10, 1959
Communism Rival Faith
For Christianity-Boulding
Rare Book Collection
Anna Russell, Valletti, Hord
Set for Area Performances
n _._.
"Marxism is a rival faith to
Christianity, but peculiarly so be-
cause of basic similarities, Prof.
Kenneth Boulding of the econom-
ics department asserted yesterday.
Leading a discussion on "Chris-
tian Perspectives on Communist
Countries," Prof. Boulding termed
Communism a faith in view of its
"capability of organizing men's
lives and societies on a very large
"Communism is essentially a
Judaic faith, as are Christianity
and Islam, and shares the same
kitd of structure," he continued.
"While the religions of the East
try has increased considerably
since the war, there exists a dicho-
tomy between the Catholic intel-
lectuals and the masses.
"The intellectuals represent the
progressive movement in Poland,
while the masses remain conserva-
tive," he said.
"The Church in Hungary tends
away from the political element,"
Peter Eros, '61E, stated. "Its main
function is to keep the people's
spirits up."
Renewal of Church
There was a general renewal and
revitalization in the Church after
World War II, Eros said, which
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the con-
cluding article in a series of articles
on the Rare Book Room in the Gen-
eral Library.)
The collection of the Rare Book
Room could be called an English
professor's delight.
Reflecting the interest of Isaac
M. Demmon, a professor of Eng-
lish and the first curator of the
Rare Book Room, which was es-
tablished in 1899, the largest col-
itinerary Set
For Tour
By Gleee Club
Arrangements are now under-
way for the Michigan Men's Glee
Club to take their annual spring
About 48 'raring to go' Michigan
men, together with their director,
Prof. Philip Duey of the School
of Music, and an accompanist,
will leave on a full seven day tour,
Monday, March 30.
Their itinerary will carry them
to Buffalo and Binghamton in
New York State, Town Hall in New
York City, and then to Philadel-
phia. From there, the group will
continue on to Rochester, New
York, Canton, Ohio, and will con-
clude with a final concert in
Cleveland, Ohio.
100th Anniversary
"The Town Hall concert will be
the high spot of the tour" Pete{
Patterson, '59E, publicity manager
of the glee club remarked. There.
is also added excitement as this;
year marks the 100th anniversary
of the Glee Club.
The program in each city will
be the same, Patterson added. It
will open with the usual "Laudes
Atque Carmine," and will continue
with "Invocation to Orpheus,"
"The Omnipotence," "My Good
Old Man," "Ilene," "Shadrack,
Me Shack and Abednego," a med-
ley of songs put together by Prof.
Duey, the conductor, and other
songs as well.
Sponsored by Alumni
The tour itself is sponsored by
the Glee Club's Alumni Club, and
the boys will stay in homes of
alumni in every city except New
York City, where they will stay in
a hotel.
Those University students who
will be in New York City for
spring vacation and would like to
.ttend the Town Hall concert
may purchase tickets for it at the
Administration Building.
lections are those of English auth-
ors from Shakespeare to the Vic-
Imaginary Voyages
The largest of the special col-
lections is that of "Imaginary
Voyages" donated to the Library
by Lucius L. Hubbard, a former
Regent of the University.
Of the 2,500 volumes, approxi-
mately half are of Defoe's "Rob-
inson Crusoe." These include Eng-
lish editions, translations into
other languages and imitations, of
which "Swiss Family Robinson" is
the most famous.
Individually, the volumes are
not of great value, but together
they constitute an important col-
Lately there has been an in-
creased demand for the "Imagin-
ary Voyage" collection, probably
tied to the new interest in space
travel, itself an imaginary voyage
only a few years ago, Miss Ella M.
Hymans, Curator of Rare Books,
Folio Editions
Another important area is the
Shakespeare Collection.
It includes the second, third
and fourth folios, which are large
editions of the complete plays in
addition to the eighteenth cen-
tury version of the Bard's works.
An interesting commentary on
the value of books is provided by
the fact that many of the folios
in the Library's possession are
worth about $700, and the first
folio is worth $35,000.
Other Dramatists
In addition to Shakespeare, the
Library has an extensive collection
of other English dramatists.
Important poets including Ten-
nyson and Milton are represented.
Twenty-four stage adaptations of
the latter's "Comus" are in the
In addition to important Eng-
lish works, many valuable medi-
cal works are in the Library's pos-
session. The rarest book in the
medical collection is an edition of
William Harvey's "De Motu Cor-
dis" published in 1628. Harvey dis-
covered circulation of the blood.
Included in the collection are
many incunabula, books published
before 1500.
Miss Hymans commented that
the possession of these and other
books have provided a substantial
basis for the study of the history
of medicine.
