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March 11, 1959 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-11

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Operetta, Concert Scheduled Here


Gershom Morningstar, Grad., and L l rarys Cost
Robert Brandzell, '58SM, has a
set which is done in "all gold."
"And everything is hung by The new pink slip procedure for Cost-cutting proposals intended
'dotted lines'," Wineman said. preventing saved seats in the to enable the local bus company.
mysteriously. Undergraduate Library is "work- Ann Arbor Transit, Inc., to con-
The Gilbert and Sullivan pre- ing quite well" according to Mrs. tinue operating are now being
sentation will be given at 8 p.m. Roberta L. Keniston, director of ' &q Pa.IaP!SUo1
tomorrow through Saturday. the Library. The company has filed notice
w-ith the city that it intends to
Shaw Chorale Here Last week, in response to stu- discontinue operations June 1
The Robert Shaw Chorale and dent complaint, spoken and un- The proposals include the possi-
Orchestra, conducted by Robert spoken, the Library started to re- The popos al erue hos-
Shaw, will be featured in the final move all open books that were bility of usig smaller buses hold-
concert of the University Extra "saving" seats and placing a mes- The company needs new buses. A
Concert Series at 2:30 p.m. Sun- sage asking cooperation in each 25-pany nelds n sected
day in Hill Auditoium. one -passenger model was inspected
The Chorale, founded in 1948. nrKni Monday.
will present Suite from "Aci and Mrs. Kenston said there had Other proposals are the use of
Gilapesent Suite fnd "Acien been no complaints from students part of the old city gaage for bus
Gass" by anel whose books had been moved. storage and the elimination of the
Mass" by Faure. She added she did not expect $30 weekly service charge which
After intermission, the program the percentage of saved seats to the company now pays the city
and "True Love" by Hindemith; reach last semester's high, pur- on its purchases of gas and oil at
an "Tue oe" br dit"Fur H;- ported to be twenty per cent of the city garage.
"Love Song" from "Four Hun- the library's capacity. An cthergrsalastht.u
garian Folksongs" by Bartok; hAnother proposalwas that bus
"The Lover's Wish" from "Vier By May, she said, when library repairs be done by city mechanics
Stuce, Op. 27" by Schonberg; and usage, and the desire to save seats and that the company pay the
"With Air Commanding" from reaches its high, students will - city for the repairs.
"The Rake's Progress" by Stra- have accepted the use of the slips. These proposals were presented
vinsky. Students began to complain re- -Daily-Robert Dennis in a letter from the company's
The program will conclude with cently, when the percentage of coordinator, John W. Rae, at the
Brahms' "Rhapsodie for Contral- saved seats, often reserved for ONE-ACT-Fred Ouellette and Margaret Forward will star in City Council meeting Monday
to Solo, Male Chorus and Orches- hours while the, occupants were scenes from "Victoria Regina," a one-act play to be performed at night. They were referred for
tra, Op. 53;" and Offenbach's not in the library, showed signs 4 p.m. today in Trueblood Auditorium. The play is directed by study to City Administrator Guy
Suite from "Les Brigands." of rising. Jeanne Hall. C. Larcom, Jr.
Commission Reports City Discrimination Findings


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The summary of
the Student Government Council
Human Relations Committee Report
an' the area of off-campus housing
for Univresity students has been
made to the Ann Arbor Human Re-
lations Commission. The full text
will be printed tomorrow.)

ment Practices Act has accom-
plished a great deal to eliminate
discrimination in employment. The
Supreme Court decisions are hav-
ing effects in the north and south
on public school segregation. Hous-
ing remains the last large area of
obvious discrimination.
Between 1953 and 1955 the Ann
Arbor Housing Committee, ap-
pointed by the City Council, in a

that he call his agent. The agent
suggested to the owner that he
call his lawyer. The lawyer's opin-
ion was that the agent should
show the house. The house was
4. A white family, when shown
a prospective lot on which to build,
was told by the real estate agent
that this was a risky buy "because
Negroes have been moving in two



