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March 11, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-11

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom


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Bipartisan Group
To Study Crisis
Representatives Appoint Committee
To Solve State's Financial Problem

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special to The Daily
LANSING--The State House of Representatives appointed a 10-
man bipartisan committee yesterday in a final attempt to find a
compromise solution to the state's financial crisis.
Both parties called caucuses for 10 a.m. today to discuss the com-
promise the committee may have found in its closed session yesterday.
Republican leaders said any compromise borrowing plan to appear
on the April 6 ballot for voter approval must include a "nuisance" tax
prepayment fepture. In a statemnt
prepared jointly with House
1 nds Speaker Don A. Pears (R-Buchan-
Revolt EIIUs an) GOP Floor Leader Allison
Green (R-Kingston) said, "If the
Democrats are ready to talk speci-
fics, we are more than ready to sit
down with them at once."
He said Republicans will ap-
f gyptians prove the state's borrowing $50
million or raising the state debt
limit a like amount only if an ad-
BEIRUT, Lebanon (A)-Iraq ditional one cent sales tax in-
ousted five. Egyptian diplomats crease is approved to accompany
yesterday in a swift aftermath to the measure.
the Mosul rebellion which the Dispute arose in the House over
government proclaims crushed. whether a Constitutional amend-
Baghdad crowds called for fur- ment approving additional state
ther action in support of Premier borrowing would make the April
Abdel Karim Kassem, 6 ballot.
"Down with damn Eisenhower," Rep. Robert S. Gilbert (R-Sag-.
was a shouted slogan clearly heard inaw) cited House rules which
in radio Baghdad's broadcast of specify any proposal to appear on
the demonstrations. But the rebels a balolt must be passed at least
had announced sympathy for Pres- daysbeforete electio This
A&A ama Naser' Unied rabdate passed Feb. 15. "The time for
Republic and the Kassem govern- g . soeti . ot,
ment's old feud with that country gettng something on the ballot,
seems to have been at the root of passed," Rep. Gilbert claimed.
the troubles. Rep. Green's statement came
Ban Traitors in reply to comments by Gov. G.
Jubilant backers of Kassem, con- Mennen Williams that Republi-
vinced the revolt threat is de- Menenwillistt Rpubl-
molshe, clle inBagdadforcans were unwilling to comprom-
the banning of called in traitghda d for ise to save the state from financial
the bnigo l riosadcas
"fast and stern action to crush the Rep. Green said Gov. Williams'
mutiny."Rp re.sidGv ilas
Punitive as well as diplomatic proposals to raise the debt limit
mure s we demaded "agant by $50 million or to borrow $50
measures were demanded "aganst
countries plotting against the Iraqi million offered no area of com-
Republic" as a result of Col. Abdel promise without a specified re-
Wahab Shawaf's nationalist up- payment feature.
rising, which Kassem's Commun- In addition, he said the plan to
ist-influenced government says has use the Veteran's Trust Fund as
been crushed. collateral against state loans had
Mystery still surrounded military not received the support of lead-
happenings of, the weekend, but ers of veterans' organizations as
some light was shed by these de- Gov. Williams claimed Monday.
velopments: Rep. Pears said no veteran
Mosul Station Quits opinion for or against the pro-
1) The rebel radio Mosul, per- posal had been received, but the
haps a mobile station, quit the 1epublicans in caucus Monday
battle of the airwaves after a final ruled out any borrowing plan in-
declaration Monday at midnight volving the veteran's fund.
that Shawaf-whom Baghdad had "We Republicans do not want
reported slain by his own men- payless paydays or a school to
was in control of all oil-rich North close," Rep. Green said.,
Iraq. Not a sound was heard from Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski (D-
the station today. , Detroit), Democratic floor leader,
2) British diplomatic reports in- said his party has not been ex-
dicated Kassem's forces had seized clusively supporting a single line
Mosul, headquarters of the 40- of thought on a solution of the
year-old rebel leader, and were in crisis but has offered many pos-
control of the country. Supporting sibilities.
evidence came from a , Baghdad
broadcast monitored in Amman
saying loyal forces had imposed a A . Le er
dusk to dawn curfew on Mosul,
'effective last night. ,r i -
3) Kassem's regime tossed fresh T0 Consider
fuel into the flames of the old feud
with the United Arab Republic by *
bootting out key diplomats of the Ru s on
UAR embassy in Baghdad, though
stopping short of breaking rela- Mostafa Kamel, the TUnited Arab
ions. Republic ambassador to the United
States, will speak at 8 p.m. tonight
U. ." Restricts in Rm. 100 of Hutchins Hall of the
U.S. estrits .Law School
"The UAR and the Middle East"
I pots will be the topic of Ambassador
Kamel's lecture.
For Securit Besides his present position, he
was also a government observer at
WASHINGTON () -- Presidentthe Summit Conference, held in
WAgHINGTON se)h-r esidednt 1955at Geneva; a member of the
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday Egyptian delegation to the first
ordered that imports of crude oil Asian-African Conference held in
and other foreign petroleum prod- 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia and
ucts be curtailed under mandatory ambassador to India from 1955 to
federal control. 1958.
His action, urged by the domes- During his stay on campus, Am-
tic coal and oil industries as vital bassador Kamel will be guest at
to national defense, promises toa faculty luncheon at which Vice-
cut crude oil imports by about 15 President Marvin L. Niehuss will
per cent east of the Rocky moun- be chairman. He will also be a
tains. guest at a dinner held at the Law
The proclamation contained a Club.
major surprise: it included residu-
al fuel oil on the long list of con-