History of Science
A collection covering the history
of science contains original edi-
tions of such monumental books
as Newton's "Principia" and the
works of Copernicus, who reintro-
duced the theory of the heliocen-
tric universe to Western society.
Hord To Sing
Prof. Robert Hord, professor of
piano in the School of Music, will
be featured in a faculty recital at
8:30 p.m. tonight in Trueblood
The recital is under the aus-
pices of the School of Music.
* * *
Valletti To Perform
Cesare Valletti, Italian lyric
tenor, will perform in the ninth
concert of the University's Chorale
Union series at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium.
The concert will open with Han-
del's "Where e're You Walk";
Scarlatti's "Le Violette"; Sarti's
"Lungi da 1 Caro Bene"; and "Che
Voule Innamorarsi" by Scarlatti.
It will continue with "Nacht und
a Lady Sweet and Kind" by Jobo;
and "Feast of Lanterns" by Ban-
Russell To Sing
Anna Russell, international con-
cert comedienne, will appear at
8:20 p.m. Friday in the Scottish
Rite Auditorium of the Masonic
Temple in Detroit.
She is famous for her spoofs
on opera, opera singers, popular
music, instrumentalists and seri-
ous musicians and music in gen-
She made her opera start in
the United States with the New
York City Opera Company in
1954, where she played the part
of the witch in "Hansel and
Gretel." This was an easy role for
the singer because she is able to
sing soprano, mezzo-soprano,
tenor and baritone, thus enabling
her to master the great voice
range of a witch.
March 10. . .7:30 P.M.
Room 3003 S.A.B.
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t i.. iV ! flVi 41v ! f 4V VY
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'lIeg e~flm
-Daily-Mike Rontal
PROF. BOULDING-Lectures on the similarity of Marxism to
Christianity, in spite of its apparent 'conflicts.
... Italian tenor
'Til 9:00 P.M. Daily
look at history as a cyclical pro-
cess, Jude 's outlook is down a
one-way street with a triumphal
arch at the end. Marxism shares
this orientation that things will
go from bad to worse, ending in a
triumphant revolution."
Marxism's Defect
Prof. Boulding cited Marxism's
main defect as being its basic
motivational drive of hatred and
f envy. "Christianity's\ greatest vir-
tue," he said, "rests in its hypo-
crisy, in which one strives for pre-
determined high ideals. Marxism,
however, lacks this high view of
human motivation."
Presenting the Catholic perspec-
tive on the Polish government,
Zelzislaw NaJder discussed the
Catholic representation in the
government through government
personnel and the press.
"Catholics in Poland," he as-
serted, "are not 'fake' Catholics
like the Christian Democrats in
Germany but are sincerely inspired
by their religion. Their cultural
contributions constitute a broad
and important movement in the
NaJder pointed out that although
the intellectual level of the coun-
lasted until the Communist Party
took control of the government.
Once in power, the Party wooed
many church leaders and jailed
"The government took advan-
tage of the church for- its own
purposes," he affirmed. "Not only
did it educate the youth in the
Communist tradition, but it also
'borrowed' and changed many
church festivals."
Eros also cited the lack of fric-
tion between the Catholic and
Protestant elements in Hungary,
attributable to the need for unity
when facing common difficulties.
Traveled in India
Traveling througn India, Luther
Buchele, Inter-Cooperative Coun-
cil executive secretary, discovered
it to be a very "cooperative land."
He cited the instances of co-
operative farming in India, and
also the proximity of the Com-
munist nation of China.
"India is suspicious of the West
now because of our foreign aid
policy," Buchele said. "Its neu-
trality has the positive aspect of
keeping the country uninvolved
and within a democratic frame-
Traume" and "Der Musensohn" by
Schubert; "Mondnacht" and "Der
Hidalgo" by Schumann; and "La-
mento di Federico" from "L'Arle-
siana" by Cilea.
After intermission, the tenor will
sing Faure's "Dans les Ruines
d'une Abbaye"; Debussy's "Man-
doline"; Poulenc's "Les Ponts de
C" and Air Champetre"; and Ver-
di's "De' miei Bollenti Spiriti"
from' "Traviata."
The program will come to a close
with the singing of "Music I Heard
with You" by Hageman; "There is
Date Moved
Petitioning for the Union Stu-
dent Directors has been extended
through VWednesday, Russell Ber-
man, '59, Union executive vice-
president said.
Petitions may be picked up to-
day in the, student offices on 'the
second floor of the Union and
they must be returned to the of -
fices by 5 p.m. tomorrow.
Student Directors are members
of the Board of Governors of the
Union and there ..are four posi-
tions available.
Tues., March 10,7:30
Room 3003 S.A.B.
Large selection of
Spring Formals
Wedding Gowns
Cocktail Dresses
We4tinhi'"e aud~roat
510 E. William
Phone NO 3-5540
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Session Number One in the Series of Lecture-Discussions
Tonight, March 10, 8:00 p.m.