Following is the report of .the
Ann Arbor Human Relations Com-
mission given to City Council on
March 9:
The Ann Arbor Human Relations
Commission for the past year and
a half has been investigating spe-
cific complaints and looking into
general rumors that indicate in-
equality of treatment of people on
the basis of race, creed, or national
Discrimination has been evident
in several areas. In most of these
we are continuing to combat dis-
crimination with education, con-
ciliation and use of all the good
will which the Commission can
foster. We continue to move to-
ward the goals of the Commission
by voluntary cooperation which
our ordinance specifies.
It is generally recognized that
segregation works economic and
psychological hardships on those
discriminated against as well as on
those who discriminate.
Some Tension Down
There can be no question that in
public accommodations, such as
trains and restaurants, legislation
has effected a 'change in public
attitude so that we no longer con-
sider tension in these areas to be
a significant social problem. Legis-
lation such as the Fair Employ-

Organize ComImittee
This report was made to the City Council Monday night
by the Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission.
At that time the Council set up a committee to study it and
Vwake recommendations concerning Council action.
The Committee will probably begin meeting next week, ac-
cording to its chairman, Councilman A. Nelson Dingle. First, he
said, it must assemble material to study, including examples of
legislation against discrimination that have been adopted else-
The members of the committee are Dingle, City Attorney
Jacob F. Fahrner, Jr., and Councilmen James F. Brinkerhoff,
Richard Dennard and Russell J. Burns.



general study of housing found'
that discrimination existed. Studies
by this Commission since 1957 sub-
stantiate the findings of the pre-
vious committee. The Human Re-
lations Commission must unequiv-
ocally state that in our community
discrimination in housing persists.
Cite Experiences
We shal illustrate the problem
by citing experiences of Ann Arbor
citizens in the past year. These are
typical cases selected from the
many which have come to the at-
tention of the Commission or to
individual members. Under Com-
mission policy names are withheld.
1. A Negro woman responded by
telephone to an advertisement for
a house in a new development in
Ann Arbor. The down- payment
was specified at $600. An appoint-
ment was made, the client was
shown the house, and then told
that she had misunderstood: that
the published down payment did
not include the lot which would be
$1500 in addition. A white woman
who looked at the same house
found that the advertised down
payment, for her, did include the
2. A white person was looking at
a model house when a Negro
family ,drove up. The real estate
agent-.said, "Well, we have to do
something about that!" He ex-
cused himself and moved the
Negro family Ton without showing
the house. When he returned he
stated,;"That's taken care of; you
don't have to worry." The white
person had neither felt nor indi-
cated to the agent any concern.
3. A professional person from
the University made an appoint-
ment to see an advertised house.
He reported that the real estate
agent had a thick stack of cards
which rapidly dwindled when he
saw that the client was a Negro.
The agent refused to show the
house in question, saying the own-
er had restricted the sale. Through
the address the client reached the
owner who denied that any re-
strictions had been placed on the
sale of the house. The owner
wanted to show the house but had
placed the house with the real
estate firm. At this point the Com-
mission member was telephoned by
the home-seeker and in turn called
the owner and suggested to him

blocks away." The client explained
that this was no concern to her.
Nonetheless, a year later this same
agent mentioned in "jest" to the
same client that "Niggers" were
moving into the neighborhood of
the house she was considering..
5. Rentals also present complex
problems. Apartments are unavail-
able to members of some minority
groups. Landlords blithely pass re-
sponsibility on to a nebulous "pub-
lic." A landlord had agreed by
phone to rent to a doctor an apart-
ment which had been shown by
the caretaker. When the applicant
and his wife came to make final
arrangements, the landlord dis-
covered that they were Negroes,
whereupon he refused to rent to
6. An industry encouraged by
the community and City officials
to locate in Ann Arbor has recently
employed a highly skilled profes-
sional worker who is a Negro. This
man, who owns his- home in an-
other state, has been unsuccessful
in finding suitable rental housing.
His wife and two children have
been unable to join him. Houses
and apartments which are avail-
able have been refused to him
when he said that he is a Negro.
7. In August 1958 Commission
members made 25 phone calls to
advertisers of rooms and apart-
ments in the Ann Arbor News ask-
ing if they would rent to Negroes
or to. foreign students. Of those
called 24 said no. The other one
already had a policy of open occu-
The Commission feels that these
typical cases substantiate the gen-
eral finding of discrimination and
demonstrate its pattern.