trolled products. The depressed T1
bituminous industry has com-U O U D s s
plained that this oil is replacing n Oo
coal as an industrial fuel in the Ik °Proposal
The curbs replace a shaky sys-
t operated, intary one form aintsr an- CIO hung an "anti-labor" tag yes-
other but never effectively, since terday on President Dwight D.
1957. Eisenhower's union-management
More sweeping than any of the legislation, said it fails to deal
with manaemevnte mn1r an di

Senate Split
n Rushing
Representatives of the women of
the campus remained divided on
the merits of spring versus fall
rush after an hour and one-half
deliberation yeserday.
Plans to present to Student Gov-
ernment Council the Assembly-
Panhellenic recommendation re-
instating of fall rush were aban-
doned when it failed to receive a
majority vote from the independ-
ent housing unit representatives,
although it was supported by 20
of the 22 affiliated delegates at
the Women's Senate meeting,
The resolution was opposed by
Collegiate Sorosis, Pi Beta Phi and
12 of the 19 representatives of in-
dependent women. Voting proce-
dure called for' majority votes
from both groups for acceptance
of any motion.
Present Motion
Mary Tower, '59, president of
Panhellenic Association, said last
night that she intends to present
a motion to SGC favoring fall
rush. Her decision hadvbeen veri-
fied by the affiliate opinion ex-
pressed yesterday, she commented.
Assembly Association Preside;t,
Pat Marthenke, '59, announced she
would be "representing the ma-
jority opinion of independent
houses as expressed by them,"
speaking and voting in favor of
spring rush at SGC. She said she
felt it her responsibility to "act
as a representative of her organi-
zation" in this case.
Much of the discussion centered
on where the pledge would place
her allegiance-with the residence
hall or the sorority-in campus
and house activities.
Improves Activities
"Fall rush has been even better
for our activities," an Angell House
delegate noted, because of in-
creased student enthusiasm at the
beginning of the school year.
A Pi Beta Phi representative
countered with the argument that
spring rush gives the new sorority
member more time to adjust to
house living and the freshmen
time to "become a little more
sophisticated and more decided
about her values."
To Debate
Fall Rush
Student Government Council
will re-evaluate the question of de-
ferred rushing for women at its
meeting today.
Mary Tower, '59, president of
Panhellenic Association,'will pre-
sent the motion asking for re-
institution of fall rush for women.
The Council decided on a two-
year trial period for spring rush
in 1957.
Debate at the meeting, which is
set for 7:30 p.m. in the Union Ball-
room, will be arranged so that
"anyone who has anything to say"
will be able to do so, according to
Mort Wise, '59, executive vice-
president of SGC.
Wise explained that plans call
for one constituent to speak for
and one member against the mo-
tion in open debate. The debate
will be for a period of one hour;
speakers will alternately talk for
or against the motion, and each
speaker may talk for only three
The Council will also consider a
motion condemning the loyalty
oaths required of the recipients of

federal aid granted colleges and
universities by the National De-
fense Education Act.
The establishment of a com-
mittee to study the existing driv-
ing regulations will also be dis-