SPEAKER: Prof. Frank L. Huntley, English Dept.
..a..a.' .....45..max.1.....: ..." w: ....
. . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . .~..y:u ..Al9" * 'uA 4]1 ' .:'.6.!~....:r: . ." Jr x.....:,,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity, of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, NO. 113
General Notices
University Key Office Moving: Effec-
tive. Mon., March 9, the Key Office
moved from the Plant Dept. Bldg.,
to the small building between W.
Med. and Waterman Gym. Persons
authorized to obtain new keys to Uni-
versity Buildings or who wish to return
keys should make note of the new
Special Meeting of University staff,
wives and husbands. "A Special Re-
port on the Status of The University
of Mich." President Hatcher, 4:15 p.m.
Rackham Lecture Hall. Mon., March 23.
Women of the University Faculty:
Dessert meeting, Tues., March 10, 7:15
p.m. Mrs. Harlan Hatcher, 815 S. Uni-
versity. Piano recital by Mrs. Ava C.
Lecture, sponsored by the Dept. of
History, Norman C. Gibbs, Chichele
Professor of History of War, Oxford
University. "The Development of NATO
Strategy, 1949-1959." March 12, 4:15
p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Student Recital: Allen Skel, clarinet,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of Mu-
sic on Wed., March 11, at 8:30 p.m.
Assisted by Joyce Zei, pianist and Da-
vid Ireland, violist. Compositions by
Karl Stamitz, Malcolm Arnold, Leslie
Bassett, - Schumann and Grovlez.
Faculty Recital: Robert Hord, pianist,
Trueblood Aud. on Tues., March 10,
8:30 p.m. Compositions by Bach, Bee-
thoven, Hindemith, Honegger, and Cho-
Academic Notices
Botanical Seminar. Stanwyn G. Shet-
ler, Dept of Botany, "The value of Sta-
tistics in Taxonomic Studies," Wed.,
Sigma Xi: Dinner for initiates, Mich.
League Ballroom, 6:00 p.m., Wed.,
March 11. Lecture: "A Geneticist Looks
at the Radiation Hazard," 8:00 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall. Lecture open to
Doctoral Examination for Murray
Melbin, Social Psychology; thesis: "Bu-
reaucratic Process, Personal Needs and
Turnover Among Psychiatric Aides,"
Tues., March 10, E. Council Rm., Rack-
ham Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Co-chairmen: D. J.
Bordua and Morris Janowitz.
i Doctoral Examination for Jose Abueva
Political Science; thesis: "Formula-
tion of the Philippine Committee De-
velopment Program," Wed., March 11,
4609 Haven Hall, 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
Ferrel Heady.
Placement Notices
Buffalo, N. Y. -- The Buffalo Board
of Education has authorized admin-
istrative and supervisory examinations
to be given to approved candidates in
Buffalo on Sat., May 9, 1959. Applica-
tions will be accepted until March 20,
1959. The vacancies are: Supervisor of
Education for Mentally Retarded; Su-
pervisor of Music, Science, Foreign
Language, or School Food Services;
Principal of Elementary School; Assist-
ant Principal of Secondary School
(General); Assistant Principal of Ele-
March 11, 4:00
ence Bldg.
p.m. 1139 Natural Sci-1
mentary School; Assistant Principal of
Secondary School (Technical). In ad-
dition to listing all required courses,
semester hours, and grades on his ap-
plication, each candidate must have
complete transcripts forwarded by his
college or university to reach the Su-
perintendent of Schools not later than
March 20. Application blanks and in-
formation may be obtained from the
following address: Joseph Manch, Su-
perintendent of Schools; Division of
Personnel; 722 City Hall, Buffalo, N. Y.
The following companies will inter-
view at the Bureau of Appointments,
4001 Admin., Ext. 3371. For an inter-
view appointment, contact the Bureau.
Fri., March 13:
State Mutual Life Assurance Co. of
America, Worcester, Mass. Location of
work: Midwest. Graduates: June, Aug.
Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or
Business Administration for Midwest
Group Sales Offices - Group Con-
Mon., March 16:-
The University of Michigan Research
Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich. Location
of work: Ann Arbor. Graduates: June,
Aug. Men with an MS. or Ph.D. in
Physics, or Ph.D. in Mathematics.
Tues., March 17:
Northern Trust Co., Chicago, Ill. Lo-
cation of work: Chicago, Ill. Men with
any degree in Liberal Arts (especially
Economics,) or Law for work in the
following departments: 'Commercial
Banking, Investment Portfolio Man-
(Continued on Page 4)
NEXT SESSION: Tuesday, Mar. 17, 8:00 p.m.
Prof. C. R. Brassffield, Physiology Dept.
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