agreed to by representatives) of
financial institutions and builders.
The findings of these meetings
were: The representatives of finan-
cial institutions say that they do
not discriminate. They offered pro-
cedure whereby if anyone felt that
there was discriminatory practice
in the handling of a loan because
of race, color, creed or national
origin, he could authorize the in-
stitution to have his file made
available to a Commission mem-
The builders told the Commis-
sion that they would be willing
to build for anyone but that they
would be unable to make advan-
tageous loans if they broke the
existing pattern of segregation.
Economic Necessity
The real estate agents who did
meet with the Commission said
that they do not create prejudice
but only reflect public opinion.
They claim their practices are an
economic necessity.
(It is important to note that no
lasting ill, effects on property
values have resulted because some
few Negro families live outside the
traditional Negro areas. It is
equally important to note that'
harmonious relationships in these
neighborhoods have not been dis-'
turbed. Significantly these indi-
viduals have not been' able to ob-
tain housing through ordinary
business channels.)
It appears the realtors them-
selves might welcome support from
public authority to help them im-
plement the principle of equality
of opportunity.
On the basis of the finding of
the Commission as illustrated in
this report the Commission feels
that further positive action must
be taken to end discrimination in
housing in Ann Arbor and that the
Council must take this responsi-
bility. In accordance with the pro-
visions of the Ordinance estab-
The Dept. of S

lishing the Human Relations Com-
mission, as set forth in section No.
1:223, the Commission recom-
mends in the best interest of the
community that the Council con-
sider appropriate governmental
action to eliminate discrimination
in housing.
Such action should, include con-
sideration of (a) strengthening the
power of the Commission, and (b)
consideration of legislation to
eliminate discrimination in hous-
ing, and (c) consideration of mak-
ing additional funds available to
the Commission for continuing
and expanding education.
Toward that end the Commis-
sion stands ready to cooperate
with Council in efforts toward the
common goal of assuring equal
rights to all citizens. /
Respectfully submitted,
The Human Relations Commission.
Henry Lewis, Chairman
Members of the Human Relations
Commission are:
Mrs. Arthur Carr
Mrs. Gerald Davenport
Mr. Richard Dennard
Mr. Herman Jacobs
Mr. James Lewis
Dr. Henry Lewis
Mr. Richard Mann
Hon. George Sallade
Mr. Paul Wagner
Dr. Albert.Wheeler
8:30 P.M.
County Bldg. Aud.
Jackson, Michigan
Ticket Orders:
P.O. Box 261, Jackson, Mich.
$2.00 - $2.50 -,$3.00 - Tax Inc.




Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday

Sought Voluntary Changes
The Commission has gone
through the procedures provided
under its ordinance to seek vol-
untary changes. The people with
whom to discuss the situation ob-
viously were leaders in real estate,
finance and building. Although it
was not possible to set up a meet-
ing with official representatives of
the Ann Arbor Board of Realtors,
some members met with the Com-
mission unofficially.
The Commission has no power
to require conferences much less
actions. Meetings were voluntarily

Doors open at 12:45

Another Encore Program of Two Pictures
You Have Previously Elected to be Exceptionally Good.

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Week Days
7 and 9 P.M.
"Far and away the
of the year!""
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NO 8-6416


Maddest Comedy
a I1!hPe




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