It is "definitely a problem" for
Negro and foreign students to find
housing in Ann Arbor, Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis said yesterday.
He was commenting on the Hu-
man Relations Commission's re-
port on discrimination in Ann
Arbor housing
Kathleen Mead, administrative
assistant at the International Cen-
See full text of report, page two.
ter, said she found "very little"
discrimination against dark-
kinned students in her work of
finding housing for them.
Difficulties Arise
Some difficulties arise over the
living habits of some students, and
"naturally" it is harder to find
housing for dark-skinned students,
she continued.
Republican mayoral candidate
Ce'cil O. Creal said he thought
time and education should be used
in handling the problem.
"We must avoid the pitfalls of
attempting to move to decisions
which are in advance of what the
public is willing to accept," he de-
clared. "Time will cure this prob-
lem best."
Lloyd M. Ives, the Democratic
candidate for mayor, called for
"good will, intelligence and cour-
age" in handling the problem.
Out of Partisan Politics
He said he believed "the basic
moral wrong inherent in racial
discrimination carries the issue out
of the realm of partisan politics.
"We must not, however, be
afraid to fight the reactionary ele-
ments of the community who will
seek to block any progress in this
Cesare Valletti
TO Perform.
Here Tonight
Cesare Valletti, Italian lyric
tenor of the Metropolitan, La
Scala, Rome and San Francisco
Operas will appear at 8:30 p.m.
tonight in Hill Aud.
Performing in the ninth Uni-
versity Choral Union concert, Val-
letti will include in his program,
"Where E're You Walk," by Han-
del; "Nacht and Traume" by
Schubert; "Dans les Ruines d'une
Abbaye," by Faure; and "Do' miei
Bollenti Spiriti" from 'Traviata'
by Verdi.
Also on the program will be
Hageman's "Music I Heard With
You" and Joo's "There is a Lady
Sweet and Kind."
Scarlattis "Le Violette and
"Che Voule Innamorarsi;" Sarti's
"Lnga da 1 Caro Bene;" Schu-
bert's "Der Musensohn;" Debus-
sey's "Mandoline;" and Schu-
mann's "Mondnacht" and "Der
Hidalgo." are among otehr selec-


Talks Peace
In Berlin
BERLIN (M) - Nikita Khrush-
chev sat down with Communist
East German leaders yesterday to
consider a peace treaty that may
d i v i d e Germany permanently
along the River Elbe.
Khrushchev has proposed that
the victors of World War II sign
peace treaties with both East and
West Germany. But he says if the
West refuses he will go ahead and
sign with East Germany separ-
At the conference table with
him in East Berlin were East Ger-
man Premier Otto Grotewohl and
Communist. party boss Walter Ul-
bricht. An East German spokes-
man said they were considering
both a peace treaty for Germany
and the Berlin question.
Meanwhile, western diplomats
studied Khrushchev's proposal in
a speech Monday that Allied and
Russian troops, or some rieutral
force, remain in West Berlin to
preserve its independence as a so-
called free city.
West Berlin Mayor Willy
Brandt rushed to reject Khrush-
chev's new plan, telling the city
parliament it was a "fully im-
possible idea."
The 45-year-old Mayor called it
a bid to extend Russian occupa-
tion to the western part of the
A responsible Allied source said
Brandt failed to consult with the
Urfited States, Britain and France
-who deal with the Russians-
before rejecting the proposal.
New Nations
A total of 1,524 international
students and visiting scholars en-
rolled at the University this se-
mester, James Davis, director of
the International C e n t e r an-
This is an increase of two over
last year's spring total of 1,522.
Political entities that have sent
students to the University num-
ber 78. Newly-represented nations
are Kuwait, Tunisia, Cambodia,
Rhodesia, Sudan and Surinam.
Bolivia, Denmark, Dominican Re-
public, Laos, and Ryukyus Islands,
all of which were represented last
,year, did not send students this
Those countries which registered
increases were Great Britain which
rose from 38 to 46 and Venezuela
from 58 to 81.
The number of new foreign stu-
dents this semester dropped from
221 to 160; the number of spouses
accompanying students increased
from 272 to 304.
Included ingthe total enroll-
ment are 1283 regular students,
112 participating in the English
Language Institute, and 129 visit-
ing teachers, scholars and ex-
change visitors, educators not
fully enrolled in the University.
Nations which sent the most
students are Canada, India, Na-
tionalist China and Turkey.

