tending Russian occupation prerogatives into
West Berlin through his four-power military
control suggestion, without offering the West
similar rights in East Berlin.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Associate Editor
DALE CANTOR ...................Personnel Director
JEAN WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director
ALAN JONES ....................... Sports Editor
BEATA JORGENSON .........Associate City Editor
ELIZABETH ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director
SI COLEMAN................. Associate Sports Editor
DAVID ARNOLD-................Chief Photogranher

FOR MORE than a year one of the formal
objectives of the international Communists
has been to rebuild the bridges burned years
ago between Communism and Socialism.
First he encourages political pressure in
Britain to make the British Prime Minister
visit Moscow, then treats him in a fashion
.which he hopes will please the British Social-
ist leftwingers. It didn't work, but Khrush-
chev tried to send Macmillan home wrapped
in futility, probably in the hope of influencing
British politics in favor of the Socialists.
He has just tried to increase the split be-
tween West Germany's ruling Christian Demo-
crats and the Socialists by conferring with
the Socialist leader on German problems as
he has not done, at least in several years, with
the German Chancellor,
ONE OF THE chief Soviet objectives is to ex-
pand its international trade not only for
the goods it needs, but also to increase its
power gradually in world affairs, and through
contracts to supply a rug which can be jerked
out from under other economies in any time
of crisis.
This objective has been pursued through the
Mikoyan visit to the United States, through
arrangements for a British trade mission to
Moscow, through contacts and tributes to
western business at the Leipzig Fair and in
countless other ways. Increased economic co-
operation with underdeveloped countries has
just been promised through the United Nations
and unilaterally.
Russia wants to be rid of the fear of a re-
surgent Germany. This is a facet of all the
neutralization and disengagement talks spon-
sored by the Soviets and the Poles.
These angles are only the beginning of the
For a long time now Khrushchev has been
keeping the free world off balance with shift-
Ing r m n t 7Nf.n An+o - - a ei h n xnilnn_

Toward Full Independence

Daily Staff Writer
AFRICA is a land of turmoil.
Saturday, there were fresh re-
ports of rioting in Nyasaland. Last
month, the scene of agitation was
the Belgian Congo and before that,
Kenya and Tangynika.
In all of these native distubances,
there are certain common denomi-
nators. Nyasaland is a case in
point. The British joined the small
central African country to the
white-dominated Rhodesias seyeral
years ago in an attempt -to create
a strong central African nation.
However, the predominant Negro
population of Nyasaland, led by
Hastings Banda, self-characterized
"radical of radicals" demurred and
has now set off a chain of violence.
Nyasaland, though it is landlocked
and self-supporting, now demands
national independence.
Dr. James Conway, a visiting
scholar born in Southern Rhode-
sia, explained that the purpose of
federation was not the oppression
of the Nyaslnd Negroes as Banda
alleges. Federation, Dr. Conway
said, was supported with the ideal
of increasing the power of central
Africa to resist the Union of South
Africa and to increase the eco-
nomic power of the region. Keep-
ing Union influences out, he added,
would protect the Negroes.
THIS IN MANY ways summar-
ized the moderate British approach
to the African problem. Britain
and the majority of British set-
tlers, Dr. Conway noted, recognize
the no1 fo vaisinoL the leveo nf

vantage. He also said that the
Negro must see definite progress
towards the goal of equality and
that the white man should be
made to see the value of Negro
progress. These tasks wopld take
perhaps five generations, Dr. Con-
way estimated.
Both Dr. Conway and Prof. Don-
ald Livingstone of the department
of mathematics, a native South
African, emphasized the need for
basing this progress upon the in-
digenous African cultures. West-
ernization, they said, tended to
push the African from his tribal
ways and morals without giving
him any new value system. The
Negro, deprived of his traditional
fixed points, is put into a state of
flux, often wandering aimlessly
through life. This, Prof. ,Living-
stone, pointed out, is reponsible
for the appalling slum conditions
in the bigger cities of the Union.

BOTH MEN proposed answers to
this problem. Dr. Conway said that
the African was going through
period of adolescence and might be
expected to act in strange ways.
The white man would have to act
as a patient parent, leading the
Africans forward as rapidly as pos-
sible. He admitted that many prob-
lems would be created in doing
this, but said they would have to
be solved as they arose. Time is
required, he said. And it is more
time than the African will concede.
Prof. Livingston's solution is
closer to that of the Afrikaner
nationalists in the Union of South
Africa, though Prof. Livingstone
emphasized that he did not agree
with the contemporary "apar-
theid" he said, 'the ideal which he
supported was the development of
two separate but equal community
structures in the Union, white and

Negro. The purpose of separating
the two races would be to allow the
Negro to develop on the basis of
his own culture, he said. The gov-
ernment would provide funds for
the construction of universities,
hospitals and other services for the
Negro areas, giving themeans for
gradual development.
ONLY SLOW change, he empha-
sized, taking into account the
background of the native would be
ultimately successful. Prof. Living-
stone admitted tnat the white
population of South Africa was
afraid of possible Negro domina-
tion and especially eschewed the
possibility of intermarriage. This,
he explained, has prompted the
more repressive legislation against
the Negroes. Were the natives to
gain ascendency in the Union, the
argument runs, (and this fear is
not confined to the Union alone)
they might oppress and destroy
, the white man.
Both Prof. Livingstone and Dr.
Conway, who called the present
Afrikaner actions an "attempt to
turn back the clock," thought the
policy would ultimately fail. Prof.
Livingstone called the present pol-
icy of complete geographic separa-
tion economically impractical and
doubted the ability of the South
African government to. pay for its
avowed aims, if indeed it was sin-
cere. The Negroes of course are
certain that the Afrikaners never
4-_-_«.i 4- - -- ninwf n - - el n a

The Africans do not want to wait
for these, but demand them now.
Belkhodja especially emphasized
the word "cooperation" saying that
the Africans realized that the
white man and his capital had an
important and necessary part to
plan in African development. Belk-
hodja's is a moderate view; there
are also Negroes as radical in their
one direction as the Afrikaner na-
tionalists in theirs.
In the last analysis, however, the
British policy, well-conceived and
sympathetic to the African as it
is will unfortunately lose out be-
cause' the Africans are not willing
to wait for a stable foundation to
be laid. Slower remedies have even
less chandce. The Africans want to
try their own, and since they have
built a virtually unstoppable na-
tionalist movement, they will, for
better or worse, get the chance
they want,
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