Wellesley College Head
Selected as 'U' Speaker

. . . convocation speaker
Sacr rPlan
Bill Passed.
WASHINGTON (-) - Without
a dissent, the Senate voted yes-
terday to authorize every penny
the Eisenhower administrationj
asked for stepped up spending on
civilian space research this fiscal
Nearly half of the $48,354,000 in
the bill, would go into Project
Mercury, a program looking to-
ward space flight by man.
The Senate acted on a 90-0 roll,
call vote after hearing Sen. John
Stennis (D-Miss.) say "The threat
to our security could be disas-
trous" if an enemy nation beat
the United States in developing a
space vehicle capable of unleash-
ing nuclear weapons.
Cites Urgent Need
Stennis also stressed the urgen-
cy of "developing our capabilities
to put man into space."
Next stop for the authorization
bill is the house, where it is likely
to get fast approval.
The actual money would be
provided, in separate legislation
later. It would be used by the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration during the re-
mainder of this fiscal year, end-
ing June 30.
Senate Democratic leader Lyn-
don B. Johnson of Texas noted
the Senate was voting the exact
amount requested by- the Eisen-
hower administration for INASA.'
Denies 'Rubber Stamp',
But Johnson, chairman of the
Senate Space Committee, said he
wanted it khown this was no rub-
ber stamp action; that it came
after careful study.
Simultaneously, Johnson said
his committee has decided to put
off action on a request for $485,-
300,000 for the coming fiscal year.
The delay is to allow completion
of a special subcomiittee investi-
gation of possible duplication and
interservice rivalry in the space


A woman educator will be main
speaker at the University's annual
Honors Convocation May 8.
Margaret Clapp, president of
Wellesley College, will address the
convocation, her topic being "The
Honor Bound," Erich A. Walter,
assistant to the president, an-
nounced yesterday.
.Undergraduate students who
have earned at least a 3:5 aver-
age for the past two semesters will
be honored.
Also honored will be James B.
Angell scholars - those students
with straight-A averages for the
past year.
A Pulitzer Prize winner, Miss
Clapp has been president of
Wellesley since 1949. She is di-
rector of the Council for Financial
Aid to Education and is a trustee'
of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace.
She has received degrees from
Wellesley, Columbia University,
Smit College, Northwestern Uni-
versity, Mt. Holyoke College, and
Boston University.
Miss Clapp taught in New York
schools from 1930-41 and was
subsequently a member of the
faculties at College of the City of
New York, New Jersey College for
Women, Columbia University, and
Brooklyn College.
World News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Industry officials
lifted the wraps yesterday from -a
new competitor for natural rubber.
They said the man-made pro-
duct will do everything that tree-
grown rubber does-and is just as
Commercial production of the
synthetic was announced by Rich-
ard C. McCurdy, president of Shell
Chemical Corp., at a news confer-
ence in the offices of United States
Rubber Co.
* * *,
GENEVA-The United States
and Britain proposed yesterday
that a nuclear test ban treaty re-
main in 'force indefinitely, subject
only to universal compliance with
its control provisions.
The proposal modified the pre-
vious Wsetern-position on the
duration of the 'treaty under dis-
cussion here between the two
Western powers and the Soviet
-* , *
TUSCON, Ariz.-The University
of Arizona said yesterday it is be-
ing forced by Communism to with-
draw its agriculture teachers from
A contract signed in 1'952 called
for the University to supply teach-
ers to the agriculture college at
Baghdad through June 1960. But
Dr. T. B. Buehrer, director of the
Arizona program, announced the
agreement would be terminated a
year early.
* * *y
WASHINGTON - The Scout, a'
four-stage test vehicle called the
"poor man's rocket," will be ready
for its first tests by the middle of
1960, the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration said.
The Scout will cost about $500,-
000-"substantially less than other
test vehicles its size and capabil-
ity," NASA's announcement said.
That's where it gets its unofficial
name 'of "poor- man's rocket"
Calif.-The rocket ship X15, car-'
ried aloft under the wing of a jet
bomber, successfully completed its'
first captive flight test yesterday.
The sleek black dart, expected
ultimately to carry man more than
100 miles into space, was in the
air for an hour and 10 minutes.
n n C11 r n-si~n


See Geneva
As Probable
Parley Site
Western Demands
Unified; Ask Limit
On Summit Delegate
PARIS ()-The West lined
solidly yesterday behind a propo
to meet the Russians in Gene
probably in May, to tackle t
dangerous issue of Germany, I
'formed sources reported.
British and French spokesm
confirmed the West was In co
plete agreement on a reply to t
Soviet Union and were united
a place and time. But they C
clined to go into details.
The West will reply to a Soy
note of March 2 suggesting a fo
eign ministers meeting in Gene
or Vienna in April if the West
unwilling to meet at the su=
on the German question.
West Specifies Four
The French spokesman said t
West will insist that only t
United States, Britain, France a
the Soviet Union deal with Germ
The Soviet Union suggest
Communist Poland and CzechosJ
vakia attend the foreign ministe
conference and both nations ha
agreed to go. The West will say
has no objection to Poland a:
Czechoslovakia sitting in on m
ters dealing with Germany's neig
bors, the French spokesman s
The West will also ask that It
agenda not be limited to the qu
tion of the future of Berlin and
German peace treaty, the Fren
source reported.
Macmillan Ends Talks
The solid front on a note to t
Soviet Union was announced
Prime Minister Macmillan of Br
ain wound up two days of tal
with French ledaers designed
coordinate Western strategy
Germany once the 'powers a
gathered at the conference tabl
Shortly before Macmillan a:
Lloyd returned by plane toLo
don, the Prime Minister told r
"I had hoped that our visit
Paris would help 'to" confirm 0
common policy arid purpose.
has, we are ageed as to how t
wider negotiations, ''hich mig
follow, should be conducted."
Macmillan said that he a
Lloyd came to Paris for disci
sfon, not negotiaton
'Fruitful' Talks
"I can say,", he added, "that
had extremely fruitful and frien
ly discussions with Mr. (Premix
Michel) Debre, Mr. (Foreign M
ister Maurice) Couoe De Murvi
and my old friend and comra
Gen. Charles de Gaulle."
Debre, who saw the British lea
ers off, said the French-Briti
talks had gone on in a spirit
"total frankness and absolute si
Later this week Macmillanc
fly to Bonn for talks with W,
German Chancellor Konrad Ad
nauer. Then he will go to Cana
to see Prime Minister John D
fenbacker and to Washington
discuss the situation with Prey
dent Dwight D:Eisenhower.

Lawyers Club
To Hear Quin1
At Celebration
The Lawyers Club will hold:
100th anniversary celebration o
Friday with William J. Quini
president of the "Milwauk
Road," speaking on the future
the American railroad.
A Lawyers Club alumnus, Goc
G. Mennen Williams will welcor
Quinn asserted yesterday th
"the railroad's future is bright b
cause it offers transportatio
rnnr ---nn n .. a mv .AII

Ike Sees Defense Program as Sound

WASHINGTON (A') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower was pic-
tured , yesterday as standing firm
on his position that the nation's
defense program is adequate.
Two top state department offi-
cials-Acting Secretary Christian
A. Herter and Asst. Secretary Liv-
ingston Merchant - were quoted
as telling the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee United States
fafanen na-. - am a m sa af

support from GOP leaders in Con- weakening of the nation's de-
gress. fenses.
"He puts defense of our coun- This is not so, said Saltonstall.
try ahead of budget require- chairman of the GOP Senate con-
ments," Sen. Leverett Saltonstall ference. "He puts defense of our
(R-Mass.) told reporters after the country first."
weekly White House session of Another blast at P r e s i d e n t
party leaders with the President Eisenhower came yesterday from
pte s the Preidnt Dean Acheson, who was former
"He is the greatest expert in the Secretary of State.
field," said Rep. Charles A. Hal- Denounces Program
leek of Indiana, Hone Renibh- . . --., -_ -

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